2021-10-16 01:51:07 +02:00

470 lines
17 KiB

* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package it.cavallium.dbengine.lucene.collector;
import it.cavallium.dbengine.database.disk.LLTempLMDBEnv;
import it.cavallium.dbengine.lucene.FieldValueHitQueue;
import it.cavallium.dbengine.lucene.FullDocs;
import it.cavallium.dbengine.lucene.LLFieldDoc;
import it.cavallium.dbengine.lucene.LLSlotDoc;
import it.cavallium.dbengine.lucene.LLSlotDocCodec;
import it.cavallium.dbengine.lucene.LMDBPriorityQueue;
import it.cavallium.dbengine.lucene.MaxScoreAccumulator;
import it.cavallium.dbengine.lucene.PriorityQueue;
import it.cavallium.dbengine.lucene.ResourceIterable;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import org.apache.lucene.index.LeafReaderContext;
import it.cavallium.dbengine.lucene.comparators.MultiLeafFieldComparator;
import reactor.core.publisher.Flux;
* A {@link} that sorts by {@link SortField} using {@link FieldComparator}s.
* <p>See the {@link #create(LLTempLMDBEnv, Sort, int, int)} (, int, int)} method for instantiating a
* TopFieldCollector.
public abstract class LMDBFullFieldDocCollector
extends FullDocsCollector<LMDBPriorityQueue<LLSlotDoc>, LLSlotDoc, LLFieldDoc> {
// TODO: one optimization we could do is to pre-fill
// the queue with sentinel value that guaranteed to
// always compare lower than a real hit; this would
// save having to check queueFull on each insert
private abstract class TopFieldLeafCollector implements LeafCollector {
final LeafFieldComparator comparator;
final int reverseMul;
Scorable scorer;
boolean collectedAllCompetitiveHits = false;
TopFieldLeafCollector(PriorityQueue<LLSlotDoc> queue,
FieldValueHitQueue fieldValueHitQueue,
Sort sort,
LeafReaderContext context)
throws IOException {
// as all segments are sorted in the same way, enough to check only the 1st segment for
// indexSort
if (searchSortPartOfIndexSort == null) {
final Sort indexSort = context.reader().getMetaData().getSort();
searchSortPartOfIndexSort = canEarlyTerminate(sort, indexSort);
if (searchSortPartOfIndexSort) {
LeafFieldComparator[] comparators = fieldValueHitQueue.getComparators(context);
int[] reverseMuls = fieldValueHitQueue.getReverseMul();
if (comparators.length == 1) {
this.reverseMul = reverseMuls[0];
this.comparator = comparators[0];
} else {
this.reverseMul = 1;
this.comparator = new MultiLeafFieldComparator(comparators, reverseMuls);
void countHit(int doc) throws IOException {
if (minScoreAcc != null && (totalHits & minScoreAcc.modInterval) == 0) {
if (scoreMode.isExhaustive() == false
&& totalHitsRelation == TotalHits.Relation.EQUAL_TO
&& hitsThresholdChecker.isThresholdReached(false)) {
// for the first time hitsThreshold is reached, notify comparator about this
totalHitsRelation = TotalHits.Relation.GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO;
boolean thresholdCheck(int doc) throws IOException {
if (collectedAllCompetitiveHits || reverseMul * comparator.compareBottom(doc) <= 0) {
// since docs are visited in doc Id order, if compare is 0, it means
// this document is largest than anything else in the queue, and
// therefore not competitive.
if (searchSortPartOfIndexSort) {
if (hitsThresholdChecker.isThresholdReached(false)) {
totalHitsRelation = Relation.GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO;
throw new CollectionTerminatedException();
} else {
collectedAllCompetitiveHits = true;
} else if (totalHitsRelation == TotalHits.Relation.EQUAL_TO) {
// we can start setting the min competitive score if the
// threshold is reached for the first time here.
return true;
return false;
void collectCompetitiveHit(int doc) throws IOException {
// This hit is competitive - replace bottom element in queue & adjustTop
comparator.copy(, doc);
void collectAnyHit(int doc, int hitsCollected) throws IOException {
// Startup transient: queue hasn't gathered numHits yet
int slot = hitsCollected - 1;
// Copy hit into queue
comparator.copy(slot, doc);
add(slot, doc);
if (queueFull) {
public void setScorer(Scorable scorer) throws IOException {
this.scorer = scorer;
minCompetitiveScore = 0f;
if (minScoreAcc != null) {
public DocIdSetIterator competitiveIterator() throws IOException {
return comparator.competitiveIterator();
static boolean canEarlyTerminate(Sort searchSort, Sort indexSort) {
return canEarlyTerminateOnDocId(searchSort) || canEarlyTerminateOnPrefix(searchSort, indexSort);
private static boolean canEarlyTerminateOnDocId(Sort searchSort) {
final SortField[] fields1 = searchSort.getSort();
return SortField.FIELD_DOC.equals(fields1[0]);
private static boolean canEarlyTerminateOnPrefix(Sort searchSort, Sort indexSort) {
if (indexSort != null) {
final SortField[] fields1 = searchSort.getSort();
final SortField[] fields2 = indexSort.getSort();
// early termination is possible if fields1 is a prefix of fields2
if (fields1.length > fields2.length) {
return false;
return Arrays.asList(fields1).equals(Arrays.asList(fields2).subList(0, fields1.length));
} else {
return false;
* Implements a TopFieldCollector over one SortField criteria, with tracking
* document scores and maxScore.
private static class SimpleFieldCollector extends LMDBFullFieldDocCollector {
final Sort sort;
final PriorityQueue<LLSlotDoc> queue;
private final FieldValueHitQueue fieldValueHitQueue;
public SimpleFieldCollector(
Sort sort,
LMDBPriorityQueue<LLSlotDoc> queue,
FieldValueHitQueue fieldValueHitQueue,
long numHits,
HitsThresholdChecker hitsThresholdChecker,
MaxScoreAccumulator minScoreAcc) {
super(queue, fieldValueHitQueue, numHits, hitsThresholdChecker, sort.needsScores(), minScoreAcc);
this.sort = sort;
this.queue = queue;
this.fieldValueHitQueue = fieldValueHitQueue;
public LeafCollector getLeafCollector(LeafReaderContext context) throws IOException {
docBase = context.docBase;
return new TopFieldLeafCollector(queue, fieldValueHitQueue, sort, context) {
public void collect(int doc) throws IOException {
if (queueFull) {
if (thresholdCheck(doc)) {
} else {
collectAnyHit(doc, totalHits);
public ResourceIterable<LLFieldDoc> mapResults(ResourceIterable<LLSlotDoc> it) {
return new ResourceIterable<>() {
public Flux<LLFieldDoc> iterate() {
return it.iterate().map(fieldValueHitQueue::fillFields);
public Flux<LLFieldDoc> iterate(long skips) {
return it.iterate(skips).map(fieldValueHitQueue::fillFields);
final long numHits;
final HitsThresholdChecker hitsThresholdChecker;
final FieldComparator<?> firstComparator;
final boolean canSetMinScore;
Boolean searchSortPartOfIndexSort = null; // shows if Search Sort if a part of the Index Sort
// an accumulator that maintains the maximum of the segment's minimum competitive scores
final MaxScoreAccumulator minScoreAcc;
// the current local minimum competitive score already propagated to the underlying scorer
float minCompetitiveScore;
final int numComparators;
boolean queueFull;
int docBase;
final boolean needsScores;
final ScoreMode scoreMode;
// Declaring the constructor private prevents extending this class by anyone
// else. Note that the class cannot be final since it's extended by the
// internal versions. If someone will define a constructor with any other
// visibility, then anyone will be able to extend the class, which is not what
// we want.
private LMDBFullFieldDocCollector(
LMDBPriorityQueue<LLSlotDoc> pq,
FieldValueHitQueue fieldValueHitQueue,
long numHits,
HitsThresholdChecker hitsThresholdChecker,
boolean needsScores,
MaxScoreAccumulator minScoreAcc) {
this.needsScores = needsScores;
this.numHits = numHits;
this.hitsThresholdChecker = hitsThresholdChecker;
this.numComparators = fieldValueHitQueue.getComparators().length;
this.firstComparator = fieldValueHitQueue.getComparators()[0];
int reverseMul = fieldValueHitQueue.getReverseMul()[0];
if (firstComparator.getClass().equals(FieldComparator.RelevanceComparator.class)
&& reverseMul == 1 // if the natural sort is preserved (sort by descending relevance)
&& hitsThresholdChecker.getHitsThreshold(false) != Integer.MAX_VALUE) {
scoreMode = ScoreMode.TOP_SCORES;
canSetMinScore = true;
} else {
canSetMinScore = false;
if (hitsThresholdChecker.getHitsThreshold(false) != Integer.MAX_VALUE) {
scoreMode = needsScores ? ScoreMode.TOP_DOCS_WITH_SCORES : ScoreMode.TOP_DOCS;
} else {
scoreMode = needsScores ? ScoreMode.COMPLETE : ScoreMode.COMPLETE_NO_SCORES;
this.minScoreAcc = minScoreAcc;
public ScoreMode scoreMode() {
return scoreMode;
protected void updateGlobalMinCompetitiveScore(Scorable scorer) throws IOException {
assert minScoreAcc != null;
if (canSetMinScore && hitsThresholdChecker.isThresholdReached(false)) {
// we can start checking the global maximum score even
// if the local queue is not full because the threshold
// is reached.
MaxScoreAccumulator.DocAndScore maxMinScore = minScoreAcc.get();
if (maxMinScore != null && maxMinScore.score > minCompetitiveScore) {
minCompetitiveScore = maxMinScore.score;
totalHitsRelation = TotalHits.Relation.GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO;
protected void updateMinCompetitiveScore(Scorable scorer) throws IOException {
if (canSetMinScore && queueFull && hitsThresholdChecker.isThresholdReached(false)) {
assert != null;
float minScore = (float) firstComparator.value(;
if (minScore > minCompetitiveScore) {
minCompetitiveScore = minScore;
totalHitsRelation = TotalHits.Relation.GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO;
if (minScoreAcc != null) {
minScoreAcc.accumulate(, minScore);
* Creates a new {@link LMDBFullFieldDocCollector} from the given arguments.
* <p><b>NOTE</b>: The instances returned by this method pre-allocate a full array of length
* <code>numHits</code>.
* @param sort the sort criteria (SortFields).
* @param numHits the number of results to collect.
* @param totalHitsThreshold the number of docs to count accurately. If the query matches more
* than {@code totalHitsThreshold} hits then its hit count will be a lower bound. On the other
* hand if the query matches less than or exactly {@code totalHitsThreshold} hits then the hit
* count of the result will be accurate. {@link Integer#MAX_VALUE} may be used to make the hit
* count accurate, but this will also make query processing slower.
* @return a {@link LMDBFullFieldDocCollector} instance which will sort the results by the sort criteria.
public static LMDBFullFieldDocCollector create(LLTempLMDBEnv env, Sort sort, int numHits, int totalHitsThreshold) {
if (totalHitsThreshold < 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"totalHitsThreshold must be >= 0, got " + totalHitsThreshold);
return create(
HitsThresholdChecker.create(Math.max(totalHitsThreshold, numHits)),
null /* bottomValueChecker */);
* Same as above with additional parameters to allow passing in the threshold checker and the max
* score accumulator.
static LMDBFullFieldDocCollector create(
LLTempLMDBEnv env,
Sort sort,
int numHits,
HitsThresholdChecker hitsThresholdChecker,
MaxScoreAccumulator minScoreAcc) {
if (sort.getSort().length == 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Sort must contain at least one field");
if (numHits <= 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"numHits must be > 0; please use TotalHitCountCollector if you just need the total hit count");
if (hitsThresholdChecker == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("hitsThresholdChecker should not be null");
var fieldValueHitQueue = new LLSlotDocCodec(env, numHits, sort.getSort());
var queue = new LMDBPriorityQueue<>(env, fieldValueHitQueue);
// inform a comparator that sort is based on this single field
// to enable some optimizations for skipping over non-competitive documents
// We can't set single sort when the `after` parameter is non-null as it's
// an implicit sort over the document id.
if (fieldValueHitQueue.getComparators().length == 1) {
return new SimpleFieldCollector(sort, queue, fieldValueHitQueue, numHits, hitsThresholdChecker, minScoreAcc);
* Create a CollectorManager which uses a shared hit counter to maintain number of hits and a
* shared {@link MaxScoreAccumulator} to propagate the minimum score accross segments if the
* primary sort is by relevancy.
public static CollectorManager<LMDBFullFieldDocCollector, FullFieldDocs<LLFieldDoc>> createSharedManager(
LLTempLMDBEnv env, Sort sort, int numHits, long totalHitsThreshold) {
return new CollectorManager<>() {
private final HitsThresholdChecker hitsThresholdChecker =
HitsThresholdChecker.createShared(Math.max(totalHitsThreshold, numHits));
private final MaxScoreAccumulator minScoreAcc = new MaxScoreAccumulator();
public LMDBFullFieldDocCollector newCollector() throws IOException {
return create(env, sort, numHits, hitsThresholdChecker, minScoreAcc);
public FullFieldDocs<LLFieldDoc> reduce(Collection<LMDBFullFieldDocCollector> collectors) throws IOException {
return reduceShared(sort, collectors);
private static FullFieldDocs<LLFieldDoc> reduceShared(Sort sort, Collection<LMDBFullFieldDocCollector> collectors) {
final FullDocs<LLFieldDoc>[] fullDocs = new FullDocs[collectors.size()];
int i = 0;
for (var collector : collectors) {
fullDocs[i++] = collector.fullDocs();
return (FullFieldDocs<LLFieldDoc>) FullDocs.merge(sort, fullDocs);
final void add(int slot, int doc) {
pq.add(new LLSlotDoc(docBase + doc, Float.NaN, -1, slot));
// The queue is full either when totalHits == numHits (in SimpleFieldCollector), in which case
// slot = totalHits - 1, or when hitsCollected == numHits (in PagingFieldCollector this is hits
// on the current page) and slot = hitsCollected - 1.
assert slot < numHits;
queueFull = slot == numHits - 1;
//todo: check if this part is efficient and not redundant
final void updateBottom(int doc) {
// bottom.score is already set to Float.NaN in add().
var bottom =;
pq.replaceTop(new LLSlotDoc(docBase + doc, bottom.score(), bottom.shardIndex(), bottom.slot()));
* Only the following callback methods need to be overridden since
* topDocs(int, int) calls them to return the results.
/** Return whether collection terminated early. */
public boolean isEarlyTerminated() {
return totalHitsRelation == Relation.GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO;