# Magisk Tools Magisk comes with a huge collections of tools for installation, daemons, and utilities for developers. This documentation covers the 3 binaries and all included applets. The binaries and applets are shown below: ``` magiskboot /* binary */ magiskinit /* binary */ magiskpolicy -> magiskinit supolicy -> magiskinit magisk /* binary */ magiskhide -> magisk resetprop -> magisk su -> magisk ``` Note: The Magisk zip you download only contains `magiskboot`, `magiskinit`, and `magiskinit64`. The binary `magisk` is compressed and embedded into `magiskinit(64)`. Push `magiskinit(64)` to your device and run `./magiskinit(64) -x magisk ` to extract `magisk` out of the binary. ### magiskboot A tool to unpack / repack boot images, parse / patch / extract cpio, patch dtb, hex patch binaries, and compress / decompress files with multiple algorithms. `magiskboot` natively supports (which means it does not rely on external tools) common compression formats including `gzip`, `lz4`, `lz4_legacy` ([only used on LG](https://events.static.linuxfound.org/sites/events/files/lcjpcojp13_klee.pdf)), `lzma`, `xz`, and `bzip2`. The concept of `magiskboot` is to make boot image modification simpler. For unpacking, it parses the header and extracts all sections in the image, decompressing on-the-fly if compression is detected in any sections. For repacking, the original boot image is required so the original headers can be used, changing only the necessary entries such as section sizes and checksum. All sections will be compressed back to the original format if required. The tool also supports many CPIO and DTB operations. ``` Usage: magiskboot [args...] Supported actions: unpack [-n] [-h] Unpack to, if available, kernel, kernel_dtb, ramdisk.cpio, second, dtb, extra, and recovery_dtbo into current directory. If '-n' is provided, it will not attempt to decompress kernel or ramdisk.cpio from their original formats. If '-h' is provided, it will dump header info to 'header', which will be parsed when repacking. Return values: 0:valid 1:error 2:chromeos repack [-n] [outbootimg] Repack boot image components from current directory to [outbootimg], or new-boot.img if not specified. If '-n' is provided, it will not attempt to recompress ramdisk.cpio, otherwise it will compress ramdisk.cpio and kernel with the same method in if the file provided is not already compressed. hexpatch Search in , and replace with cpio [commands...] Do cpio commands to (modifications are done directly) Each command is a single argument, add quotes for each command Supported commands: exists ENTRY Return 0 if ENTRY exists, else return 1 rm [-r] ENTRY Remove ENTRY, specify [-r] to remove recursively mkdir MODE ENTRY Create directory ENTRY in permissions MODE ln TARGET ENTRY Create a symlink to TARGET with the name ENTRY mv SOURCE DEST Move SOURCE to DEST add MODE ENTRY INFILE Add INFILE as ENTRY in permissions MODE; replaces ENTRY if exists extract [ENTRY OUT] Extract ENTRY to OUT, or extract all entries to current directory test Test the current cpio's patch status Return values: 0:stock 1:Magisk 2:unsupported (phh, SuperSU, Xposed) patch Apply ramdisk patches. Configure settings with env variables: KEEPVERITY KEEPFORCEENCRYPT backup ORIG Create ramdisk backups from ORIG restore Restore ramdisk from ramdisk backup stored within incpio sha1 Print stock boot SHA1 if previously backed up in ramdisk dtb [args...] Do dtb related actions to Supported actions: print [-f] Print all contents of dtb for debugging Specify [-f] to only print fstab nodes patch [OUT] Search for fstab and remove verity/avb If [OUT] is not specified, it will directly output to Configure with env variables: KEEPVERITY TWOSTAGEINIT split Split image.*-dtb into kernel + kernel_dtb sha1 Print the SHA1 checksum for cleanup Cleanup the current working directory compress[=method] [outfile] Compress with [method] (default: gzip), optionally to [outfile] /[outfile] can be '-' to be STDIN/STDOUT Supported methods: bzip2 gzip lz4 lz4_legacy lzma xz decompress [outfile] Detect method and decompress , optionally to [outfile] /[outfile] can be '-' to be STDIN/STDOUT Supported methods: bzip2 gzip lz4 lz4_legacy lzma xz ``` ### magiskinit This binary will replace `init` in the ramdisk of a Magisk patched boot image. It is originally created for supporting devices using system-as-root, but the tool is extended to support all devices and became a crucial part of Magisk. More details can be found in the **Pre-Init** section in [Magisk Booting Process](details.md#magisk-booting-process). ### magiskpolicy (This tool is aliased to `supolicy` for compatibility with SuperSU's sepolicy tool) An applet of `magiskinit`. This tool could be used for advanced developers to modify SELinux policies. In common scenarios like Linux server admins, they would directly modify the SELinux policy sources (`*.te`) and recompile the `sepolicy` binary, but here on Android we directly patch the binary file (or runtime policies). All processes spawned from the Magisk daemon, including root shells and all its forks, are running in the context `u:r:magisk:s0`. The rule used on all Magisk installed systems can be viewed as stock `sepolicy` with these patches: `magiskpolicy --magisk 'allow magisk * * *'`. ``` Usage: magiskpolicy [--options...] [policy statements...] Options: --help show help message for policy statements --load FILE load policies from FILE --load-split load from precompiled sepolicy or compile split policies --compile-split compile split cil policies --save FILE save policies to FILE --live directly apply sepolicy live --magisk inject built-in rules for a minimal Magisk selinux environment --apply FILE apply rules from FILE, read and parsed line by line as policy statements If neither --load or --compile-split is specified, it will load from current live policies (/sys/fs/selinux/policy) One policy statement should be treated as one parameter; this means a full policy statement should be enclosed in quotes. Multiple policy statements can be provided in a single command. The statements has a format of " [args...]" Multiple types and permissions can be grouped into collections wrapped in curly brackets. '*' represents a collection containing all valid matches. Supported policy statements: Type 1: " source_type target_type class perm_set" Rules: allow, deny, auditallow, dontaudit Type 2: " source_type target_type class operation xperm_set" Rules: allowxperm, auditallowxperm, dontauditxperm * The only supported operation is ioctl * The only supported xperm_set format is range ([low-high]) Type 3: " class" Rules: create, permissive, enforcing Type 4: "attradd class attribute" Type 5: " source_type target_type class default_type" Rules: type_transition, type_change, type_member Type 6: "name_transition source_type target_type class default_type object_name" Notes: * Type 4 - 6 does not support collections * Object classes cannot be collections * source_type and target_type can also be attributes Example: allow { s1 s2 } { t1 t2 } class * Will be expanded to: allow s1 t1 class { all-permissions } allow s1 t2 class { all-permissions } allow s2 t1 class { all-permissions } allow s2 t2 class { all-permissions } ``` ### magisk When the magisk binary is called with the name `magisk`, it works as an utility tool with many helper functions and the entry points for several Magisk services. ``` Usage: magisk [applet [arguments]...] or: magisk [options]... Options: -c print current binary version -v print running daemon version -V print running daemon version code --list list all available applets --daemon manually start magisk daemon --remove-modules remove all modules and reboot --[init trigger] start service for init trigger Advanced Options (Internal APIs): --unlock-blocks set BLKROSET flag to OFF for all block devices --restorecon restore selinux context on Magisk files --clone-attr SRC DEST clone permission, owner, and selinux context --clone SRC DEST clone SRC to DEST --sqlite SQL exec SQL commands to Magisk database Supported init triggers: post-fs-data, service, boot-complete Supported applets: su, resetprop, magiskhide ``` ### su An applet of `magisk`, the MagiskSU entry point. Good old `su` command. ``` Usage: su [options] [-] [user [argument...]] Options: -c, --command COMMAND pass COMMAND to the invoked shell -h, --help display this help message and exit -, -l, --login pretend the shell to be a login shell -m, -p, --preserve-environment preserve the entire environment -s, --shell SHELL use SHELL instead of the default /system/bin/sh -v, --version display version number and exit -V display version code and exit -mm, -M, --mount-master force run in the global mount namespace ``` Note: even though the `-Z, --context` option is not listed above, the option still exists for CLI compatibility with apps designed for SuperSU. However the option is silently ignored since it's no longer relevant. ### resetprop An applet of `magisk`. An advanced system property manipulation utility. Check the [Resetprop Details](details.md#resetprop) for more background information. ``` Usage: resetprop [flags] [options...] Options: -h, --help show this message (no arguments) print all properties NAME get property NAME VALUE set property entry NAME with VALUE --file FILE load props from FILE --delete NAME delete property Flags: -v print verbose output to stderr -n set properties without init triggers only affects setprop -p access actual persist storage only affects getprop and deleteprop ``` ### magiskhide An applet of `magisk`, the CLI to control MagiskHide. Use this tool to communicate with the daemon to change MagiskHide settings. ``` Usage: magiskhide [action [arguments...] ] Actions: status Return the status of magiskhide enable Start magiskhide disable Stop magiskhide add PKG [PROC] Add a new target to the hide list rm PKG [PROC] Remove target(s) from the hide list ls Print the current hide list exec CMDs... Execute commands in isolated mount namespace and do all hide unmounts ```