package com.topjohnwu.magisk; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import static com.topjohnwu.magisk.utils.DynAPK.*; class Mapping { private static Map map = new HashMap<>(); // This mapping will be sent into the guest app static Data data = new Data(); static { map.put(a.z.class.getName(), "a.c"); map.put("a.x", "a.f"); map.put("a.o", "a.b"); map.put("a.g", "a.m"); map.put(a.w.class.getName(), "a.h"); map.put("a.v", "a.j"); map.put("a.j", ""); data.componentMap = new HashMap<>(map.size()); for (Map.Entry e : map.entrySet()) { data.componentMap.put(e.getValue(), e.getKey()); } int[] res = new int[5]; res[NOTIFICATION] = R.drawable.ic_magisk_outline; res[SUPERUSER] = R.drawable.sc_superuser; res[MAGISKHIDE] = R.drawable.sc_magiskhide; res[DOWNLOAD] = R.drawable.sc_cloud_download; res[MODULES] = R.drawable.sc_extension; data.resourceMap = res; } static String get(String name) { String n = map.get(name); return n != null ? n : name; } }