package com.topjohnwu.magisk; import android.content.SharedPreferences; import android.os.Bundle; import android.util.Xml; import com.topjohnwu.magisk.utils.Utils; import com.topjohnwu.superuser.Shell; import com.topjohnwu.superuser.ShellUtils; import; import; import org.xmlpull.v1.XmlPullParser; import org.xmlpull.v1.XmlPullParserException; import; import; public class Config { // Current status public static String magiskVersionString; public static int magiskVersionCode = -1; private static boolean magiskHide; // Update Info public static String remoteMagiskVersionString; public static int remoteMagiskVersionCode = -1; public static String magiskLink; public static String magiskNoteLink; public static String magiskMD5; public static String remoteManagerVersionString; public static int remoteManagerVersionCode = -1; public static String managerLink; public static String managerNoteLink; public static String uninstallerLink; // Install flags public static boolean keepVerity = false; public static boolean keepEnc = false; public static boolean recovery = false; public static int suLogTimeout = 14; public static class Key { // su configs public static final String ROOT_ACCESS = "root_access"; public static final String SU_MULTIUSER_MODE = "multiuser_mode"; public static final String SU_MNT_NS = "mnt_ns"; public static final String SU_MANAGER = "requester"; public static final String SU_REQUEST_TIMEOUT = "su_request_timeout"; public static final String SU_AUTO_RESPONSE = "su_auto_response"; public static final String SU_NOTIFICATION = "su_notification"; public static final String SU_REAUTH = "su_reauth"; public static final String SU_FINGERPRINT = "su_fingerprint"; // prefs public static final String CHECK_UPDATES = "check_update"; public static final String UPDATE_CHANNEL = "update_channel"; public static final String CUSTOM_CHANNEL = "custom_channel"; public static final String BOOT_FORMAT = "boot_format"; public static final String UPDATE_SERVICE_VER = "update_service_version"; public static final String MAGISKHIDE = "magiskhide"; public static final String COREONLY = "disable"; public static final String LOCALE = "locale"; public static final String DARK_THEME = "dark_theme"; public static final String ETAG_KEY = "ETag"; public static final String REPO_ORDER = "repo_order"; } public static class Value { public static final int STABLE_CHANNEL = 0; public static final int BETA_CHANNEL = 1; public static final int CUSTOM_CHANNEL = 2; public static final int ROOT_ACCESS_DISABLED = 0; public static final int ROOT_ACCESS_APPS_ONLY = 1; public static final int ROOT_ACCESS_ADB_ONLY = 2; public static final int ROOT_ACCESS_APPS_AND_ADB = 3; public static final int MULTIUSER_MODE_OWNER_ONLY = 0; public static final int MULTIUSER_MODE_OWNER_MANAGED = 1; public static final int MULTIUSER_MODE_USER = 2; public static final int NAMESPACE_MODE_GLOBAL = 0; public static final int NAMESPACE_MODE_REQUESTER = 1; public static final int NAMESPACE_MODE_ISOLATE = 2; public static final int NO_NOTIFICATION = 0; public static final int NOTIFICATION_TOAST = 1; public static final int SU_PROMPT = 0; public static final int SU_AUTO_DENY = 1; public static final int SU_AUTO_ALLOW = 2; public static final int[] TIMEOUT_LIST = {0, -1, 10, 20, 30, 60}; public static final int ORDER_NAME = 0; public static final int ORDER_DATE = 1; } private static Bundle defs = new Bundle(); static { /* Set default configurations */ // prefs int defs.putInt(Key.REPO_ORDER, Value.ORDER_DATE); // prefs string int defs.putInt(Key.SU_REQUEST_TIMEOUT, 10); defs.putInt(Key.SU_AUTO_RESPONSE, Value.SU_PROMPT); defs.putInt(Key.SU_NOTIFICATION, Value.NOTIFICATION_TOAST); defs.putInt(Key.UPDATE_CHANNEL, Value.STABLE_CHANNEL); // prefs bool defs.putBoolean(Key.CHECK_UPDATES, true); // defs.putBoolean(Const.Key.DARK_THEME, false); // defs.putBoolean(Const.Key.SU_REAUTH, false); // defs.putBoolean(Const.Key.MAGISKHIDE, false); // defs.putBoolean(Const.Key.COREONLY, false); // prefs string defs.putString(Key.CUSTOM_CHANNEL, ""); defs.putString(Key.BOOT_FORMAT, ".img"); defs.putString(Key.LOCALE, ""); // defs.putString(Const.Key.ETAG_KEY, null); // db int defs.putInt(Key.ROOT_ACCESS, Value.ROOT_ACCESS_APPS_AND_ADB); defs.putInt(Key.SU_MNT_NS, Value.NAMESPACE_MODE_REQUESTER); defs.putInt(Key.SU_MULTIUSER_MODE, Value.MULTIUSER_MODE_OWNER_ONLY); // db bool // defs.putBoolean(Const.Key.SU_FINGERPRINT, false); // db strings // defs.putString(Const.Key.SU_MANAGER, null); } public static void loadMagiskInfo() { try { magiskVersionString = ShellUtils.fastCmd("magisk -v").split(":")[0]; magiskVersionCode = Integer.parseInt(ShellUtils.fastCmd("magisk -V")); magiskHide ="magiskhide --status").exec().isSuccess(); } catch (NumberFormatException ignored) {} } public static void export() { // Flush prefs to disk App app = App.self; app.prefs.edit().commit(); File xml = new File(app.getFilesDir().getParent() + "/shared_prefs", app.getPackageName() + "_preferences.xml");"cat %s > /data/user/0/%s", xml, Const.MANAGER_CONFIGS)).exec(); } public static void initialize() { SharedPreferences pref = App.self.prefs; SharedPreferences.Editor editor = pref.edit(); SuFile config = new SuFile("/data/user/0/" + Const.MANAGER_CONFIGS); if (config.exists()) { try { SuFileInputStream is = new SuFileInputStream(config); XmlPullParser parser = Xml.newPullParser(); parser.setFeature(XmlPullParser.FEATURE_PROCESS_NAMESPACES, false); parser.setInput(is, "UTF-8"); parser.nextTag(); parser.require(XmlPullParser.START_TAG, null, "map"); while ( != XmlPullParser.END_TAG) { if (parser.getEventType() != XmlPullParser.START_TAG) continue; String key = parser.getAttributeValue(null, "name"); String value = parser.getAttributeValue(null, "value"); switch (parser.getName()) { case "string": parser.require(XmlPullParser.START_TAG, null, "string"); editor.putString(key, parser.nextText()); parser.require(XmlPullParser.END_TAG, null, "string"); break; case "boolean": parser.require(XmlPullParser.START_TAG, null, "boolean"); editor.putBoolean(key, Boolean.parseBoolean(value)); parser.nextTag(); parser.require(XmlPullParser.END_TAG, null, "boolean"); break; case "int": parser.require(XmlPullParser.START_TAG, null, "int"); editor.putInt(key, Integer.parseInt(value)); parser.nextTag(); parser.require(XmlPullParser.END_TAG, null, "int"); break; case "long": parser.require(XmlPullParser.START_TAG, null, "long"); editor.putLong(key, Long.parseLong(value)); parser.nextTag(); parser.require(XmlPullParser.END_TAG, null, "long"); break; case "float": parser.require(XmlPullParser.START_TAG, null, "int"); editor.putFloat(key, Float.parseFloat(value)); parser.nextTag(); parser.require(XmlPullParser.END_TAG, null, "int"); break; default:; } } } catch (IOException | XmlPullParserException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } editor.remove(Key.ETAG_KEY); editor.apply(); editor = pref.edit(); config.delete(); } // Set to defaults if not set setDefs(pref, editor, Key.SU_REQUEST_TIMEOUT, Key.SU_AUTO_RESPONSE, Key.ROOT_ACCESS, Key.SU_MNT_NS, Key.SU_NOTIFICATION, Key.DARK_THEME, Key.CHECK_UPDATES, Key.UPDATE_CHANNEL, Key.REPO_ORDER); // These settings are from actual device state editor.putBoolean(Key.MAGISKHIDE, magiskHide) .putBoolean(Key.COREONLY, Const.MAGISK_DISABLE_FILE.exists()) .putInt(Key.UPDATE_SERVICE_VER, Const.UPDATE_SERVICE_VER) .apply(); } private static final int PREF_INT = 0; private static final int PREF_STR_INT = 1; private static final int PREF_BOOL = 2; private static final int PREF_STR = 3; private static final int DB_INT = 4; private static final int DB_BOOL = 5; private static final int DB_STR = 6; private static int getConfigType(String key) { switch (key) { case Key.REPO_ORDER: return PREF_INT; case Key.SU_REQUEST_TIMEOUT: case Key.SU_AUTO_RESPONSE: case Key.SU_NOTIFICATION: case Key.UPDATE_CHANNEL: return PREF_STR_INT; case Key.DARK_THEME: case Key.SU_REAUTH: case Key.CHECK_UPDATES: case Key.MAGISKHIDE: case Key.COREONLY: return PREF_BOOL; case Key.CUSTOM_CHANNEL: case Key.BOOT_FORMAT: case Key.LOCALE: case Key.ETAG_KEY: return PREF_STR; case Key.ROOT_ACCESS: case Key.SU_MNT_NS: case Key.SU_MULTIUSER_MODE: return DB_INT; case Key.SU_FINGERPRINT: return DB_BOOL; case Key.SU_MANAGER: return DB_STR; default: throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public static T get(String key) { App app = App.self; switch (getConfigType(key)) { case PREF_INT: return (T) (Integer) app.prefs.getInt(key, defs.getInt(key)); case PREF_STR_INT: return (T) (Integer) Utils.getPrefsInt(app.prefs, key, defs.getInt(key)); case PREF_BOOL: return (T) (Boolean) app.prefs.getBoolean(key, defs.getBoolean(key)); case PREF_STR: return (T) app.prefs.getString(key, defs.getString(key)); case DB_INT: return (T) (Integer) app.mDB.getSettings(key, defs.getInt(key)); case DB_BOOL: return (T) (Boolean) (app.mDB.getSettings(key, defs.getBoolean(key) ? 1 : 0) != 0); case DB_STR: return (T) app.mDB.getStrings(key, defs.getString(key)); } /* Will never get here (IllegalArgumentException in getConfigType) */ return (T) new Object(); } public static void set(String key, Object val) { App app = App.self; switch (getConfigType(key)) { case PREF_INT: app.prefs.edit().putInt(key, (int) val).apply(); break; case PREF_STR_INT: app.prefs.edit().putString(key, String.valueOf(val)).apply(); break; case PREF_BOOL: app.prefs.edit().putBoolean(key, (boolean) val).apply(); break; case PREF_STR: app.prefs.edit().putString(key, (String) val).apply(); break; case DB_INT: app.mDB.setSettings(key, (int) val); break; case DB_BOOL: app.mDB.setSettings(key, (boolean) val ? 1 : 0); break; case DB_STR: app.mDB.setStrings(key, (String) val); break; } } public static void remove(String key) { App app = App.self; int def; switch (getConfigType(key)) { case PREF_INT: case PREF_STR_INT: case PREF_BOOL: case PREF_STR: app.prefs.edit().remove(key).apply(); break; case DB_INT: def = defs.getInt(key); app.mDB.setSettings(key, def); break; case DB_BOOL: def = defs.getBoolean(key) ? 1 : 0; app.mDB.setSettings(key, def); break; case DB_STR: app.mDB.setStrings(key, null); break; } } private static void setDefs(SharedPreferences pref, SharedPreferences.Editor editor, String... keys) { for (String key : keys) { if (pref.contains(key)) continue; switch (getConfigType(key)) { case PREF_INT: editor.putInt(key, defs.getInt(key)); break; case DB_INT: case PREF_STR_INT: editor.putString(key, String.valueOf(defs.getInt(key))); break; case PREF_STR: case DB_STR: editor.putString(key, defs.getString(key)); break; case PREF_BOOL: case DB_BOOL: editor.putBoolean(key, defs.getBoolean(key)); break; } } } }