package com.topjohnwu.magisk.core.tasks import import android.system.Os import android.widget.Toast import androidx.annotation.WorkerThread import androidx.core.os.postDelayed import com.topjohnwu.magisk.BuildConfig import com.topjohnwu.magisk.DynAPK import com.topjohnwu.magisk.R import com.topjohnwu.magisk.core.* import com.topjohnwu.magisk.core.utils.MediaStoreUtils import com.topjohnwu.magisk.core.utils.MediaStoreUtils.inputStream import com.topjohnwu.magisk.core.utils.MediaStoreUtils.outputStream import com.topjohnwu.magisk.di.ServiceLocator import com.topjohnwu.magisk.ktx.reboot import com.topjohnwu.magisk.ktx.withStreams import com.topjohnwu.magisk.ktx.writeTo import com.topjohnwu.magisk.utils.Utils import com.topjohnwu.signing.SignBoot import com.topjohnwu.superuser.Shell import com.topjohnwu.superuser.ShellUtils import com.topjohnwu.superuser.internal.NOPList import com.topjohnwu.superuser.internal.UiThreadHandler import import import import kotlinx.coroutines.Dispatchers import kotlinx.coroutines.withContext import net.jpountz.lz4.LZ4FrameInputStream import org.kamranzafar.jtar.TarEntry import org.kamranzafar.jtar.TarHeader import org.kamranzafar.jtar.TarInputStream import org.kamranzafar.jtar.TarOutputStream import timber.log.Timber import* import java.nio.ByteBuffer import import java.util.* import abstract class MagiskInstallImpl protected constructor( protected val console: MutableList = NOPList.getInstance(), private val logs: MutableList = NOPList.getInstance() ) { protected var installDir = File("xxx") private lateinit var srcBoot: File private val shell = Shell.getShell() private val service get() = ServiceLocator.networkService protected val context get() = ServiceLocator.deContext private val useRootDir = shell.isRoot && Info.noDataExec private fun findImage(): Boolean { val bootPath = "find_boot_image; echo \"\$BOOTIMAGE\"".fsh() if (bootPath.isEmpty()) { console.add("! Unable to detect target image") return false } srcBoot = SuFile(bootPath) console.add("- Target image: $bootPath") return true } private fun findSecondary(): Boolean { val slot = "echo \$SLOT".fsh() val target = if (slot == "_a") "_b" else "_a" console.add("- Target slot: $target") val bootPath = arrayOf( "SLOT=$target", "find_boot_image", "SLOT=$slot", "echo \"\$BOOTIMAGE\"").fsh() if (bootPath.isEmpty()) { console.add("! Unable to detect target image") return false } srcBoot = SuFile(bootPath) console.add("- Target image: $bootPath") return true } private fun extractFiles(): Boolean { console.add("- Device platform: ${Const.CPU_ABI}") console.add("- Installing: ${BuildConfig.VERSION_NAME} (${BuildConfig.VERSION_CODE})") installDir = File(context.filesDir.parent, "install") installDir.deleteRecursively() installDir.mkdirs() try { // Extract binaries if (isRunningAsStub) { val zf = ZipFile(DynAPK.current(context)) zf.entries().asSequence().filter { !it.isDirectory &&"lib/${Const.CPU_ABI_32}/") }.forEach { val n ='/') + 1) val name = n.substring(3, n.length - 3) val dest = File(installDir, name) zf.getInputStream(it).writeTo(dest) } } else { val libs = Const.NATIVE_LIB_DIR.listFiles { _, name -> name.startsWith("lib") && name.endsWith(".so") } ?: emptyArray() for (lib in libs) { val name =, - 3) Os.symlink(lib.path, "$installDir/$name") } } // Extract scripts for (script in listOf("", "", "")) { val dest = File(installDir, script) } // Extract chromeos tools File(installDir, "chromeos").mkdir() for (file in listOf("futility", "kernel_data_key.vbprivk", "kernel.keyblock")) { val name = "chromeos/$file" val dest = File(installDir, name) } } catch (e: Exception) { console.add("! Unable to extract files") Timber.e(e) return false } if (useRootDir) { // Move everything to tmpfs to workaround Samsung bullshit SuFile(Const.TMPDIR).also { arrayOf( "rm -rf $it", "mkdir -p $it", "cp_readlink $installDir $it", "rm -rf $installDir" ).sh() installDir = it } } return true } // Optimization for SuFile I/O streams to skip an internal trial and error private fun installDirFile(name: String): File { return if (useRootDir) SuFile(installDir, name) else File(installDir, name) } private fun InputStream.cleanPump(out: OutputStream) = withStreams(this, out) { src, _ -> src.copyTo(out) } private fun newTarEntry(name: String, size: Long): TarEntry { console.add("-- Writing: $name") return TarEntry(TarHeader.createHeader(name, size, 0, false, 420 /* 0644 */)) } @Throws(IOException::class) private fun processTar(input: InputStream, output: OutputStream): OutputStream { console.add("- Processing tar file") val tarOut = TarOutputStream(output) TarInputStream(input).use { tarIn -> lateinit var entry: TarEntry fun decompressedStream(): InputStream { val src = if (".lz4")) LZ4FrameInputStream(tarIn) else tarIn return object : FilterInputStream(src) { override fun available() = 0 /* Workaround bug in LZ4FrameInputStream */ override fun close() { /* Never close src stream */ } } } while (tarIn.nextEntry?.let { entry = it } != null) { if ("boot.img") || (Config.recovery &&"recovery.img"))) { val name =".lz4", "") console.add("-- Extracting: $name") val extract = installDirFile(name) decompressedStream().cleanPump( } else if ("vbmeta.img")) { val rawData = decompressedStream().readBytes() // Valid vbmeta.img should be at least 256 bytes if (rawData.size < 256) continue // Patch flags to AVB_VBMETA_IMAGE_FLAGS_HASHTREE_DISABLED | // AVB_VBMETA_IMAGE_FLAGS_VERIFICATION_DISABLED console.add("-- Patching: vbmeta.img") ByteBuffer.wrap(rawData).putInt(120, 3) tarOut.putNextEntry(newTarEntry("vbmeta.img", rawData.size.toLong())) tarOut.write(rawData) } else { console.add("-- Copying: ${}") tarOut.putNextEntry(entry) tarIn.copyTo(tarOut, bufferSize = 1024 * 1024) } } } val boot = installDirFile("boot.img") val recovery = installDirFile("recovery.img") if (Config.recovery && recovery.exists() && boot.exists()) { // Install to recovery srcBoot = recovery // Repack boot image to prevent auto restore arrayOf( "cd $installDir", "chmod -R 755 .", "./magiskboot unpack boot.img", "./magiskboot repack boot.img", "cat new-boot.img > boot.img", "./magiskboot cleanup", "rm -f new-boot.img", "cd /").sh() { tarOut.putNextEntry(newTarEntry("boot.img", boot.length())) it.copyTo(tarOut) } boot.delete() } else { if (!boot.exists()) { console.add("! No boot image found") throw IOException() } srcBoot = boot } return tarOut } private fun handleFile(uri: Uri): Boolean { val outStream: OutputStream var outFile: MediaStoreUtils.UriFile? = null // Process input file try { uri.inputStream().buffered().use { src -> src.mark(500) val magic = ByteArray(5) if (src.skip(257) != 257L || != magic.size) { console.add("! Invalid input file") return false } src.reset() val alpha = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" val alphaNum = "$alpha${alpha.toUpperCase(Locale.ROOT)}0123456789" val random = SecureRandom() val filename = StringBuilder("magisk_patched-${BuildConfig.VERSION_CODE}_").run { for (i in 1..5) { append(alphaNum[random.nextInt(alphaNum.length)]) } toString() } outStream = if (magic.contentEquals("ustar".toByteArray())) { // tar file outFile = MediaStoreUtils.getFile("$filename.tar", true) processTar(src, outFile!!.uri.outputStream()) } else { // raw image srcBoot = installDirFile("boot.img") console.add("- Copying image to cache") src.cleanPump( outFile = MediaStoreUtils.getFile("$filename.img", true) outFile!!.uri.outputStream() } } } catch (e: IOException) { console.add("! Process error") outFile?.delete() Timber.e(e) return false } // Patch file if (!patchBoot()) { outFile!!.delete() return false } // Output file try { val newBoot = installDirFile("new-boot.img") if (outStream is TarOutputStream) { val name = if (srcBoot.path.contains("recovery")) "recovery.img" else "boot.img" outStream.putNextEntry(newTarEntry(name, newBoot.length())) } newBoot.delete() console.add("") console.add("****************************") console.add(" Output file is written to ") console.add(" $outFile ") console.add("****************************") } catch (e: IOException) { console.add("! Failed to output to $outFile") outFile!!.delete() Timber.e(e) return false } // Fix up binaries srcBoot.delete() if (shell.isRoot) { "fix_env $installDir".sh() } else { "cp_readlink $installDir".sh() } return true } private fun patchBoot(): Boolean { var isSigned = false if (srcBoot.let { it !is SuFile || !it.isCharacter }) { try { { if (SignBoot.verifySignature(it, null)) { isSigned = true console.add("- Boot image is signed with AVB 1.0") } } } catch (e: IOException) { console.add("! Unable to check signature") Timber.e(e) return false } } val newBoot = installDirFile("new-boot.img") if (!useRootDir) { // Create output files before hand newBoot.createNewFile() File(installDir, "stock_boot.img").createNewFile() } val cmds = arrayOf( "cd $installDir", "KEEPFORCEENCRYPT=${Config.keepEnc} " + "KEEPVERITY=${Config.keepVerity} " + "RECOVERYMODE=${Config.recovery} " + "sh $srcBoot") if (! return false val job = shell.newJob().add("./magiskboot cleanup", "cd /") if (isSigned) { console.add("- Signing boot image with verity keys") val signed = File.createTempFile("signed", ".img", context.cacheDir) try { val src = val out = signed.outputStream().buffered() withStreams(src, out) { _, _ -> SignBoot.doSignature(null, null, src, out, "/boot") } } catch (e: IOException) { console.add("! Unable to sign image") Timber.e(e) return false } job.add("cat $signed > $newBoot", "rm -f $signed") } job.exec() return true } private fun flashBoot() = "direct_install $installDir $srcBoot".sh().isSuccess private suspend fun postOTA(): Boolean { try { val bootctl = File.createTempFile("bootctl", null, context.cacheDir) service.fetchBootctl().byteStream().writeTo(bootctl) "post_ota $bootctl".sh() } catch (e: IOException) { console.add("! Unable to download bootctl") Timber.e(e) return false } console.add("***************************************") console.add(" Next reboot will boot to second slot!") console.add("***************************************") return true } private fun = shell.newJob().add(this).to(console, logs).exec() private fun = shell.newJob().add(*this).to(console, logs).exec() private fun String.fsh() = ShellUtils.fastCmd(shell, this) private fun Array.fsh() = ShellUtils.fastCmd(shell, *this) protected fun doPatchFile(patchFile: Uri) = extractFiles() && handleFile(patchFile) protected fun direct() = findImage() && extractFiles() && patchBoot() && flashBoot() protected suspend fun secondSlot() = findSecondary() && extractFiles() && patchBoot() && flashBoot() && postOTA() protected fun fixEnv() = extractFiles() && "fix_env $installDir".sh().isSuccess protected fun uninstall() = "run_uninstaller ${AssetHack.apk}".sh().isSuccess @WorkerThread protected abstract suspend fun operations(): Boolean open suspend fun exec(): Boolean { synchronized(Companion) { if (haveActiveSession) return false haveActiveSession = true } val result = withContext(Dispatchers.IO) { operations() } synchronized(Companion) { haveActiveSession = false } return result } companion object { private var haveActiveSession = false } } abstract class MagiskInstaller( console: MutableList, logs: MutableList ) : MagiskInstallImpl(console, logs) { override suspend fun exec(): Boolean { val success = super.exec() if (success) { console.add("- All done!") } else {"rm -rf $installDir").submit() console.add("! Installation failed") } return success } class Patch( private val uri: Uri, console: MutableList, logs: MutableList ) : MagiskInstaller(console, logs) { override suspend fun operations() = doPatchFile(uri) } class SecondSlot( console: MutableList, logs: MutableList ) : MagiskInstaller(console, logs) { override suspend fun operations() = secondSlot() } class Direct( console: MutableList, logs: MutableList ) : MagiskInstaller(console, logs) { override suspend fun operations() = direct() } class Emulator( console: MutableList, logs: MutableList ) : MagiskInstaller(console, logs) { override suspend fun operations() = fixEnv() } class Uninstall( console: MutableList, logs: MutableList ) : MagiskInstallImpl(console, logs) { override suspend fun operations() = uninstall() override suspend fun exec(): Boolean { val success = super.exec() if (success) { UiThreadHandler.handler.postDelayed(3000) {"pm uninstall ${context.packageName}").exec() } } return success } } class FixEnv(private val callback: () -> Unit) : MagiskInstallImpl() { override suspend fun operations() = fixEnv() override suspend fun exec(): Boolean { val success = super.exec() callback() Utils.toast( if (success) R.string.reboot_delay_toast else R.string.setup_fail, Toast.LENGTH_LONG ) if (success) UiThreadHandler.handler.postDelayed(5000) { reboot() } return success } } }