/* magiskhide.c - initialize the environment for Magiskhide */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "magisk.h" #include "utils.h" #include "magiskhide.h" #include "daemon.h" #include "resetprop.h" struct vector *hide_list = NULL; int hideEnabled = 0; static pthread_t proc_monitor_thread; pthread_mutex_t hide_lock, file_lock; void kill_proc(int pid) { kill(pid, SIGTERM); } static void usage(char *arg0) { fprintf(stderr, "MagiskHide v" xstr(MAGISK_VERSION) "(" xstr(MAGISK_VER_CODE) ") (by topjohnwu) - Hide Magisk!\n\n" "Usage: %s [--options [arguments...] ]\n\n" "Options:\n" " --enable Start magiskhide\n" " --disable Stop magiskhide\n" " --add PROCESS Add PROCESS to the hide list\n" " --rm PROCESS Remove PROCESS from the hide list\n" " --ls Print out the current hide list\n" , arg0); exit(1); } void launch_magiskhide(int client) { if (hideEnabled) { if (client > 0) { write_int(client, HIDE_IS_ENABLED); close(client); } return; } hideEnabled = 1; LOGI("* Starting MagiskHide\n"); deleteprop2(MAGISKHIDE_PROP, 1); hide_sensitive_props(); // Initialize the mutex lock pthread_mutex_init(&hide_lock, NULL); pthread_mutex_init(&file_lock, NULL); // Initialize the hide list if (init_list()) goto error; // Add SafetyNet by default add_list(strdup("com.google.android.gms.unstable")); if (client > 0) { write_int(client, DAEMON_SUCCESS); close(client); } // Get thread reference proc_monitor_thread = pthread_self(); // Start monitoring proc_monitor(); return; error: hideEnabled = 0; if (client > 0) { write_int(client, DAEMON_ERROR); close(client); } return; } void stop_magiskhide(int client) { if (!hideEnabled) { write_int(client, HIDE_NOT_ENABLED); close(client); return; } LOGI("* Stopping MagiskHide\n"); hideEnabled = 0; setprop(MAGISKHIDE_PROP, "0"); // Remove without actually removing persist props deleteprop2(MAGISKHIDE_PROP, 0); pthread_kill(proc_monitor_thread, TERM_THREAD); write_int(client, DAEMON_SUCCESS); close(client); } int magiskhide_main(int argc, char *argv[]) { if (argc < 2) { usage(argv[0]); } client_request req = DO_NOTHING; if (strcmp(argv[1], "--enable") == 0) { req = LAUNCH_MAGISKHIDE; } else if (strcmp(argv[1], "--disable") == 0) { req = STOP_MAGISKHIDE; } else if (strcmp(argv[1], "--add") == 0 && argc > 2) { req = ADD_HIDELIST; } else if (strcmp(argv[1], "--rm") == 0 && argc > 2) { req = RM_HIDELIST; } else if (strcmp(argv[1], "--ls") == 0) { req = LS_HIDELIST; } else { usage(argv[0]); } int fd = connect_daemon(); write_int(fd, req); if (req == ADD_HIDELIST || req == RM_HIDELIST) { write_string(fd, argv[2]); } daemon_response code = read_int(fd); switch (code) { case DAEMON_ERROR: fprintf(stderr, "Error occured in daemon...\n"); return code; case DAEMON_SUCCESS: break; case ROOT_REQUIRED: fprintf(stderr, "Root is required for this operation\n"); return code; case HIDE_NOT_ENABLED: fprintf(stderr, "Magisk hide is not enabled yet\n"); return code; case HIDE_IS_ENABLED: fprintf(stderr, "Magisk hide is already enabled\n"); return code; case HIDE_ITEM_EXIST: fprintf(stderr, "Process [%s] already exists in hide list\n", argv[2]); return code; case HIDE_ITEM_NOT_EXIST: fprintf(stderr, "Process [%s] does not exist in hide list\n", argv[2]); return code; } if (req == LS_HIDELIST) { int argc = read_int(fd); for (int i = 0; i < argc; ++i) { char *s = read_string(fd); printf("%s\n", s); free(s); } } close(fd); return 0; }