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package org.telegram.abilitybots.api.sender;
2019-09-09 19:10:26 +02:00
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
2018-07-08 01:41:21 +02:00
import org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.methods.BotApiMethod;
import org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.methods.send.SendMessage;
import org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.objects.Message;
import org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.objects.replykeyboard.ForceReplyKeyboard;
import org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.exceptions.TelegramApiException;
import org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.updateshandlers.SentCallback;
import java.util.Optional;
* A silent sender that returns {@link Optional} objects upon execution. Mainly used to decrease verboseness of exception handling.
* @author Abbas Abou Daya
public class SilentSender {
2019-09-09 19:10:26 +02:00
private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(SilentSender.class);
private final MessageSender sender;
public SilentSender(MessageSender sender) {
this.sender = sender;
public Optional<Message> send(String message, long id) {
return doSendMessage(message, id, false);
public Optional<Message> sendMd(String message, long id) {
return doSendMessage(message, id, true);
public Optional<Message> forceReply(String message, long id) {
SendMessage msg = new SendMessage();
2020-11-01 23:46:36 +01:00
msg.setReplyMarkup(new ForceReplyKeyboard());
return execute(msg);
public <T extends Serializable, Method extends BotApiMethod<T>> Optional<T> execute(Method method) {
try {
return Optional.ofNullable(sender.execute(method));
} catch (TelegramApiException e) {
2019-07-27 14:19:54 +02:00
log.error("Could not execute bot API method", e);
return Optional.empty();
public <T extends Serializable, Method extends BotApiMethod<T>, Callback extends SentCallback<T>> void
executeAsync(Method method, Callback callable) {
try {
sender.executeAsync(method, callable);
} catch (TelegramApiException e) {
2019-07-27 14:19:54 +02:00
log.error("Could not execute bot API method", e);
private Optional<Message> doSendMessage(String txt, long groupId, boolean format) {
SendMessage smsg = new SendMessage();
2020-11-01 23:46:36 +01:00
return execute(smsg);