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package org.telegram.telegrambots.bots;
import org.telegram.telegrambots.bots.TelegramLongPollingBot;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentLinkedQueue;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean;
* Created by Daniil Nikanov aka JetCoder
public abstract class TimedSendLongPollingBot extends TelegramLongPollingBot
private static final long MANY_CHATS_SEND_INTERVAL = 33;
private static final long ONE_CHAT_SEND_INTERVAL = 1000;
private static final long CHAT_INACTIVE_INTERVAL = 1000 * 60 * 10;
private final Timer mSendTimer = new Timer(true);
private final ConcurrentHashMap<Long,MessageQueue> mMessagesMap = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(32, 0.75f, 1);
private final ArrayList<MessageQueue> mSendQueues = new ArrayList<>();
private final AtomicBoolean mSendRequested = new AtomicBoolean(false);
private final class MessageSenderTask extends TimerTask
public void run()
//mSendRequested used for optimisation to not traverse all mMessagesMap 30 times per second all the time
if (!mSendRequested.getAndSet(false))
long currentTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
boolean processNext = false;
//First step - find all chats in which already allowed to send message (passed more than 1000 ms from previuos send)
Iterator<Map.Entry<Long,MessageQueue>> it = mMessagesMap.entrySet().iterator();
while (it.hasNext())
MessageQueue queue =;
int state = queue.getCurrentState(currentTime); //Actual check here
if (state == MessageQueue.GET_MESSAGE)
processNext = true;
else if (state == MessageQueue.WAIT)
processNext = true;
else if (state == MessageQueue.DELETE)
//If any of chats are in state WAIT or GET_MESSAGE, request another iteration
if (processNext)
//Second step - find oldest waiting queue and peek it's message
MessageQueue sendQueue = null;
long oldestPutTime = Long.MAX_VALUE;
for (int i = 0; i < mSendQueues.size(); i++)
MessageQueue queue = mSendQueues.get(i);
long putTime = queue.getPutTime();
if (putTime < oldestPutTime)
oldestPutTime = putTime;
sendQueue = queue;
if (sendQueue == null) //Possible if on first step wasn't found any chats in state GET_MESSAGE
//Invoke the send callback. ChatId is passed for possible additional processing
sendMessageCallback(sendQueue.getChatId(), sendQueue.getMessage(currentTime));
private static class MessageQueue
public static final int EMPTY = 0; //Queue is empty
public static final int WAIT = 1; //Queue has message(s) but not yet allowed to send
public static final int DELETE = 2; //No one message of given queue was sent longer than CHAT_INACTIVE_INTERVAL, delete for optimisation
public static final int GET_MESSAGE = 3; //Queue has message(s) and ready to send
private final ConcurrentLinkedQueue<Object> mQueue = new ConcurrentLinkedQueue<>();
private final Long mChatId;
private long mLastSendTime; //Time of last peek from queue
private volatile long mLastPutTime; //Time of last put into queue
public MessageQueue(Long chatId)
mChatId = chatId;
public synchronized void putMessage(Object msg)
mLastPutTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
public synchronized int getCurrentState(long currentTime)
//currentTime is passed as parameter for optimisation to do not recall currentTimeMillis() many times
long interval = currentTime - mLastSendTime;
boolean empty = mQueue.isEmpty();
if (!empty && interval > ONE_CHAT_SEND_INTERVAL)
else if (interval > CHAT_INACTIVE_INTERVAL)
return DELETE;
else if (empty)
return EMPTY;
return WAIT;
public synchronized Object getMessage(long currentTime)
mLastSendTime = currentTime;
return mQueue.poll();
public long getPutTime()
return mLastPutTime;
public Long getChatId()
return mChatId;
protected TimedSendLongPollingBot()
mSendTimer.schedule(new MessageSenderTask(), MANY_CHATS_SEND_INTERVAL, MANY_CHATS_SEND_INTERVAL);
//Something like destructor
public void finish()
//This method must be called instead of all calls to sendMessage(), editMessageText(), sendChatAction() etc...
//for performing time-based sends obeying the basic Telegram limits (no more 30 msgs per second in different chats,
//no more 1 msg per second in any single chat). The method can be safely called from multiple threads.
//Order of sends to any given chat is guaranteed to remain the same as order of calls. Sends to different chats can be out-of-order depending on timing.
//Example of call:
SendMessage sendMessageRequest = new SendMessage();
sendTimed(chatId, sendMessageRequest); // <-- Instead of sendMessage() API method
public void sendTimed(Long chatId, Object messageRequest)
MessageQueue queue = mMessagesMap.get(chatId);
if (queue == null)
queue = new MessageQueue(chatId);
mMessagesMap.put(chatId, queue);
mMessagesMap.putIfAbsent(chatId, queue); //Double check, because the queue can be removed from hashmap on state DELETE
//When time of actual send comes this callback is called with the same parameters as in call to sendTimed().
//It's implementation must use 'instanceof' operator to distinguish type of the message request and call the proper send API method.
public void sendMessageCallback(Long chatId, Object messageRequest)
if (messageRequest instanceof SendMessage)
sendMessage((SendMessage) messageRequest);
else if (messageRequest instanceof EditMessageText)
editMessageText((EditMessageText) messageRequest);
else if (messageRequest instanceof SendChatAction)
sendChatAction((SendChatAction) messageRequest);
else if (messageRequest instanceof SendDocument)
sendDocument((SendDocument) messageRequest);
catch (TelegramApiException e)
LOG.error(EXC, e);
catch (Exception e)
LOG.fatal(EXC, e);
public abstract void sendMessageCallback(Long chatId, Object messageRequest);
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