* [How to get picture?](#how_to_get_picture) * [How to send photos?](#how_to_send_photos) * [How to use custom keyboards?](#how_to_use_custom_keyboards) * [How can I run my bot?](#how_to_host) * [How can I compile my project?](#how_to_compile) ## How to download photo? ## To download a picture (or any other file), you will need the `file_path` of the file. Let start by finding the photo we want to download, the following method will extract the `PhotoSize` from a photo sent to the bot (in our case, we are taken the bigger size of those provided): ```java public PhotoSize getPhoto(Update update) { // Check that the update contains a message and the message has a photo if (update.hasMessage() && update.getMessage().hasPhoto()) { // When receiving a photo, you usually get different sizes of it List photos = update.getMessage().getPhoto(); // We fetch the bigger photo return photos.stream() .sorted(Comparator.comparing(PhotoSize::getFileSize).reversed()) .findFirst() .orElse(null); } // Return null if not found return null; } ``` Once we have the *photo* we have to options: The `file_path` is already present or we need to get it, the following method will handle both of them and return the final `file_path`: ```java public String getFilePath(PhotoSize photo) { Objects.requireNonNull(photo); if (photo.hasFilePath()) { // If the file_path is already present, we are done! return photo.getFilePath(); } else { // If not, let find it // We create a GetFile method and set the file_id from the photo GetFile getFileMethod = new GetFile(); getFileMethod.setFileId(photo.getFileId()); try { // We execute the method using AbsSender::getFile method. File file = getFile(getFileMethod); // We now have the file_path return file.getFilePath(); } catch (TelegramApiException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } return null; // Just in case } ``` Now that we have the `file_path` we can download it: ```java public java.io.File downloadPhotoByFilePath(String filePath) { try { // Download the file calling AbsSender::downloadFile method return downloadFile(filePath); } catch (TelegramApiException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return null; } ``` The returned `java.io.File` object will be your photo ## How to send photos? ## There are several method to send a photo to an user using `sendPhoto` method: With a `file_id`, with an `url` or uploading the file. In this example, we assume that we already have the *chat_id* where we want to send the photo: ```java public void sendImageFromUrl(String url, String chatId) { // Create send method SendPhoto sendPhotoRequest = new SendPhoto(); // Set destination chat id sendPhotoRequest.setChatId(chatId); // Set the photo url as a simple photo sendPhotoRequest.setPhoto(url); try { // Execute the method sendPhoto(sendPhotoRequest); } catch (TelegramApiException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } public void sendImageFromFileId(String fileId, String chatId) { // Create send method SendPhoto sendPhotoRequest = new SendPhoto(); // Set destination chat id sendPhotoRequest.setChatId(chatId); // Set the photo url as a simple photo sendPhotoRequest.setPhoto(fileId); try { // Execute the method sendPhoto(sendPhotoRequest); } catch (TelegramApiException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } public void sendImageUploadingAFile(String filePath, String chatId) { // Create send method SendPhoto sendPhotoRequest = new SendPhoto(); // Set destination chat id sendPhotoRequest.setChatId(chatId); // Set the photo file as a new photo (You can also use InputStream with a method overload) sendPhotoRequest.setNewPhoto(new File(filePath)); try { // Execute the method sendPhoto(sendPhotoRequest); } catch (TelegramApiException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } ``` ## How to use custom keyboards? ## Custom keyboards can be appended to messages using the `setReplyMarkup`. In this example, we will build a simple [ReplyKeyboardMarkup](https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#replykeyboardmarkup) with two rows and three buttons per row, but you can also use other types like [ReplyKeyboardHide](https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#replykeyboardhide), [ForceReply](https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#forcereply) or [InlineKeyboardMarkup](https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#inlinekeyboardmarkup): ```java public void sendCustomKeyboard(String chatId) { SendMessage message = new SendMessage(); message.setChatId(chatId); message.setText("Custom message text"); // Create ReplyKeyboardMarkup object ReplyKeyboardMarkup keyboardMarkup = new ReplyKeyboardMarkup(); // Create the keyboard (list of keyboard rows) List keyboard = new ArrayList<>(); // Create a keyboard row KeyboardRow row = new KeyboardRow(); // Set each button, you can also use KeyboardButton objects if you need something else than text row.add("Row 1 Button 1"); row.add("Row 1 Button 2"); row.add("Row 1 Button 3"); // Add the first row to the keyboard keyboard.add(row); // Create another keyboard row row = new KeyboardRow(); // Set each button for the second line row.add("Row 2 Button 1"); row.add("Row 2 Button 2"); row.add("Row 2 Button 3"); // Add the second row to the keyboard keyboard.add(row); // Set the keyboard to the markup keyboardMarkup.setKeyboard(keyboard); // Add it to the message message.setReplyMarkup(keyboardMarkup); try { // Send the message sendMessage(message); } catch (TelegramApiException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } ``` ## How can I run my bot? ## You don't need to spend a lot of money into hosting your own telegram bot. Basically, there are two options around how to host: 1. Hosting on your own hardware. It can be a Mini-PC like a Raspberry Pi. The costs for the hardware (~35€) and annual costs for power (~7-8€) are low. Keep in mind that your internet connection might be limited and a Mini-Pc is not ideal for a large users base. 2. Run your bot in a Virtual Server/dedicated root server. There are many hosters out there that are providing cheap servers that fit your needs. The cheapest one should be openVZ-Containers or a KVM vServer. Example providers are [Hetzner](https://www.hetzner.de/ot/), [DigitalOcean](https://www.digitalocean.com/), (are providing systems that have a high availability but cost's a bit more) and [OVH](https://ovh.com) ## How can I compile my project? ## This is just one way, how you can compile it (here with maven). The example below below is compiling the TelegramBotsExample repo. [![asciicast](https://asciinema.org/a/4np9i2u9onuitkg287ism23kj.png)](https://asciinema.org/a/4np9i2u9onuitkg287ism23kj)