
950 lines
37 KiB

import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import org.telegram.abilitybots.api.db.DBContext;
import org.telegram.abilitybots.api.objects.Ability;
import org.telegram.abilitybots.api.objects.Locality;
import org.telegram.abilitybots.api.objects.MessageContext;
import org.telegram.abilitybots.api.objects.Privacy;
import org.telegram.abilitybots.api.objects.Reply;
import org.telegram.abilitybots.api.sender.DefaultSender;
import org.telegram.abilitybots.api.sender.MessageSender;
import org.telegram.abilitybots.api.sender.SilentSender;
import org.telegram.abilitybots.api.util.AbilityExtension;
import org.telegram.abilitybots.api.util.AbilityUtils;
import org.telegram.abilitybots.api.util.Pair;
import org.telegram.abilitybots.api.util.Trio;
import org.telegram.telegrambots.bots.DefaultAbsSender;
import org.telegram.telegrambots.bots.DefaultBotOptions;
import org.telegram.telegrambots.bots.TelegramLongPollingBot;
import org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.methods.GetFile;
import org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.methods.groupadministration.GetChatAdministrators;
import org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.methods.send.SendDocument;
import org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.objects.Message;
import org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.objects.Update;
import org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.objects.User;
import org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.exceptions.TelegramApiException;
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import java.util.Optional;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.function.BiFunction;
import java.util.function.Function;
import java.util.function.Predicate;
import static;
import static;
import static java.lang.String.format;
import static;
import static;
import static java.util.Comparator.comparing;
import static java.util.Objects.nonNull;
import static java.util.Optional.ofNullable;
import static java.util.regex.Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE;
import static java.util.regex.Pattern.compile;
import static;
import static org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils.isEmpty;
import static org.telegram.abilitybots.api.objects.Ability.builder;
import static org.telegram.abilitybots.api.objects.Flag.DOCUMENT;
import static org.telegram.abilitybots.api.objects.Flag.MESSAGE;
import static org.telegram.abilitybots.api.objects.Flag.REPLY;
import static org.telegram.abilitybots.api.objects.Locality.ALL;
import static org.telegram.abilitybots.api.objects.Locality.GROUP;
import static org.telegram.abilitybots.api.objects.Locality.USER;
import static org.telegram.abilitybots.api.objects.MessageContext.newContext;
import static org.telegram.abilitybots.api.objects.Privacy.ADMIN;
import static org.telegram.abilitybots.api.objects.Privacy.CREATOR;
import static org.telegram.abilitybots.api.objects.Privacy.GROUP_ADMIN;
import static org.telegram.abilitybots.api.objects.Privacy.PUBLIC;
import static org.telegram.abilitybots.api.util.AbilityMessageCodes.ABILITY_BAN_FAIL;
import static org.telegram.abilitybots.api.util.AbilityMessageCodes.ABILITY_BAN_SUCCESS;
import static org.telegram.abilitybots.api.util.AbilityMessageCodes.ABILITY_CLAIM_FAIL;
import static org.telegram.abilitybots.api.util.AbilityMessageCodes.ABILITY_CLAIM_SUCCESS;
import static org.telegram.abilitybots.api.util.AbilityMessageCodes.ABILITY_COMMANDS_NOT_FOUND;
import static org.telegram.abilitybots.api.util.AbilityMessageCodes.ABILITY_DEMOTE_FAIL;
import static org.telegram.abilitybots.api.util.AbilityMessageCodes.ABILITY_DEMOTE_SUCCESS;
import static org.telegram.abilitybots.api.util.AbilityMessageCodes.ABILITY_PROMOTE_FAIL;
import static org.telegram.abilitybots.api.util.AbilityMessageCodes.ABILITY_PROMOTE_SUCCESS;
import static org.telegram.abilitybots.api.util.AbilityMessageCodes.ABILITY_RECOVER_ERROR;
import static org.telegram.abilitybots.api.util.AbilityMessageCodes.ABILITY_RECOVER_FAIL;
import static org.telegram.abilitybots.api.util.AbilityMessageCodes.ABILITY_RECOVER_MESSAGE;
import static org.telegram.abilitybots.api.util.AbilityMessageCodes.ABILITY_RECOVER_SUCCESS;
import static org.telegram.abilitybots.api.util.AbilityMessageCodes.ABILITY_UNBAN_FAIL;
import static org.telegram.abilitybots.api.util.AbilityMessageCodes.ABILITY_UNBAN_SUCCESS;
import static org.telegram.abilitybots.api.util.AbilityMessageCodes.CHECK_INPUT_FAIL;
import static org.telegram.abilitybots.api.util.AbilityMessageCodes.CHECK_LOCALITY_FAIL;
import static org.telegram.abilitybots.api.util.AbilityMessageCodes.CHECK_PRIVACY_FAIL;
import static org.telegram.abilitybots.api.util.AbilityMessageCodes.USER_NOT_FOUND;
import static org.telegram.abilitybots.api.util.AbilityUtils.addTag;
import static org.telegram.abilitybots.api.util.AbilityUtils.commitTo;
import static org.telegram.abilitybots.api.util.AbilityUtils.getChatId;
import static org.telegram.abilitybots.api.util.AbilityUtils.getLocalizedMessage;
import static org.telegram.abilitybots.api.util.AbilityUtils.isGroupUpdate;
import static org.telegram.abilitybots.api.util.AbilityUtils.isSuperGroupUpdate;
import static org.telegram.abilitybots.api.util.AbilityUtils.isUserMessage;
import static org.telegram.abilitybots.api.util.AbilityUtils.shortName;
import static org.telegram.abilitybots.api.util.AbilityUtils.stripTag;
* The <b>father</b> of all ability bots. Bots that need to utilize abilities need to extend this bot.
* <p>
* It's important to note that this bot strictly extends {@link TelegramLongPollingBot}.
* <p>
* All bots extending the {@link BaseAbilityBot} get implicit abilities:
* <ul>
* <li>/claim - Claims this bot</li>
* <ul>
* <li>Sets the user as the {@link Privacy#CREATOR} of the bot</li>
* <li>Only the user with the ID returned by {@link BaseAbilityBot#creatorId()} can genuinely claim the bot</li>
* </ul>
* <li>/report - reports all user-defined commands (abilities)</li>
* <ul>
* <li>The same format acceptable by BotFather</li>
* </ul>
* <li>/commands - returns a list of all possible bot commands based on the privacy of the requesting user</li>
* <li>/backup - returns a backup of the bot database</li>
* <li>/recover - recovers the database</li>
* <li>/promote <code>@username</code> - promotes user to bot admin</li>
* <li>/demote <code>@username</code> - demotes bot admin to user</li>
* <li>/ban <code>@username</code> - bans the user from accessing your bot commands and features</li>
* <li>/unban <code>@username</code> - lifts the ban from the user</li>
* </ul>
* <p>
* Additional information of the implicit abilities are present in the methods that declare them.
* <p>
* The two most important handles in the BaseAbilityBot are the {@link DBContext} <b><code>db</code></b> and the {@link MessageSender} <b><code>sender</code></b>.
* All bots extending BaseAbilityBot can use both handles in their update consumers.
* @author Abbas Abou Daya
@SuppressWarnings({"ConfusingArgumentToVarargsMethod", "UnusedReturnValue", "WeakerAccess", "unused", "ConstantConditions"})
public abstract class BaseAbilityBot extends DefaultAbsSender implements AbilityExtension {
private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(BaseAbilityBot.class);
// DB objects
public static final String ADMINS = "ADMINS";
public static final String USERS = "USERS";
public static final String USER_ID = "USER_ID";
public static final String BLACKLIST = "BLACKLIST";
// Factory commands
protected static final String DEFAULT = "default";
protected static final String CLAIM = "claim";
protected static final String BAN = "ban";
protected static final String PROMOTE = "promote";
protected static final String DEMOTE = "demote";
protected static final String UNBAN = "unban";
protected static final String BACKUP = "backup";
protected static final String RECOVER = "recover";
protected static final String COMMANDS = "commands";
protected static final String REPORT = "report";
// DB and sender
protected final DBContext db;
protected MessageSender sender;
protected SilentSender silent;
// Bot token and username
private final String botToken;
private final String botUsername;
// Ability registry
private Map<String, Ability> abilities;
// Reply registry
private List<Reply> replies;
public abstract int creatorId();
protected BaseAbilityBot(String botToken, String botUsername, DBContext db, DefaultBotOptions botOptions) {
this.botToken = botToken;
this.botUsername = botUsername;
this.db = db;
this.sender = new DefaultSender(this);
silent = new SilentSender(sender);
* @return the map of <ID,User>
protected Map<Integer, User> users() {
return db.getMap(USERS);
* @return the map of <Username,ID>
protected Map<String, Integer> userIds() {
return db.getMap(USER_ID);
* @return a blacklist containing all the IDs of the banned users
protected Set<Integer> blacklist() {
return db.getSet(BLACKLIST);
* @return an admin set of all the IDs of bot administrators
protected Set<Integer> admins() {
return db.getSet(ADMINS);
* @return the immutable map of <String,Ability>
public Map<String, Ability> abilities() {
return abilities;
* @return the immutable list carrying the embedded replies
public List<Reply> replies() {
return replies;
* This method contains the stream of actions that are applied on any update.
* <p>
* It will correctly handle addition of users into the DB and the execution of abilities and replies.
* @param update the update received by Telegram's API
public void onUpdateReceived(Update update) {"[%s] New update [%s] received at %s", botUsername, update.getUpdateId(), now()));;
long millisStarted = System.currentTimeMillis();
long processingTime = System.currentTimeMillis() - millisStarted;"[%s] Processing of update [%s] ended at %s%n---> Processing time: [%d ms] <---%n", botUsername, update.getUpdateId(), now(), processingTime));
public String getBotToken() {
return botToken;
public String getBotUsername() {
return botUsername;
* Test the update against the provided global flags. The default implementation is a passthrough to all updates.
* <p>
* This method should be <b>overridden</b> if the user wants to restrict bot usage to only certain updates.
* @param update a Telegram {@link Update}
* @return <tt>true</tt> if the update satisfies the global flags
protected boolean checkGlobalFlags(Update update) {
return true;
* Gets the user with the specified username.
* @param username the username of the required user
* @return the user
protected User getUser(String username) {
Integer id = userIds().get(username.toLowerCase());
if (id == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException(format("Could not find ID corresponding to username [%s]", username));
return getUser(id);
* Gets the user with the specified ID.
* @param id the id of the required user
* @return the user
protected User getUser(int id) {
User user = users().get(id);
if (user == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException(format("Could not find user corresponding to id [%d]", id));
return user;
* Gets the user with the specified username. If user was not found, the bot will send a message on Telegram.
* @param username the username of the required user
* @param ctx the message context with the originating user
* @return the id of the user
protected int getUserIdSendError(String username, MessageContext ctx) {
try {
return getUser(username).getId();
} catch (IllegalStateException ex) {
silent.send(getLocalizedMessage(USER_NOT_FOUND, ctx.user().getLanguageCode(), username), ctx.chatId());
throw ex;
* <p>
* Format of the report:
* <p>
* [command1] - [description1]
* <p>
* [command2] - [description2]
* <p>
* ...
* <p>
* Once you invoke it, the bot will send the available commands to the chat. This is a public ability so anyone can invoke it.
* <p>
* Usage: <code>/commands</code>
* @return the ability to report commands defined by the child bot.
public Ability reportCommands() {
return builder()
.action(ctx -> {
String commands = abilities.values().stream()
.filter(ability -> nonNull(
.map(ability -> {
String name =;
String info =;
return format("%s - %s", name, info);
.reduce((a, b) -> format("%s%n%s", a, b))
.orElse(getLocalizedMessage(ABILITY_COMMANDS_NOT_FOUND, ctx.user().getLanguageCode()));
silent.send(commands, ctx.chatId());
* Default format:
* <p>
* <p>
* [command1] - [description1]
* <p>
* [command2] - [description2]
* <p>
* <p>
* [command1] - [description1]
* <p>
* ...
* @return the ability to print commands based on the privacy of the requesting user
public Ability commands() {
return builder()
.action(ctx -> {
Privacy privacy = getPrivacy(ctx.update(), ctx.user().getId());
ListMultimap<Privacy, String> abilitiesPerPrivacy = abilities.values().stream()
.map(ability -> {
String name =;
String info =;
if (!isEmpty(info))
return Pair.of(ability.privacy(), format("/%s - %s", name, info));
return Pair.of(ability.privacy(), format("/%s", name));
.collect(() -> hashKeys().arrayListValues().build(),
(map, pair) -> map.put(pair.a(), pair.b()),
String commands = abilitiesPerPrivacy.asMap().entrySet().stream()
.filter(entry -> privacy.compareTo(entry.getKey()) >= 0)
.map(entry ->
.reduce(entry.getKey().toString(), (a, b) -> format("%s\n%s", a, b))
if (commands.isEmpty())
commands = getLocalizedMessage(ABILITY_COMMANDS_NOT_FOUND, ctx.user().getLanguageCode());
silent.send(commands, ctx.chatId());
* This backup ability returns the object defined by {@link DBContext#backup()} as a message document.
* <p>
* This is a high-profile ability and is restricted to the CREATOR only.
* <p>
* Usage: <code>/backup</code>
* @return the ability to back-up the database of the bot
public Ability backupDB() {
return builder()
.action(ctx -> {
File backup = new File("backup.json");
try (PrintStream printStream = new PrintStream(backup)) {
sender.sendDocument(new SendDocument()
} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
log.error("Error while fetching backup", e);
} catch (TelegramApiException e) {
log.error("Error while sending document/backup file", e);
* Recovers the bot database using {@link DBContext#recover(Object)}.
* <p>
* The bot recovery process hugely depends on the implementation of the recovery method of {@link DBContext}.
* <p>
* Usage: <code>/recover</code>
* @return the ability to recover the database of the bot
public Ability recoverDB() {
return builder()
.action(ctx -> silent.forceReply(
getLocalizedMessage(ABILITY_RECOVER_MESSAGE, ctx.user().getLanguageCode()), ctx.chatId()))
.reply(update -> {
String replyToMsg = update.getMessage().getReplyToMessage().getText();
String recoverMessage = getLocalizedMessage(ABILITY_RECOVER_MESSAGE, AbilityUtils.getUser(update).getLanguageCode());
if (!replyToMsg.equals(recoverMessage))
String fileId = update.getMessage().getDocument().getFileId();
try (FileReader reader = new FileReader(downloadFileWithId(fileId))) {
String backupData = IOUtils.toString(reader);
if (db.recover(backupData)) {
} else {
} catch (Exception e) {
log.error("Could not recover DB from backup", e);
* Banned users are accumulated in the blacklist. Use {@link DBContext#getSet(String)} with name specified by {@link BaseAbilityBot#BLACKLIST}.
* <p>
* Usage: <code>/ban @username</code>
* <p>
* <u>Note that admins who try to ban the creator, get banned.</u>
* @return the ability to ban the user from any kind of <b>bot interaction</b>
public Ability banUser() {
return builder()
.action(ctx -> {
String username = stripTag(ctx.firstArg());
int userId = getUserIdSendError(username, ctx);
String bannedUser;
// Protection from abuse
if (userId == creatorId()) {
userId = ctx.user().getId();
bannedUser = isNullOrEmpty(ctx.user().getUserName()) ? addTag(ctx.user().getUserName()) : shortName(ctx.user());
} else {
bannedUser = addTag(username);
Set<Integer> blacklist = blacklist();
if (blacklist.contains(userId))
sendMd(ABILITY_BAN_FAIL, ctx, escape(bannedUser));
else {
sendMd(ABILITY_BAN_SUCCESS, ctx, escape(bannedUser));
* Usage: <code>/unban @username</code>
* @return the ability to unban a user
public Ability unbanUser() {
return builder()
.action(ctx -> {
String username = stripTag(ctx.firstArg());
Integer userId = getUserIdSendError(username, ctx);
Set<Integer> blacklist = blacklist();
if (!blacklist.remove(userId))
silent.sendMd(getLocalizedMessage(ABILITY_UNBAN_FAIL, ctx.user().getLanguageCode(), escape(username)), ctx.chatId());
else {
silent.sendMd(getLocalizedMessage(ABILITY_UNBAN_SUCCESS, ctx.user().getLanguageCode(), escape(username)), ctx.chatId());
* @return the ability to promote a user to a bot admin
public Ability promoteAdmin() {
return builder()
.action(ctx -> {
String username = stripTag(ctx.firstArg());
Integer userId = getUserIdSendError(username, ctx);
Set<Integer> admins = admins();
if (admins.contains(userId))
sendMd(ABILITY_PROMOTE_FAIL, ctx, escape(username));
else {
sendMd(ABILITY_PROMOTE_SUCCESS, ctx, escape(username));
* @return the ability to demote an admin to a user
public Ability demoteAdmin() {
return builder()
.action(ctx -> {
String username = stripTag(ctx.firstArg());
Integer userId = getUserIdSendError(username, ctx);
Set<Integer> admins = admins();
if (admins.remove(userId)) {
sendMd(ABILITY_DEMOTE_SUCCESS, ctx, escape(username));
} else {
sendMd(ABILITY_DEMOTE_FAIL, ctx, escape(username));
* Regular users and admins who try to claim the bot will get <b>banned</b>.
* @return the ability to claim yourself as the master and creator of the bot
public Ability claimCreator() {
return builder()
.action(ctx -> {
Set<Integer> admins = admins();
int id = creatorId();
if (admins.contains(id))
else {
private Optional<Message> send(String message, MessageContext ctx, String... args) {
return silent.send(getLocalizedMessage(message, ctx.user().getLanguageCode(), args), ctx.chatId());
private Optional<Message> sendMd(String message, MessageContext ctx, String... args) {
return silent.sendMd(getLocalizedMessage(message, ctx.user().getLanguageCode(), args), ctx.chatId());
private Optional<Message> send(String message, Update upd) {
Long chatId = upd.getMessage().getChatId();
return silent.send(getLocalizedMessage(message, AbilityUtils.getUser(upd).getLanguageCode()), chatId);
* Registers the declared abilities using method reflection. Also, replies are accumulated using the built abilities and standalone methods that return a Reply.
* <p>
* <b>Only abilities and replies with the <u>public</u> accessor are registered!</b>
private void registerAbilities() {
try {
// Collect all classes that implement AbilityExtension declared in the bot
List<AbilityExtension> extensions = stream(getClass().getMethods())
// Add the bot itself as it is an AbilityExtension
// Extract all abilities from every single extension instance
abilities =
.flatMap(ext -> stream(ext.getClass().getMethods())
// Abilities are immutable, build it respectively
.collect(ImmutableMap::<String, Ability>builder,
(b, a) -> b.put(, a),
(b1, b2) -> b1.putAll(
// Extract all replies from every single extension instance
Stream<Reply> extensionReplies =
.flatMap(ext -> stream(ext.getClass().getMethods())
// Replies can be standalone or attached to abilities, fetch those too
Stream<Reply> abilityReplies = abilities.values().stream()
.flatMap(ability -> ability.replies().stream());
// Now create the replies registry (list)
replies = Stream.concat(abilityReplies, extensionReplies).collect(
(b1, b2) -> b1.addAll(
} catch (IllegalStateException e) {
log.error("Duplicate names found while registering abilities. Make sure that the abilities declared don't clash with the reserved ones.", e);
throw new RuntimeException(e);
* @param clazz the type to be tested
* @return a predicate testing the return type of the method corresponding to the class parameter
private Predicate<Method> checkReturnType(Class<?> clazz) {
return method -> clazz.isAssignableFrom(method.getReturnType());
* Invokes the method and retrieves its return {@link Reply}.
* @param obj an bot or extension that this method is invoked with
* @return a {@link Function} which returns the {@link Reply} returned by the given method
private Function<? super Method, AbilityExtension> returnExtension(Object obj) {
return method -> {
try {
return (AbilityExtension) method.invoke(obj);
} catch (IllegalAccessException | InvocationTargetException e) {
log.error("Could not add ability extension", e);
throw new RuntimeException(e);
* Invokes the method and retrieves its return {@link Ability}.
* @param obj an bot or extension that this method is invoked with
* @return a {@link Function} which returns the {@link Ability} returned by the given method
private Function<? super Method, Ability> returnAbility(Object obj) {
return method -> {
try {
return (Ability) method.invoke(obj);
} catch (IllegalAccessException | InvocationTargetException e) {
log.error("Could not add ability", e);
throw new RuntimeException(e);
* Invokes the method and retrieves its return {@link Reply}.
* @param obj an bot or extension that this method is invoked with
* @return a {@link Function} which returns the {@link Reply} returned by the given method
private Function<? super Method, Reply> returnReply(Object obj) {
return method -> {
try {
return (Reply) method.invoke(obj);
} catch (IllegalAccessException | InvocationTargetException e) {
log.error("Could not add reply", e);
throw new RuntimeException(e);
private void postConsumption(Pair<MessageContext, Ability> pair) {
.ifPresent(consumer -> consumer.accept(pair.a()));
Pair<MessageContext, Ability> consumeUpdate(Pair<MessageContext, Ability> pair) {
return pair;
Pair<MessageContext, Ability> getContext(Trio<Update, Ability, String[]> trio) {
Update update = trio.a();
User user = AbilityUtils.getUser(update);
return Pair.of(newContext(update, user, getChatId(update), trio.c()), trio.b());
boolean checkBlacklist(Update update) {
Integer id = AbilityUtils.getUser(update).getId();
return id == creatorId() || !blacklist().contains(id);
boolean checkInput(Trio<Update, Ability, String[]> trio) {
String[] tokens = trio.c();
int abilityTokens = trio.b().tokens();
boolean isOk = abilityTokens == 0 || (tokens.length > 0 && tokens.length == abilityTokens);
if (!isOk)
abilityTokens, abilityTokens == 1 ? "input" : "inputs"),
return isOk;
boolean checkLocality(Trio<Update, Ability, String[]> trio) {
Update update = trio.a();
Locality locality = isUserMessage(update) ? USER : GROUP;
Locality abilityLocality = trio.b().locality();
boolean isOk = abilityLocality == ALL || locality == abilityLocality;
if (!isOk)
return isOk;
boolean checkPrivacy(Trio<Update, Ability, String[]> trio) {
Update update = trio.a();
User user = AbilityUtils.getUser(update);
Privacy privacy;
int id = user.getId();
privacy = getPrivacy(update, id);
boolean isOk = privacy.compareTo(trio.b().privacy()) >= 0;
if (!isOk)
return isOk;
private Privacy getPrivacy(Update update, int id) {
return isCreator(id) ?
CREATOR : isAdmin(id) ?
ADMIN : (isGroupUpdate(update) || isSuperGroupUpdate(update)) && isGroupAdmin(update, id) ?
private boolean isGroupAdmin(Update update, int id) {
GetChatAdministrators admins = new GetChatAdministrators().setChatId(getChatId(update));
return silent.execute(admins)
.orElse(new ArrayList<>()).stream()
.anyMatch(member -> member.getUser().getId() == id);
private boolean isCreator(int id) {
return id == creatorId();
private boolean isAdmin(Integer id) {
return admins().contains(id);
boolean validateAbility(Trio<Update, Ability, String[]> trio) {
return trio.b() != null;
Trio<Update, Ability, String[]> getAbility(Update update) {
// Handle updates without messages
// Passing through this function means that the global flags have passed
Message msg = update.getMessage();
if (!update.hasMessage() || !msg.hasText())
return Trio.of(update, abilities.get(DEFAULT), new String[]{});
String[] tokens = msg.getText().split(" ");
if (tokens[0].startsWith("/")) {
String abilityToken = stripBotUsername(tokens[0].substring(1)).toLowerCase();
Ability ability = abilities.get(abilityToken);
tokens = Arrays.copyOfRange(tokens, 1, tokens.length);
return Trio.of(update, ability, tokens);
} else {
Ability ability = abilities.get(DEFAULT);
return Trio.of(update, ability, tokens);
private String stripBotUsername(String token) {
return compile(format("@%s", botUsername), CASE_INSENSITIVE)
Update addUser(Update update) {
User endUser = AbilityUtils.getUser(update);
users().compute(endUser.getId(), (id, user) -> {
if (user == null) {
updateUserId(user, endUser);
return endUser;
if (!user.equals(endUser)) {
updateUserId(user, endUser);
return endUser;
return user;
return update;
private void updateUserId(User oldUser, User newUser) {
if (oldUser != null && oldUser.getUserName() != null) {
// Remove old username -> ID
if (newUser.getUserName() != null) {
// Add new mapping with the new username
userIds().put(newUser.getUserName().toLowerCase(), newUser.getId());
boolean filterReply(Update update) {
.filter(reply -> reply.isOkFor(update))
.map(reply -> {
return false;
.reduce(true, Boolean::logicalAnd);
boolean checkMessageFlags(Trio<Update, Ability, String[]> trio) {
Ability ability = trio.b();
Update update = trio.a();
// The following variable is required to avoid bug #JDK-8044546
BiFunction<Boolean, Predicate<Update>, Boolean> flagAnd = (flag, nextFlag) -> flag && nextFlag.test(update);
return ability.flags().stream()
.reduce(true, flagAnd, Boolean::logicalAnd);
private File downloadFileWithId(String fileId) throws TelegramApiException {
return sender.downloadFile(sender.execute(new GetFile().setFileId(fileId)));
private String escape(String username) {
return username.replace("_", "\\_");