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package ar.com.hjg.pngj.pixels;
import java.nio.ByteOrder;
2018-08-28 02:39:41 +02:00
* This estimator actually uses the LZ4 compression algorithm, and hopes that
* it's well correlated with Deflater. It's
* about 3 to 4 times faster than Deflater.
2018-08-28 02:39:41 +02:00
* This is a modified heavily trimmed version of the
* net.jpountz.lz4.LZ4JavaSafeCompressor class plus some methods from
* other classes from LZ4 Java library: https://github.com/jpountz/lz4-java ,
* originally licensed under the Apache
* License 2.0
final public class DeflaterEstimatorLz4 {
2018-08-28 02:39:41 +02:00
* This object is stateless, it's thread safe and can be reused
public DeflaterEstimatorLz4() {}
* Estimates the length of the compressed bytes, as compressed by Lz4
* WARNING: if larger than LZ4_64K_LIMIT it cuts it
* in fragments
* WARNING: if some part of the input is discarded, this should return the
* proportional (so that
* returnValue/srcLen=compressionRatio)
* @param src
* @param srcOff
* @param srcLen
* @return length of the compressed bytes
public int compressEstim(byte[] src, int srcOff, final int srcLen) {
if (srcLen < 10)
return srcLen; // too small
int stride = LZ4_64K_LIMIT - 1;
int segments = (srcLen + stride - 1) / stride;
stride = srcLen / segments;
if (stride >= LZ4_64K_LIMIT - 1 || stride * segments > srcLen || segments < 1 || stride < 1)
throw new RuntimeException("?? " + srcLen);
int bytesIn = 0;
int bytesOut = 0;
int len = srcLen;
while (len > 0) {
if (len > stride)
len = stride;
bytesOut += compress64k(src, srcOff, len);
srcOff += len;
bytesIn += len;
len = srcLen - bytesIn;
double ratio = bytesOut / (double) bytesIn;
return bytesIn == srcLen ? bytesOut : (int) (ratio * srcLen + 0.5);
public int compressEstim(byte[] src) {
return compressEstim(src, 0, src.length);
static final ByteOrder NATIVE_BYTE_ORDER = ByteOrder.nativeOrder();
static final int MEMORY_USAGE = 14;
static final int MIN_MATCH = 4;
static final int HASH_LOG = MEMORY_USAGE - 2;
static final int HASH_TABLE_SIZE = 1 << HASH_LOG;
static final int COPY_LENGTH = 8;
static final int LAST_LITERALS = 5;
static final int MF_LIMIT = COPY_LENGTH + MIN_MATCH;
static final int MIN_LENGTH = MF_LIMIT + 1;
static final int MAX_DISTANCE = 1 << 16;
static final int ML_BITS = 4;
static final int ML_MASK = (1 << ML_BITS) - 1;
static final int RUN_BITS = 8 - ML_BITS;
static final int RUN_MASK = (1 << RUN_BITS) - 1;
static final int LZ4_64K_LIMIT = (1 << 16) + (MF_LIMIT - 1);
static final int HASH_LOG_64K = HASH_LOG + 1;
static final int HASH_TABLE_SIZE_64K = 1 << HASH_LOG_64K;
static final int HASH_LOG_HC = 15;
static final int HASH_TABLE_SIZE_HC = 1 << HASH_LOG_HC;
static final int OPTIMAL_ML = ML_MASK - 1 + MIN_MATCH;
static int compress64k(byte[] src, int srcOff, int srcLen) {
final int srcEnd = srcOff + srcLen;
final int srcLimit = srcEnd - LAST_LITERALS;
final int mflimit = srcEnd - MF_LIMIT;
int sOff = srcOff, dOff = 0;
int anchor = sOff;
if (srcLen >= MIN_LENGTH) {
final short[] hashTable = new short[HASH_TABLE_SIZE_64K];
main: while (true) {
// find a match
int forwardOff = sOff;
int ref;
int findMatchAttempts = (1 << SKIP_STRENGTH) + 3;
do {
sOff = forwardOff;
forwardOff += findMatchAttempts++ >>> SKIP_STRENGTH;
if (forwardOff > mflimit) {
break main;
final int h = hash64k(readInt(src, sOff));
ref = srcOff + readShort(hashTable, h);
writeShort(hashTable, h, sOff - srcOff);
} while (!readIntEquals(src, ref, sOff));
// catch up
final int excess = commonBytesBackward(src, ref, sOff, srcOff, anchor);
sOff -= excess;
ref -= excess;
// sequence == refsequence
final int runLen = sOff - anchor;
if (runLen >= RUN_MASK) {
if (runLen > RUN_MASK)
dOff += (runLen - RUN_MASK) / 0xFF;
dOff += runLen;
while (true) {
// encode offset
dOff += 2;
// count nb matches
sOff += MIN_MATCH;
ref += MIN_MATCH;
final int matchLen = commonBytes(src, ref, sOff, srcLimit);
sOff += matchLen;
// encode match len
if (matchLen >= ML_MASK) {
if (matchLen >= ML_MASK + 0xFF)
dOff += (matchLen - ML_MASK) / 0xFF;
// test end of chunk
if (sOff > mflimit) {
anchor = sOff;
break main;
// fill table
writeShort(hashTable, hash64k(readInt(src, sOff - 2)), sOff - 2 - srcOff);
// test next position
final int h = hash64k(readInt(src, sOff));
ref = srcOff + readShort(hashTable, h);
writeShort(hashTable, h, sOff - srcOff);
if (!readIntEquals(src, sOff, ref)) {
// prepare next loop
anchor = sOff++;
int runLen = srcEnd - anchor;
if (runLen >= RUN_MASK + 0xFF) {
dOff += (runLen - RUN_MASK) / 0xFF;
dOff += runLen;
return dOff;
static final int maxCompressedLength(int length) {
if (length < 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("length must be >= 0, got " + length);
return length + length / 255 + 16;
static int hash(int i) {
return (i * -1640531535) >>> ((MIN_MATCH * 8) - HASH_LOG);
static int hash64k(int i) {
return (i * -1640531535) >>> ((MIN_MATCH * 8) - HASH_LOG_64K);
static int readShortLittleEndian(byte[] buf, int i) {
return (buf[i] & 0xFF) | ((buf[i + 1] & 0xFF) << 8);
static boolean readIntEquals(byte[] buf, int i, int j) {
return buf[i] == buf[j] && buf[i + 1] == buf[j + 1] && buf[i + 2] == buf[j + 2] && buf[i + 3] == buf[j + 3];
static int commonBytes(byte[] b, int o1, int o2, int limit) {
int count = 0;
while (o2 < limit && b[o1++] == b[o2++]) {
return count;
static int commonBytesBackward(byte[] b, int o1, int o2, int l1, int l2) {
int count = 0;
while (o1 > l1 && o2 > l2 && b[--o1] == b[--o2]) {
return count;
static int readShort(short[] buf, int off) {
return buf[off] & 0xFFFF;
static byte readByte(byte[] buf, int i) {
return buf[i];
static void checkRange(byte[] buf, int off) {
if (off < 0 || off >= buf.length) {
throw new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException(off);
static void checkRange(byte[] buf, int off, int len) {
if (len > 0) {
checkRange(buf, off);
checkRange(buf, off + len - 1);
static void checkLength(int len) {
if (len < 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("lengths must be >= 0");
static int readIntBE(byte[] buf, int i) {
return ((buf[i] & 0xFF) << 24) | ((buf[i + 1] & 0xFF) << 16) | ((buf[i + 2] & 0xFF) << 8) | (buf[i + 3] & 0xFF);
static int readIntLE(byte[] buf, int i) {
return (buf[i] & 0xFF) | ((buf[i + 1] & 0xFF) << 8) | ((buf[i + 2] & 0xFF) << 16) | ((buf[i + 3] & 0xFF) << 24);
static int readInt(byte[] buf, int i) {
return readIntBE(buf, i);
} else {
return readIntLE(buf, i);
static void writeShort(short[] buf, int off, int v) {
buf[off] = (short) v;