Implement and test Parser (with temporary error handling)
This commit is contained in:
@ -0,0 +1,262 @@
package it.cavallium.warppi.math.rules.dsl.frontend;
import it.cavallium.warppi.math.MathematicalSymbols;
import it.cavallium.warppi.math.rules.RuleType;
import it.cavallium.warppi.math.rules.dsl.Pattern;
import it.cavallium.warppi.math.rules.dsl.PatternRule;
import it.cavallium.warppi.math.rules.dsl.patterns.*;
import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.function.BiFunction;
import java.util.function.Function;
import java.util.function.Supplier;
import static it.cavallium.warppi.math.rules.dsl.frontend.TokenType.*;
* Converts a list of tokens to a list of <code>PatternRule</code>s.
public class Parser {
private final List<Token> tokens;
private int current = 0;
public Parser(List<Token> tokens) {
this.tokens = tokens;
public List<PatternRule> parse() {
return rules();
// rules = { rule } , EOF ;
private List<PatternRule> rules() {
List<PatternRule> rules = new ArrayList<>();
while (!atEnd()) {
return rules;
// rule = rule header , rule body ;
// rule header = rule type , IDENTIFIER , COLON ;
// rule body = pattern , ARROW , replacements ;
private PatternRule rule() {
RuleType type = ruleType();
String name = matchOrFail(IDENTIFIER).lexeme;
Pattern target = pattern();
List<Pattern> replacements = replacements();
return new PatternRule(name, type, target, replacements);
private RuleType ruleType() {
switch (pop().type) {
return RuleType.REDUCTION;
return RuleType.EXPANSION;
return RuleType.CALCULATION;
return RuleType.EXISTENCE;
throw new RuntimeException("Expected rule type");
// pattern = equation ;
private Pattern pattern() {
return equation();
// replacements = pattern
// | LEFT_BRACKET , patterns , RIGHT_BRACKET ;
// patterns = [ pattern , { COMMA , pattern } , [ COMMA ] ] ;
private List<Pattern> replacements() {
if (match(LEFT_BRACKET) == null) {
return Collections.singletonList(pattern());
if (match(RIGHT_BRACKET) != null) {
return Collections.emptyList();
} else {
List<Pattern> pats = new ArrayList<>();
do {
} while (match(COMMA) != null && peek().type != RIGHT_BRACKET);
return pats;
// equation = sum , [ EQUALS , sum ] ;
private Pattern equation() {
Pattern pat = sum();
if (match(EQUALS) != null) {
pat = new EquationPattern(pat, sum());
return pat;
// sum = product , { ( PLUS | MINUS | PLUS_MINUS ) product } ;
private Pattern sum() {
return matchLeftAssoc(this::product, Map.ofEntries(
Map.entry(PLUS, SumPattern::new),
Map.entry(MINUS, SubtractionPattern::new),
Map.entry(PLUS_MINUS, SumSubtractionPattern::new)
// product = unary , { ( TIMES | DIVIDE ) unary } ;
private Pattern product() {
return matchLeftAssoc(this::unary, Map.ofEntries(
Map.entry(TIMES, MultiplicationPattern::new),
Map.entry(DIVIDE, DivisionPattern::new)
// unary = ( PLUS | MINUS ) unary
// | power ;
private Pattern unary() {
if (match(PLUS) != null) {
return unary();
} else if (match(MINUS) != null) {
return new NegativePattern(unary());
} else {
return power();
// power = ( function | primary ) , [ POWER , power ] ;
private Pattern power() {
Pattern pat = functionOrPrimary();
if (match(POWER) != null) {
pat = new PowerPattern(pat, power());
return pat;
private Pattern functionOrPrimary() {
Pattern function = tryFunction();
return function != null ? function : primary();
// function = ( ARCCOS | ARCSIN | ARCTAN | COS | SIN | SQRT | TAN ) , LEFT_PAREN , sum , RIGHT_PAREN
// | ( LOG | ROOT ) LEFT_PAREN , sum , COMMA , sum , RIGHT_PAREN ;
private Pattern tryFunction() {
final Map<TokenType, Function<Pattern, Pattern>> oneArg = Map.ofEntries(
Map.entry(ARCCOS, ArcCosinePattern::new),
Map.entry(ARCSIN, ArcSinePattern::new),
Map.entry(ARCTAN, ArcTangentPattern::new),
Map.entry(COS, CosinePattern::new),
Map.entry(SIN, SinePattern::new),
Map.entry(SQRT, arg -> new RootPattern(new NumberPattern(new BigDecimal(2)), arg)),
Map.entry(TAN, TangentPattern::new)
final Map<TokenType, BiFunction<Pattern, Pattern, Pattern>> twoArg = Map.ofEntries(
Map.entry(LOG, LogarithmPattern::new),
Map.entry(ROOT, RootPattern::new)
final TokenType curType = peek().type;
if (oneArg.containsKey(curType)) {
return oneArgFunction(oneArg.get(curType));
} else if (twoArg.containsKey(curType)) {
return twoArgFunction(twoArg.get(curType));
return null;
private Pattern oneArgFunction(final Function<Pattern, Pattern> constructor) {
final Pattern arg = pattern();
return constructor.apply(arg);
private Pattern twoArgFunction(final BiFunction<Pattern, Pattern, Pattern> constructor) {
final Pattern firstArg = pattern();
final Pattern secondArg = pattern();
return constructor.apply(firstArg, secondArg);
// primary = NUMBER | constant | IDENTIFIER | UNDEFINED
// constant = PI | E ;
private Pattern primary() {
Token curToken = pop();
switch (curToken.type) {
case PI:
return new ConstantPattern(MathematicalSymbols.PI);
case E:
return new ConstantPattern(MathematicalSymbols.EULER_NUMBER);
return new UndefinedPattern();
case NUMBER:
return new NumberPattern(new BigDecimal(curToken.lexeme));
return new SubFunctionPattern(curToken.lexeme);
final Pattern grouped = sum();
return grouped;
throw new RuntimeException("Unexpected " + curToken);
private Pattern matchLeftAssoc(
final Supplier<Pattern> operandParser,
final Map<TokenType, BiFunction<Pattern, Pattern, Pattern>> operators
) {
Pattern pat = operandParser.get();
while (operators.containsKey(peek().type)) {
final Token operatorToken = pop();
final BiFunction<Pattern, Pattern, Pattern> constructor = operators.get(operatorToken.type);
pat = constructor.apply(pat, operandParser.get());
return pat;
private Token matchOrFail(final TokenType expectedType) {
final Token matched = match(expectedType);
if (matched == null) {
throw new RuntimeException("Expected " + expectedType);
return matched;
private Token match(final TokenType expectedType) {
final Token curToken = tokens.get(current);
if (curToken.type == expectedType) {
return curToken;
} else {
return null;
private Token pop() {
final Token curToken = tokens.get(current);
return curToken;
private Token peek() {
return tokens.get(current);
private boolean atEnd() {
return tokens.get(current).type == EOF;
@ -0,0 +1,500 @@
package it.cavallium.warppi.math.rules.dsl.frontend;
import it.cavallium.warppi.math.MathematicalSymbols;
import it.cavallium.warppi.math.rules.RuleType;
import it.cavallium.warppi.math.rules.dsl.Pattern;
import it.cavallium.warppi.math.rules.dsl.PatternRule;
import it.cavallium.warppi.math.rules.dsl.patterns.*;
import org.junit.Test;
import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import static it.cavallium.warppi.math.rules.dsl.frontend.TokenType.*;
import static org.junit.Assert.*;
public class ParserTest {
public void noRules() {
final List<Token> tokens = Collections.singletonList(
new Token(EOF, "", 0)
final Parser parser = new Parser(tokens);
assertEquals(Collections.emptyList(), parser.parse());
public void validRuleMultipleReplacements() {
final List<Token> tokens = Arrays.asList(
new Token(REDUCTION, "reduction", 0),
new Token(IDENTIFIER, "TestRule_123", 10),
new Token(COLON, ":", 22),
new Token(IDENTIFIER, "x", 26),
new Token(PLUS, "+", 28),
new Token(IDENTIFIER, "y", 30),
new Token(TIMES, "*", 32),
new Token(IDENTIFIER, "z", 34),
new Token(EQUALS, "=", 36),
new Token(MINUS, "-", 38),
new Token(LEFT_PAREN, "(", 39),
new Token(IDENTIFIER, "a_123", 40),
new Token(PLUS_MINUS, "+-", 46),
new Token(NUMBER, "3", 49),
new Token(DIVIDE, "/", 51),
new Token(NUMBER, "2.2", 53),
new Token(RIGHT_PAREN, ")", 56),
new Token(ARROW, "->", 58),
new Token(LEFT_BRACKET, "[", 61),
new Token(IDENTIFIER, "x", 67),
new Token(POWER, "^", 68),
new Token(IDENTIFIER, "a_123", 69),
new Token(EQUALS, "=", 75),
new Token(COS, "cos", 77),
new Token(LEFT_PAREN, "(", 80),
new Token(PI, "pi", 81),
new Token(RIGHT_PAREN, ")", 83),
new Token(MINUS, "-", 85),
new Token(LOG, "log", 87),
new Token(LEFT_PAREN, "(", 90),
new Token(E, "e", 91),
new Token(COMMA, ",", 92),
new Token(E, "e", 94),
new Token(RIGHT_PAREN, ")", 95),
new Token(COMMA, ",", 96),
new Token(UNDEFINED, "undefined", 113),
new Token(COMMA, ",", 122),
new Token(RIGHT_BRACKET, "]", 138),
new Token(EOF, "", 140)
final Parser parser = new Parser(tokens);
// x + y * z = -(a_123 +- 3 / 2.2)
final Pattern target = new EquationPattern(
new SumPattern(
new SubFunctionPattern("x"),
new MultiplicationPattern(
new SubFunctionPattern("y"),
new SubFunctionPattern("z")
new NegativePattern(new SumSubtractionPattern(
new SubFunctionPattern("a_123"),
new DivisionPattern(
new NumberPattern(new BigDecimal(3)),
new NumberPattern(new BigDecimal("2.2"))
// x^a_123 = cos(pi) - log(e, e)
final Pattern replacement1 = new EquationPattern(
new PowerPattern(
new SubFunctionPattern("x"),
new SubFunctionPattern("a_123")
new SubtractionPattern(
new CosinePattern(new ConstantPattern(MathematicalSymbols.PI)),
new LogarithmPattern(
new ConstantPattern(MathematicalSymbols.EULER_NUMBER),
new ConstantPattern(MathematicalSymbols.EULER_NUMBER)
final Pattern replacement2 = new UndefinedPattern();
final List<PatternRule> expected = Collections.singletonList(new PatternRule(
assertEquals(expected, parser.parse());
public void validRuleNoReplacements() {
final List<Token> tokens = Arrays.asList(
new Token(EXISTENCE, "existence", 0),
new Token(IDENTIFIER, "test", 0),
new Token(COLON, ":", 0),
new Token(IDENTIFIER, "x", 0),
new Token(PLUS, "+", 0),
new Token(IDENTIFIER, "y", 0),
new Token(ARROW, "->", 0),
new Token(LEFT_BRACKET, "[", 0),
new Token(RIGHT_BRACKET, "]", 0),
new Token(EOF, "", 0)
final Parser parser = new Parser(tokens);
final List<PatternRule> expected = Collections.singletonList(new PatternRule(
new SumPattern(
new SubFunctionPattern("x"),
new SubFunctionPattern("y")
assertEquals(expected, parser.parse());
public void validRuleOneReplacement() {
final List<Token> tokens = Arrays.asList(
new Token(REDUCTION, "reduction", 0),
new Token(IDENTIFIER, "test", 0),
new Token(COLON, ":", 0),
new Token(MINUS, "-", 0),
new Token(IDENTIFIER, "x", 0),
new Token(TIMES, "*", 0),
new Token(IDENTIFIER, "x", 0),
new Token(ARROW, "->", 0),
new Token(MINUS, "-", 0),
new Token(IDENTIFIER, "x", 0),
new Token(POWER, "^", 0),
new Token(NUMBER, "2", 0),
new Token(EOF, "", 0)
final Parser parser = new Parser(tokens);
final List<PatternRule> expected = Collections.singletonList(new PatternRule(
new MultiplicationPattern(
new NegativePattern(new SubFunctionPattern("x")),
new SubFunctionPattern("x")
new NegativePattern(new PowerPattern(
new SubFunctionPattern("x"),
new NumberPattern(new BigDecimal(2))
assertEquals(expected, parser.parse());
public void validRuleOneReplacementBrackets() {
final List<Token> tokens = Arrays.asList(
new Token(REDUCTION, "reduction", 0),
new Token(IDENTIFIER, "test", 0),
new Token(COLON, ":", 0),
new Token(IDENTIFIER, "x", 0),
new Token(TIMES, "*", 0),
new Token(IDENTIFIER, "x", 0),
new Token(ARROW, "->", 0),
new Token(LEFT_BRACKET, "[", 0),
new Token(IDENTIFIER, "x", 0),
new Token(POWER, "^", 0),
new Token(NUMBER, "2", 0),
new Token(RIGHT_BRACKET, "]", 0),
new Token(EOF, "", 0)
final Parser parser = new Parser(tokens);
final List<PatternRule> expected = Collections.singletonList(new PatternRule(
new MultiplicationPattern(
new SubFunctionPattern("x"),
new SubFunctionPattern("x")
new PowerPattern(
new SubFunctionPattern("x"),
new NumberPattern(new BigDecimal(2))
assertEquals(expected, parser.parse());
public void multipleValidRules() {
final List<Token> tokens = Arrays.asList(
new Token(REDUCTION, "reduction", 0),
new Token(IDENTIFIER, "test1", 0),
new Token(COLON, ":", 0),
new Token(PLUS, "+", 0),
new Token(IDENTIFIER, "x", 0),
new Token(ARROW, "->", 0),
new Token(IDENTIFIER, "x", 0),
new Token(EXPANSION, "expansion", 0),
new Token(IDENTIFIER, "test2", 0),
new Token(COLON, ":", 0),
new Token(IDENTIFIER, "x", 0),
new Token(ARROW, "->", 0),
new Token(MINUS, "-", 0),
new Token(MINUS, "-", 0),
new Token(IDENTIFIER, "x", 0),
new Token(CALCULATION, "calculation", 0),
new Token(IDENTIFIER, "test3", 0),
new Token(COLON, ":", 0),
new Token(NUMBER, "1", 0),
new Token(PLUS, "+", 0),
new Token(NUMBER, "1", 0),
new Token(ARROW, "->", 0),
new Token(NUMBER, "2", 0),
new Token(EOF, "", 0)
final Parser parser = new Parser(tokens);
final List<PatternRule> expected = Arrays.asList(
new PatternRule(
new SubFunctionPattern("x"),
new SubFunctionPattern("x")
new PatternRule(
new SubFunctionPattern("x"),
new NegativePattern(new NegativePattern(new SubFunctionPattern("x")))
new PatternRule(
new SumPattern(
new NumberPattern(new BigDecimal(1)),
new NumberPattern(new BigDecimal(1))
new NumberPattern(new BigDecimal(2))
assertEquals(expected, parser.parse());
// The EOF token is inserted by the lexer, therefore it can only be missing
// in case of programming errors, and not directly because of user input.
@Test(expected = RuntimeException.class)
public void missingEof() {
final List<Token> tokens = Arrays.asList(
new Token(EXISTENCE, "existence", 0),
new Token(IDENTIFIER, "test", 0),
new Token(COLON, ":", 0),
new Token(IDENTIFIER, "x", 0),
new Token(PLUS, "+", 0),
new Token(IDENTIFIER, "y", 0),
new Token(ARROW, "->", 0),
new Token(LEFT_BRACKET, "[", 0),
new Token(RIGHT_BRACKET, "]", 0)
final Parser parser = new Parser(tokens);
@Test(expected = RuntimeException.class)
public void incompleteRule() {
final List<Token> tokens = Arrays.asList(
new Token(EXISTENCE, "existence", 0),
new Token(IDENTIFIER, "test", 0),
new Token(COLON, ":", 0),
new Token(IDENTIFIER, "x", 0),
new Token(PLUS, "+", 0),
new Token(IDENTIFIER, "y", 0),
new Token(ARROW, "->", 0),
new Token(EOF, "", 0)
final Parser parser = new Parser(tokens);
@Test(expected = RuntimeException.class)
public void missingRuleType() {
final List<Token> tokens = Arrays.asList(
new Token(IDENTIFIER, "test", 0),
new Token(EOF, "", 0)
final Parser parser = new Parser(tokens);
@Test(expected = RuntimeException.class)
public void unexpectedTokenPrimary() {
final List<Token> tokens = Arrays.asList(
new Token(EXISTENCE, "existence", 0),
new Token(IDENTIFIER, "test", 0),
new Token(COLON, ":", 0),
new Token(IDENTIFIER, "x", 0),
new Token(PLUS, "+", 0),
new Token(CALCULATION, "calculation", 0),
new Token(ARROW, "->", 0),
new Token(LEFT_BRACKET, "[", 0),
new Token(RIGHT_BRACKET, "]", 0),
new Token(EOF, "", 0)
final Parser parser = new Parser(tokens);
@Test(expected = RuntimeException.class)
public void missingRuleName() {
final List<Token> tokens = Arrays.asList(
new Token(REDUCTION, "reduction", 0),
new Token(COLON, ":", 0),
new Token(EOF, "", 0)
final Parser parser = new Parser(tokens);
@Test(expected = RuntimeException.class)
public void missingColon() {
final List<Token> tokens = Arrays.asList(
new Token(REDUCTION, "reduction", 0),
new Token(IDENTIFIER, "test", 0),
new Token(IDENTIFIER, "x", 0),
new Token(ARROW, "->", 0),
new Token(IDENTIFIER, "x", 0),
new Token(EOF, "", 0)
final Parser parser = new Parser(tokens);
@Test(expected = RuntimeException.class)
public void missingArrow() {
final List<Token> tokens = Arrays.asList(
new Token(REDUCTION, "reduction", 0),
new Token(IDENTIFIER, "test", 0),
new Token(COLON, ":", 0),
new Token(IDENTIFIER, "x", 0),
new Token(IDENTIFIER, "x", 0),
new Token(EOF, "", 0)
final Parser parser = new Parser(tokens);
@Test(expected = RuntimeException.class)
public void missingRightBracket() {
final List<Token> tokens = Arrays.asList(
new Token(REDUCTION, "reduction", 0),
new Token(IDENTIFIER, "test", 0),
new Token(COLON, ":", 0),
new Token(IDENTIFIER, "x", 0),
new Token(ARROW, "->", 0),
new Token(LEFT_BRACKET, "[", 0),
new Token(IDENTIFIER, "x", 0),
new Token(EOF, "", 0)
final Parser parser = new Parser(tokens);
@Test(expected = RuntimeException.class)
public void missingOneArgFunctionLeftParen() {
final List<Token> tokens = Arrays.asList(
new Token(EXISTENCE, "existence", 0),
new Token(IDENTIFIER, "test", 0),
new Token(COLON, ":", 0),
new Token(SIN, "sin", 0),
new Token(IDENTIFIER, "x", 0),
new Token(RIGHT_PAREN, ")", 0),
new Token(ARROW, "->", 0),
new Token(LEFT_BRACKET, "[", 0),
new Token(RIGHT_BRACKET, "]", 0),
new Token(EOF, "", 0)
final Parser parser = new Parser(tokens);
@Test(expected = RuntimeException.class)
public void missingOneArgFunctionRightParen() {
final List<Token> tokens = Arrays.asList(
new Token(EXISTENCE, "existence", 0),
new Token(IDENTIFIER, "test", 0),
new Token(COLON, ":", 0),
new Token(SIN, "sin", 0),
new Token(LEFT_PAREN, "(", 0),
new Token(IDENTIFIER, "x", 0),
new Token(ARROW, "->", 0),
new Token(LEFT_BRACKET, "[", 0),
new Token(RIGHT_BRACKET, "]", 0),
new Token(EOF, "", 0)
final Parser parser = new Parser(tokens);
@Test(expected = RuntimeException.class)
public void missingTwoArgFunctionLeftParen() {
final List<Token> tokens = Arrays.asList(
new Token(EXISTENCE, "existence", 0),
new Token(IDENTIFIER, "test", 0),
new Token(COLON, ":", 0),
new Token(LOG, "log", 0),
new Token(IDENTIFIER, "x", 0),
new Token(COMMA, ",", 0),
new Token(IDENTIFIER, "y", 0),
new Token(RIGHT_PAREN, ")", 0),
new Token(ARROW, "->", 0),
new Token(LEFT_BRACKET, "[", 0),
new Token(RIGHT_BRACKET, "]", 0),
new Token(EOF, "", 0)
final Parser parser = new Parser(tokens);
@Test(expected = RuntimeException.class)
public void missingTwoArgFunctionComma() {
final List<Token> tokens = Arrays.asList(
new Token(EXISTENCE, "existence", 0),
new Token(IDENTIFIER, "test", 0),
new Token(COLON, ":", 0),
new Token(LOG, "log", 0),
new Token(LEFT_PAREN, "(", 0),
new Token(IDENTIFIER, "x", 0),
new Token(IDENTIFIER, "y", 0),
new Token(RIGHT_PAREN, ")", 0),
new Token(ARROW, "->", 0),
new Token(LEFT_BRACKET, "[", 0),
new Token(RIGHT_BRACKET, "]", 0),
new Token(EOF, "", 0)
final Parser parser = new Parser(tokens);
@Test(expected = RuntimeException.class)
public void missingTwoArgFunctionRightParen() {
final List<Token> tokens = Arrays.asList(
new Token(EXISTENCE, "existence", 0),
new Token(IDENTIFIER, "test", 0),
new Token(COLON, ":", 0),
new Token(LOG, "log", 0),
new Token(LEFT_PAREN, "(", 0),
new Token(IDENTIFIER, "x", 0),
new Token(COMMA, ",", 0),
new Token(IDENTIFIER, "y", 0),
new Token(ARROW, "->", 0),
new Token(LEFT_BRACKET, "[", 0),
new Token(RIGHT_BRACKET, "]", 0),
new Token(EOF, "", 0)
final Parser parser = new Parser(tokens);
@Test(expected = RuntimeException.class)
public void missingExpressionRightParen() {
final List<Token> tokens = Arrays.asList(
new Token(EXISTENCE, "existence", 0),
new Token(IDENTIFIER, "test", 0),
new Token(COLON, ":", 0),
new Token(LEFT_PAREN, "(", 0),
new Token(IDENTIFIER, "x", 0),
new Token(ARROW, "->", 0),
new Token(LEFT_BRACKET, "[", 0),
new Token(RIGHT_BRACKET, "]", 0),
new Token(EOF, "", 0)
final Parser parser = new Parser(tokens);
Reference in New Issue
Block a user