package; import java.util.Arrays; import; import; import; import; /** for use in adaptative strategy */ public class FiltersPerformance { private final ImageInfo iminfo; private double memoryA = 0.7; // empirical (not very critical: 0.72) private int lastrow = -1; private double[] absum = new double[5];// depending on the strategy not all values might be // computed for all private double[] entropy = new double[5]; private double[] cost = new double[5]; private int[] histog = new int[256]; // temporary, not normalized private int lastprefered = -1; private boolean initdone = false; private double preferenceForNone = 1.0; // higher gives more preference to NONE // this values are empirical (montecarlo), for RGB8 images with entropy estimator for NONE and // memory=0.7 // DONT MODIFY THIS public static final double[] FILTER_WEIGHTS_DEFAULT = { 0.73, 1.03, 0.97, 1.11, 1.22 }; // lower is // better! private double[] filter_weights = new double[] { -1, -1, -1, -1, -1 }; private final static double LOG2NI = -1.0 / Math.log(2.0); public FiltersPerformance(ImageInfo imgInfo) { this.iminfo = imgInfo; } private void init() { if (filter_weights[0] < 0) {// has not been set from outside System.arraycopy(FILTER_WEIGHTS_DEFAULT, 0, filter_weights, 0, 5); double wNone = filter_weights[0]; if (iminfo.bitDepth == 16) wNone = 1.2; else if (iminfo.alpha) wNone = 0.8; else if (iminfo.indexed || iminfo.bitDepth < 8) wNone = 0.4; // we prefer NONE strongly wNone /= preferenceForNone; filter_weights[0] = wNone; } Arrays.fill(cost, 1.0); initdone = true; } public void updateFromFiltered(FilterType ftype, byte[] rowff, int rown) { updateFromRawOrFiltered(ftype, rowff, null, null, rown); } /** alternative: computes statistic without filtering */ public void updateFromRaw(FilterType ftype, byte[] rowb, byte[] rowbprev, int rown) { updateFromRawOrFiltered(ftype, null, rowb, rowbprev, rown); } private void updateFromRawOrFiltered(FilterType ftype, byte[] rowff, byte[] rowb, byte[] rowbprev, int rown) { if (!initdone) init(); if (rown != lastrow) { Arrays.fill(absum, Double.NaN); Arrays.fill(entropy, Double.NaN); } lastrow = rown; if (rowff != null) computeHistogram(rowff); else computeHistogramForFilter(ftype, rowb, rowbprev); if (ftype == FilterType.FILTER_NONE) entropy[ftype.val] = computeEntropyFromHistogram(); else absum[ftype.val] = computeAbsFromHistogram(); } /* WARNING: this is not idempotent, call it just once per cycle (sigh) */ public FilterType getPreferred() { int fi = 0; double vali = Double.MAX_VALUE, val = 0; // lower wins for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { if (!Double.isNaN(absum[i])) { val = absum[i]; } else if (!Double.isNaN(entropy[i])) { val = (Math.pow(2.0, entropy[i]) - 1.0) * 0.5; } else continue; val *= filter_weights[i]; val = cost[i] * memoryA + (1 - memoryA) * val; cost[i] = val; if (val < vali) { vali = val; fi = i; } } lastprefered = fi; return FilterType.getByVal(lastprefered); } public final void computeHistogramForFilter(FilterType filterType, byte[] rowb, byte[] rowbprev) { Arrays.fill(histog, 0); int i, j, imax = iminfo.bytesPerRow; switch (filterType) { case FILTER_NONE: for (i = 1; i <= imax; i++) histog[rowb[i] & 0xFF]++; break; case FILTER_PAETH: for (i = 1; i <= imax; i++) histog[PngHelperInternal.filterRowPaeth(rowb[i], 0, rowbprev[i] & 0xFF, 0)]++; for (j = 1, i = iminfo.bytesPixel + 1; i <= imax; i++, j++) histog[PngHelperInternal.filterRowPaeth(rowb[i], rowb[j] & 0xFF, rowbprev[i] & 0xFF, rowbprev[j] & 0xFF)]++; break; case FILTER_SUB: for (i = 1; i <= iminfo.bytesPixel; i++) histog[rowb[i] & 0xFF]++; for (j = 1, i = iminfo.bytesPixel + 1; i <= imax; i++, j++) histog[(rowb[i] - rowb[j]) & 0xFF]++; break; case FILTER_UP: for (i = 1; i <= iminfo.bytesPerRow; i++) histog[(rowb[i] - rowbprev[i]) & 0xFF]++; break; case FILTER_AVERAGE: for (i = 1; i <= iminfo.bytesPixel; i++) histog[((rowb[i] & 0xFF) - ((rowbprev[i] & 0xFF)) / 2) & 0xFF]++; for (j = 1, i = iminfo.bytesPixel + 1; i <= imax; i++, j++) histog[((rowb[i] & 0xFF) - ((rowbprev[i] & 0xFF) + (rowb[j] & 0xFF)) / 2) & 0xFF]++; break; default: throw new PngjExceptionInternal("Bad filter:" + filterType); } } public void computeHistogram(byte[] rowff) { Arrays.fill(histog, 0); for (int i = 1; i < iminfo.bytesPerRow; i++) histog[rowff[i] & 0xFF]++; } public double computeAbsFromHistogram() { int s = 0; for (int i = 1; i < 128; i++) s += histog[i] * i; for (int i = 128, j = 128; j > 0; i++, j--) s += histog[i] * j; return s / (double) iminfo.bytesPerRow; } public final double computeEntropyFromHistogram() { double s = 1.0 / iminfo.bytesPerRow; double ls = Math.log(s); double h = 0; for (int x : histog) { if (x > 0) h += (Math.log(x) + ls) * x; } h *= s * LOG2NI; if (h < 0.0) h = 0.0; return h; } /** * If larger than 1.0, NONE will be more prefered. This must be called * before init * * @param preferenceForNone * around 1.0 (default: 1.0) */ public void setPreferenceForNone(double preferenceForNone) { this.preferenceForNone = preferenceForNone; } /** * Values greater than 1.0 (towards infinite) increase the memory towards 1. * Values smaller than 1.0 (towards zero) * decreases the memory . * */ public void tuneMemory(double m) { if (m == 0) memoryA = 0.0; else memoryA = Math.pow(memoryA, 1.0 / m); } /** * To set manually the filter weights. This is not recommended, unless you * know what you are doing. Setting this * ignores preferenceForNone and omits some heuristics * * @param weights * Five doubles around 1.0, one for each filter type. Lower is * preferered */ public void setFilterWeights(double[] weights) { System.arraycopy(weights, 0, filter_weights, 0, 5); } }