package it.cavallium.warppi.gui.screens; import; import java.util.HashMap; import it.cavallium.warppi.gui.RenderContext; import it.cavallium.warppi.gui.ScreenContext; import org.apache.commons.lang3.SerializationUtils; import it.cavallium.warppi.WarpPI; import it.cavallium.warppi.Platform.ConsoleUtils; import it.cavallium.warppi.device.input.Keyboard; import it.cavallium.warppi.event.Key; import it.cavallium.warppi.event.KeyPressedEvent; import it.cavallium.warppi.event.KeyReleasedEvent; import it.cavallium.warppi.gui.HistoryBehavior; import it.cavallium.warppi.gui.expression.InputContext; import it.cavallium.warppi.gui.expression.blocks.Block; import it.cavallium.warppi.gui.expression.blocks.BlockContainer; import it.cavallium.warppi.gui.expression.containers.InputContainer; import it.cavallium.warppi.gui.expression.containers.NormalInputContainer; import it.cavallium.warppi.gui.expression.containers.NormalOutputContainer; import it.cavallium.warppi.gui.expression.containers.OutputContainer; import it.cavallium.warppi.gui.graphicengine.BinaryFont; import it.cavallium.warppi.gui.graphicengine.Renderer; import it.cavallium.warppi.math.AngleMode; import it.cavallium.warppi.math.Function; import it.cavallium.warppi.math.FunctionDynamic; import it.cavallium.warppi.math.FunctionOperator; import it.cavallium.warppi.math.FunctionSingle; import it.cavallium.warppi.math.MathContext; import it.cavallium.warppi.math.MathematicalSymbols; import it.cavallium.warppi.math.functions.Expression; import it.cavallium.warppi.math.functions.Number; import it.cavallium.warppi.math.functions.Variable; import it.cavallium.warppi.math.functions.Variable.V_TYPE; import it.cavallium.warppi.math.functions.Variable.VariableValue; import it.cavallium.warppi.math.parser.MathParser; import it.cavallium.warppi.math.solver.MathSolver; import it.cavallium.warppi.util.Error; import it.cavallium.warppi.util.Errors; import it.cavallium.warppi.util.Utils; import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.objects.ObjectArrayList; public class MathInputScreen extends Screen { private static final BinaryFont fontBig = Utils.getFont(false); private final boolean isCloned; public MathContext calc; public InputContext ic; public InputContainer userInput; public OutputContainer result; public int errorLevel = 0; // 0 = nessuno, 1 = risultato, 2 = tutto private boolean computingResult = false; private Thread computingThread; private int computingAnimationIndex = 0; private double computingAnimationElapsedTime = 0; private double computingElapsedTime = 0; private boolean computingBreakTipVisible = false; boolean mustRefresh = true; @SuppressWarnings("unused") private int currentStep = 0; public MathInputScreen() { super(); historyBehavior = HistoryBehavior.NORMAL; isCloned = false; } /** * Create a copy of this element */ private MathInputScreen(MathInputScreen old) { this.calc = new MathContext(old.calc); this.historyBehavior = old.historyBehavior; this.created = old.created; this.currentStep = old.currentStep; this.d = old.d; this.errorLevel = old.errorLevel; this.ic = new InputContext(old.ic); this.initialized = old.initialized; this.mustRefresh = old.mustRefresh; this.result = new NormalOutputContainer(old.result); this.userInput = new NormalInputContainer(old.userInput, this.ic); this.isCloned = true; } @Override public void created() throws InterruptedException { ic = new InputContext(); calc = new MathContext(); calc.init(); } @Override public void initialized() throws InterruptedException { /* Fine caricamento */ } @Override public void graphicInitialized(ScreenContext ctx) throws InterruptedException { /* Fine caricamento */ try { if (!BlockContainer.isInitialized()) { BlockContainer.initializeFonts(ctx.getGraphicEngine().loadFont("norm"), ctx.getGraphicEngine().loadFont("smal")); } } catch (final IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); WarpPI.getPlatform().exit(1); } if (!isCloned) { userInput = new NormalInputContainer(ic); result = new NormalOutputContainer(); } } @Override public void beforeRender(final ScreenContext ctx, final float dt) { if (WarpPI.INSTANCE.getHardwareDevice().getDisplayManager().error == null) { ctx.getGraphicEngine().getRenderer().glClearColor(0xFFc5c2af); } else { ctx.getGraphicEngine().getRenderer().glClearColor(0xFFDC3C32); } if (userInput != null) if (userInput.beforeRender(dt)) { mustRefresh = true; } if (computingResult) { computingElapsedTime += dt; computingAnimationElapsedTime += dt; if (computingAnimationElapsedTime > 0.1) { computingAnimationElapsedTime -= 0.1; computingAnimationIndex = (computingAnimationIndex + 1) % 16; mustRefresh = true; } if (computingElapsedTime > 5) { computingBreakTipVisible = true; } } else { computingElapsedTime = 0; computingAnimationElapsedTime = 0; computingAnimationIndex = 0; computingBreakTipVisible = false; } } @Override public void render(RenderContext ctx) { final Renderer renderer = ctx.getRenderer(); MathInputScreen.fontBig.use(WarpPI.INSTANCE.getHardwareDevice().getDisplayManager().display); final int textColor = 0xFF000000; final int padding = 4; renderer.glColor(textColor); userInput.draw(WarpPI.INSTANCE.getHardwareDevice().getDisplayManager().display, renderer, padding, padding); if (computingResult) { renderer.glColor3f(1, 1, 1); final int leftX = 208; final int leftY = 16; final int size = 32; final int posY = computingAnimationIndex % 2; final int posX = (computingAnimationIndex - posY) / 2; renderer.glFillRect(ctx.getWidth() - size - 4, ctx.getHeight() - size - 4, size, size, leftX + size * posX, leftY + size * posY, size, size); if (computingBreakTipVisible) { Utils.getFont(false).use(WarpPI.INSTANCE.getHardwareDevice().getDisplayManager().display); renderer.glColor3f(0.75f, 0, 0); renderer.glDrawStringRight(ctx.getWidth() - 4 - size - 4, ctx.getHeight() - size / 2 - renderer.getCurrentFont().getCharacterHeight() / 2 - 4, "Press (=) to stop"); } } else if (!result.isContentEmpty()) { result.draw(WarpPI.INSTANCE.getHardwareDevice().getDisplayManager().display, renderer, ctx.getWidth() - result.getWidth() - 2, ctx.getHeight() - result.getHeight() - 2); } } @Override public void renderTopmost(RenderContext ctx) { final Renderer renderer = ctx.getRenderer(); renderer.glColor3f(1, 1, 1); final int pos = 2; final int spacersNumb = 1; int skinN = 0; if (calc.exactMode) { skinN = 22; } else { skinN = 21; } WarpPI.INSTANCE.getHardwareDevice().getDisplayManager().guiSkin.use(WarpPI.INSTANCE.getHardwareDevice().getDisplayManager().display); renderer.glFillRect(2 + 18 * pos + 2 * spacersNumb, 2, 16, 16, 16 * skinN, 16 * 0, 16, 16); } @Override public boolean mustBeRefreshed() { if (mustRefresh) { mustRefresh = false; return true; } else { return false; } } @Override public boolean onKeyPressed(final KeyPressedEvent k) { WarpPI.getPlatform().getConsoleUtils().out().println(ConsoleUtils.OUTPUTLEVEL_DEBUG_MIN, "MathInputScreen", "Pressed key " + k.getKey().toString()); try { switch (k.getKey()) { case OK: userInput.toggleExtra(); mustRefresh = true; return true; case HISTORY_BACK: if (userInput.isExtraOpened()) { userInput.closeExtra(); currentStep = 0; mustRefresh = true; return true; } case BACK: if (userInput.isExtraOpened()) { userInput.closeExtra(); mustRefresh = true; return true; } default: if (userInput.isExtraOpened() && userInput.getExtraKeyboardEventListener().onKeyPressed(k)) { currentStep = 0; return true; } else { final boolean step = k.getKey() == Key.STEP; switch (k.getKey()) { case STEP: currentStep++; return simplify(true, false); case SIMPLIFY: return simplify(false, true); case NUM0: typeChar('0'); return true; case NUM1: typeChar('1'); return true; case NUM2: typeChar('2'); return true; case NUM3: typeChar('3'); return true; case NUM4: typeChar('4'); return true; case NUM5: typeChar('5'); return true; case NUM6: typeChar('6'); return true; case NUM7: typeChar('7'); return true; case NUM8: typeChar('8'); return true; case NUM9: typeChar('9'); return true; case PLUS: typeChar('+'); return true; case MINUS: typeChar('-'); return true; case PLUS_MINUS: typeChar('±'); return true; case MULTIPLY: typeChar('*'); return true; case DIVIDE: typeChar('/'); return true; case PARENTHESIS_OPEN: typeChar('('); return true; case PARENTHESIS_CLOSE: typeChar(')'); return true; case DOT: typeChar('.'); return true; case EQUAL: typeChar('='); return true; case SQRT: typeChar('Ⓐ'); return true; case ROOT: typeChar('√'); return true; case POWER_OF_2: typeChar(MathematicalSymbols.POWER_OF_TWO); return true; case POWER_OF_x: typeChar(MathematicalSymbols.POWER); return true; case PI: typeChar(MathematicalSymbols.PI); return true; case EULER_NUMBER: typeChar(MathematicalSymbols.EULER_NUMBER); return true; case LETTER_X: typeChar(MathematicalSymbols.variables[23]); return true; case LETTER_Y: typeChar(MathematicalSymbols.variables[24]); return true; case SINE: typeChar(MathematicalSymbols.SINE); return true; case COSINE: typeChar(MathematicalSymbols.COSINE); return true; case TANGENT: typeChar(MathematicalSymbols.TANGENT); return true; case ARCSINE: typeChar(MathematicalSymbols.ARC_SINE); return true; case ARCCOSINE: typeChar(MathematicalSymbols.ARC_COSINE); return true; case ARCTANGENT: typeChar(MathematicalSymbols.ARC_TANGENT); return true; case LOGARITHM: typeChar(MathematicalSymbols.LOGARITHM); return true; case DELETE: userInput.del(); currentStep = 0; mustRefresh = true; return true; case LEFT: userInput.moveLeft(); mustRefresh = true; return true; case RIGHT: userInput.moveRight(); mustRefresh = true; return true; case RESET: userInput.clear(); result.clear(); currentStep = 0; if (WarpPI.INSTANCE.getHardwareDevice().getDisplayManager().error != null) { WarpPI.getPlatform().getConsoleUtils().out().println(1, "Resetting after error..."); WarpPI.INSTANCE.getHardwareDevice().getDisplayManager().error = null; } return true; case SURD_MODE: calc.exactMode = !calc.exactMode; if (!result.isContentEmpty()) { result.clear(); currentStep = 0; simplify(false, false); } return true; case debug1: WarpPI.INSTANCE.getHardwareDevice().getDisplayManager().setScreen(new EmptyScreen()); return true; case HISTORY_BACK: // if (Engine.INSTANCE.getHardwareDevice().getDisplayManager().canGoBack()) { // if (currentExpression != null && currentExpression.length() > 0 & Engine.INSTANCE.getHardwareDevice().getDisplayManager().sessions[Engine.INSTANCE.getHardwareDevice().getDisplayManager().currentSession + 1] instanceof MathInputScreen) { // newExpression = currentExpression; // try { // interpreta(true); // } catch (final Error e) {} // } // } return false; case HISTORY_FORWARD: // if (Engine.INSTANCE.getHardwareDevice().getDisplayManager().canGoForward()) { // if (currentExpression != null && currentExpression.length() > 0 & Engine.INSTANCE.getHardwareDevice().getDisplayManager().sessions[Engine.INSTANCE.getHardwareDevice().getDisplayManager().currentSession - 1] instanceof MathInputScreen) { // newExpression = currentExpression; // try { // interpreta(true); // } catch (final Error e) {} // } // } return false; case debug_DEG: if (calc.angleMode.equals(AngleMode.DEG) == false) { calc.angleMode = AngleMode.DEG; currentStep = 0; return true; } return false; case debug_RAD: if (calc.angleMode.equals(AngleMode.RAD) == false) { calc.angleMode = AngleMode.RAD; currentStep = 0; return true; } return false; case debug_GRA: if (calc.angleMode.equals(AngleMode.GRA) == false) { calc.angleMode = AngleMode.GRA; currentStep = 0; return true; } return false; case DRG_CYCLE: if (calc.angleMode.equals(AngleMode.DEG) == true) { calc.angleMode = AngleMode.RAD; } else if (calc.angleMode.equals(AngleMode.RAD) == true) { calc.angleMode = AngleMode.GRA; } else { calc.angleMode = AngleMode.DEG; } currentStep = 0; return true; default: return false; } } } } catch (final Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); return true; } } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private void swapInputScreen() { MathInputScreen mis = new MathInputScreen(this); WarpPI.INSTANCE.getHardwareDevice().getDisplayManager().setScreen(mis); } @SuppressWarnings("unused") @Deprecated private ObjectArrayList solveExpression(final ObjectArrayList f22) { return null; /* try { try { return calc.solveExpression(f22); } catch (final Exception ex) { if (Utils.debugOn) { ex.printStackTrace(); } throw new Error(Errors.SYNTAX_ERROR); } } catch (final Error e) { final StringWriter sw = new StringWriter(); final PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(sw); e.printStackTrace(pw); d.errorStackTrace = sw.toString().toUpperCase().replace("\t", " ").replace("\r", "").split("\n"); Engine.INSTANCE.getHardwareDevice().getDisplayManager().error =; System.err.println(; } return null; */ } @Deprecated protected void step() { /* try { try { showVariablesDialog(); ObjectArrayList results = new ObjectArrayList<>(); final ObjectArrayList partialResults = new ObjectArrayList<>(); for (final Function f : calc.f2) { if (f instanceof Equation) { Engine.INSTANCE.getHardwareDevice().getDisplayManager().setScreen(new SolveEquationScreen(this)); } else { results.add(f); for (final Function itm : results) { if (itm.isSimplified() == false) { final List dt = itm.simplify(); partialResults.addAll(dt); } else { partialResults.add(itm); } } results = new ObjectArrayList<>(partialResults); partialResults.clear(); } } if (results.size() == 0) { calc.resultsCount = 0; } else { calc.resultsCount = results.size(); Collections.reverse(results); // add elements to al, including duplicates final Set hs = new LinkedHashSet<>(); hs.addAll(results); results.clear(); results.addAll(hs); calc.f2 = results; } Utils.out.println(1, calc.f2.toString()); } catch (final Exception ex) { if (Utils.debugOn) { ex.printStackTrace(); } throw new Error(Errors.SYNTAX_ERROR); } } catch (final Error e) { final StringWriter sw = new StringWriter(); final PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(sw); e.printStackTrace(pw); d.errorStackTrace = sw.toString().toUpperCase().replace("\t", " ").replace("\r", "").split("\n"); Engine.INSTANCE.getHardwareDevice().getDisplayManager().error =; System.err.println(; } */ } protected boolean simplify(final boolean step, final boolean swapScreen) { if (!step) { currentStep = 0; } if (WarpPI.INSTANCE.getHardwareDevice().getDisplayManager().error != null) { //TODO: make the error management a global API rather than being relegated to this screen. WarpPI.getPlatform().getConsoleUtils().out().println(1, "Resetting after error..."); WarpPI.INSTANCE.getHardwareDevice().getDisplayManager().error = null; calc.f = null; calc.f2 = null; calc.resultsCount = 0; return true; } else if (!computingResult) { computingResult = true; computingThread = new Thread(() -> { try { try { if (!userInput.isAlreadyParsed() && !userInput.isEmpty()) { final Expression expr = MathParser.parseInput(calc, userInput); if (calc.f == null | calc.f2 == null) { calc.f = new ObjectArrayList<>(); calc.f2 = new ObjectArrayList<>(); } else { calc.f.clear(); calc.f2.clear(); } calc.f.add(expr); WarpPI.getPlatform().getConsoleUtils().out().println(2, "INPUT: " + expr); final MathSolver ms = new MathSolver(expr); final ObjectArrayList> resultSteps = ms.solveAllSteps(); resultSteps.add(0, Utils.newArrayList(expr)); final ObjectArrayList resultExpressions = resultSteps.get(resultSteps.size() - 1); for (final Function rr : resultExpressions) { WarpPI.getPlatform().getConsoleUtils().out().println(0, "RESULT: " + rr.toString()); } final ObjectArrayList> resultBlocks = MathParser.parseOutput(calc, resultExpressions); result.setContentAsMultipleGroups(resultBlocks); // showVariablesDialog(() -> { // currentExpression = newExpression; // simplify(); // }); if (swapScreen == true) { this.swapInputScreen(); } } } catch (final InterruptedException ex) { WarpPI.getPlatform().getConsoleUtils().out().println(ConsoleUtils.OUTPUTLEVEL_DEBUG_MIN, "Computing thread stopped."); } catch (final Exception ex) { if (WarpPI.getPlatform().getSettings().isDebugEnabled()) { ex.printStackTrace(); } throw new Error(Errors.SYNTAX_ERROR); } } catch (final Error e) { d.errorStackTrace = WarpPI.getPlatform().stacktraceToString(e); WarpPI.INSTANCE.getHardwareDevice().getDisplayManager().error =; System.err.println(; } computingResult = false; }); WarpPI.getPlatform().setThreadName(computingThread, "Computing Thread"); WarpPI.getPlatform().setThreadDaemon(computingThread); computingThread.setPriority(Thread.NORM_PRIORITY + 3); computingThread.start(); return true; } else { if (computingThread != null) { computingThread.interrupt(); computingResult = false; return true; } return false; } } @SuppressWarnings("unused") @Deprecated private void changeEquationScreen() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); // // if (!userInput.isEmpty()) { // final MathInputScreen cloned = clone(); // cloned.userInput.setCaretPosition(cloned.userInput.getCaretMaxPosition()-1); // Engine.INSTANCE.getHardwareDevice().getDisplayManager().replaceScreen(cloned); // initialized = false; // Engine.INSTANCE.getHardwareDevice().getDisplayManager().setScreen(this); // // } } public void typeChar(final char chr) { userInput.typeChar(chr); mustRefresh = true; } @Override public boolean onKeyReleased(final KeyReleasedEvent k) { if (k.getKey() == Key.OK) { return true; } else if (userInput.isExtraOpened() && userInput.getExtraKeyboardEventListener().onKeyReleased(k)) { return true; } else { switch (k.getKey()) { default: return false; } } } public void showVariablesDialog() { showVariablesDialog(null); } public void showVariablesDialog(final Runnable runnable) { final Thread ct = new Thread(() -> { final ObjectArrayList knownVarsInFunctions = getKnownVariables(calc.f.toArray(new Function[calc.f.size()])); for (final VariableValue f : calc.variablesValues) { if (knownVarsInFunctions.contains(f.v)) { knownVarsInFunctions.remove(f.v); } } boolean cancelled = false; for (final Function f : knownVarsInFunctions) { final ChooseVariableValueScreen cvs = new ChooseVariableValueScreen(this, new VariableValue((Variable) f, new Number(calc, 0))); WarpPI.INSTANCE.getHardwareDevice().getDisplayManager().setScreen(cvs); try { WarpPI.INSTANCE.getHardwareDevice().getDisplayManager().screenChange.acquire(); } catch (final InterruptedException e) {} if (cvs.resultNumberValue == null) { cancelled = true; break; } else { final int is = calc.variablesValues.size(); for (int i = 0; i < is; i++) { if (calc.variablesValues.get(i).v == f) { calc.variablesValues.remove(i); } } calc.variablesValues.add(new VariableValue((Variable) f, (Number) cvs.resultNumberValue)); } } if (!cancelled) { if (runnable != null) {; } } }); WarpPI.getPlatform().setThreadName(ct, "Variables user-input queue thread"); ct.setPriority(Thread.MIN_PRIORITY); WarpPI.getPlatform().setThreadDaemon(ct); ct.start(); } private ObjectArrayList getKnownVariables(final Function[] fncs) { final ObjectArrayList res = new ObjectArrayList<>(); for (final Function f : fncs) { if (f instanceof FunctionOperator) { res.addAll(getKnownVariables(new Function[] { ((FunctionOperator) f).getParameter1(), ((FunctionOperator) f).getParameter2() })); } else if (f instanceof FunctionDynamic) { res.addAll(getKnownVariables(((FunctionDynamic) f).getParameters())); } else if (f instanceof FunctionSingle) { res.addAll(getKnownVariables(new Function[] { ((FunctionSingle) f).getParameter() })); } else if (f instanceof Variable) { if (((Variable) f).getType() == Variable.V_TYPE.CONSTANT) { if (!res.contains(f)) { res.add(f); } } } } return res; } @Override public String getSessionTitle() { return "Calculator"; } }