package org.warp.picalculator.math.rules; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.nio.file.Files; import java.nio.file.Path; import java.nio.file.StandardOpenOption; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import; import; import org.warp.picalculator.ConsoleUtils; import org.warp.picalculator.Error; import org.warp.picalculator.PlatformUtils; import org.warp.picalculator.StaticVars; import org.warp.picalculator.Utils; import org.warp.picalculator.ZipUtils; import org.warp.picalculator.deps.StorageUtils; import org.warp.picalculator.deps.DJDTCompiler; import org.warp.picalculator.deps.DStandardOpenOption; import org.warp.picalculator.deps.DSystem; import org.warp.picalculator.deps.DURLClassLoader; import org.warp.picalculator.math.Function; import org.warp.picalculator.math.MathContext; import org.warp.picalculator.math.functions.Expression; import org.warp.picalculator.math.functions.Variable; import org.warp.picalculator.math.functions.Variable.V_TYPE; import org.warp.picalculator.math.solver.MathSolver; import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.objects.ObjectArrayList; public class RulesManager { public static ObjectArrayList[] rules; private RulesManager() {} @SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked", "unused" }) public static void initialize() { ConsoleUtils.out.println(ConsoleUtils.OUTPUTLEVEL_NODEBUG, "RulesManager", "Loading the rules"); rules = new ObjectArrayList[RuleType.values().length]; for (final RuleType val : RuleType.values()) { rules[val.ordinal()] = new ObjectArrayList<>(); } try { boolean compiledSomething = false; InputStream defaultRulesList; try { defaultRulesList = StorageUtils.getResourceStream("/default-rules.lst"); } catch (IOException ex) { throw new FileNotFoundException("default-rules.lst not found!"); } final List ruleLines = new ArrayList<>(); final File rulesPath = StorageUtils.get("rules/"); if (rulesPath.exists()) { for (File f : StorageUtils.walk(rulesPath)) { if (f.toString().endsWith(".java")) { String path = StorageUtils.relativize(rulesPath, f).toString(); path = path.substring(0, path.length() - ".java".length()); ruleLines.add(path); ConsoleUtils.out.println(ConsoleUtils.OUTPUTLEVEL_NODEBUG, "RulesManager", "Found external rule: " + f.getAbsolutePath()); } } } ruleLines.addAll(StorageUtils.readAllLines(defaultRulesList)); final File tDir = StorageUtils.resolve(StorageUtils.get(System.getProperty(""), "WarpPi-Calculator"), "rules-rt"); // try { // final Path defaultResource = Utils.getResource("/"); // } InputStream cacheFileStream = null; File cacheFilePath = null; cacheFilePath = new File(""); boolean cacheFileExists = false; if (PlatformUtils.isJavascript) { PlatformUtils.loadPlatformRules(); } else { if (cacheFilePath.exists()) { cacheFileExists = true; cacheFileStream = new FileInputStream(cacheFilePath); } else { try { cacheFileStream = StorageUtils.getResourceStream("/");//Paths.get(Utils.getJarDirectory().toString()).resolve("").toAbsolutePath(, cacheFilePath); cacheFileExists = true; } catch (IOException ex) { //File does not exists. } } boolean useCache = false; if (cacheFileExists) { try { if (tDir.exists()) { tDir.delete(); } ZipUtils.unzip(cacheFilePath.toString(), tDir.getParent().toString(), ""); useCache = !StaticVars.startupArguments.isUncached(); } catch (final Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } for (final String rulesLine : ruleLines) { if (rulesLine.length() > 0) { final String[] ruleDetails = rulesLine.split(",", 1); final String ruleName = ruleDetails[0]; final String ruleNameEscaped = ruleName.replace(".", "_"); ConsoleUtils.out.println(ConsoleUtils.OUTPUTLEVEL_NODEBUG, "RulesManager", "Evaluating /rules/" + ruleNameEscaped + ".java"); final String pathWithoutExtension = "/rules/" + ruleNameEscaped; final String scriptFile = pathWithoutExtension + ".java"; final InputStream resourcePath = StorageUtils.getResourceStream(scriptFile); if (resourcePath == null) { System.err.println(new FileNotFoundException("/rules/" + ruleName + ".java not found!")); } else { Rule r = null; if (useCache) { try { ConsoleUtils.out.println(ConsoleUtils.OUTPUTLEVEL_DEBUG_MIN, "RulesManager", ruleName, "Trying to load cached rule"); r = loadClassRuleFromSourceFile(scriptFile, tDir); if (r != null) { ConsoleUtils.out.println(ConsoleUtils.OUTPUTLEVEL_DEBUG_MIN, "RulesManager", ruleName, "Loaded cached rule"); } } catch (final Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); ConsoleUtils.out.println(ConsoleUtils.OUTPUTLEVEL_NODEBUG, "RulesManager", ruleName, "Can't load the rule!"); } } if (r == null || !useCache) { ConsoleUtils.out.println(ConsoleUtils.OUTPUTLEVEL_DEBUG_MIN, "RulesManager", ruleName, "This rule is not cached. Compiling"); try { r = compileJavaRule(scriptFile, tDir); compiledSomething = true; } catch (InstantiationException | IllegalAccessException | ClassNotFoundException | IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } if (r != null) { RulesManager.addRule(r); } } } } } ConsoleUtils.out.println(ConsoleUtils.OUTPUTLEVEL_NODEBUG, "RulesManager", "Loaded all the rules successfully"); if (!PlatformUtils.isJavascript && compiledSomething) { if (cacheFileExists || cacheFilePath.exists()) { cacheFilePath.delete(); }, cacheFilePath.toString(), ""); ConsoleUtils.out.println(ConsoleUtils.OUTPUTLEVEL_NODEBUG, "RulesManager", "Cached the compiled rules"); } if (cacheFileStream != null) { cacheFileStream.close(); } } catch (URISyntaxException | IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); DSystem.exit(1); } } public static Rule compileJavaRule(String scriptFile, File tDir) throws IOException, URISyntaxException, InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException, ClassNotFoundException { final InputStream resource = StorageUtils.getResourceStream(scriptFile); final String text =; final String[] textArray = text.split("\\n", 6); if (textArray[3].contains("PATH=")) { final String javaClassDeclaration = textArray[3].substring(6); int extIndex = javaClassDeclaration.lastIndexOf('.'); final String javaClassNameOnly = javaClassDeclaration.substring(extIndex + 1, javaClassDeclaration.length()); final String javaClassNameAndPath = new StringBuilder("org.warp.picalculator.math.rules.").append(javaClassDeclaration).toString(); extIndex = javaClassNameAndPath.lastIndexOf('.'); final String javaCode = new StringBuilder("package ").append(javaClassNameAndPath.substring(0, extIndex >= 0 ? extIndex : javaClassNameAndPath.length())).append(";\n").append(textArray[5]).toString(); final File tDirPath = StorageUtils.getParent(StorageUtils.resolve(tDir, javaClassNameAndPath.replace('.', File.separatorChar))); final File tFileJava = StorageUtils.resolve(tDirPath, javaClassNameOnly + ".java"); final File tFileClass = StorageUtils.resolve(tDirPath, javaClassNameOnly + ".class"); if (!tDirPath.exists()) { StorageUtils.createDirectories(tDirPath); } if (tFileJava.exists()) { tFileJava.delete(); } StorageUtils.write(tFileJava, javaCode.getBytes("UTF-8"), DStandardOpenOption.WRITE, DStandardOpenOption.CREATE); final boolean compiled = DJDTCompiler.compile(new String[] { "-nowarn", "-1.8", tFileJava.toString() }, new PrintWriter(System.out), new PrintWriter(System.err)); if (StaticVars.startupArguments.isUncached()) { tFileJava.deleteOnExit(); } else { tFileJava.delete(); } if (compiled) { tFileClass.deleteOnExit(); return loadClassRuleDirectly(javaClassNameAndPath, tDir); } else { throw new IOException("Can't build script file '" + scriptFile + "'"); } } else { throw new IOException("Can't build script file '" + scriptFile + "', the header is missing or wrong."); } } public static Rule loadClassRuleFromSourceFile(String scriptFile, File tDir) throws IOException, URISyntaxException, InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException, ClassNotFoundException { final InputStream resource = StorageUtils.getResourceStream(scriptFile); final String text =; final String[] textArray = text.split("\\n", 6); if (textArray[3].contains("PATH=")) { final String javaClassName = textArray[3].substring(6); System.err.println(javaClassName); final String javaClassNameAndPath = new StringBuilder("org.warp.picalculator.math.rules.").append(javaClassName).toString(); try { return loadClassRuleDirectly(javaClassNameAndPath, tDir); } catch (final Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); return null; } } else { throw new IOException("Can't load script file '" + scriptFile + "', the header is missing or wrong."); } } public static Rule loadClassRuleDirectly(String javaClassNameAndPath, File tDir) throws IOException, URISyntaxException, InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException, ClassNotFoundException { final DURLClassLoader cl = new DURLClassLoader(new URL[] { tDir.toURI().toURL() }); final Class aClass = cl.loadClass(javaClassNameAndPath); cl.close(); return (Rule) aClass.newInstance(); } public static void warmUp() throws Error, InterruptedException { ObjectArrayList uselessResult = null; boolean uselessVariable = false; for (final RuleType val : RuleType.values()) { final ObjectArrayList ruleList = rules[val.ordinal()]; for (final Rule rule : ruleList) { String ruleName = ""; try { ruleName = rule.getRuleName(); final ObjectArrayList uselessResult2 = rule.execute(generateUselessExpression()); uselessVariable = (uselessResult == null ? new ObjectArrayList<>() : uselessResult).equals(uselessResult2); uselessResult = uselessResult2; } catch (final Exception e) { if (uselessVariable || true) { System.err.println("Exception thrown by rule '" + ruleName + "'!"); e.printStackTrace(); } } } } try { new MathSolver(generateUselessExpression()).solveAllSteps(); } catch (InterruptedException | Error e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } private static Function generateUselessExpression() { final MathContext mc = new MathContext(); Function expr = new Expression(mc); expr = expr.setParameter(0, new Variable(mc, 'x', V_TYPE.VARIABLE)); return expr; } public static void addRule(Rule rule) { rules[rule.getRuleType().ordinal()].add(rule); ConsoleUtils.out.println(ConsoleUtils.OUTPUTLEVEL_NODEBUG, "RulesManager", rule.getRuleName(), "Loaded as " + rule.getRuleType() + " rule"); } }