package; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Arrays; import; import; /** * Consumes a stream of bytes that consist of a series of PNG-like chunks. *

* This has little intelligence, it's quite low-level and general (it could even * be used for a MNG stream, for example). * It supports signature recognition and idat deflate */ public class ChunkSeqReader implements IBytesConsumer { protected static final int SIGNATURE_LEN = 8; protected final boolean withSignature; private final byte[] buf0 = new byte[8]; // for signature or chunk starts private int buf0len = 0; private boolean signatureDone = false; private boolean done = false; // ended, normally or not private int chunkCount = 0; private long bytesCount = 0; private DeflatedChunksSet curReaderDeflatedSet; // one instance is created for each // "idat-like set". Normally one. private ChunkReader curChunkReader; private long idatBytes; // this is only for the IDAT (not mrerely "idat-like") /** * Creates a ChunkSeqReader (with signature) */ public ChunkSeqReader() { this(true); } /** * @param withSignature * If true, the stream is assumed be prepended by 8 bit signature */ public ChunkSeqReader(final boolean withSignature) { this.withSignature = withSignature; signatureDone = !withSignature; } /** * Consumes (in general, partially) a number of bytes. A single call never * involves more than one chunk. * * When the signature is read, it calls checkSignature() * * When the start of a chunk is detected, it calls * {@link #startNewChunk(int, String, long)} * * When data from a chunk is being read, it delegates to * {@link ChunkReader#feedBytes(byte[], int, int)} * * The caller might want to call this method more than once in succesion * * This should rarely be overriden * * @param buffer * @param offset * Offset in buffer * @param len * Valid bytes that can be consumed * @return processed bytes, in the 1-len range. -1 if done. Only returns 0 * if len=0. **/ @Override public int consume(final byte[] buffer, final int offset, final int len) { if (done) return -1; if (len == 0) return 0; // nothing to do if (len < 0) throw new PngjInputException("Bad len: " + len); int processed = 0; if (signatureDone) { if (curChunkReader == null || curChunkReader.isDone()) { // new chunk: read first 8 bytes int read0 = 8 - buf0len; if (read0 > len) read0 = len; System.arraycopy(buffer, offset, buf0, buf0len, read0); buf0len += read0; processed += read0; bytesCount += read0; // len -= read0; // offset += read0; if (buf0len == 8) { // end reading chunk length and id chunkCount++; final int clen = PngHelperInternal.readInt4fromBytes(buf0, 0); final String cid = ChunkHelper.toString(buf0, 4, 4); startNewChunk(clen, cid, bytesCount - 8); buf0len = 0; } } else { // reading chunk, delegates to curChunkReader final int read1 = curChunkReader.feedBytes(buffer, offset, len); processed += read1; bytesCount += read1; } } else { // reading signature int read = ChunkSeqReader.SIGNATURE_LEN - buf0len; if (read > len) read = len; System.arraycopy(buffer, offset, buf0, buf0len, read); buf0len += read; if (buf0len == ChunkSeqReader.SIGNATURE_LEN) { checkSignature(buf0); buf0len = 0; signatureDone = true; } processed += read; bytesCount += read; } return processed; } /** * Trys to feeds exactly len bytes, calling * {@link #consume(byte[], int, int)} retrying if necessary. * * This should only be used in callback mode * * @return true if succceded */ public boolean feedAll(final byte[] buf, int off, int len) { while (len > 0) { final int n = consume(buf, off, len); if (n < 1) return false; len -= n; off += n; } return true; } /** * Called for all chunks when a chunk start has been read (id and length), * before the chunk data itself is read. It * creates a new ChunkReader (field accesible via * {@link #getCurChunkReader()}) in the corresponding mode, and * eventually a curReaderDeflatedSet.(field accesible via * {@link #getCurReaderDeflatedSet()}) * * To decide the mode and options, it calls * {@link #shouldCheckCrc(int, String)}, * {@link #shouldSkipContent(int, String)}, {@link #isIdatKind(String)}. * Those methods should be overriden in * preference to this; if overriden, this should be called first. * * The respective {@link ChunkReader#chunkDone()} method is directed to this * {@link #postProcessChunk(ChunkReader)}. * * Instead of overriding this, see also * {@link #createChunkReaderForNewChunk(String, int, long, boolean)} */ protected void startNewChunk(final int len, final String id, final long offset) { if (id.equals(ChunkHelper.IDAT)) idatBytes += len; final boolean checkCrc = shouldCheckCrc(len, id); final boolean skip = shouldSkipContent(len, id); final boolean isIdatType = isIdatKind(id); // PngHelperInternal.debug("start new chunk id=" + id + " off=" + offset + " skip=" + skip + " idat=" + // isIdatType); // first see if we should terminate an active curReaderDeflatedSet boolean forCurrentIdatSet = false; if (curReaderDeflatedSet != null) forCurrentIdatSet = curReaderDeflatedSet.ackNextChunkId(id); if (isIdatType && !skip) { // IDAT non skipped: create a DeflatedChunkReader owned by a idatSet if (!forCurrentIdatSet) { if (curReaderDeflatedSet != null && !curReaderDeflatedSet.isDone()) throw new PngjInputException("new IDAT-like chunk when previous was not done"); curReaderDeflatedSet = createIdatSet(id); } curChunkReader = new DeflatedChunkReader(len, id, checkCrc, offset, curReaderDeflatedSet) { @Override protected void chunkDone() { super.chunkDone(); postProcessChunk(this); } }; } else { // for non-idat chunks (or skipped idat like) curChunkReader = createChunkReaderForNewChunk(id, len, offset, skip); if (!checkCrc) curChunkReader.setCrcCheck(false); } } /** * This will be called for all chunks (even skipped), except for IDAT-like * non-skiped chunks * * The default behaviour is to create a ChunkReader in BUFFER mode (or SKIP * if skip==true) that calls * {@link #postProcessChunk(ChunkReader)} (always) when done. * * @param id * Chunk id * @param len * Chunk length * @param offset * offset inside PNG stream , merely informative * @param skip * flag: is true, the content will not be buffered (nor * processed) * @return a newly created ChunkReader that will create the ChunkRaw and * then discarded */ protected ChunkReader createChunkReaderForNewChunk(final String id, final int len, final long offset, final boolean skip) { return new ChunkReader(len, id, offset, skip ? ChunkReaderMode.SKIP : ChunkReaderMode.BUFFER) { @Override protected void chunkDone() { postProcessChunk(this); } @Override protected void processData(final int offsetinChhunk, final byte[] buf, final int off, final int len) { throw new PngjExceptionInternal("should never happen"); } }; } /** * This is called after a chunk is read, in all modes * * This implementation only chenks the id of the first chunk, and process * the IEND chunk (sets done=true) ** * Further processing should be overriden (call this first!) **/ protected void postProcessChunk(final ChunkReader chunkR) { // called after chunk is read if (chunkCount == 1) { final String cid = firstChunkId(); if (cid != null && !cid.equals(chunkR.getChunkRaw().id)) throw new PngjInputException("Bad first chunk: " + chunkR.getChunkRaw().id + " expected: " + firstChunkId()); } if (chunkR.getChunkRaw().id.equals(endChunkId())) done = true; } /** * DeflatedChunksSet factory. This implementation is quite dummy, it usually * should be overriden. */ protected DeflatedChunksSet createIdatSet(final String id) { return new DeflatedChunksSet(id, 1024, 1024); // sizes: arbitrary This should normally be // overriden } /** * Decides if this Chunk is of "IDAT" kind (in concrete: if it is, and if * it's not to be skiped, a DeflatedChunksSet * will be created to deflate it and process+ the deflated data) * * This implementation always returns always false * * @param id */ protected boolean isIdatKind(final String id) { return false; } /** * Chunks can be skipped depending on id and/or length. Skipped chunks are * still processed, but their data will be * null, and CRC will never checked * * @param len * @param id */ protected boolean shouldSkipContent(final int len, final String id) { return false; } protected boolean shouldCheckCrc(final int len, final String id) { return true; } /** * Throws PngjInputException if bad signature * * @param buf * Signature. Should be of length 8 */ protected void checkSignature(final byte[] buf) { if (!Arrays.equals(buf, PngHelperInternal.getPngIdSignature())) throw new PngjInputException("Bad PNG signature"); } /** * If false, we are still reading the signature * * @return true if signature has been read (or if we don't have signature) */ public boolean isSignatureDone() { return signatureDone; } /** * If true, we either have processe the IEND chunk, or close() has been * called, or a fatal error has happened */ public boolean isDone() { return done; } /** * total of bytes read (buffered or not) */ public long getBytesCount() { return bytesCount; } /** * @return Chunks already read, including partial reading (currently * reading) */ public int getChunkCount() { return chunkCount; } /** * Currently reading chunk, or just ended reading * * @return null only if still reading signature */ public ChunkReader getCurChunkReader() { return curChunkReader; } /** * The latest deflated set (typically IDAT chunks) reader. Notice that there * could be several idat sets (eg for APNG) */ public DeflatedChunksSet getCurReaderDeflatedSet() { return curReaderDeflatedSet; } /** * Closes this object and release resources. For normal termination or * abort. Secure and idempotent. */ public void close() { // forced closing if (curReaderDeflatedSet != null) curReaderDeflatedSet.close(); done = true; } /** * Returns true if we are not in middle of a chunk: we have just ended * reading past chunk , or we are at the start, or * end of signature, or we are done */ public boolean isAtChunkBoundary() { return bytesCount == 0 || bytesCount == 8 || done || curChunkReader == null || curChunkReader.isDone(); } /** * Which should be the id of the first chunk * * @return null if you don't want to check it */ protected String firstChunkId() { return "IHDR"; } /** * Helper method, reports amount of bytes inside IDAT chunks. * * @return Bytes in IDAT chunks */ public long getIdatBytes() { return idatBytes; } /** * Which should be the id of the last chunk * * @return "IEND" */ protected String endChunkId() { return "IEND"; } /** * Reads all content from a file. Helper method, only for callback mode */ public void feedFromFile(final File f) { try { feedFromInputStream(new FileInputStream(f), true); } catch (final FileNotFoundException e) { throw new PngjInputException(e.getMessage()); } } /** * Reads all content from an input stream. Helper method, only for callback * mode * * @param is * @param closeStream * Closes the input stream when done (or if error) */ public void feedFromInputStream(final InputStream is, final boolean closeStream) { final BufferedStreamFeeder sf = new BufferedStreamFeeder(is); sf.setCloseStream(closeStream); try { sf.feedAll(this); } finally { close(); sf.close(); } } public void feedFromInputStream(final InputStream is) { feedFromInputStream(is, true); } }