package; import java.util.Arrays; import; import; /** * This object process the concatenation of IDAT chunks. *

* It extends {@link DeflatedChunksSet}, adding the intelligence to unfilter rows, and to understand row lenghts in * terms of ImageInfo and (eventually) Deinterlacer */ public class IdatSet extends DeflatedChunksSet { protected byte rowUnfiltered[]; protected byte rowUnfilteredPrev[]; protected final ImageInfo imgInfo; // in the case of APNG this is the frame image protected final Deinterlacer deinterlacer; final RowInfo rowinfo; // info for the last processed row, for debug protected int filterUseStat[] = new int[5]; // for stats /** * @param id Chunk id (first chunk), should be shared by all concatenated chunks * @param iminfo Image info * @param deinterlacer Not null if interlaced */ public IdatSet(String id, ImageInfo iminfo, Deinterlacer deinterlacer) { this(id, iminfo, deinterlacer, null, null); } /** * Special constructor with preallocated buffer. *


* Same as {@link #IdatSet(String, ImageInfo, Deinterlacer)}, but you can pass a Inflater (will be reset internally), * and a buffer (will be used only if size is enough) */ public IdatSet(String id, ImageInfo iminfo, Deinterlacer deinterlacer, Inflater inf, byte[] buffer) { super(id, deinterlacer != null ? deinterlacer.getBytesToRead() + 1 : iminfo.bytesPerRow + 1, iminfo.bytesPerRow + 1, inf, buffer); this.imgInfo = iminfo; this.deinterlacer = deinterlacer; this.rowinfo = new RowInfo(iminfo, deinterlacer); } /** * Applies PNG un-filter to inflated raw line. Result in {@link #getUnfilteredRow()} {@link #getRowLen()} */ public void unfilterRow() { unfilterRow(rowinfo.bytesRow); } // nbytes: NOT including the filter byte. leaves result in rowUnfiltered protected void unfilterRow(int nbytes) { if (rowUnfiltered == null || rowUnfiltered.length < row.length) { rowUnfiltered = new byte[row.length]; rowUnfilteredPrev = new byte[row.length]; } if (rowinfo.rowNsubImg == 0) Arrays.fill(rowUnfiltered, (byte) 0); // see swap that follows // swap byte[] tmp = rowUnfiltered; rowUnfiltered = rowUnfilteredPrev; rowUnfilteredPrev = tmp; int ftn = row[0]; if (!FilterType.isValidStandard(ftn)) throw new PngjInputException("Filter type " + ftn + " invalid"); FilterType ft = FilterType.getByVal(ftn); filterUseStat[ftn]++; rowUnfiltered[0] = row[0]; // we copy the filter type, can be useful switch (ft) { case FILTER_NONE: unfilterRowNone(nbytes); break; case FILTER_SUB: unfilterRowSub(nbytes); break; case FILTER_UP: unfilterRowUp(nbytes); break; case FILTER_AVERAGE: unfilterRowAverage(nbytes); break; case FILTER_PAETH: unfilterRowPaeth(nbytes); break; default: throw new PngjInputException("Filter type " + ftn + " not implemented"); } } private void unfilterRowAverage(final int nbytes) { int i, j, x; for (j = 1 - imgInfo.bytesPixel, i = 1; i <= nbytes; i++, j++) { x = j > 0 ? (rowUnfiltered[j] & 0xff) : 0; rowUnfiltered[i] = (byte) (row[i] + (x + (rowUnfilteredPrev[i] & 0xFF)) / 2); } } private void unfilterRowNone(final int nbytes) { for (int i = 1; i <= nbytes; i++) { rowUnfiltered[i] = (byte) (row[i]); } } private void unfilterRowPaeth(final int nbytes) { int i, j, x, y; for (j = 1 - imgInfo.bytesPixel, i = 1; i <= nbytes; i++, j++) { x = j > 0 ? (rowUnfiltered[j] & 0xFF) : 0; y = j > 0 ? (rowUnfilteredPrev[j] & 0xFF) : 0; rowUnfiltered[i] = (byte) (row[i] + PngHelperInternal .filterPaethPredictor(x, rowUnfilteredPrev[i] & 0xFF, y)); } } private void unfilterRowSub(final int nbytes) { int i, j; for (i = 1; i <= imgInfo.bytesPixel; i++) { rowUnfiltered[i] = (byte) (row[i]); } for (j = 1, i = imgInfo.bytesPixel + 1; i <= nbytes; i++, j++) { rowUnfiltered[i] = (byte) (row[i] + rowUnfiltered[j]); } } private void unfilterRowUp(final int nbytes) { for (int i = 1; i <= nbytes; i++) { rowUnfiltered[i] = (byte) (row[i] + rowUnfilteredPrev[i]); } } /** * does the unfiltering of the inflated row, and updates row info */ @Override protected void preProcessRow() { super.preProcessRow(); rowinfo.update(getRown()); unfilterRow(); rowinfo.updateBuf(rowUnfiltered, rowinfo.bytesRow + 1); } /** * Method for async/callback mode . *

* In callback mode will be called as soon as each row is retrieved (inflated and unfiltered), after * {@link #preProcessRow()} *

* This is a dummy implementation (this normally should be overriden) that does nothing more than compute the length * of next row. *

* The return value is essential *

* * @return Length of next row, in bytes (including filter byte), non-positive if done */ @Override protected int processRowCallback() { int bytesNextRow = advanceToNextRow(); return bytesNextRow; } @Override protected void processDoneCallback() { super.processDoneCallback(); } /** * Signals that we are done with the previous row, begin reading the next one. *

* In polled mode, calls setNextRowLen() *

* Warning: after calling this, the unfilterRow is invalid! * * @return Returns nextRowLen */ public int advanceToNextRow() { //"advanceToNextRow"); int bytesNextRow; if (deinterlacer == null) { bytesNextRow = getRown() >= imgInfo.rows - 1 ? 0 : imgInfo.bytesPerRow + 1; } else { boolean more = deinterlacer.nextRow(); bytesNextRow = more ? deinterlacer.getBytesToRead() + 1 : 0; } if (!isCallbackMode()) { // in callback mode, setNextRowLen() is called internally prepareForNextRow(bytesNextRow); } return bytesNextRow; } public boolean isRowReady() { return !isWaitingForMoreInput(); } /** * Unfiltered row. *

* This should be called only if {@link #isRowReady()} returns true. *

* To get real length, use {@link #getRowLen()} *

* * @return Unfiltered row, includes filter byte */ public byte[] getUnfilteredRow() { return rowUnfiltered; } public Deinterlacer getDeinterlacer() { return deinterlacer; } void updateCrcs(Checksum... idatCrcs) { for (Checksum idatCrca : idatCrcs) if (idatCrca != null)// just for testing idatCrca.update(getUnfilteredRow(), 1, getRowFilled() - 1); } @Override public void close() { super.close(); rowUnfiltered = null;// not really necessary... rowUnfilteredPrev = null; } /** * Only for debug/stats * * @return Array of 5 integers (sum equal numbers of rows) counting each filter use */ public int[] getFilterUseStat() { return filterUseStat; } }