2018-09-02 12:09:59 +02:00

428 lines
14 KiB

package ar.com.hjg.pngj;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.OutputStream;
import java.util.List;
import ar.com.hjg.pngj.chunks.ChunkCopyBehaviour;
import ar.com.hjg.pngj.chunks.ChunkPredicate;
import ar.com.hjg.pngj.chunks.ChunksList;
import ar.com.hjg.pngj.chunks.ChunksListForWrite;
import ar.com.hjg.pngj.chunks.PngChunk;
import ar.com.hjg.pngj.chunks.PngChunkIEND;
import ar.com.hjg.pngj.chunks.PngChunkIHDR;
import ar.com.hjg.pngj.chunks.PngChunkPLTE;
import ar.com.hjg.pngj.chunks.PngMetadata;
import ar.com.hjg.pngj.pixels.PixelsWriter;
import ar.com.hjg.pngj.pixels.PixelsWriterDefault;
* Writes a PNG image, line by line.
public class PngWriter {
public final ImageInfo imgInfo;
* last writen row number, starting from 0
protected int rowNum = -1;
private final ChunksListForWrite chunksList;
private final PngMetadata metadata;
* Current chunk grounp, (0-6) already written or currently writing (this is advanced when just starting to write the
* new group, not when finalizing the previous)
* <p>
* see {@link ChunksList}
protected int currentChunkGroup = -1;
private int passes = 1; // Some writes might require two passes (NOT USED STILL)
private int currentpass = 0; // numbered from 1
private boolean shouldCloseStream = true;
private int idatMaxSize = 0; // 0=use default (PngIDatChunkOutputStream 64k)
// private PngIDatChunkOutputStream datStream;
protected PixelsWriter pixelsWriter;
private final OutputStream os;
private ChunkPredicate copyFromPredicate = null;
private ChunksList copyFromList = null;
protected StringBuilder debuginfo = new StringBuilder();
* Opens a file for writing.
* <p>
* Sets shouldCloseStream=true. For more info see {@link #PngWriter(OutputStream, ImageInfo)}
* @param file
* @param imgInfo
* @param allowoverwrite If false and file exists, an {@link PngjOutputException} is thrown
public PngWriter(File file, ImageInfo imgInfo, boolean allowoverwrite) {
this(PngHelperInternal.ostreamFromFile(file, allowoverwrite), imgInfo);
* @see #PngWriter(File, ImageInfo, boolean) (overwrite=true)
public PngWriter(File file, ImageInfo imgInfo) {
this(file, imgInfo, true);
* Constructs a new PngWriter from a output stream. After construction nothing is writen yet. You still can set some
* parameters (compression, filters) and queue chunks before start writing the pixels.
* <p>
* @param outputStream Open stream for binary writing
* @param imgInfo Basic image parameters
public PngWriter(OutputStream outputStream, ImageInfo imgInfo) {
this.os = outputStream;
this.imgInfo = imgInfo;
// prealloc
chunksList = new ChunksListForWrite(imgInfo);
metadata = new PngMetadata(chunksList);
pixelsWriter = createPixelsWriter(imgInfo);
private void initIdat() { // this triggers the writing of first chunks
private void writeEndChunk() {
currentChunkGroup = ChunksList.CHUNK_GROUP_6_END;
PngChunkIEND c = new PngChunkIEND(imgInfo);
private void writeFirstChunks() {
if (currentChunkGroup >= ChunksList.CHUNK_GROUP_4_IDAT)
int nw = 0;
currentChunkGroup = ChunksList.CHUNK_GROUP_1_AFTERIDHR;
nw = chunksList.writeChunks(os, currentChunkGroup);
currentChunkGroup = ChunksList.CHUNK_GROUP_2_PLTE;
nw = chunksList.writeChunks(os, currentChunkGroup);
if (nw > 0 && imgInfo.greyscale)
throw new PngjOutputException("cannot write palette for this format");
if (nw == 0 && imgInfo.indexed)
throw new PngjOutputException("missing palette");
currentChunkGroup = ChunksList.CHUNK_GROUP_3_AFTERPLTE;
nw = chunksList.writeChunks(os, currentChunkGroup);
private void writeLastChunks() { // not including end
currentChunkGroup = ChunksList.CHUNK_GROUP_5_AFTERIDAT;
chunksList.writeChunks(os, currentChunkGroup);
// should not be unwriten chunks
List<PngChunk> pending = chunksList.getQueuedChunks();
if (!pending.isEmpty())
throw new PngjOutputException(pending.size() + " chunks were not written! Eg: "
+ pending.get(0).toString());
* Write id signature and also "IHDR" chunk
private void writeSignatureAndIHDR() {
PngHelperInternal.writeBytes(os, PngHelperInternal.getPngIdSignature()); // signature
currentChunkGroup = ChunksList.CHUNK_GROUP_0_IDHR;
PngChunkIHDR ihdr = new PngChunkIHDR(imgInfo);
// http://www.libpng.org/pub/png/spec/1.2/PNG-Chunks.html
private void queueChunksFromOther() {
if (copyFromList == null || copyFromPredicate == null)
boolean idatDone = currentChunkGroup >= ChunksList.CHUNK_GROUP_4_IDAT; // we assume this method is not either before
// or after the IDAT writing, not in the
// middle!
for (PngChunk chunk : copyFromList.getChunks()) {
if (chunk.getRaw().data == null)
continue; // we cannot copy skipped chunks?
int groupOri = chunk.getChunkGroup();
if (groupOri <= ChunksList.CHUNK_GROUP_4_IDAT && idatDone)
if (groupOri >= ChunksList.CHUNK_GROUP_4_IDAT && !idatDone)
if (chunk.crit && !chunk.id.equals(PngChunkPLTE.ID))
continue; // critical chunks (except perhaps PLTE) are never
// copied
boolean copy = copyFromPredicate.match(chunk);
if (copy) {
// but if the chunk is already queued or writen, it's ommited!
if (chunksList.getEquivalent(chunk).isEmpty()
&& chunksList.getQueuedEquivalent(chunk).isEmpty()) {
* Queues an ancillary chunk for writing.
* <p>
* If a "equivalent" chunk is already queued (see {@link ChunkHelper#equivalent(PngChunk, PngChunk)), this overwrites it.
* <p>
* The chunk will be written as late as possible, unless the priority is set.
* @param chunk
public void queueChunk(PngChunk chunk) {
for (PngChunk other : chunksList.getQueuedEquivalent(chunk)) {
* Sets an origin (typically from a {@link PngReader}) of Chunks to be copied. This should be called only once, before
* starting writing the rows. It doesn't matter the current state of the PngReader reading, this is a live object and
* what matters is that when the writer writes the pixels (IDAT) the reader has already read them, and that when the
* writer ends, the reader is already ended (all this is very natural).
* <p>
* Apart from the copyMask, there is some addional heuristics:
* <p>
* - The chunks will be queued, but will be written as late as possible (unless you explicitly set priority=true)
* <p>
* - The chunk will not be queued if an "equivalent" chunk was already queued explicitly. And it will be overwriten
* another is queued explicitly.
* @param chunks
* @param copyMask Some bitmask from {@link ChunkCopyBehaviour}
* @see #copyChunksFrom(ChunksList, ChunkPredicate)
public void copyChunksFrom(ChunksList chunks, int copyMask) {
copyChunksFrom(chunks, ChunkCopyBehaviour.createPredicate(copyMask, imgInfo));
* Copy all chunks from origin. See {@link #copyChunksFrom(ChunksList, int)} for more info
public void copyChunksFrom(ChunksList chunks) {
copyChunksFrom(chunks, ChunkCopyBehaviour.COPY_ALL);
* Copy chunks from origin depending on some {@link ChunkPredicate}
* @param chunks
* @param predicate The chunks (ancillary or PLTE) will be copied if and only if predicate matches
* @see #copyChunksFrom(ChunksList, int) for more info
public void copyChunksFrom(ChunksList chunks, ChunkPredicate predicate) {
if (copyFromList != null && chunks != null)
PngHelperInternal.LOGGER.warning("copyChunksFrom should only be called once");
if (predicate == null)
throw new PngjOutputException("copyChunksFrom requires a predicate");
this.copyFromList = chunks;
this.copyFromPredicate = predicate;
* Computes compressed size/raw size, approximate.
* <p>
* Actually: compressed size = total size of IDAT data , raw size = uncompressed pixel bytes = rows * (bytesPerRow +
* 1).
* This must be called after pngw.end()
public double computeCompressionRatio() {
if (currentChunkGroup < ChunksList.CHUNK_GROUP_5_AFTERIDAT)
throw new PngjOutputException("must be called after end()");
return pixelsWriter.getCompression();
* Finalizes all the steps and closes the stream. This must be called after writing the lines. Idempotent
public void end() {
if (rowNum != imgInfo.rows - 1 || !pixelsWriter.isDone())
throw new PngjOutputException("all rows have not been written");
try {
if (pixelsWriter != null)
if (currentChunkGroup < ChunksList.CHUNK_GROUP_5_AFTERIDAT)
if (currentChunkGroup < ChunksList.CHUNK_GROUP_6_END)
} finally {
* Closes and releases resources
* <p>
* This is normally called internally from {@link #end()}, you should only call this for aborting the writing and
* release resources (close the stream).
* <p>
* Idempotent and secure - never throws exceptions
public void close() {
if (pixelsWriter != null)
if (shouldCloseStream && os != null)
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
PngHelperInternal.LOGGER.warning("Error closing writer " + e.toString());
* returns the chunks list (queued and writen chunks)
public ChunksListForWrite getChunksList() {
return chunksList;
* Retruns a high level wrapper over for metadata handling
public PngMetadata getMetadata() {
return metadata;
* Sets internal prediction filter type, or strategy to choose it.
* <p>
* This must be called just after constructor, before starting writing.
* <p>
public void setFilterType(FilterType filterType) {
* This is kept for backwards compatibility, now the PixelsWriter object should be used for setting
* compression/filtering options
* @see PixelsWriter#setCompressionFactor(double)
* @param compLevel between 0 (no compression, max speed) and 9 (max compression)
public void setCompLevel(int complevel) {
public void setFilterPreserve(boolean filterPreserve) {
if (filterPreserve)
else if (pixelsWriter.getFilterType() == null)
* Sets maximum size of IDAT fragments. Incrementing this from the default has very little effect on compression and
* increments memory usage. You should rarely change this.
* <p>
* @param idatMaxSize default=0 : use defaultSize (32K)
public void setIdatMaxSize(int idatMaxSize) {
this.idatMaxSize = idatMaxSize;
* If true, output stream will be closed after ending write
* <p>
* default=true
public void setShouldCloseStream(boolean shouldCloseStream) {
this.shouldCloseStream = shouldCloseStream;
* Writes next row, does not check row number.
* @param imgline
public void writeRow(IImageLine imgline) {
writeRow(imgline, rowNum + 1);
* Writes the full set of row. The ImageLineSet should contain (allow to acces) imgInfo.rows
public void writeRows(IImageLineSet<? extends IImageLine> imglines) {
for (int i = 0; i < imgInfo.rows; i++)
public void writeRow(IImageLine imgline, int rownumber) {
if (rowNum == imgInfo.rows)
rowNum = 0;
if (rownumber == imgInfo.rows)
rownumber = 0;
if (rownumber >= 0 && rowNum != rownumber)
throw new PngjOutputException("rows must be written in order: expected:" + rowNum
+ " passed:" + rownumber);
if (rowNum == 0)
if (rownumber == 0 && currentpass == passes) {
currentChunkGroup = ChunksList.CHUNK_GROUP_4_IDAT; // we just begin writing IDAT
byte[] rowb = pixelsWriter.getRowb();
* Utility method, uses internaly a ImageLineInt
public void writeRowInt(int[] buf) {
writeRow(new ImageLineInt(imgInfo, buf));
* Factory method for pixels writer. This will be called once at the moment at start writing a set of IDAT chunks
* (typically once in a normal PNG)
* This should be overriden if custom filtering strategies are desired. Remember to release this with close()
* @param imginfo Might be different than that of this object (eg: APNG with subimages)
* @param os Output stream
* @return new PixelsWriter. Don't forget to call close() when discarding it
protected PixelsWriter createPixelsWriter(ImageInfo imginfo) {
PixelsWriterDefault pw = new PixelsWriterDefault(imginfo);
return pw;
public final PixelsWriter getPixelsWriter() {
return pixelsWriter;
public String getDebuginfo() {
return debuginfo.toString();