
242 lines
8.2 KiB

package ar.com.hjg.pngj.pixels;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.zip.Deflater;
import ar.com.hjg.pngj.FilterType;
import ar.com.hjg.pngj.ImageInfo;
/** Special pixels writer for experimental super adaptive strategy */
public class PixelsWriterMultiple extends PixelsWriter {
* unfiltered rowsperband elements, 0 is the current (rowb). This should include all rows of current band, plus one
protected LinkedList<byte[]> rows;
* bank of compressor estimators, one for each filter and (perhaps) an adaptive strategy
protected CompressorStream[] filterBank = new CompressorStream[6];
* stored filtered rows, one for each filter (0=none is not allocated but linked)
protected byte[][] filteredRows = new byte[5][];
protected byte[] filteredRowTmp; //
protected FiltersPerformance filtersPerf;
protected int rowsPerBand = 0; // This is a 'nominal' size
protected int rowsPerBandCurrent = 0; // lastRowInThisBand-firstRowInThisBand +1 : might be
// smaller than rowsPerBand
protected int rowInBand = -1;
protected int bandNum = -1;
protected int firstRowInThisBand, lastRowInThisBand;
private boolean tryAdaptive = true;
protected static final int HINT_MEMORY_DEFAULT_KB = 100;
// we will consume about (not more than) this memory (in buffers, not counting the compressors)
protected int hintMemoryKb = HINT_MEMORY_DEFAULT_KB;
private int hintRowsPerBand = 1000; // default: very large number, can be changed
private boolean useLz4 = true;
public PixelsWriterMultiple(ImageInfo imgInfo) {
filtersPerf = new FiltersPerformance(imgInfo);
rows = new LinkedList<byte[]>();
for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
rows.add(new byte[buflen]); // we preallocate 2 rows (rowb and rowbprev)
filteredRowTmp = new byte[buflen];
protected void filterAndWrite(byte[] rowb) {
if (!initdone)
if (rowb != rows.get(0))
throw new RuntimeException("?");
byte[] rowbprev = rows.get(1);
for (FilterType ftype : FilterType.getAllStandardNoneLast()) {
// this has a special behaviour for NONE: filteredRows[0] is null, and the returned value is
// rowb
if (currentRow == 0 && ftype != FilterType.FILTER_NONE && ftype != FilterType.FILTER_SUB)
byte[] filtered = filterRowWithFilterType(ftype, rowb, rowbprev, filteredRows[ftype.val]);
if (currentRow == 0 && ftype == FilterType.FILTER_SUB) { // litle lie, only for first row
// adptive: report each filterted
if (tryAdaptive) {
filtersPerf.updateFromFiltered(ftype, filtered, currentRow);
filteredRows[0] = rowb;
if (tryAdaptive) {
FilterType preferredAdaptive = filtersPerf.getPreferred();
if (currentRow == lastRowInThisBand) {
int best = getBestCompressor();
// PngHelperInternal.debug("won: " + best + " (rows: " + firstRowInThisBand + ":" + lastRowInThisBand + ")");
// if(currentRow>90&&currentRow<100)
// PngHelperInternal.debug(String.format("row=%d ft=%s",currentRow,FilterType.getByVal(best)));
byte[] filtersAdapt = filterBank[best].getFirstBytes();
for (int r = firstRowInThisBand, i = 0, j = lastRowInThisBand - firstRowInThisBand; r <= lastRowInThisBand; r++, j--, i++) {
int fti = filtersAdapt[i];
byte[] filtered = null;
if (r != lastRowInThisBand) {
filtered =
filterRowWithFilterType(FilterType.getByVal(fti), rows.get(j), rows.get(j + 1),
} else { // no need to do this filtering, we already have it
filtered = filteredRows[fti];
// rotate
if (rows.size() > rowsPerBandCurrent) {
} else
rows.addFirst(new byte[buflen]);
public byte[] getRowb() {
return rows.get(0);
private void setBandFromNewRown() {
boolean newBand = currentRow == 0 || currentRow > lastRowInThisBand;
if (currentRow == 0)
bandNum = -1;
if (newBand) {
rowInBand = 0;
} else {
if (newBand) {
firstRowInThisBand = currentRow;
lastRowInThisBand = firstRowInThisBand + rowsPerBand - 1;
int lastRowInNextBand = firstRowInThisBand + 2 * rowsPerBand - 1;
if (lastRowInNextBand >= imgInfo.rows) // hack:make this band bigger, so we don't have a small
// last band
lastRowInThisBand = imgInfo.rows - 1;
rowsPerBandCurrent = 1 + lastRowInThisBand - firstRowInThisBand;
tryAdaptive =
rowsPerBandCurrent <= 3 || (rowsPerBandCurrent < 10 && imgInfo.bytesPerRow < 64) ? false
: true;
// rebuild bank
private void rebuildFiltersBank() {
long bytesPerBandCurrent = rowsPerBandCurrent * (long) buflen;
final int DEFLATER_COMP_LEVEL = 4;
for (int i = 0; i <= 5; i++) {// one for each filter plus one adaptive
CompressorStream cp = filterBank[i];
if (cp == null || cp.totalbytes != bytesPerBandCurrent) {
if (cp != null)
if (useLz4)
cp = new CompressorStreamLz4(null, buflen, bytesPerBandCurrent);
cp =
new CompressorStreamDeflater(null, buflen, bytesPerBandCurrent, DEFLATER_COMP_LEVEL,
filterBank[i] = cp;
} else {
cp.setStoreFirstByte(true, rowsPerBandCurrent); // TODO: only for adaptive?
private int computeInitialRowsPerBand() {
// memory (only buffers) ~ (r+1+5) * bytesPerRow
int r = (int) ((hintMemoryKb * 1024.0) / (imgInfo.bytesPerRow + 1) - 5);
if (r < 1)
r = 1;
if (hintRowsPerBand > 0 && r > hintRowsPerBand)
r = hintRowsPerBand;
if (r > imgInfo.rows)
r = imgInfo.rows;
if (r > 2 && r > imgInfo.rows / 8) { // redistribute more evenly
int k = (imgInfo.rows + (r - 1)) / r;
r = (imgInfo.rows + k / 2) / k;
// PngHelperInternal.debug("rows :" + r + "/" + imgInfo.rows);
return r;
private int getBestCompressor() {
double bestcr = Double.MAX_VALUE;
int bestb = -1;
for (int i = tryAdaptive ? 5 : 4; i >= 0; i--) {
CompressorStream fb = filterBank[i];
double cr = fb.getCompressionRatio();
if (cr <= bestcr) { // dirty trick, here the equality gains for row 0, so that SUB is prefered
// over PAETH, UP, AVE...
bestb = i;
bestcr = cr;
return bestb;
protected void initParams() {
// if adaptative but too few rows or columns, use default
if (imgInfo.cols < 3 && !FilterType.isValidStandard(filterType))
filterType = FilterType.FILTER_DEFAULT;
if (imgInfo.rows < 3 && !FilterType.isValidStandard(filterType))
filterType = FilterType.FILTER_DEFAULT;
for (int i = 1; i <= 4; i++) { // element 0 is not allocated
if (filteredRows[i] == null || filteredRows[i].length < buflen)
filteredRows[i] = new byte[buflen];
if (rowsPerBand == 0)
rowsPerBand = computeInitialRowsPerBand();
public void close() {
for (CompressorStream f : filterBank) {
public void setHintMemoryKb(int hintMemoryKb) {
this.hintMemoryKb =
hintMemoryKb <= 0 ? HINT_MEMORY_DEFAULT_KB : (hintMemoryKb > 10000 ? 10000 : hintMemoryKb);
public void setHintRowsPerBand(int hintRowsPerBand) {
this.hintRowsPerBand = hintRowsPerBand;
public void setUseLz4(boolean lz4) {
this.useLz4 = lz4;
/** for tuning memory or other parameters */
public FiltersPerformance getFiltersPerf() {
return filtersPerf;
public void setTryAdaptive(boolean tryAdaptive) {
this.tryAdaptive = tryAdaptive;