
558 lines
14 KiB

package org.nevec.rjm;
import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.math.MathContext;
import java.security.ProviderException;
import org.warp.picalculator.Errore;
import org.warp.picalculator.Utils;
* Square roots on the real line.
* These represent numbers which are a product of a (signed) fraction by
* a square root of a non-negative fraction.
* This might be extended to values on the imaginary axis by allowing negative
* values underneath the square root, but this is not yet implemented.
* @since 2011-02-12
* @author Richard J. Mathar
public class BigSurd implements Cloneable, Comparable<BigSurd> {
* The value of zero.
static public BigSurd ZERO = new BigSurd();
* The value of one.
static public BigSurd ONE = new BigSurd(Rational.ONE, Rational.ONE);
* Prefactor
Rational pref;
* The number underneath the square root, always non-negative.
* The mathematical object has the value pref*sqrt(disc).
Rational disc;
* Default ctor, which represents the zero.
* @since 2011-02-12
public BigSurd() {
pref = Rational.ZERO;
disc = Rational.ZERO;
* ctor given the prefactor and the basis of the root.
* This creates an object of value a*sqrt(b).
* @param a
* the prefactor.
* @param b
* the discriminant.
* @since 2011-02-12
public BigSurd(Rational a, Rational b) {
this.pref = a;
* reject attempts to use a negative b
if (b.signum() < 0)
throw new ProviderException("Not implemented: imaginary surds");
this.disc = b;
try {
} catch (Errore e) {
* ctor given the numerator and denominator of the root.
* This creates an object of value sqrt(a/b).
* @param a
* the numerator
* @param b
* the denominator.
* @since 2011-02-12
public BigSurd(int a, int b) {
this(Rational.ONE, new Rational(a, b));
* ctor given the value under the root.
* This creates an object of value sqrt(a).
* @param a
* the discriminant.
* @since 2011-02-12
public BigSurd(BigInteger a) {
this(Rational.ONE, new Rational(a, BigInteger.ONE));
public BigSurd(Rational a) {
this(Rational.ONE, a);
* Create a deep copy.
* @since 2011-02-12
public BigSurd clone() {
Rational fclon = pref.clone();
Rational dclon = disc.clone();
* the main intent here is to bypass any attempt to reduce the
* discriminant
* by figuring out the square-free part in normalize(), which has
* already done
* in the current copy of the number.
BigSurd cl = new BigSurd();
cl.pref = fclon;
cl.disc = dclon;
return cl;
} /* BigSurd.clone */
* Add two surds of compatible discriminant.
* @param val
* The value to be added to this.
public BigSurdVec add(final BigSurd val) {
// zero plus somethings yields something
if (signum() == 0)
return new BigSurdVec(val);
else if (val.signum() == 0)
return new BigSurdVec(this);
// let the ctor of BigSurdVec to the work
return new BigSurdVec(this, val);
} /* BigSurd.add */
* Multiply by another square root.
* @param val
* a second number of this type.
* @return the product of this with the val.
* @since 2011-02-12
public BigSurd multiply(final BigSurd val) {
return new BigSurd(pref.multiply(val.pref), disc.multiply(val.disc));
} /* BigSurd.multiply */
* Multiply by a rational number.
* @param val
* the factor.
* @return the product of this with the val.
* @since 2011-02-15
public BigSurd multiply(final Rational val) {
return new BigSurd(pref.multiply(val), disc);
} /* BigSurd.multiply */
* Multiply by a BigInteger.
* @param val
* a second number.
* @return the product of this with the value.
* @since 2011-02-12
public BigSurd multiply(final BigInteger val) {
return new BigSurd(pref.multiply(val), disc);
} /* BigSurd.multiply */
* Multiply by an integer.
* @param val
* a second number.
* @return the product of this with the value.
* @since 2011-02-12
public BigSurd multiply(final int val) {
BigInteger tmp = new BigInteger("" + val);
return multiply(tmp);
} /* BigSurd.multiply */
* Compute the square.
* @return this value squared.
* @since 2011-02-12
public Rational sqr() {
Rational res = pref.pow(2);
res = res.multiply(disc);
return res;
} /* BigSurd.sqr */
* Divide by another square root.
* @param val
* A second number of this type.
* @return The value of this/val
* @throws Errore
* @since 2011-02-12
public BigSurd divide(final BigSurd val) throws Errore {
if (val.signum() == 0)
throw new ArithmeticException("Dividing " + toFancyString() + " through zero.");
return new BigSurd(pref.divide(val.pref), disc.divide(val.disc));
} /* BigSurd.divide */
private String toFancyString() {
BigSurd bs = this;
BigInteger denominator = pref.b;
String s = "";
if (denominator.compareTo(BigInteger.ONE) != 0) {
s += "(";
if (bs.isBigInteger()) {
s += bs.BigDecimalValue(new MathContext(Utils.scale, Utils.scaleMode2)).toBigInteger().toString();
} else if (bs.isRational()) {
s += bs.toRational().toString();
} else {
BigInteger numerator = bs.pref.a;
if (numerator.compareTo(BigInteger.ONE) != 0) {
s += numerator.toString();
s += "*";
s += "(";
s += "2√";
if (bs.disc.isInteger()) {
s += bs.disc.toString();
} else {
s += "(" + bs.disc.toString() + ")";
if (numerator.compareTo(BigInteger.ONE) != 0) {
s += ")";
return s;
* Divide by an integer.
* @param val
* a second number.
* @return the value of this/val
* @throws Errore
* @since 2011-02-12
public BigSurd divide(final BigInteger val) throws Errore {
if (val.signum() == 0)
throw new ArithmeticException("Dividing " + toFancyString() + " through zero.");
return new BigSurd(pref.divide(val), disc);
} /* BigSurd.divide */
* Divide by an integer.
* @param val
* A second number.
* @return The value of this/val
* @throws Errore
* @since 2011-02-12
public BigSurd divide(int val) throws Errore {
if (val == 0)
throw new ArithmeticException("Dividing " + toFancyString() + " through zero.");
return new BigSurd(pref.divide(val), disc);
} /* BigSurd.divide */
* Compute the negative.
* @return -this.
* @since 2011-02-12
public BigSurd negate() {
* This is trying to be quick, avoiding normalize(), by toggling
* the sign in a clone()
BigSurd n = clone();
n.pref = n.pref.negate();
return n;
} /* BigSurd.negate */
* Absolute value.
* @return The absolute (non-negative) value of this.
* @since 2011-02-12
public BigSurd abs() {
return new BigSurd(pref.abs(), disc);
* Compares the value of this with another constant.
* @param val
* the other constant to compare with
* @return -1, 0 or 1 if this number is numerically less than, equal to,
* or greater than val.
* @since 2011-02-12
public int compareTo(final BigSurd val) {
* Since we keep the discriminant positive, the rough estimate
* comes from comparing the signs of the prefactors.
final int sig = signum();
final int sigv = val.signum();
if (sig < 0 && sigv >= 0)
return -1;
if (sig > 0 && sigv <= 0)
return 1;
if (sig == 0 && sigv == 0)
return 0;
if (sig == 0 && sigv > 0)
return -1;
if (sig == 0 && sigv < 0)
return 1;
* Work out the cases of equal sign. Compare absolute values by
* comparison
* of the squares which is forwarded to the comparison of the Rational
* class.
final Rational this2 = sqr();
final Rational val2 = val.sqr();
final int c = this2.compareTo(val2);
if (c == 0)
return 0;
* If both values have negative sign, the one with the smaller square is
* the larger number.
else if (sig > 0 && c > 0 || sig < 0 && c < 0)
return 1;
return -1;
} /* BigSurd.compareTo */
* Return a string in the format (number/denom)*()^(1/2).
* If the discriminant equals 1, print just the prefactor.
* @return the human-readable version in base 10
* @since 2011-02-12
public String toString() {
if (disc.compareTo(Rational.ONE) != 0 && disc.compareTo(Rational.ZERO) != 0)
return ("(" + pref.toString() + ")*(" + disc.toString() + ")^(1/2)");
return pref.toString();
} /* BigSurd.toString */
* Return a double value representation.
* @return The value with double precision.
* @since 2011-02-12
public double doubleValue() {
* First compute the square to prevent overflows if the two pieces of
* the prefactor and the discriminant are of very different magnitude.
Rational p2 = pref.pow(2).multiply(disc);
System.out.println("dv sq " + p2.toString());
double res = p2.doubleValue();
System.out.println("dv sq " + res);
return (pref.signum() >= 0) ? Math.sqrt(res) : -Math.sqrt(res);
} /* BigSurd.doubleValue */
* Return a float value representation.
* @return The value with single precision.
* @since 2011-02-12
public float floatValue() {
return (float) (doubleValue());
} /* BigSurd.floatValue */
* True if the value is integer.
* Equivalent to the indication whether a conversion to an integer
* can be exact.
* @since 2011-02-12
public boolean isBigInteger() {
return pref.isBigInteger() && (disc.signum() == 0 || disc.compareTo(Rational.ONE) == 0);
} /* BigSurd.isBigInteger */
* True if the value is rational.
* Equivalent to the indication whether a conversion to a Rational can be
* exact.
* @since 2011-02-12
public boolean isRational() {
return (disc.signum() == 0 || disc.compareTo(Rational.ONE) == 0);
} /* BigSurd.isRational */
* Convert to a rational value if possible
* @since 2012-02-15
public Rational toRational() {
if (isRational())
return pref;
throw new ArithmeticException("Undefined conversion " + toFancyString() + " to Rational.");
} /* BigSurd.toRational */
* The sign: 1 if the number is >0, 0 if ==0, -1 if <0
* @return the signum of the value.
* @since 2011-02-12
public int signum() {
* Since the disc is kept positive, this is the same
* as the sign of the prefactor. This works because a zero discriminant
* is always copied over to the prefactor, not hidden.
return pref.signum();
} /* BigSurd.signum */
* Normalize to squarefree discriminant.
* @throws Errore
* @since 2011-02-12
protected void normalize() throws Errore {
* Move squares out of the numerator and denominator of the discriminant
if (disc.signum() != 0) {
* square-free part of the numerator: numer = numC*some^2
BigInteger numC = BigIntegerMath.core(disc.numer());
* extract the perfect square of the numerator
BigInteger sq = disc.numer().divide(numC);
* extract the associated square root
BigInteger sqf = BigIntegerMath.isqrt(sq);
* move sqf over to the pre-factor
pref = pref.multiply(sqf);
BigInteger denC = BigIntegerMath.core(disc.denom());
sq = disc.denom().divide(denC);
sqf = BigIntegerMath.isqrt(sq);
pref = pref.divide(sqf);
disc = new Rational(numC, denC);
} else
pref = Rational.ZERO;
} /* BigSurd.normalize */
* Normalize to coprime numerator and denominator in prefactor and
* discriminant
* @throws Errore
* @since 2011-02-12
protected void normalizeG() throws Errore {
* Is there a common factor between the numerator of the prefactor
* and the denominator of the discriminant ?
BigInteger d = pref.numer().abs().gcd(disc.denom());
if (d.compareTo(BigInteger.ONE) > 0) {
pref = pref.divide(d);
* instead of multiplying with the square of d, using two steps
* offers a change to recognize the common factor..
disc = disc.multiply(d);
disc = disc.multiply(d);
* Is there a common factor between the denominator of the prefactor
* and the numerator of the discriminant ?
d = pref.denom().gcd(disc.numer());
if (d.compareTo(BigInteger.ONE) > 0) {
pref = pref.multiply(d);
* instead of dividing through the square of d, using two steps
* offers a change to recognize the common factor..
disc = disc.divide(d);
disc = disc.divide(d);
} /* BigSurd.normalizeG */
* Return the approximate floating point representation.
* @param mc
* Description of the accuracy needed.
* @return A representation with digits valid as described by mc
* @since 2012-02-15
public BigDecimal BigDecimalValue(MathContext mc) {
* the relative error of the result equals the relative error of the
* prefactor plus half of the relative error of the discriminant.
* So adding 3 digits temporarily is sufficient.
final MathContext locmc = new MathContext(mc.getPrecision() + 3, mc.getRoundingMode());
* first the square root of the discriminant
BigDecimal sqrdis = BigDecimalMath.sqrt(disc.BigDecimalValue(locmc), locmc);
* Then multiply by the prefactor. If sqrdis is a terminating decimal
* fraction,
* we prevent early truncation of the result by truncating later.
BigDecimal res = sqrdis.multiply(pref.BigDecimalValue(mc));
return BigDecimalMath.scalePrec(res, mc);
} /* BigDecimalValue */
} /* BigSurd */