
187 lines
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2023-03-03 00:13:36 +01:00
package it.cavallium.buffer;
import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.bytes.ByteArrayList;
import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.bytes.ByteList;
import java.nio.charset.Charset;
import java.util.RandomAccess;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable;
public interface Buf extends ByteList, RandomAccess {
static Buf wrap(ByteList bytes) {
if (bytes instanceof Buf buf) {
return buf;
} else if (bytes instanceof ByteArrayList byteArrayList) {
return ByteListBuf.wrap(byteArrayList.elements(), byteArrayList.size());
} else {
return ByteListBuf.wrap(bytes.toByteArray());
static Buf wrap(ByteList bytes, int from, int to) {
if (bytes instanceof Buf buf) {
return buf.subList(from, to);
} else if (bytes instanceof ByteArrayList byteArrayList) {
return ByteListBuf.wrap(byteArrayList.elements(), byteArrayList.size()).subList(from, to);
} else {
return ByteListBuf.wrap(bytes.toByteArray()).subList(from, to);
static Buf wrap(byte[] bytes) {
return ByteListBuf.wrap(bytes);
static Buf wrap(byte[] bytes, int from, int to) {
return ByteListBuf.wrap(bytes, to).subList(from, to);
static Buf create(int initialCapacity) {
return new ByteListBuf(initialCapacity);
static Buf copyOf(byte[] original) {
return new ByteListBuf(original);
static Buf create() {
return new ByteListBuf();
static Buf wrap(byte[] array, int length) {
return ByteListBuf.wrap(array, length);
static Buf createZeroes(int length) {
return ByteListBuf.wrap(new byte[length], length);
* Get this element as an array, converting it if needed
byte @NotNull[] asArray();
* Get this element as an array, only if it's already an array, otherwise return null
byte @Nullable[] asArrayStrict();
* Get this element as an array with equal or bigger size, converting it if needed
* The returned array may be bigger than expected!
byte @Nullable[] asUnboundedArray();
* Get this element as an array with equal or bigger size, only if it's already an array, otherwise return null
* The returned array may be bigger than expected!
byte @Nullable[] asUnboundedArrayStrict();
boolean isMutable();
void freeze();
Buf subList(int from, int to);
Buf copy();
SafeByteArrayInputStream binaryInputStream();
void writeTo(SafeDataOutput dataOutput);
default long getLong(int i) {
byte b1 = getByte(i);
byte b2 = getByte(i + 1);
byte b3 = getByte(i + 2);
byte b4 = getByte(i + 3);
byte b5 = getByte(i + 4);
byte b6 = getByte(i + 5);
byte b7 = getByte(i + 6);
byte b8 = getByte(i + 7);
return (b1 & 0xFFL) << 56
| (b2 & 0xFFL) << 48
| (b3 & 0xFFL) << 40
| (b4 & 0xFFL) << 32
| (b5 & 0xFFL) << 24
| (b6 & 0xFFL) << 16
| (b7 & 0xFFL) << 8
| (b8 & 0xFFL);
default int getInt(int i) {
byte b1 = getByte(i);
byte b2 = getByte(i + 1);
byte b3 = getByte(i + 2);
byte b4 = getByte(i + 3);
return b1 << 24 | (b2 & 0xFF) << 16 | (b3 & 0xFF) << 8 | (b4 & 0xFF);
default float getFloat(int i) {
return Float.intBitsToFloat(getInt(i));
default double getDouble(int i) {
return Double.longBitsToDouble(getLong(i));
default boolean getBoolean(int i) {
return getByte(i) != 0;
default void setBoolean(int i, boolean val) {
set(i, val ? (byte) 1 : 0);
default void setByte(int i, byte val) {
set(i, val);
default void setInt(int i, int val) {
set(i, (byte) (val >> 24));
set(i + 1, (byte) (val >> 16));
set(i + 2, (byte) (val >> 8));
set(i + 3, (byte) val);
default void setLong(int i, long val) {
set(i, (byte) (val >> 56));
set(i + 1, (byte) (val >> 48));
set(i + 2, (byte) (val >> 40));
set(i + 3, (byte) (val >> 32));
set(i + 4, (byte) (val >> 24));
set(i + 5, (byte) (val >> 16));
set(i + 6, (byte) (val >> 8));
set(i + 7, (byte) val);
default void setFloat(int i, float val) {
setInt(i, Float.floatToRawIntBits(val));
default void setDouble(int i, double val) {
setLong(i, Double.doubleToRawLongBits(val));
default SafeByteArrayOutputStream binaryOutputStream() {
return binaryOutputStream(0, size());
default SafeByteArrayOutputStream binaryOutputStream(int from) {
return binaryOutputStream(from, size());
SafeByteArrayOutputStream binaryOutputStream(int from, int to);
boolean equals(int aStartIndex, Buf b, int bStartIndex, int length);
boolean equals(int aStartIndex, byte[] b, int bStartIndex, int length);
default String toString(Charset charset) {
return new String(this.asArray(), charset);