package it.cavallium.buffer; import static java.util.Objects.checkFromIndexSize; import static java.util.Objects.checkFromToIndex; import; import; import; import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.bytes.AbstractByteList; import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.bytes.ByteArrayList; import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.bytes.ByteArrays; import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.bytes.ByteCollection; import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.bytes.ByteConsumer; import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.bytes.ByteIterator; import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.bytes.ByteIterators; import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.bytes.ByteList; import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.bytes.ByteListIterator; import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.bytes.BytePredicate; import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.bytes.ByteSpliterator; import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.bytes.ByteSpliterators; import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.bytes.ByteUnaryOperator; import; import java.nio.charset.Charset; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.NoSuchElementException; import java.util.function.IntPredicate; import java.util.function.IntUnaryOperator; import java.util.function.Predicate; import java.util.function.UnaryOperator; import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull; import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable; import org.jetbrains.annotations.VisibleForTesting; class ByteListBuf extends ByteArrayList implements Buf { private static final String IMMUTABLE_ERROR = "The buffer is immutable"; private boolean immutable; protected ByteListBuf(byte[] a, boolean wrapped) { super(a, wrapped); } public ByteListBuf(int capacity) { super(capacity); } public ByteListBuf() { } public ByteListBuf(Collection c) { super(c); } public ByteListBuf(ByteCollection c) { super(c); } public ByteListBuf(ByteList l) { super(l); } public ByteListBuf(byte[] a) { super(a); } public ByteListBuf(byte[] a, int offset, int length) { super(a, offset, length); } public ByteListBuf(Iterator i) { super(i); } public ByteListBuf(ByteIterator i) { super(i); } /** * Wraps a given array into an array list of given size. * *

* Note it is guaranteed that the type of the array returned by {@link #elements()} will be the same * (see the comments in the class documentation). * * @param a an array to wrap. * @param length the length of the resulting array list. * @return a new array list of the given size, wrapping the given array. */ public static ByteListBuf wrap(final byte[] a, final int length) { ByteArrays.ensureFromTo(a, 0, length); final ByteListBuf l = new ByteListBuf(a, true); l.size = length; return l; } /** * Wraps a given array into an array list. * *

* Note it is guaranteed that the type of the array returned by {@link #elements()} will be the same * (see the comments in the class documentation). * * @param a an array to wrap. * @return a new array list wrapping the given array. */ public static ByteListBuf wrap(final byte[] a) { return wrap(a, a.length); } /** * Creates a new empty array list. * * @return a new empty array list. */ public static ByteListBuf of() { return new ByteListBuf(); } /** * Creates an array list using an array of elements. * * @param init a the array the will become the new backing array of the array list. * @return a new array list backed by the given array. * @see #wrap */ public static ByteListBuf of(final byte... init) { return wrap(init); } @Override public byte @NotNull [] asArray() { if (this.size() == a.length) { return this.a; } else { return this.toByteArray(); } } @Override public byte @Nullable [] asArrayStrict() { if (this.size() == a.length) { return a; } else { return null; } } @Override public byte[] asUnboundedArray() { return a; } @Override public byte @Nullable [] asUnboundedArrayStrict() { return a; } @Override public boolean isMutable() { return !immutable; } @Override public ByteListBuf freeze() { immutable = true; return this; } @Override public Buf subList(int from, int to) { if (from == 0 && to == size()) return this; return subListForced(from, to); } @VisibleForTesting public Buf subListForced(int from, int to) { checkFromToIndex(from, to, this.size()); return new SubList(from, to); } @Override public Buf copyOfRange(int from, int to) { if (from == 0 && to == size()) { return copy(); } else { return ByteListBuf.wrap(Arrays.copyOfRange(this.a, from, to), to - from); } } @Override public Buf copy() { return ByteListBuf.wrap(this.a.clone(), this.size); } @Override public SafeByteArrayInputStream binaryInputStream() { return new SafeByteArrayInputStream(this.a, 0, this.size); } @Override public void writeTo(SafeDataOutput dataOutput) { dataOutput.write(this.a, 0, this.size); } @Override public SafeByteArrayOutputStream binaryOutputStream(int from, int to) { checkFromToIndex(from, to, size); return new SafeByteArrayOutputStream(a, from, to); } @Override public boolean equals(int aStartIndex, Buf b, int bStartIndex, int length) { if (aStartIndex + length > size()) { return false; } return b.equals(bStartIndex, this.a, aStartIndex, length); } @Override public boolean equals(int aStartIndex, byte[] b, int bStartIndex, int length) { if (aStartIndex < 0) return false; if (aStartIndex + length > this.size) { return false; } if (bStartIndex + length > b.length) { return false; } return Arrays.equals(a, aStartIndex, aStartIndex + length, b, bStartIndex, bStartIndex + length); } @Override public String toString(Charset charset) { return getString(0, size, charset); } @Override public String getString(int i, int length, Charset charset) { return new String(a, i, length, charset); } class SubList extends AbstractByteList.ByteRandomAccessSubList implements Buf { @Serial private static final long serialVersionUID = -3185226345314976296L; protected SubList(int from, int to) { super(ByteListBuf.this, from, to); } // Most of the inherited methods should be fine, but we can override a few of them for performance. // Needed because we can't access the parent class' instance variables directly in a different // instance of SubList. @IgnoreCoverage private byte[] getParentArray() { return a; } @Override public @NotNull Buf subList(int from, int to) { // Sadly we have to rewrap this, because if there is a sublist of a sublist, and the // subsublist adds, both sublists need to update their "to" value. return subListForced(from, to); } @Override public Buf subListForced(int from, int to) { checkFromToIndex(from, to,; var fromAbs = this.from + from; var toAbs = this.from + to; // Sadly we have to rewrap this, because if there is a sublist of a sublist, and the // subsublist adds, both sublists need to update their "to" value. return new SubList(fromAbs, toAbs); } @Override public Buf copyOfRange(int from, int to) { if (from == 0 && to == size()) { return copy(); } else { return Buf.wrap(Arrays.copyOfRange(a, this.from + from, this.from + to)); } } @Override public Buf copy() { return Buf.wrap(Arrays.copyOfRange(a, from, to)); } @Override public SafeByteArrayInputStream binaryInputStream() { return new SafeByteArrayInputStream(a, from, size()); } @Override public void writeTo(SafeDataOutput dataOutput) { dataOutput.write(a, from, size()); } @Override public SafeByteArrayOutputStream binaryOutputStream(int from, int to) { checkFromToIndex(from, to, size()); return new SafeByteArrayOutputStream(a, from + this.from, to + this.from); } @Override public boolean equals(int aStartIndex, Buf b, int bStartIndex, int length) { if (aStartIndex + length > size()) { return false; } return b.equals(bStartIndex, a, aStartIndex + from, length); } @Override public boolean equals(int aStartIndex, byte[] b, int bStartIndex, int length) { var aFrom = from + aStartIndex; var aTo = from + aStartIndex + length; var bTo = bStartIndex + length; if (aFrom < from) return false; if (aTo > to) return false; if (bTo > b.length) return false; return Arrays.equals(a, aFrom, aTo, b, bStartIndex, bTo); } @Override public byte getByte(int i) { ensureRestrictedIndex(i); return a[i + from]; } @Override public byte @NotNull [] asArray() { if (this.from == 0 && == a.length) { return a; } else { return SubList.this.toByteArray(); } } @Override public byte @Nullable [] asArrayStrict() { if (this.from == 0 && == a.length) { return a; } else { return null; } } @Override public byte[] asUnboundedArray() { if (from == 0) { return a; } else { return toByteArray(); } } @Override public byte @Nullable [] asUnboundedArrayStrict() { if (from == 0) { return a; } else { return null; } } @Override public boolean isMutable() { return ByteListBuf.this.isMutable(); } @Override public SubList freeze() { immutable = true; return this; } private final class SubListIterator extends ByteIterators.AbstractIndexBasedListIterator { // We are using pos == 0 to be 0 relative to SubList.from (meaning you need to do a[from + i] when // accessing array). SubListIterator(int index) { super(0, index); } @IgnoreCoverage @Override protected byte get(int i) { return ByteListBuf.SubList.this.getByte(i); } @IgnoreCoverage @Override protected void add(int i, byte k) { assert isMutable() : IMMUTABLE_ERROR; ByteListBuf.SubList.this.add(i, k); } @IgnoreCoverage @Override protected void set(int i, byte k) { assert isMutable() : IMMUTABLE_ERROR; ByteListBuf.SubList.this.set(i, k); } @IgnoreCoverage @Override protected void remove(int i) { assert isMutable() : IMMUTABLE_ERROR; ByteListBuf.SubList.this.removeByte(i); } @Override protected int getMaxPos() { return to - from; } @Override public byte nextByte() { if (!hasNext()) throw new NoSuchElementException(); return a[from + (lastReturned = pos++)]; } @Override public byte previousByte() { if (!hasPrevious()) throw new NoSuchElementException(); return a[from + (lastReturned = --pos)]; } @Override public void forEachRemaining(final ByteConsumer action) { final int max = to - from; while (pos < max) { action.accept(a[from + (lastReturned = pos++)]); } } } @Override public @NotNull ByteListIterator listIterator(int index) { return new ByteListBuf.SubList.SubListIterator(index); } private final class SubListSpliterator extends ByteSpliterators.LateBindingSizeIndexBasedSpliterator { // We are using pos == 0 to be 0 relative to real array 0 SubListSpliterator() { super(from); } private SubListSpliterator(int pos, int maxPos) { super(pos, maxPos); } @Override protected int getMaxPosFromBackingStore() { return to; } @IgnoreCoverage @Override protected byte get(int i) { return a[i]; } @Override protected ByteListBuf.SubList.SubListSpliterator makeForSplit(int pos, int maxPos) { return new ByteListBuf.SubList.SubListSpliterator(pos, maxPos); } @Override public boolean tryAdvance(final ByteConsumer action) { if (pos >= getMaxPos()) return false; action.accept(a[pos++]); return true; } @Override public void forEachRemaining(final ByteConsumer action) { final int max = getMaxPos(); while (pos < max) { action.accept(a[pos++]); } } } @Override public ByteSpliterator spliterator() { return new ByteListBuf.SubList.SubListSpliterator(); } boolean contentsEquals(byte[] otherA, int otherAFrom, int otherATo) { if (a == otherA && from == otherAFrom && to == otherATo) return true; return Arrays.equals(a, from, to, otherA, otherAFrom, otherATo); } @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if (o == this) return true; if (o == null) return false; if (!(o instanceof java.util.List)) return false; if (o instanceof ByteListBuf other) { return contentsEquals(other.a, 0, other.size()); } if (o instanceof SubList other) { return contentsEquals(other.getParentArray(), other.from,; } return super.equals(o); } int contentsCompareTo(byte[] otherA, int otherAFrom, int otherATo) { if (a == otherA && from == otherAFrom && to == otherATo) return 0; return Arrays.compareUnsigned(a, from, to, otherA, otherAFrom, otherATo); } @Override public int compareTo(final java.util.@NotNull List l) { if (l instanceof ByteListBuf other) { return contentsCompareTo(other.a, 0, other.size()); } if (l instanceof ByteListBuf.SubList other) { return contentsCompareTo(other.getParentArray(), other.from,; } return super.compareTo(l); } @Override public String toString(Charset charset) { return new String(a, from, size(), charset); } @Override public String getString(int i, int length, Charset charset) { checkFromIndexSize(i, length, to - from); return new String(a, from + i, length, charset); } } @IgnoreCoverage @Override public void add(int index, byte k) { assert isMutable() : IMMUTABLE_ERROR; super.add(index, k); } @IgnoreCoverage @Override public boolean add(byte k) { assert isMutable() : IMMUTABLE_ERROR; return super.add(k); } @IgnoreCoverage @Override public byte removeByte(int index) { assert isMutable() : IMMUTABLE_ERROR; return super.removeByte(index); } @IgnoreCoverage @Override public boolean rem(byte k) { assert isMutable() : IMMUTABLE_ERROR; return super.rem(k); } @IgnoreCoverage @Override public byte set(int index, byte k) { assert isMutable() : IMMUTABLE_ERROR; return super.set(index, k); } @IgnoreCoverage @Override public void clear() { assert isMutable() : IMMUTABLE_ERROR; super.clear(); } @IgnoreCoverage @Override public void trim() { assert isMutable() : IMMUTABLE_ERROR; super.trim(); } @IgnoreCoverage @Override public void trim(int n) { assert isMutable() : IMMUTABLE_ERROR; super.trim(n); } @IgnoreCoverage @Override public void removeElements(int from, int to) { assert isMutable() : IMMUTABLE_ERROR; super.removeElements(from, to); } @IgnoreCoverage @Override public void addElements(int index, byte[] a, int offset, int length) { assert isMutable() : IMMUTABLE_ERROR; super.addElements(index, a, offset, length); } @IgnoreCoverage @Override public void setElements(int index, byte[] a, int offset, int length) { assert isMutable() : IMMUTABLE_ERROR; super.setElements(index, a, offset, length); } @IgnoreCoverage @Override public boolean addAll(int index, ByteCollection c) { assert isMutable() : IMMUTABLE_ERROR; return super.addAll(index, c); } @IgnoreCoverage @Override public boolean addAll(int index, ByteList l) { assert isMutable() : IMMUTABLE_ERROR; return super.addAll(index, l); } @IgnoreCoverage @Override public boolean removeAll(ByteCollection c) { assert isMutable() : IMMUTABLE_ERROR; return super.removeAll(c); } @IgnoreCoverage @Override public boolean addAll(int index, @NotNull Collection c) { assert isMutable() : IMMUTABLE_ERROR; return super.addAll(index, c); } @IgnoreCoverage @Override public boolean addAll(@NotNull Collection c) { assert isMutable() : IMMUTABLE_ERROR; return super.addAll(c); } @IgnoreCoverage @Override public void addElements(int index, byte[] a) { assert isMutable() : IMMUTABLE_ERROR; super.addElements(index, a); } @IgnoreCoverage @Override public void push(byte o) { assert isMutable() : IMMUTABLE_ERROR; super.push(o); } @IgnoreCoverage @Override public byte popByte() { assert isMutable() : IMMUTABLE_ERROR; return super.popByte(); } @IgnoreCoverage @Override public byte topByte() { assert isMutable() : IMMUTABLE_ERROR; return super.topByte(); } @IgnoreCoverage @Override public boolean addAll(ByteCollection c) { assert isMutable() : IMMUTABLE_ERROR; return super.addAll(c); } @IgnoreCoverage @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") @Deprecated @Override public boolean add(Byte key) { assert isMutable() : IMMUTABLE_ERROR; return super.add(key); } @IgnoreCoverage @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") @Deprecated @Override public boolean remove(Object key) { assert isMutable() : IMMUTABLE_ERROR; return super.remove(key); } @IgnoreCoverage @Override public boolean removeAll(@NotNull Collection c) { assert isMutable() : IMMUTABLE_ERROR; return super.removeAll(c); } @IgnoreCoverage @Override public boolean retainAll(ByteCollection c) { assert isMutable() : IMMUTABLE_ERROR; return super.retainAll(c); } @IgnoreCoverage @Override public boolean retainAll(@NotNull Collection c) { assert isMutable() : IMMUTABLE_ERROR; return super.retainAll(c); } @IgnoreCoverage @Override public void setElements(byte[] a) { assert isMutable() : IMMUTABLE_ERROR; super.setElements(a); } @IgnoreCoverage @Override public void setElements(int index, byte[] a) { assert isMutable() : IMMUTABLE_ERROR; super.setElements(index, a); } @IgnoreCoverage @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") @Deprecated @Override public void add(int index, Byte key) { assert isMutable() : IMMUTABLE_ERROR; super.add(index, key); } @IgnoreCoverage @Override public void replaceAll(ByteUnaryOperator operator) { assert isMutable() : IMMUTABLE_ERROR; super.replaceAll(operator); } @IgnoreCoverage @Override public void replaceAll(IntUnaryOperator operator) { assert isMutable() : IMMUTABLE_ERROR; super.replaceAll(operator); } @IgnoreCoverage @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") @Deprecated @Override public void replaceAll(UnaryOperator operator) { assert isMutable() : IMMUTABLE_ERROR; super.replaceAll(operator); } @IgnoreCoverage @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") @Deprecated @Override public Byte remove(int index) { assert isMutable() : IMMUTABLE_ERROR; return super.remove(index); } @IgnoreCoverage @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") @Deprecated @Override public Byte set(int index, Byte k) { assert isMutable() : IMMUTABLE_ERROR; return super.set(index, k); } @IgnoreCoverage @Override public boolean addAll(ByteList l) { assert isMutable() : IMMUTABLE_ERROR; return super.addAll(l); } @IgnoreCoverage @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") @Deprecated @Override public void sort(Comparator comparator) { assert isMutable() : IMMUTABLE_ERROR; super.sort(comparator); } @IgnoreCoverage @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") @Deprecated @Override public void unstableSort(Comparator comparator) { assert isMutable() : IMMUTABLE_ERROR; super.unstableSort(comparator); } @IgnoreCoverage @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") @Deprecated @Override public boolean removeIf(Predicate filter) { assert isMutable() : IMMUTABLE_ERROR; return super.removeIf(filter); } @IgnoreCoverage @Override public boolean removeIf(BytePredicate filter) { assert isMutable() : IMMUTABLE_ERROR; return super.removeIf(filter); } @IgnoreCoverage @Override public boolean removeIf(IntPredicate filter) { assert isMutable() : IMMUTABLE_ERROR; return super.removeIf(filter); } @IgnoreCoverage @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") @Deprecated @Override public void push(Byte o) { assert isMutable() : IMMUTABLE_ERROR; super.push(o); } @IgnoreCoverage @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") @Deprecated @Override public Byte pop() { assert isMutable() : IMMUTABLE_ERROR; return super.pop(); } @IgnoreCoverage @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") @Deprecated @Override public Byte top() { assert isMutable() : IMMUTABLE_ERROR; return; } @IgnoreCoverage private void ensureMutable() { if (!isMutable()) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(IMMUTABLE_ERROR); } } @Override public int compareTo(List l) { if (l instanceof ByteArrayList) { return compareTo((ByteArrayList)l); } if (l instanceof SubList) { // Must negate because we are inverting the order of the comparison. return -((SubList)l).compareTo(this); } return super.compareTo(l); } @Override public int compareTo(ByteArrayList l) { final int s1 = size(), s2 = l.size(); final byte[] a1 = a, a2 = l.elements(); if (a1 == a2 && s1 == s2) return 0; return Arrays.compareUnsigned(a, 0, s1, a2, 0, s2); } /** * Compares this type-specific array list to another one. * * @apiNote This method exists only for sake of efficiency. The implementation inherited from the * abstract implementation would already work. * * @param l a type-specific array list. * @return true if the argument contains the same elements of this type-specific array list. */ public boolean equals(final ByteArrayList l) { if (l == this) return true; int s = size(); if (s != l.size()) return false; final byte[] a1 = a, a2 = l.elements(); final int s1 = this.size(), s2 = l.size(); return Arrays.equals(a1, 0, s1, a2, 0, s2); } @SuppressWarnings("unlikely-arg-type") @Override public boolean equals(final Object o) { if (o == this) return true; if (o == null) return false; if (!(o instanceof java.util.List)) return false; if (o instanceof ByteArrayList) { // Safe cast because we are only going to take elements from other list, never give them return equals((ByteArrayList) o); } if (o instanceof SubList subList) { // Safe cast because we are only going to take elements from other list, never give them // Sublist has an optimized sub-array based comparison, reuse that. return subList.equals(this); } return super.equals(o); } }