package it.cavallium.jlinegraph; import it.cavallium.jlinegraph.AWTGraphRenderer.AWTDrawer; import java.awt.BasicStroke; import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.Font; import java.awt.FontMetrics; import java.awt.Graphics2D; import java.awt.RenderingHints; import java.awt.Shape; import java.awt.font.GlyphVector; import java.awt.geom.Ellipse2D; import java.awt.geom.GeneralPath; import java.awt.geom.Line2D; import java.awt.geom.Path2D; import java.awt.geom.Point2D; import java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Objects; public class AWTGraphRenderer implements IGraphRenderer { private static final int MAX_LABELS = 1000; @Override public AWTDrawer renderGraph(Graph graph, GraphBounds bounds) { return graphics2D -> renderGraph(graphics2D, graph, bounds); } public static void renderGraph(Graphics2D g2d, Graph graph, GraphBounds bounds) { var graphics2D = (Graphics2D) g2d.create(); graphics2D.setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_ANTIALIASING, RenderingHints.VALUE_ANTIALIAS_ON); graphics2D.setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_INTERPOLATION, RenderingHints.VALUE_INTERPOLATION_BICUBIC); graphics2D.setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_RENDERING, RenderingHints.VALUE_RENDER_QUALITY); graphics2D.setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_TEXT_ANTIALIASING, RenderingHints.VALUE_TEXT_ANTIALIAS_GASP); graphics2D.setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_FRACTIONALMETRICS, RenderingHints.VALUE_FRACTIONALMETRICS_ON); graphics2D.setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_DITHERING, RenderingHints.VALUE_DITHER_ENABLE); graphics2D.setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_STROKE_CONTROL, RenderingHints.VALUE_STROKE_PURE); graphics2D.setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_RESOLUTION_VARIANT, RenderingHints.VALUE_RESOLUTION_VARIANT_DPI_FIT); Font defaultFont = graphics2D.getFont().deriveFont((float); Font valuesFont = defaultFont.deriveFont((float); Font axisNameFont = defaultFont.deriveFont((float); var defaultFontMetrics = graphics2D.getFontMetrics(defaultFont); var valuesFontMetrics = graphics2D.getFontMetrics(valuesFont); var axisNameFontMetrics = graphics2D.getFontMetrics(axisNameFont); var paddingMultiplier =; var graphBounds =; var x =; var y =; var padding = defaultFontMetrics.getHeight() * paddingMultiplier; var scaleX = new NiceScale(graphBounds.minX(), graphBounds.maxX()); scaleX.setMaxTicks(20); var scaleY = new NiceScale(graphBounds.minY(), graphBounds.maxY()); scaleY.setMaxTicks(20); var halfMaxXLabelWidth = x.mode().showLabels() ? (valuesFontMetrics.stringWidth(y.valueFormat().apply(graphBounds.maxX())) / 2d) : 0; var halfMaxYLabelHeight = (y.mode().showLabels() ? valuesFontMetrics.getHeight() / 2d : 0); var topPadding = padding + halfMaxYLabelHeight; var leftPadding = padding + ((y.mode() == AxisMode.HIDE && !y.showName()) ? halfMaxXLabelWidth : 0); var rightPadding = padding + (x.mode().showLabels() ? halfMaxXLabelWidth : 0); var bottomPadding = padding + ((x.mode() == AxisMode.HIDE && !x.showName()) ? halfMaxYLabelHeight : 0); var xValueLineLength = x.mode().showRuler() ? valuesFontMetrics.getHeight() : 0; var yValueLineLength = y.mode().showRuler() ? valuesFontMetrics.getHeight() : 0; var xValuesHeight = x.mode().showLabels() ? valuesFontMetrics.getHeight() : 0; var xValuesToXAxisNamePadding = (x.showName() ? valuesFontMetrics.getHeight() / 2 : 0); var xAxisNameHeight = (x.showName() ? axisNameFontMetrics.getHeight() : 0); var yAxisNameWidth = (y.showName() ? axisNameFontMetrics.getHeight() : 0); var yValuesToYAxisNamePadding = (y.showName() ? valuesFontMetrics.getHeight() / 2 : 0); var graphHeight // Start with total height = bounds.height() // Remove the padding on top - topPadding // Remove the x value lines length - xValueLineLength // Remove the values height - xValuesHeight // Remove the space between the values and the axis name - xValuesToXAxisNamePadding // Remove x-axis name height - xAxisNameHeight // Remove the padding on bottom - bottomPadding; var xValueLineOffset = bounds.minY() + topPadding + graphHeight; var yLabels = getYLabels(graph, bounds.minY(), graphHeight, valuesFontMetrics, scaleY, y.mode()); RasterSize yLabelsAreaSize = computeYLabelsAreaSize(y.mode(), graphHeight, valuesFontMetrics, yLabels); var yValuesWidth = yLabelsAreaSize.width(); var yValueLineOffset = bounds.minX() + leftPadding + yAxisNameWidth + yValuesToYAxisNamePadding + yValuesWidth; var graphWidth // Start with total width = bounds.width() // Remove the padding on left - leftPadding // Remove y-axis name "90deg height" - yAxisNameWidth // Remove the space between the values and the axis name - yValuesToYAxisNamePadding // Remove the y values width - yValuesWidth // Remove the y value lines length - yValueLineLength // Remove the padding on right - rightPadding; Font seriesNameFont = null; FontMetrics seriesNameFontMetrics = null; if ( { double legendSizeW; double legendSizeH; seriesNameFont = defaultFont.deriveFont((float); seriesNameFontMetrics = graphics2D.getFontMetrics(seriesNameFont); legendSizeW = getLegendSizeW(graph, seriesNameFontMetrics); legendSizeH = getLegendSizeH(graph, seriesNameFontMetrics); if (legendSizeW > graphWidth / 3d || legendSizeH > graphHeight / 2.5d) { var newFontSizeW = (float) (seriesNameFont.getSize() * ((graphWidth / 3d) / legendSizeW)); var newFontSizeH = (float) (seriesNameFont.getSize() * ((graphHeight / 2.5d) / legendSizeH)); seriesNameFont = seriesNameFont.deriveFont(Math.min(newFontSizeW, newFontSizeH)); seriesNameFontMetrics = graphics2D.getFontMetrics(seriesNameFont); } } var xLabels = getXLabels(graph, bounds.minX(), graphWidth, valuesFontMetrics, scaleX, x.mode()); RasterSize yAxisNameCenterOffset = new RasterSize(bounds.minX() + leftPadding + valuesFontMetrics.getHeight() / 2d, bounds.minY() + valuesFontMetrics.getHeight() // Add half of graph height + graphHeight / 2 + topPadding); RasterSize yValuesOffset = new RasterSize(bounds.minX() + leftPadding // Add y axis name "90deg height" + yAxisNameWidth // Add the space between the values and the axis name + yValuesToYAxisNamePadding, bounds.minY() + topPadding); RasterSize graphOffset = new RasterSize(bounds.minX() + leftPadding + yAxisNameWidth + yValuesToYAxisNamePadding + yValuesWidth + yValueLineLength, bounds.minY() + topPadding); RasterSize xValuesOffset = new RasterSize(graphOffset.width(), xValueLineOffset + xValueLineLength); RasterSize xAxisNameCenterOffset = new RasterSize(bounds.minX() + leftPadding + yAxisNameWidth + yValuesToYAxisNamePadding + yValuesWidth + yValueLineLength // Add half of graph width + graphWidth / 2, bounds.minY() + topPadding // Add graph height + graphHeight // Add the x value lines length + xValueLineLength // Add the x values height + xValuesHeight // Add the space between the values and the axis name + xValuesToXAxisNamePadding // Add x-axis half name height + axisNameFontMetrics.getHeight() / 2d); RasterSize graphSize = new RasterSize(graphWidth, graphHeight); var bgColor =; var fgColor =; var strokeWidth =; var defaultStroke = new BasicStroke((float) strokeWidth, BasicStroke.CAP_BUTT, BasicStroke.JOIN_ROUND, BasicStroke.JOIN_MITER); try { graphics2D.setBackground(bgColor); graphics2D.clearRect((int) Math.floor(bounds.minX()), (int) Math.floor(bounds.minY()), (int) Math.ceil(bounds.width()), (int) Math.ceil(bounds.height()) ); if (graphHeight < 0) { return; } if (graphWidth < 0) { return; } renderGraphBorders(graphics2D, graph, graphOffset, graphSize, defaultStroke, bounds); if (y.showName()) { renderYAxisName(graphics2D, graph, yAxisNameCenterOffset, axisNameFont, axisNameFontMetrics); } if (x.showName()) { renderXAxisName(graphics2D, graph, xAxisNameCenterOffset, axisNameFont, axisNameFontMetrics); } renderYAxisValueLabels(graphics2D, graph, valuesFont, valuesFontMetrics, yValueLineOffset, yValueLineLength, yLabels, yLabelsAreaSize, yValuesOffset, defaultStroke, y.mode().showRuler(), y.mode().showLabels() ); renderXAxisValueLabels(graphics2D, graph, valuesFont, valuesFontMetrics, xValueLineOffset, xValueLineLength, xLabels, xValuesOffset, defaultStroke, x.mode().showRuler(), x.mode().showLabels() ); var seriesGraphics2D = (Graphics2D) graphics2D.create(); seriesGraphics2D.setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_ANTIALIASING, RenderingHints.VALUE_ANTIALIAS_ON); try { seriesGraphics2D.setClip(new Rectangle2D.Double(graphOffset.width() - defaultStroke.getLineWidth(), graphOffset.height() - defaultStroke.getLineWidth(), graphSize.width() + defaultStroke.getLineWidth() * 2d, graphSize.height() + defaultStroke.getLineWidth() * 2d )); var zeroLineStroke = new BasicStroke((float) strokeWidth, BasicStroke.CAP_ROUND, BasicStroke.JOIN_ROUND, 10.0f, new float[]{2.0f, 3.0f}, 0.0f ); var zeroLineColor =; if ((graphBounds.minY() < 0 && graphBounds.maxY() > 0) || (graphBounds.minY() > 0 && graphBounds.maxY() < 0)) { double rasterZeroY = graphOffset.height() + graphSize.height() - ((-graphBounds.minY()) / (graphBounds.maxY() - graphBounds.minY())) * graphSize.height(); seriesGraphics2D.setColor(zeroLineColor); seriesGraphics2D.setStroke(zeroLineStroke); seriesGraphics2D.draw(new Line2D.Double(graphOffset.width(), rasterZeroY, graphOffset.width() + graphWidth, rasterZeroY )); } if ((graphBounds.minX() < 0 && graphBounds.maxX() > 0) || (graphBounds.minX() > 0 && graphBounds.maxX() < 0)) { double rasterZeroX = graphOffset.width() + ((-graphBounds.minX()) / (graphBounds.maxX() - graphBounds.minX())) * graphSize.width(); seriesGraphics2D.setColor(zeroLineColor); seriesGraphics2D.setStroke(zeroLineStroke); seriesGraphics2D.draw(new Line2D.Double( rasterZeroX, graphOffset.height(), rasterZeroX, graphOffset.height() + graphHeight )); } int i = 0; for (SeriesData series : { var seriesStyleSize =; if ( { throw new IllegalArgumentException("No styles found"); } SeriesStyle style = % seriesStyleSize); BasicStroke seriesStroke = getSeriesStroke(style, strokeWidth); BasicStroke seriesPointsStroke = getSeriesPointsStroke(style, strokeWidth); drawSeries(seriesGraphics2D, graphBounds, graphOffset, graphSize, series, style, seriesStroke, seriesPointsStroke ); i++; } } finally { seriesGraphics2D.dispose(); } if ( { drawSeriesLegend(graphics2D, graph, graphOffset, graphSize, seriesNameFont, seriesNameFontMetrics, defaultStroke, fgColor, strokeWidth ); } } finally { graphics2D.dispose(); } } private static void drawSeriesLegend(Graphics2D graphics2D, Graph graph, RasterSize graphOffset, RasterSize graphSize, Font seriesNameFont, FontMetrics seriesNameFontMetrics, BasicStroke defaultStroke, Color fgColor, double strokeWidth) { double seriesPadding = getSeriesPadding(seriesNameFontMetrics); double seriesMargin = getSeriesMargin(seriesNameFontMetrics); double seriesPreviewLineWidth = seriesNameFontMetrics.getHeight() * 2; double singleSeriesHeight = seriesNameFontMetrics.getHeight(); double legendSizeW = getLegendSizeW(graph, seriesNameFontMetrics); double legendSizeH = getLegendSizeH(graph, seriesNameFontMetrics); double legendOffsetX = graphOffset.width() + graphSize.width() - seriesMargin - legendSizeW; double legendOffsetY = graphOffset.height() + seriesMargin; var legendRect = new Rectangle2D.Double(legendOffsetX, legendOffsetY, legendSizeW, legendSizeH); graphics2D.setStroke(defaultStroke); graphics2D.setColor(; graphics2D.fill(legendRect); graphics2D.setColor(fgColor); graphics2D.draw(legendRect); int i = 0; for (SeriesData series : { var seriesStyleSize =; if ( { throw new IllegalArgumentException("No styles found"); } SeriesStyle style = % seriesStyleSize); var seriesName =; var stroke = new BasicStroke((float) (strokeWidth * 2f), BasicStroke.CAP_BUTT, BasicStroke.JOIN_MITER); graphics2D.setColor(style.color().overrideOpacity(1.0f).toColor()); graphics2D.setStroke(stroke); var lineOffsetX = legendOffsetX + seriesPadding; var currentOffsetY = legendOffsetY + seriesPadding / 2d + i * (seriesPadding / 2d + singleSeriesHeight + seriesPadding / 2d) + seriesPadding / 2d; var lineOffsetY = currentOffsetY + singleSeriesHeight / 2d; graphics2D.draw(new Line2D.Double(lineOffsetX, lineOffsetY, lineOffsetX + seriesPreviewLineWidth, lineOffsetY)); var textOffsetX = lineOffsetX + seriesPreviewLineWidth + seriesPadding; var textOffsetY = currentOffsetY + seriesNameFontMetrics.getAscent(); graphics2D.setColor(fgColor); graphics2D.setFont(seriesNameFont); graphics2D.fill(generateShapeFromText(graphics2D, seriesName, textOffsetX, textOffsetY)); i++; } } private static double getSeriesMargin(FontMetrics seriesNameFontMetrics) { return seriesNameFontMetrics.getHeight() * 2d / 3d; } private static double getLegendSizeW(Graph graph, FontMetrics seriesNameFontMetrics) { double seriesPadding = getSeriesPadding(seriesNameFontMetrics); double seriesTextMaxWidth = getSeriesTextMaxWidth(graph, seriesNameFontMetrics); double seriesPreviewLineWidth = seriesNameFontMetrics.getHeight() * 2; return seriesPadding + seriesTextMaxWidth + seriesPadding + seriesPreviewLineWidth + seriesPadding; } private static double getSeriesPadding(FontMetrics seriesNameFontMetrics) { return seriesNameFontMetrics.getHeight() / 3d; } private static double getLegendSizeH(Graph graph, FontMetrics seriesNameFontMetrics) { int seriesCount =; double seriesPadding = getSeriesPadding(seriesNameFontMetrics); double singleSeriesHeight = seriesNameFontMetrics.getHeight(); return seriesPadding / 2d + seriesCount * (seriesPadding / 2d + singleSeriesHeight + seriesPadding / 2d) + seriesPadding / 2d; } private static double getSeriesTextMaxWidth(Graph graph, FontMetrics seriesNameFontMetrics) { double seriesTextMaxWidth = 0; for (SeriesData series : { var seriesName =; var seriesNameRasterWidth = seriesNameFontMetrics.stringWidth(seriesName); if (seriesTextMaxWidth < seriesNameRasterWidth) { seriesTextMaxWidth = seriesNameRasterWidth; } } return seriesTextMaxWidth; } private static void drawSeries(Graphics2D seriesGraphics2D, GraphBounds graphBounds, RasterSize graphOffset, RasterSize graphSize, SeriesData series, SeriesStyle style, BasicStroke seriesStroke, BasicStroke seriesPointsStroke) { var lineColor = style.color().toColor(); var areaColor = style.color().multiplyOpacity((float) style.areaOpacity()).toColor(); var points = new java.awt.geom.Point2D.Double[series.vertices().size()]; double rasterMinY = graphOffset.height() + graphSize.height() - ((0 - graphBounds.minY()) / (graphBounds.maxY() - graphBounds.minY())) * graphSize.height(); int i = 0; for (Vertex vertex : series.vertices()) { double rasterX = graphOffset.width() + ((vertex.x() - graphBounds.minX()) / (graphBounds.maxX() - graphBounds.minX())) * graphSize.width(); double rasterY = graphOffset.height() + graphSize.height() - ((vertex.y() - graphBounds.minY()) / (graphBounds.maxY() - graphBounds.minY())) * graphSize.height(); points[i] = new java.awt.geom.Point2D.Double(rasterX, rasterY); i++; } // Sort points if it's a function if (series.isFunction()) { Arrays.sort(points, Comparator.comparingDouble(Point2D.Double::getX)); } seriesGraphics2D.setStroke(seriesPointsStroke); if (style.pointsWeight() != 0) { seriesGraphics2D.setColor(lineColor); for (var point : points) { seriesGraphics2D.fill(new Ellipse2D.Double(point.getX() - seriesPointsStroke.getLineWidth(), point.getY() - seriesPointsStroke.getLineWidth(), seriesPointsStroke.getLineWidth() * 2f, seriesPointsStroke.getLineWidth() * 2f ) {}); } } if (style.lineWeight() != 0 || style.areaOpacity() > 0d) { if (style.smoothness() > 0d && points.length >= 3) { var mPath = new GeneralPath(Path2D.WIND_NON_ZERO, points.length); var areaPath = new GeneralPath(Path2D.WIND_NON_ZERO, points.length); if (series.isFunction()) { areaPath.moveTo(points[0].x, rasterMinY); mPath.moveTo(points[0].x, points[0].y); areaPath.lineTo(points[0].x, points[0].y); } else { areaPath.moveTo(points[0].x, points[0].y); mPath.moveTo(points[0].x, points[0].y); } double SMOOTHNESS = style.smoothness() / 2d; // higher is smoother, but don't go over 0.5 if (!series.isFunction()) { Point2D.Double[] bezierPoints; final boolean closedPath = Objects.equals(points[points.length - 1], points[0]); if (closedPath) { bezierPoints = new Point2D.Double[points.length + 2]; bezierPoints[0] = points[points.length - 2]; System.arraycopy(points, 0, bezierPoints, 1, points.length); bezierPoints[bezierPoints.length - 1] = points[1]; } else { bezierPoints = points; } var bez = new Bezier(bezierPoints); Point2D[] b = bez.getPoints(); if (!closedPath) { mPath.quadTo(b[0].getX(), b[0].getY(), bezierPoints[1].x, bezierPoints[1].getY()); areaPath.quadTo(b[0].getX(), b[0].getY(), bezierPoints[1].x, bezierPoints[1].getY()); } for (int w = 2; w < bezierPoints.length - 1; w++) { Point2D b0 = b[2 * w - 3]; Point2D b1 = b[2 * w - 2]; double cp1X = b0.getX(); double cp1Y = b0.getY(); double cp2X = b1.getX(); double cp2Y = b1.getY(); double endPointX = bezierPoints[w].getX(); double endPointY = bezierPoints[w].getY(); mPath.curveTo(cp1X, cp1Y, cp2X, cp2Y, endPointX, endPointY); areaPath.curveTo(cp1X, cp1Y, cp2X, cp2Y, endPointX, endPointY); } if (!closedPath) { mPath.quadTo(b[b.length - 1].getX(), b[b.length - 1].getY(), bezierPoints[bezierPoints.length - 1].x, bezierPoints[bezierPoints.length - 1].getY() ); areaPath.quadTo(b[b.length - 1].getX(), b[b.length - 1].getY(), bezierPoints[bezierPoints.length - 1].x, bezierPoints[bezierPoints.length - 1].getY() ); } } else { // calculate smooth path double lX = 0, lY = 0; int size = points.length; for (int pointIndex=1; pointIndex 0d) { seriesGraphics2D.setColor(areaColor); seriesGraphics2D.fill(areaPath); } if (style.lineWeight() != 0) { seriesGraphics2D.setStroke(seriesStroke); seriesGraphics2D.setColor(lineColor); seriesGraphics2D.draw(mPath); } } else { var areaPath = new Path2D.Double(); var path = new Path2D.Double(); if (points.length > 0) { areaPath.moveTo(points[0].x, rasterMinY); } boolean first = true; for (Point2D.Double point : points) { if (first) { path.moveTo(point.getX(), point.getY()); first = false; } else { path.lineTo(point.getX(), point.getY()); } areaPath.lineTo(point.getX(), point.getY()); } if (points.length > 0) { areaPath.moveTo(points[points.length - 1].x, rasterMinY); areaPath.closePath(); } if (style.areaOpacity() > 0d) { seriesGraphics2D.setStroke(seriesStroke); seriesGraphics2D.setColor(areaColor); seriesGraphics2D.fill(areaPath); } if (style.lineWeight() != 0) { seriesGraphics2D.setStroke(seriesStroke); seriesGraphics2D.setColor(lineColor); seriesGraphics2D.draw(path); } } } } private static BasicStroke getSeriesStroke(SeriesStyle seriesStyle, double defaultStrokeWidth) { return new BasicStroke((float) (defaultStrokeWidth * seriesStyle.lineWeight()), BasicStroke.CAP_ROUND, BasicStroke.JOIN_ROUND ); } private static BasicStroke getSeriesPointsStroke(SeriesStyle seriesStyle, double defaultStrokeWidth) { return new BasicStroke((float) (defaultStrokeWidth * 2d * seriesStyle.pointsWeight()), BasicStroke.CAP_ROUND, BasicStroke.JOIN_ROUND ); } private static void renderYAxisName(Graphics2D graphics2D, Graph graph, RasterSize yAxisNameCenterOffset, Font axisNameFont, FontMetrics axisNameFontMetrics) { var fgColor =; graphics2D.setColor(fgColor); graphics2D.setFont(axisNameFont); var title =; var previousTransform = graphics2D.getTransform(); graphics2D.rotate(Math.toRadians(-90), yAxisNameCenterOffset.width(), yAxisNameCenterOffset.height() ); graphics2D.fill(generateShapeFromText(graphics2D, title, yAxisNameCenterOffset.width() - axisNameFontMetrics.stringWidth(title) / 2d, yAxisNameCenterOffset.height() + axisNameFontMetrics.getHeight() / 2d - axisNameFontMetrics.getDescent() )); graphics2D.setTransform(previousTransform); } private static void renderYAxisValueLabels(Graphics2D graphics2D, Graph graph, Font valuesFont, FontMetrics valuesFontMetrics, double yValueLineOffset, int yValueLineLength, List yLabels, RasterSize yLabelsAreaSize, RasterSize yValuesOffset, BasicStroke defaultStroke, boolean showRulerTicks, boolean showRulerLabels) { if ((yValueLineLength > 0 && showRulerTicks) || showRulerLabels) { graphics2D.setFont(valuesFont); graphics2D.setStroke(defaultStroke); graphics2D.setColor(; yLabels.forEach(label -> { if (showRulerTicks) { var lineStartOffsetY = yValuesOffset.height() + label.rasterOffset(); var currentLineOffsetX = label.formattedText().isBlank() ? yValueLineLength / 3d : 0; var currentLineLength = yValueLineLength + (label.formattedText().isBlank() ? -yValueLineLength / 3d : 0); graphics2D.draw(new Line2D.Double(yValueLineOffset + currentLineOffsetX, lineStartOffsetY, yValueLineOffset + currentLineOffsetX + currentLineLength, lineStartOffsetY )); } if (showRulerLabels) { graphics2D.fill(generateShapeFromText(graphics2D, label.formattedText(), yValuesOffset.width() + yLabelsAreaSize.width() - valuesFontMetrics.stringWidth(label.formattedText()), yValuesOffset.height() + label.rasterOffset() + valuesFontMetrics.getHeight() / 2d - valuesFontMetrics.getDescent() )); } }); } } private static void renderXAxisName(Graphics2D graphics2D, Graph graph, RasterSize xAxisNameCenterOffset, Font axisNameFont, FontMetrics axisNameFontMetrics) { var fgColor =; graphics2D.setColor(fgColor); graphics2D.setFont(axisNameFont); var title =; graphics2D.fill(generateShapeFromText(graphics2D, title, xAxisNameCenterOffset.width() - axisNameFontMetrics.stringWidth(title) / 2d, xAxisNameCenterOffset.height() + axisNameFontMetrics.getHeight() / 2d - axisNameFontMetrics.getDescent() )); } private static void renderXAxisValueLabels(Graphics2D graphics2D, Graph graph, Font valuesFont, FontMetrics valuesFontMetrics, double xValueLineOffset, int xValueLineLength, List xLabels, RasterSize xValuesOffset, BasicStroke defaultStroke, boolean showRulerTicks, boolean showRulerLabels) { if ((xValueLineLength > 0 && showRulerTicks) || showRulerLabels) { graphics2D.setFont(valuesFont); graphics2D.setStroke(defaultStroke); graphics2D.setColor(; xLabels.forEach(label -> { var lineStartOffsetX = xValuesOffset.width() + label.rasterOffset(); if (showRulerTicks) { var currentLineLength = label.formattedText().isBlank() ? xValueLineLength / 1.5d : xValueLineLength; //noinspection SuspiciousNameCombination graphics2D.draw(new Line2D.Double(lineStartOffsetX, xValueLineOffset, lineStartOffsetX, xValueLineOffset + currentLineLength)); } if (showRulerLabels) { graphics2D.fill(generateShapeFromText(graphics2D, label.formattedText(), xValuesOffset.width() + label.rasterOffset() - valuesFontMetrics.stringWidth(label.formattedText()) / 2d, xValuesOffset.height() + valuesFontMetrics.getHeight() )); } }); } } private static void renderGraphBorders(Graphics2D graphics2D, Graph graph, RasterSize graphOffset, RasterSize graphSize, BasicStroke defaultStroke, GraphBounds bounds) { // Do not draw the border if the graph is fullscreen if (graphOffset.width() <= bounds.minX() && graphOffset.height() <= bounds.minY() && graphSize.width() >= bounds.width() && graphSize.height() >= bounds.height()) { return; } var fgColor =; graphics2D.setColor(fgColor); graphics2D.setStroke(defaultStroke); graphics2D.draw(new Rectangle2D.Double(graphOffset.width(), graphOffset.height(), graphSize.width(), graphSize.height() )); } private static RasterSize computeYLabelsAreaSize(AxisMode axisMode, double graphHeight, FontMetrics valuesFontMetrics, List yLabels) { if (!axisMode.showLabels()) { return RasterSize.EMPTY; } double maxLabelWidth = 0d; for (LabelWithOffset yLabel : yLabels) { var currentMaxLabelWidth = valuesFontMetrics.stringWidth(yLabel.formattedText); if (currentMaxLabelWidth > maxLabelWidth) { maxLabelWidth = currentMaxLabelWidth; } } return new RasterSize(maxLabelWidth, graphHeight); } record LabelWithOffset(double value, double rasterOffset, String formattedText) {} /** * @return rendered labels */ private static List getXLabels(Graph graph, double labelsAreaOffset, double labelsAreaWidth, FontMetrics valuesFontMetrics, NiceScale scaleX, AxisMode mode) { if (mode == AxisMode.HIDE) { return List.of(); } var bounds =; var minX = bounds.minX(); var maxX = bounds.maxX(); var format =; double singleRasterOffset = labelsAreaWidth / ((maxX - minX) / scaleX.getTickSpacing()); ArrayList labels = new ArrayList<>(); int i = 0; double prevRasterLabelEndOffset = -Double.MAX_VALUE; double currentRasterOffset = labelsAreaOffset; double currentValue = minX; while (currentValue <= maxX && i < MAX_LABELS && (scaleX.getTickSpacing() > 0)) { if (mode.showLabels()) { var formatted = format.apply(currentValue); var stringWidth = valuesFontMetrics.stringWidth(formatted); if (currentRasterOffset - stringWidth / 2d > prevRasterLabelEndOffset) { labels.add(new LabelWithOffset(currentValue, currentRasterOffset, formatted)); prevRasterLabelEndOffset = currentRasterOffset + stringWidth / 2d; } else { labels.add(new LabelWithOffset(currentValue, currentRasterOffset, "")); } } else { labels.add(new LabelWithOffset(currentValue, currentRasterOffset, "")); } i++; currentValue = minX + i * scaleX.getTickSpacing(); currentRasterOffset = i * singleRasterOffset; } return labels; } /** * @return rendered labels */ private static List getYLabels(Graph graph, double labelsAreaOffset, double labelsAreaHeight, FontMetrics valuesFontMetrics, NiceScale scaleY, AxisMode mode) { if (mode == AxisMode.HIDE) { return List.of(); } var bounds =; var minY = bounds.minY(); var maxY = bounds.maxY(); var format =; double singleRasterOffset = labelsAreaHeight / ((maxY - minY) / scaleY.getTickSpacing()); double stringTop = valuesFontMetrics.getAscent(); double stringBottom = valuesFontMetrics.getDescent(); ArrayList labels = new ArrayList<>(); int i = 0; double prevRasterLabelEndOffset = Double.MAX_VALUE; double currentRasterOffset = labelsAreaHeight; double currentValue = minY; while (currentValue <= maxY && i < MAX_LABELS && (scaleY.getTickSpacing() > 0)) { if (mode.showLabels()) { if (currentRasterOffset + stringBottom < prevRasterLabelEndOffset) { labels.add(new LabelWithOffset(currentValue, currentRasterOffset, format.apply(currentValue))); prevRasterLabelEndOffset = currentRasterOffset - stringTop; } else { labels.add(new LabelWithOffset(currentValue, currentRasterOffset, "")); } } else { labels.add(new LabelWithOffset(currentValue, currentRasterOffset, "")); } i++; currentValue = minY + i * scaleY.getTickSpacing(); currentRasterOffset = labelsAreaHeight - i * singleRasterOffset; } return labels; } public static Shape generateShapeFromText(Graphics2D graphics2D, String string, double x, double y) { GlyphVector vector = graphics2D.getFont().createGlyphVector(graphics2D.getFontRenderContext(), string); return vector.getOutline((float) x, (float) y);// - (float) vector.getVisualBounds().getY()); } public interface AWTDrawer { void drawTo(Graphics2D graphics2D); } }