package io.netty.buffer.api.pool; import io.netty.buffer.api.Buffer; import io.netty.buffer.api.Drop; import java.util.PriorityQueue; /** * Description of algorithm for PageRun/PoolSubpage allocation from PoolChunk * * Notation: The following terms are important to understand the code * > page - a page is the smallest unit of memory chunk that can be allocated * > run - a run is a collection of pages * > chunk - a chunk is a collection of runs * > in this code chunkSize = maxPages * pageSize * * To begin we allocate a byte array of size = chunkSize * Whenever a ByteBuf of given size needs to be created we search for the first position * in the byte array that has enough empty space to accommodate the requested size and * return a (long) handle that encodes this offset information, (this memory segment is then * marked as reserved, so it is always used by exactly one ByteBuf and no more) * * For simplicity all sizes are normalized according to {@link PoolArena#size2SizeIdx(int)} method. * This ensures that when we request for memory segments of size > pageSize the normalizedCapacity * equals the next nearest size in {@link SizeClasses}. * * * A chunk has the following layout: * * /-----------------\ * | run | * | | * | | * |-----------------| * | run | * | | * |-----------------| * | unalloctated | * | (freed) | * | | * |-----------------| * | subpage | * |-----------------| * | unallocated | * | (freed) | * | ... | * | ... | * | ... | * | | * | | * | | * \-----------------/ * * * handle: * ------- * a handle is a long number, the bit layout of a run looks like: * * oooooooo ooooooos ssssssss ssssssue bbbbbbbb bbbbbbbb bbbbbbbb bbbbbbbb * * o: runOffset (page offset in the chunk), 15bit * s: size (number of pages) of this run, 15bit * u: isUsed?, 1bit * e: isSubpage?, 1bit * b: bitmapIdx of subpage, zero if it's not subpage, 32bit * * runsAvailMap: * ------ * a map which manages all runs (used and not in used). * For each run, the first runOffset and last runOffset are stored in runsAvailMap. * key: runOffset * value: handle * * runsAvail: * ---------- * an array of {@link PriorityQueue}. * Each queue manages same size of runs. * Runs are sorted by offset, so that we always allocate runs with smaller offset. * * * Algorithm: * ---------- * * As we allocate runs, we update values stored in runsAvailMap and runsAvail so that the property is maintained. * * Initialization - * In the beginning we store the initial run which is the whole chunk. * The initial run: * runOffset = 0 * size = chunkSize * isUsed = no * isSubpage = no * bitmapIdx = 0 * * * Algorithm: [allocateRun(size)] * ---------- * 1) find the first avail run using in runsAvails according to size * 2) if pages of run is larger than request pages then split it, and save the tailing run * for later using * * Algorithm: [allocateSubpage(size)] * ---------- * 1) find a not full subpage according to size. * if it already exists just return, otherwise allocate a new PoolSubpage and call init() * note that this subpage object is added to subpagesPool in the PoolArena when we init() it * 2) call subpage.allocate() * * Algorithm: [free(handle, length, nioBuffer)] * ---------- * 1) if it is a subpage, return the slab back into this subpage * 2) if the subpage is not used, or it is a run, then start free this run * 3) merge continuous avail runs * 4) save the merged run * */ final class PoolChunk implements PoolChunkMetric { private static final int SIZE_BIT_LENGTH = 15; private static final int INUSED_BIT_LENGTH = 1; private static final int SUBPAGE_BIT_LENGTH = 1; private static final int BITMAP_IDX_BIT_LENGTH = 32; static final int IS_SUBPAGE_SHIFT = BITMAP_IDX_BIT_LENGTH; static final int IS_USED_SHIFT = SUBPAGE_BIT_LENGTH + IS_SUBPAGE_SHIFT; static final int SIZE_SHIFT = INUSED_BIT_LENGTH + IS_USED_SHIFT; static final int RUN_OFFSET_SHIFT = SIZE_BIT_LENGTH + SIZE_SHIFT; final PoolArena arena; final Buffer base; // The buffer that is the source of the memory. Closing it will free the memory. final Object memory; final boolean unpooled; /** * store the first page and last page of each avail run */ private final LongLongHashMap runsAvailMap; /** * manage all avail runs */ private final LongPriorityQueue[] runsAvail; /** * manage all subpages in this chunk */ private final PoolSubpage[] subpages; private final int pageSize; private final int pageShifts; private final int chunkSize; int freeBytes; PoolChunkList parent; PoolChunk prev; PoolChunk next; PoolChunk(PoolArena arena, Buffer base, Object memory, int pageSize, int pageShifts, int chunkSize, int maxPageIdx) { unpooled = false; this.arena = arena; this.base = base; this.memory = memory; this.pageSize = pageSize; this.pageShifts = pageShifts; this.chunkSize = chunkSize; freeBytes = chunkSize; runsAvail = newRunsAvailqueueArray(maxPageIdx); runsAvailMap = new LongLongHashMap(-1); subpages = new PoolSubpage[chunkSize >> pageShifts]; //insert initial run, offset = 0, pages = chunkSize / pageSize int pages = chunkSize >> pageShifts; long initHandle = (long) pages << SIZE_SHIFT; insertAvailRun(0, pages, initHandle); } private static LongPriorityQueue[] newRunsAvailqueueArray(int size) { LongPriorityQueue[] queueArray = new LongPriorityQueue[size]; for (int i = 0; i < queueArray.length; i++) { queueArray[i] = new LongPriorityQueue(); } return queueArray; } private void insertAvailRun(int runOffset, int pages, long handle) { int pageIdxFloor = arena.pages2pageIdxFloor(pages); LongPriorityQueue queue = runsAvail[pageIdxFloor]; queue.offer(handle); //insert first page of run insertAvailRun0(runOffset, handle); if (pages > 1) { //insert last page of run insertAvailRun0(lastPage(runOffset, pages), handle); } } private void insertAvailRun0(int runOffset, long handle) { long pre = runsAvailMap.put(runOffset, handle); assert pre == -1; } private void removeAvailRun(long handle) { int pageIdxFloor = arena.pages2pageIdxFloor(runPages(handle)); LongPriorityQueue queue = runsAvail[pageIdxFloor]; removeAvailRun(queue, handle); } private void removeAvailRun(LongPriorityQueue queue, long handle) { queue.remove(handle); int runOffset = runOffset(handle); int pages = runPages(handle); //remove first page of run runsAvailMap.remove(runOffset); if (pages > 1) { //remove last page of run runsAvailMap.remove(lastPage(runOffset, pages)); } } private static int lastPage(int runOffset, int pages) { return runOffset + pages - 1; } private long getAvailRunByOffset(int runOffset) { return runsAvailMap.get(runOffset); } @Override public int usage() { final int freeBytes; synchronized (arena) { freeBytes = this.freeBytes; } return usage(freeBytes); } private int usage(int freeBytes) { if (freeBytes == 0) { return 100; } int freePercentage = (int) (freeBytes * 100L / chunkSize); if (freePercentage == 0) { return 99; } return 100 - freePercentage; } Buffer allocate(int size, int sizeIdx, PoolThreadCache cache, PooledAllocatorControl control) { final long handle; if (sizeIdx <= arena.smallMaxSizeIdx) { // small handle = allocateSubpage(sizeIdx); if (handle < 0) { return null; } assert isSubpage(handle); } else { // normal // runSize must be multiple of pageSize int runSize = arena.sizeIdx2size(sizeIdx); handle = allocateRun(runSize); if (handle < 0) { return null; } } return allocateBuffer(handle, size, cache, control); } private long allocateRun(int runSize) { int pages = runSize >> pageShifts; int pageIdx = arena.pages2pageIdx(pages); synchronized (runsAvail) { //find first queue which has at least one big enough run int queueIdx = runFirstBestFit(pageIdx); if (queueIdx == -1) { return -1; } //get run with min offset in this queue LongPriorityQueue queue = runsAvail[queueIdx]; long handle = queue.poll(); assert handle != LongPriorityQueue.NO_VALUE && !isUsed(handle) : "invalid handle: " + handle; removeAvailRun(queue, handle); if (handle != -1) { handle = splitLargeRun(handle, pages); } freeBytes -= runSize(pageShifts, handle); return handle; } } private int calculateRunSize(int sizeIdx) { int maxElements = 1 << pageShifts - SizeClasses.LOG2_QUANTUM; int runSize = 0; int nElements; final int elemSize = arena.sizeIdx2size(sizeIdx); // Find the lowest common multiple of pageSize and elemSize do { runSize += pageSize; nElements = runSize / elemSize; } while (nElements < maxElements && runSize != nElements * elemSize); while (nElements > maxElements) { runSize -= pageSize; nElements = runSize / elemSize; } assert nElements > 0; assert runSize <= chunkSize; assert runSize >= elemSize; return runSize; } private int runFirstBestFit(int pageIdx) { if (freeBytes == chunkSize) { return arena.nPSizes - 1; } for (int i = pageIdx; i < arena.nPSizes; i++) { LongPriorityQueue queue = runsAvail[i]; if (queue != null && !queue.isEmpty()) { return i; } } return -1; } private long splitLargeRun(long handle, int needPages) { assert needPages > 0; int totalPages = runPages(handle); assert needPages <= totalPages; int remPages = totalPages - needPages; if (remPages > 0) { int runOffset = runOffset(handle); // keep track of trailing unused pages for later use int availOffset = runOffset + needPages; long availRun = toRunHandle(availOffset, remPages, 0); insertAvailRun(availOffset, remPages, availRun); // not avail return toRunHandle(runOffset, needPages, 1); } //mark it as used handle |= 1L << IS_USED_SHIFT; return handle; } /** * Create / initialize a new PoolSubpage of normCapacity. Any PoolSubpage created / initialized here is added to * subpage pool in the PoolArena that owns this PoolChunk * * @param sizeIdx sizeIdx of normalized size * * @return index in memoryMap */ private long allocateSubpage(int sizeIdx) { // Obtain the head of the PoolSubPage pool that is owned by the PoolArena and synchronize on it. // This is need as we may add it back and so alter the linked-list structure. PoolSubpage head = arena.findSubpagePoolHead(sizeIdx); synchronized (head) { //allocate a new run int runSize = calculateRunSize(sizeIdx); //runSize must be multiples of pageSize long runHandle = allocateRun(runSize); if (runHandle < 0) { return -1; } int runOffset = runOffset(runHandle); assert subpages[runOffset] == null; int elemSize = arena.sizeIdx2size(sizeIdx); PoolSubpage subpage = new PoolSubpage(head, this, pageShifts, runOffset, runSize(pageShifts, runHandle), elemSize); subpages[runOffset] = subpage; return subpage.allocate(); } } /** * Free a subpage, or a run of pages When a subpage is freed from PoolSubpage, it might be added back to subpage * pool of the owning PoolArena. If the subpage pool in PoolArena has at least one other PoolSubpage of given * elemSize, we can completely free the owning Page, so it is available for subsequent allocations. * * @param handle handle to free */ void free(long handle, int normCapacity) { if (isSubpage(handle)) { int sizeIdx = arena.size2SizeIdx(normCapacity); PoolSubpage head = arena.findSubpagePoolHead(sizeIdx); int sIdx = runOffset(handle); PoolSubpage subpage = subpages[sIdx]; assert subpage != null && subpage.doNotDestroy; // Obtain the head of the PoolSubPage pool that is owned by the PoolArena and synchronize on it. // This is need as we may add it back and so alter the linked-list structure. synchronized (head) { if (, bitmapIdx(handle))) { //the subpage is still used, do not free it return; } assert !subpage.doNotDestroy; // Null out slot in the array as it was freed, and we should not use it anymore. subpages[sIdx] = null; } } //start free run int pages = runPages(handle); synchronized (runsAvail) { // collapse continuous runs, successfully collapsed runs // will be removed from runsAvail and runsAvailMap long finalRun = collapseRuns(handle); //set run as not used finalRun &= ~(1L << IS_USED_SHIFT); //if it is a subpage, set it to run finalRun &= ~(1L << IS_SUBPAGE_SHIFT); insertAvailRun(runOffset(finalRun), runPages(finalRun), finalRun); freeBytes += pages << pageShifts; } } private long collapseRuns(long handle) { return collapseNext(collapsePast(handle)); } private long collapsePast(long handle) { for (;;) { int runOffset = runOffset(handle); int runPages = runPages(handle); long pastRun = getAvailRunByOffset(runOffset - 1); if (pastRun == -1) { return handle; } int pastOffset = runOffset(pastRun); int pastPages = runPages(pastRun); //is continuous if (pastRun != handle && pastOffset + pastPages == runOffset) { //remove past run removeAvailRun(pastRun); handle = toRunHandle(pastOffset, pastPages + runPages, 0); } else { return handle; } } } private long collapseNext(long handle) { for (;;) { int runOffset = runOffset(handle); int runPages = runPages(handle); long nextRun = getAvailRunByOffset(runOffset + runPages); if (nextRun == -1) { return handle; } int nextOffset = runOffset(nextRun); int nextPages = runPages(nextRun); //is continuous if (nextRun != handle && runOffset + runPages == nextOffset) { //remove next run removeAvailRun(nextRun); handle = toRunHandle(runOffset, runPages + nextPages, 0); } else { return handle; } } } private static long toRunHandle(int runOffset, int runPages, int inUsed) { return (long) runOffset << RUN_OFFSET_SHIFT | (long) runPages << SIZE_SHIFT | (long) inUsed << IS_USED_SHIFT; } Buffer allocateBuffer(long handle, int size, PoolThreadCache threadCache, PooledAllocatorControl control) { if (isRun(handle)) { int offset = runOffset(handle) << pageShifts; int maxLength = runSize(pageShifts, handle); PoolThreadCache poolThreadCache = arena.parent.threadCache(); initAllocatorControl(control, poolThreadCache, handle, maxLength, offset, size); return arena.manager.recoverMemory(control, memory, offset, size, new Drop() { @Override public void drop(Buffer obj) {, handle, maxLength, poolThreadCache); } }); } else { return allocateBufferWithSubpage(handle, size, threadCache, control); } } Buffer allocateBufferWithSubpage(long handle, int size, PoolThreadCache threadCache, PooledAllocatorControl control) { int runOffset = runOffset(handle); int bitmapIdx = bitmapIdx(handle); PoolSubpage s = subpages[runOffset]; assert s.doNotDestroy; assert size <= s.elemSize; int offset = (runOffset << pageShifts) + bitmapIdx * s.elemSize; initAllocatorControl(control, threadCache, handle, s.elemSize, offset, size); return arena.manager.recoverMemory(control, memory, offset, size, new Drop() { @Override public void drop(Buffer obj) {, handle, s.elemSize, threadCache); } }); } private void initAllocatorControl(PooledAllocatorControl control, PoolThreadCache threadCache, long handle, int normSize, int offset, int size) { control.arena = arena; control.chunk = this; control.threadCache = threadCache; control.handle = handle; control.normSize = normSize; control.memory = memory; control.offset = offset; control.size = size; } @Override public int chunkSize() { return chunkSize; } @Override public int freeBytes() { synchronized (arena) { return freeBytes; } } @Override public String toString() { final int freeBytes; synchronized (arena) { freeBytes = this.freeBytes; } return new StringBuilder() .append("Chunk(") .append(Integer.toHexString(System.identityHashCode(this))) .append(": ") .append(usage(freeBytes)) .append("%, ") .append(chunkSize - freeBytes) .append('/') .append(chunkSize) .append(')') .toString(); } void destroy() { base.close(); } static int runOffset(long handle) { return (int) (handle >> RUN_OFFSET_SHIFT); } static int runSize(int pageShifts, long handle) { return runPages(handle) << pageShifts; } static int runPages(long handle) { return (int) (handle >> SIZE_SHIFT & 0x7fff); } static boolean isUsed(long handle) { return (handle >> IS_USED_SHIFT & 1) == 1L; } static boolean isRun(long handle) { return !isSubpage(handle); } static boolean isSubpage(long handle) { return (handle >> IS_SUBPAGE_SHIFT & 1) == 1L; } static int bitmapIdx(long handle) { return (int) handle; } }