/* * Copyright 2020 The Netty Project * * The Netty Project licenses this file to you under the Apache License, * version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at: * * https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ package io.netty.buffer.b2; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.nio.ByteOrder; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.NoSuchElementException; final class CompositeBuf extends RcSupport implements Buf { /** * The max array size is JVM implementation dependant, but most seem to settle on {@code Integer.MAX_VALUE - 8}. * We set the max composite buffer capacity to the same, since it would otherwise be impossible to create a * non-composite copy of the buffer. */ private static final int MAX_CAPACITY = Integer.MAX_VALUE - 8; private static final Drop COMPOSITE_DROP = new Drop() { @Override public void drop(CompositeBuf obj) { for (Buf buf : obj.bufs) { buf.close(); } } }; private final Allocator allocator; private final TornBufAccessors tornBufAccessors; private final boolean isSendable; private Buf[] bufs; private int[] offsets; // The offset, for the composite buffer, where each constituent buffer starts. private int capacity; private int roff; private int woff; private int subOffset; // The next offset *within* a consituent buffer to read from or write to. CompositeBuf(Allocator allocator, Buf[] bufs) { this(allocator, true, bufs.clone(), COMPOSITE_DROP); // Clone prevents external modification of array. } private CompositeBuf(Allocator allocator, boolean isSendable, Buf[] bufs, Drop drop) { super(drop); this.allocator = allocator; this.isSendable = isSendable; for (Buf buf : bufs) { buf.acquire(); } if (bufs.length > 0) { ByteOrder targetOrder = bufs[0].order(); for (Buf buf : bufs) { if (buf.order() != targetOrder) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Constituent buffers have inconsistent byte order."); } } boolean woffMidpoint = false; for (Buf buf : bufs) { if (buf.writableBytes() == 0) { woff += buf.capacity(); } else if (!woffMidpoint) { woff += buf.writerOffset(); woffMidpoint = true; } else if (buf.writerOffset() != 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "The given buffers cannot be composed because they have an unwritten gap: " + Arrays.toString(bufs) + '.'); } } boolean roffMidpoint = false; for (Buf buf : bufs) { if (buf.readableBytes() == 0 && buf.writableBytes() == 0) { roff += buf.capacity(); } else if (!roffMidpoint) { roff += buf.readerOffset(); roffMidpoint = true; } else if (buf.readerOffset() != 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "The given buffers cannot be composed because they have an unread gap: " + Arrays.toString(bufs) + '.'); } } assert roff <= woff: "The given buffers place the read offset ahead of the write offset: " + Arrays.toString(bufs) + '.'; } this.bufs = bufs; computeBufferOffsets(); tornBufAccessors = new TornBufAccessors(this); } private void computeBufferOffsets() { offsets = new int[bufs.length]; long cap = 0; for (int i = 0; i < bufs.length; i++) { offsets[i] = (int) cap; cap += bufs[i].capacity(); } if (cap > MAX_CAPACITY) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Combined size of the constituent buffers is too big. " + "The maximum buffer capacity is " + MAX_CAPACITY + " (Interger.MAX_VALUE - 8), " + "but the sum of the constituent buffer capacities was " + cap + '.'); } capacity = (int) cap; } @Override public Buf order(ByteOrder order) { for (Buf buf : bufs) { buf.order(order); } return this; } @Override public ByteOrder order() { return bufs[0].order(); } @Override public int capacity() { return capacity; } @Override public int readerOffset() { return roff; } @Override public Buf readerOffset(int index) { prepRead(index, 0); int indexLeft = index; for (Buf buf : bufs) { buf.readerOffset(Math.min(indexLeft, buf.capacity())); indexLeft = Math.max(0, indexLeft - buf.capacity()); } roff = index; return this; } @Override public int writerOffset() { return woff; } @Override public Buf writerOffset(int index) { checkWriteBounds(index, 0); int indexLeft = index; for (Buf buf : bufs) { buf.writerOffset(Math.min(indexLeft, buf.capacity())); indexLeft = Math.max(0, indexLeft - buf.capacity()); } woff = index; return this; } @Override public Buf fill(byte value) { for (Buf buf : bufs) { buf.fill(value); } return this; } @Override public long getNativeAddress() { return 0; } @Override public Buf slice(int offset, int length) { checkWriteBounds(offset, length); if (offset < 0 || length < 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Offset and length cannot be negative, but offset was " + offset + ", and length was " + length + '.'); } Buf choice = (Buf) chooseBuffer(offset, 0); Buf[] slices = null; acquire(); // Increase reference count of the original composite buffer. Drop drop = obj -> { close(); // Decrement the reference count of the original composite buffer. COMPOSITE_DROP.drop(obj); }; try { if (length > 0) { slices = new Buf[bufs.length]; int off = subOffset; int cap = length; int i; for (i = searchOffsets(offset); cap > 0; i++) { var buf = bufs[i]; int avail = buf.capacity() - off; slices[i] = buf.slice(off, Math.min(cap, avail)); cap -= avail; off = 0; } slices = Arrays.copyOf(slices, i); } else { // Specialize for length == 0, since we must slice from at least one constituent buffer. slices = new Buf[] { choice.slice(subOffset, 0) }; } return new CompositeBuf(allocator, false, slices, drop).writerOffset(length); } catch (Throwable throwable) { // We called acquire prior to the try-clause. We need to undo that if we're not creating a composite buffer: close(); throw throwable; } finally { if (slices != null) { for (Buf slice : slices) { if (slice != null) { slice.close(); // Ownership now transfers to the composite buffer. } } } } } @Override public void copyInto(int srcPos, byte[] dest, int destPos, int length) { copyInto(srcPos, (b, s, d, l) -> b.copyInto(s, dest, d, l), destPos, length); } @Override public void copyInto(int srcPos, ByteBuffer dest, int destPos, int length) { copyInto(srcPos, (b, s, d, l) -> b.copyInto(s, dest, d, l), destPos, length); } private void copyInto(int srcPos, CopyInto dest, int destPos, int length) { if (length < 0) { throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("Length cannot be negative: " + length + '.'); } if (srcPos < 0) { throw indexOutOfBounds(srcPos); } if (srcPos + length > capacity) { throw indexOutOfBounds(srcPos + length); } while (length > 0) { var buf = (Buf) chooseBuffer(srcPos, 0); int toCopy = Math.min(buf.capacity() - subOffset, length); dest.copyInto(buf, subOffset, destPos, toCopy); srcPos += toCopy; destPos += toCopy; length -= toCopy; } } @FunctionalInterface private interface CopyInto { void copyInto(Buf src, int srcPos, int destPos, int length); } @Override public void copyInto(int srcPos, Buf dest, int destPos, int length) { if (length < 0) { throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("Length cannot be negative: " + length + '.'); } if (srcPos < 0) { throw indexOutOfBounds(srcPos); } if (srcPos + length > capacity) { throw indexOutOfBounds(srcPos + length); } // Iterate in reverse to account for src and dest buffer overlap. // todo optimise by delegating to constituent buffers. var itr = iterateReverse(srcPos + length - 1, length); ByteOrder prevOrder = dest.order(); // We read longs in BE, in reverse, so they need to be flipped for writing. dest.order(ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN); try { while (itr.hasNextLong()) { long val = itr.nextLong(); length -= Long.BYTES; dest.setLong(destPos + length, val); } while (itr.hasNextByte()) { dest.setByte(destPos + --length, itr.nextByte()); } } finally { dest.order(prevOrder); } } @Override public ByteIterator iterate(int fromOffset, int length) { if (fromOffset < 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("The fromOffset cannot be negative: " + fromOffset + '.'); } if (length < 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("The length cannot be negative: " + length + '.'); } if (capacity < fromOffset + length) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("The fromOffset+length is beyond the end of the buffer: " + "fromOffset=" + fromOffset + ", length=" + length + '.'); } int startBufferIndex = searchOffsets(fromOffset); int off = fromOffset - offsets[startBufferIndex]; Buf startBuf = bufs[startBufferIndex]; ByteIterator startIterator = startBuf.iterate(off, Math.min(startBuf.capacity() - off, length)); return new ByteIterator() { int index = fromOffset; final int end = fromOffset + length; int bufferIndex = startBufferIndex; ByteIterator itr = startIterator; @Override public boolean hasNextLong() { return bytesLeft() >= Long.BYTES; } @Override public long nextLong() { if (itr.hasNextLong()) { long val = itr.nextLong(); index += Long.BYTES; return val; } if (!hasNextLong()) { throw new NoSuchElementException(); } return nextLongFromBytes(); // Leave index increments to 'nextByte' } private long nextLongFromBytes() { long val = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) { val <<= 8; val |= nextByte(); } return val; } @Override public boolean hasNextByte() { return index < end; } @Override public byte nextByte() { if (itr.hasNextByte()) { byte val = itr.nextByte(); index++; return val; } if (!hasNextByte()) { throw new NoSuchElementException(); } bufferIndex++; Buf nextBuf = bufs[bufferIndex]; itr = nextBuf.iterate(0, Math.min(nextBuf.capacity(), bytesLeft())); byte val = itr.nextByte(); index++; return val; } @Override public int currentOffset() { return index; } @Override public int bytesLeft() { return end - index; } }; } @Override public ByteIterator iterateReverse(int fromOffset, int length) { if (fromOffset < 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("The fromOffset cannot be negative: " + fromOffset + '.'); } if (length < 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("The length cannot be negative: " + length + '.'); } if (fromOffset - length < -1) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("The fromOffset-length would underflow the buffer: " + "fromOffset=" + fromOffset + ", length=" + length + '.'); } int startBufferIndex = searchOffsets(fromOffset); int off = fromOffset - offsets[startBufferIndex]; Buf startBuf = bufs[startBufferIndex]; ByteIterator startIterator = startBuf.iterateReverse(off, Math.min(off + 1, length)); return new ByteIterator() { int index = fromOffset; final int end = fromOffset - length; int bufferIndex = startBufferIndex; ByteIterator itr = startIterator; @Override public boolean hasNextLong() { return bytesLeft() >= Long.BYTES; } @Override public long nextLong() { if (itr.hasNextLong()) { index -= Long.BYTES; return itr.nextLong(); } if (!hasNextLong()) { throw new NoSuchElementException(); } return nextLongFromBytes(); // Leave index increments to 'nextByte' } private long nextLongFromBytes() { long val = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) { val <<= 8; val |= nextByte(); } return val; } @Override public boolean hasNextByte() { return index > end; } @Override public byte nextByte() { if (itr.hasNextByte()) { byte val = itr.nextByte(); index--; return val; } if (!hasNextByte()) { throw new NoSuchElementException(); } bufferIndex--; Buf nextBuf = bufs[bufferIndex]; itr = nextBuf.iterateReverse(nextBuf.capacity() - 1, Math.min(nextBuf.capacity(), bytesLeft())); byte val = itr.nextByte(); index--; return val; } @Override public int currentOffset() { return index; } @Override public int bytesLeft() { return index - end; } }; } @Override public void ensureWritable(int size) { if (!isOwned()) { throw new IllegalStateException("Buffer is not owned. Only owned buffers can call ensureWritable."); } if (size < 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot ensure writable for a negative size: " + size + '.'); } if (writableBytes() < size) { long newSize = capacity() + (long) size; Allocator.checkSize(newSize); int growth = size - writableBytes(); bufs = Arrays.copyOf(bufs, bufs.length + 1); bufs[bufs.length - 1] = allocator.allocate(growth); computeBufferOffsets(); } } // @Override public byte readByte() { return prepRead(Byte.BYTES).readByte(); } @Override public byte getByte(int roff) { return prepRead(roff, Byte.BYTES).getByte(subOffset); } @Override public int readUnsignedByte() { return prepRead(Byte.BYTES).readUnsignedByte(); } @Override public int getUnsignedByte(int roff) { return prepRead(roff, Byte.BYTES).getUnsignedByte(subOffset); } @Override public Buf writeByte(byte value) { prepWrite(Byte.BYTES).writeByte(value); return this; } @Override public Buf setByte(int woff, byte value) { prepWrite(woff, Byte.BYTES).setByte(subOffset, value); return this; } @Override public Buf writeUnsignedByte(int value) { prepWrite(Byte.BYTES).writeUnsignedByte(value); return this; } @Override public Buf setUnsignedByte(int woff, int value) { prepWrite(woff, Byte.BYTES).setUnsignedByte(subOffset, value); return this; } @Override public char readChar() { return prepRead(2).readChar(); } @Override public char getChar(int roff) { return prepRead(roff, 2).getChar(subOffset); } @Override public Buf writeChar(char value) { prepWrite(2).writeChar(value); return this; } @Override public Buf setChar(int woff, char value) { prepWrite(woff, 2).setChar(subOffset, value); return this; } @Override public short readShort() { return prepRead(Short.BYTES).readShort(); } @Override public short getShort(int roff) { return prepRead(roff, Short.BYTES).getShort(subOffset); } @Override public int readUnsignedShort() { return prepRead(Short.BYTES).readShort(); } @Override public int getUnsignedShort(int roff) { return prepRead(roff, Short.BYTES).getUnsignedShort(subOffset); } @Override public Buf writeShort(short value) { prepWrite(Short.BYTES).writeShort(value); return this; } @Override public Buf setShort(int woff, short value) { prepWrite(woff, Short.BYTES).setShort(subOffset, value); return this; } @Override public Buf writeUnsignedShort(int value) { prepWrite(Short.BYTES).writeUnsignedShort(value); return this; } @Override public Buf setUnsignedShort(int woff, int value) { prepWrite(woff, Short.BYTES).setUnsignedShort(subOffset, value); return this; } @Override public int readMedium() { return prepRead(3).readMedium(); } @Override public int getMedium(int roff) { return prepRead(roff, 3).getMedium(subOffset); } @Override public int readUnsignedMedium() { return prepRead(3).readMedium(); } @Override public int getUnsignedMedium(int roff) { return prepRead(roff, 3).getMedium(subOffset); } @Override public Buf writeMedium(int value) { prepWrite(3).writeMedium(value); return this; } @Override public Buf setMedium(int woff, int value) { prepWrite(woff, 3).setMedium(subOffset, value); return this; } @Override public Buf writeUnsignedMedium(int value) { prepWrite(3).writeUnsignedMedium(value); return this; } @Override public Buf setUnsignedMedium(int woff, int value) { prepWrite(woff, 3).setUnsignedMedium(subOffset, value); return this; } @Override public int readInt() { return prepRead(Integer.BYTES).readInt(); } @Override public int getInt(int roff) { return prepRead(roff, Integer.BYTES).getInt(subOffset); } @Override public long readUnsignedInt() { return prepRead(Integer.BYTES).readUnsignedInt(); } @Override public long getUnsignedInt(int roff) { return prepRead(roff, Integer.BYTES).getUnsignedInt(subOffset); } @Override public Buf writeInt(int value) { prepWrite(Integer.BYTES).writeInt(value); return this; } @Override public Buf setInt(int woff, int value) { prepWrite(woff, Integer.BYTES).setInt(subOffset, value); return this; } @Override public Buf writeUnsignedInt(long value) { prepWrite(Integer.BYTES).writeUnsignedInt(value); return this; } @Override public Buf setUnsignedInt(int woff, long value) { prepWrite(woff, Integer.BYTES).setUnsignedInt(subOffset, value); return this; } @Override public float readFloat() { return prepRead(Float.BYTES).readFloat(); } @Override public float getFloat(int roff) { return prepRead(roff, Float.BYTES).getFloat(subOffset); } @Override public Buf writeFloat(float value) { prepWrite(Float.BYTES).writeFloat(value); return this; } @Override public Buf setFloat(int woff, float value) { prepWrite(woff, Float.BYTES).setFloat(subOffset, value); return this; } @Override public long readLong() { return prepRead(Long.BYTES).readLong(); } @Override public long getLong(int roff) { return prepRead(roff, Long.BYTES).getLong(subOffset); } @Override public Buf writeLong(long value) { prepWrite(Long.BYTES).writeLong(value); return this; } @Override public Buf setLong(int woff, long value) { prepWrite(woff, Long.BYTES).setLong(subOffset, value); return this; } @Override public double readDouble() { return prepRead(Double.BYTES).readDouble(); } @Override public double getDouble(int roff) { return prepRead(roff, Double.BYTES).getDouble(subOffset); } @Override public Buf writeDouble(double value) { prepWrite(Double.BYTES).writeDouble(value); return this; } @Override public Buf setDouble(int woff, double value) { prepWrite(woff, Double.BYTES).setDouble(subOffset, value); return this; } // @Override protected Owned prepareSend() { @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") Send[] sends = new Send[bufs.length]; try { for (int i = 0; i < bufs.length; i++) { sends[i] = bufs[i].send(); } } catch (Throwable throwable) { // Repair our bufs array. for (int i = 0; i < sends.length; i++) { if (sends[i] != null) { try { bufs[i] = sends[i].receive(); } catch (Exception e) { throwable.addSuppressed(e); } } } throw throwable; } return new Owned() { @Override public CompositeBuf transferOwnership(Drop drop) { Buf[] received = new Buf[sends.length]; for (int i = 0; i < sends.length; i++) { received[i] = sends[i].receive(); } var composite = new CompositeBuf(allocator, true, received, drop); drop.accept(composite); return composite; } }; } @Override protected IllegalStateException notSendableException() { if (!isSendable) { return new IllegalStateException( "Cannot send() this buffer. This buffer might be a slice of another buffer."); } return super.notSendableException(); } @Override public boolean isOwned() { return isSendable && super.isOwned() && allConstituentsAreOwned(); } private boolean allConstituentsAreOwned() { boolean result = true; for (Buf buf : bufs) { result &= buf.isOwned(); } return result; } long readPassThrough() { var buf = choosePassThroughBuffer(subOffset++); assert buf != tornBufAccessors: "Recursive call to torn buffer."; return buf.readUnsignedByte(); } void writePassThrough(int value) { var buf = choosePassThroughBuffer(subOffset++); assert buf != tornBufAccessors: "Recursive call to torn buffer."; buf.writeUnsignedByte(value); } long getPassThrough(int roff) { var buf = chooseBuffer(roff, 1); assert buf != tornBufAccessors: "Recursive call to torn buffer."; return buf.getUnsignedByte(subOffset); } void setPassThrough(int woff, int value) { var buf = chooseBuffer(woff, 1); assert buf != tornBufAccessors: "Recursive call to torn buffer."; buf.setUnsignedByte(subOffset, value); } private BufAccessors prepRead(int size) { var buf = prepRead(roff, size); roff += size; return buf; } private BufAccessors prepRead(int index, int size) { checkReadBounds(index, size); return chooseBuffer(index, size); } private void checkReadBounds(int index, int size) { if (index < 0 || woff < index + size) { throw indexOutOfBounds(index); } } private BufAccessors prepWrite(int size) { var buf = prepWrite(woff, size); woff += size; return buf; } private BufAccessors prepWrite(int index, int size) { checkWriteBounds(index, size); return chooseBuffer(index, size); } private void checkWriteBounds(int index, int size) { if (index < 0 || capacity < index + size) { throw indexOutOfBounds(index); } } private IndexOutOfBoundsException indexOutOfBounds(int index) { return new IndexOutOfBoundsException( "Index " + index + " is out of bounds: [read 0 to " + woff + ", write 0 to " + (capacity - 1) + "]."); } private BufAccessors chooseBuffer(int index, int size) { int i = searchOffsets(index); if (i == bufs.length) { // This happens when the read/write offsets are parked 1 byte beyond the end of the buffer. // In that case it should not matter what buffer is returned, because it shouldn't be used anyway. return null; } int off = index - offsets[i]; Buf candidate = bufs[i]; if (off + size <= candidate.capacity()) { subOffset = off; return candidate; } subOffset = index; return tornBufAccessors; } private BufAccessors choosePassThroughBuffer(int index) { int i = searchOffsets(index); return bufs[i]; } private int searchOffsets(int index) { int i = Arrays.binarySearch(offsets, index); return i < 0? -(i+2) : i; } // private static final class TornBufAccessors implements BufAccessors { private final CompositeBuf buf; private TornBufAccessors(CompositeBuf buf) { this.buf = buf; } @Override public byte readByte() { throw new AssertionError("Method should not be used."); } @Override public byte getByte(int roff) { throw new AssertionError("Method should not be used."); } @Override public int readUnsignedByte() { throw new AssertionError("Method should not be used."); } @Override public int getUnsignedByte(int roff) { throw new AssertionError("Method should not be used."); } @Override public Buf writeByte(byte value) { throw new AssertionError("Method should not be used."); } @Override public Buf setByte(int woff, byte value) { throw new AssertionError("Method should not be used."); } @Override public Buf writeUnsignedByte(int value) { throw new AssertionError("Method should not be used."); } @Override public Buf setUnsignedByte(int woff, int value) { throw new AssertionError("Method should not be used."); } @Override public char readChar() { if (bigEndian()) { return (char) (read() << 8 | read()); } else { return (char) (read() | read() << 8); } } @Override public char getChar(int roff) { if (bigEndian()) { return (char) (read(roff) << 8 | read(roff + 1)); } else { return (char) (read(roff) | read(roff + 1) << 8); } } @Override public Buf writeChar(char value) { if (bigEndian()) { write(value >>> 8); write(value & 0xFF); } else { write(value & 0xFF); write(value >>> 8); } return buf; } @Override public Buf setChar(int woff, char value) { if (bigEndian()) { write(woff, value >>> 8); write(woff + 1, value & 0xFF); } else { write(woff, value & 0xFF); write(woff + 1, value >>> 8); } return buf; } @Override public short readShort() { if (bigEndian()) { return (short) (read() << 8 | read()); } else { return (short) (read() | read() << 8); } } @Override public short getShort(int roff) { if (bigEndian()) { return (short) (read(roff) << 8 | read(roff + 1)); } else { return (short) (read(roff) | read(roff + 1) << 8); } } @Override public int readUnsignedShort() { if (bigEndian()) { return (int) (read() << 8 | read()) & 0xFFFF; } else { return (int) (read() | read() << 8) & 0xFFFF; } } @Override public int getUnsignedShort(int roff) { if (bigEndian()) { return (int) (read(roff) << 8 | read(roff + 1)) & 0xFFFF; } else { return (int) (read(roff) | read(roff + 1) << 8) & 0xFFFF; } } @Override public Buf writeShort(short value) { if (bigEndian()) { write(value >>> 8); write(value & 0xFF); } else { write(value & 0xFF); write(value >>> 8); } return buf; } @Override public Buf setShort(int woff, short value) { if (bigEndian()) { write(woff, value >>> 8); write(woff + 1, value & 0xFF); } else { write(woff, value & 0xFF); write(woff + 1, value >>> 8); } return buf; } @Override public Buf writeUnsignedShort(int value) { if (bigEndian()) { write(value >>> 8); write(value & 0xFF); } else { write(value & 0xFF); write(value >>> 8); } return buf; } @Override public Buf setUnsignedShort(int woff, int value) { if (bigEndian()) { write(woff, value >>> 8); write(woff + 1, value & 0xFF); } else { write(woff, value & 0xFF); write(woff + 1, value >>> 8); } return buf; } @Override public int readMedium() { if (bigEndian()) { return (int) (read() << 16 | read() << 8 | read()); } else { return (int) (read() | read() << 8 | read() << 16); } } @Override public int getMedium(int roff) { if (bigEndian()) { return (int) (read(roff) << 16 | read(roff + 1) << 8 | read(roff + 2)); } else { return (int) (read(roff) | read(roff + 1) << 8 | read(roff + 2) << 16); } } @Override public int readUnsignedMedium() { if (bigEndian()) { return (int) (read() << 16 | read() << 8 | read()) & 0xFFFFFF; } else { return (int) (read() | read() << 8 | read() << 16) & 0xFFFFFF; } } @Override public int getUnsignedMedium(int roff) { if (bigEndian()) { return (int) (read(roff) << 16 | read(roff + 1) << 8 | read(roff + 2)) & 0xFFFFFF; } else { return (int) (read(roff) | read(roff + 1) << 8 | read(roff + 2) << 16) & 0xFFFFFF; } } @Override public Buf writeMedium(int value) { if (bigEndian()) { write(value >>> 16); write(value >>> 8 & 0xFF); write(value & 0xFF); } else { write(value & 0xFF); write(value >>> 8 & 0xFF); write(value >>> 16); } return buf; } @Override public Buf setMedium(int woff, int value) { if (bigEndian()) { write(woff, value >>> 16); write(woff + 1, value >>> 8 & 0xFF); write(woff + 2, value & 0xFF); } else { write(woff, value & 0xFF); write(woff + 1, value >>> 8 & 0xFF); write(woff + 2, value >>> 16); } return buf; } @Override public Buf writeUnsignedMedium(int value) { if (bigEndian()) { write(value >>> 16); write(value >>> 8 & 0xFF); write(value & 0xFF); } else { write(value & 0xFF); write(value >>> 8 & 0xFF); write(value >>> 16); } return buf; } @Override public Buf setUnsignedMedium(int woff, int value) { if (bigEndian()) { write(woff, value >>> 16); write(woff + 1, value >>> 8 & 0xFF); write(woff + 2, value & 0xFF); } else { write(woff, value & 0xFF); write(woff + 1, value >>> 8 & 0xFF); write(woff + 2, value >>> 16); } return buf; } @Override public int readInt() { if (bigEndian()) { return (int) (read() << 24 | read() << 16 | read() << 8 | read()); } else { return (int) (read() | read() << 8 | read() << 16 | read() << 24); } } @Override public int getInt(int roff) { if (bigEndian()) { return (int) (read(roff) << 24 | read(roff + 1) << 16 | read(roff + 2) << 8 | read(roff + 3)); } else { return (int) (read(roff) | read(roff + 1) << 8 | read(roff + 2) << 16 | read(roff + 3) << 24); } } @Override public long readUnsignedInt() { if (bigEndian()) { return (read() << 24 | read() << 16 | read() << 8 | read()) & 0xFFFFFFFFL; } else { return (read() | read() << 8 | read() << 16 | read() << 24) & 0xFFFFFFFFL; } } @Override public long getUnsignedInt(int roff) { if (bigEndian()) { return (read(roff) << 24 | read(roff + 1) << 16 | read(roff + 2) << 8 | read(roff + 3)) & 0xFFFFFFFFL; } else { return (read(roff) | read(roff + 1) << 8 | read(roff + 2) << 16 | read(roff + 3) << 24) & 0xFFFFFFFFL; } } @Override public Buf writeInt(int value) { if (bigEndian()) { write(value >>> 24); write(value >>> 16 & 0xFF); write(value >>> 8 & 0xFF); write(value & 0xFF); } else { write(value & 0xFF); write(value >>> 8 & 0xFF); write(value >>> 16 & 0xFF); write(value >>> 24); } return buf; } @Override public Buf setInt(int woff, int value) { if (bigEndian()) { write(woff, value >>> 24); write(woff + 1, value >>> 16 & 0xFF); write(woff + 2, value >>> 8 & 0xFF); write(woff + 3, value & 0xFF); } else { write(woff, value & 0xFF); write(woff + 1, value >>> 8 & 0xFF); write(woff + 2, value >>> 16 & 0xFF); write(woff + 3, value >>> 24); } return buf; } @Override public Buf writeUnsignedInt(long value) { if (bigEndian()) { write((int) (value >>> 24)); write((int) (value >>> 16 & 0xFF)); write((int) (value >>> 8 & 0xFF)); write((int) (value & 0xFF)); } else { write((int) (value & 0xFF)); write((int) (value >>> 8 & 0xFF)); write((int) (value >>> 16 & 0xFF)); write((int) (value >>> 24)); } return buf; } @Override public Buf setUnsignedInt(int woff, long value) { if (bigEndian()) { write(woff, (int) (value >>> 24)); write(woff + 1, (int) (value >>> 16 & 0xFF)); write(woff + 2, (int) (value >>> 8 & 0xFF)); write(woff + 3, (int) (value & 0xFF)); } else { write(woff, (int) (value & 0xFF)); write(woff + 1, (int) (value >>> 8 & 0xFF)); write(woff + 2, (int) (value >>> 16 & 0xFF)); write(woff + 3, (int) (value >>> 24)); } return buf; } @Override public float readFloat() { return Float.intBitsToFloat(readInt()); } @Override public float getFloat(int roff) { return Float.intBitsToFloat(getInt(roff)); } @Override public Buf writeFloat(float value) { return writeUnsignedInt(Float.floatToRawIntBits(value)); } @Override public Buf setFloat(int woff, float value) { return setUnsignedInt(woff, Float.floatToRawIntBits(value)); } @Override public long readLong() { if (bigEndian()) { return read() << 56 | read() << 48 | read() << 40 | read() << 32 | read() << 24 | read() << 16 | read() << 8 | read(); } else { return read() | read() << 8 | read() << 16 | read() << 24 | read() << 32 | read() << 40 | read() << 48 | read() << 56; } } @Override public long getLong(int roff) { if (bigEndian()) { return read(roff) << 56 | read(roff + 1) << 48 | read(roff + 2) << 40 | read(roff + 3) << 32 | read(roff + 4) << 24 | read(roff + 5) << 16 | read(roff + 6) << 8 | read(roff + 7); } else { return read(roff) | read(roff + 1) << 8 | read(roff + 2) << 16 | read(roff + 3) << 24 | read(roff + 4) << 32 | read(roff + 5) << 40 | read(roff + 6) << 48 | read(roff + 7) << 56; } } @Override public Buf writeLong(long value) { if (bigEndian()) { write((int) (value >>> 56)); write((int) (value >>> 48 & 0xFF)); write((int) (value >>> 40 & 0xFF)); write((int) (value >>> 32 & 0xFF)); write((int) (value >>> 24 & 0xFF)); write((int) (value >>> 16 & 0xFF)); write((int) (value >>> 8 & 0xFF)); write((int) (value & 0xFF)); } else { write((int) (value & 0xFF)); write((int) (value >>> 8 & 0xFF)); write((int) (value >>> 16 & 0xFF)); write((int) (value >>> 24)); write((int) (value >>> 32)); write((int) (value >>> 40)); write((int) (value >>> 48)); write((int) (value >>> 56)); } return buf; } @Override public Buf setLong(int woff, long value) { if (bigEndian()) { write(woff, (int) (value >>> 56)); write(woff + 1, (int) (value >>> 48 & 0xFF)); write(woff + 2, (int) (value >>> 40 & 0xFF)); write(woff + 3, (int) (value >>> 32 & 0xFF)); write(woff + 4, (int) (value >>> 24 & 0xFF)); write(woff + 5, (int) (value >>> 16 & 0xFF)); write(woff + 6, (int) (value >>> 8 & 0xFF)); write(woff + 7, (int) (value & 0xFF)); } else { write(woff, (int) (value & 0xFF)); write(woff + 1, (int) (value >>> 8 & 0xFF)); write(woff + 2, (int) (value >>> 16 & 0xFF)); write(woff + 3, (int) (value >>> 24)); write(woff + 4, (int) (value >>> 32)); write(woff + 5, (int) (value >>> 40)); write(woff + 6, (int) (value >>> 48)); write(woff + 7, (int) (value >>> 56)); } return buf; } @Override public double readDouble() { return Double.longBitsToDouble(readLong()); } @Override public double getDouble(int roff) { return Double.longBitsToDouble(getLong(roff)); } @Override public Buf writeDouble(double value) { return writeLong(Double.doubleToRawLongBits(value)); } @Override public Buf setDouble(int woff, double value) { return setLong(woff, Double.doubleToRawLongBits(value)); } private boolean bigEndian() { return buf.order() == ByteOrder.BIG_ENDIAN; } private long read() { return buf.readPassThrough(); } private void write(int value) { buf.writePassThrough(value); } private long read(int roff) { return buf.getPassThrough(roff); } private void write(int woff, int value) { buf.setPassThrough(woff, value); } } // }