package io.netty.buffer.api.pool; import io.netty.buffer.api.Buffer; import io.netty.util.internal.StringUtil; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import static java.lang.Math.*; final class PoolChunkList implements PoolChunkListMetric { private static final Iterator EMPTY_METRICS = Collections.emptyIterator(); private final PoolArena arena; private final PoolChunkList nextList; private final int minUsage; private final int maxUsage; private final int maxCapacity; private PoolChunk head; private final int freeMinThreshold; private final int freeMaxThreshold; // This is only update once when create the linked like list of PoolChunkList in PoolArena constructor. private PoolChunkList prevList; PoolChunkList(PoolArena arena, PoolChunkList nextList, int minUsage, int maxUsage, int chunkSize) { assert minUsage <= maxUsage; this.arena = arena; this.nextList = nextList; this.minUsage = minUsage; this.maxUsage = maxUsage; maxCapacity = calculateMaxCapacity(minUsage, chunkSize); // the thresholds are aligned with PoolChunk.usage() logic: // 1) basic logic: usage() = 100 - freeBytes * 100L / chunkSize // so, for example: (usage() >= maxUsage) condition can be transformed in the following way: // 100 - freeBytes * 100L / chunkSize >= maxUsage // freeBytes <= chunkSize * (100 - maxUsage) / 100 // let freeMinThreshold = chunkSize * (100 - maxUsage) / 100, then freeBytes <= freeMinThreshold // // 2) usage() returns an int value and has a floor rounding during a calculation, // to be aligned absolute thresholds should be shifted for "the rounding step": // freeBytes * 100 / chunkSize < 1 // the condition can be converted to: freeBytes < 1 * chunkSize / 100 // this is why we have + 0.99999999 shifts. A example why just +1 shift cannot be used: // freeBytes = 16777216 == freeMaxThreshold: 16777216, usage = 0 < minUsage: 1, chunkSize: 16777216 // At the same time we want to have zero thresholds in case of (maxUsage == 100) and (minUsage == 100). // freeMinThreshold = maxUsage == 100 ? 0 : (int) (chunkSize * (100.0 - maxUsage + 0.99999999) / 100L); freeMaxThreshold = minUsage == 100 ? 0 : (int) (chunkSize * (100.0 - minUsage + 0.99999999) / 100L); } /** * Calculates the maximum capacity of a buffer that will ever be possible to allocate out of the {@link PoolChunk}s * that belong to the {@link PoolChunkList} with the given {@code minUsage} and {@code maxUsage} settings. */ private static int calculateMaxCapacity(int minUsage, int chunkSize) { minUsage = minUsage0(minUsage); if (minUsage == 100) { // If the minUsage is 100 we can not allocate anything out of this list. return 0; } // Calculate the maximum amount of bytes that can be allocated from a PoolChunk in this PoolChunkList. // // As an example: // - If a PoolChunkList has minUsage == 25 we are allowed to allocate at most 75% of the chunkSize because // this is the maximum amount available in any PoolChunk in this PoolChunkList. return (int) (chunkSize * (100L - minUsage) / 100L); } void prevList(PoolChunkList prevList) { assert this.prevList == null; this.prevList = prevList; } Buffer allocate(int size, int sizeIdx, PoolThreadCache threadCache) { int normCapacity = arena.sizeIdx2size(sizeIdx); if (normCapacity > maxCapacity) { // Either this PoolChunkList is empty, or the requested capacity is larger than the capacity which can // be handled by the PoolChunks that are contained in this PoolChunkList. return null; } for (PoolChunk cur = head; cur != null; cur = { Buffer buffer = cur.allocate(size, sizeIdx, threadCache); if (buffer != null) { if (cur.freeBytes <= freeMinThreshold) { remove(cur); nextList.add(cur); } return buffer; } } return null; } boolean free(PoolChunk chunk, long handle, int normCapacity) {, normCapacity); if (chunk.freeBytes > freeMaxThreshold) { remove(chunk); // Move the PoolChunk down the PoolChunkList linked-list. return move0(chunk); } return true; } private boolean move(PoolChunk chunk) { if (chunk.freeBytes > freeMaxThreshold) { // Move the PoolChunk down the PoolChunkList linked-list. return move0(chunk); } // PoolChunk fits into this PoolChunkList, adding it here. add0(chunk); return true; } /** * Moves the {@link PoolChunk} down the {@link PoolChunkList} linked-list, so it will end up in the right * {@link PoolChunkList} that has the correct minUsage / maxUsage in respect to {@link PoolChunk#usage()}. */ private boolean move0(PoolChunk chunk) { if (prevList == null) { // There is no previous PoolChunkList so return false which result in having the PoolChunk destroyed and // all memory associated with the PoolChunk will be released. return false; } return prevList.move(chunk); } void add(PoolChunk chunk) { if (chunk.freeBytes <= freeMinThreshold) { nextList.add(chunk); return; } add0(chunk); } /** * Adds the {@link PoolChunk} to this {@link PoolChunkList}. */ void add0(PoolChunk chunk) { chunk.parent = this; if (head == null) { head = chunk; chunk.prev = null; = null; } else { chunk.prev = null; = head; head.prev = chunk; head = chunk; } } private void remove(PoolChunk cur) { if (cur == head) { head =; if (head != null) { head.prev = null; } } else { PoolChunk next =; = next; if (next != null) { next.prev = cur.prev; } } } @Override public int minUsage() { return minUsage0(minUsage); } @Override public int maxUsage() { return min(maxUsage, 100); } private static int minUsage0(int value) { return max(1, value); } @Override public Iterator iterator() { synchronized (arena) { if (head == null) { return EMPTY_METRICS; } List metrics = new ArrayList<>(); for (PoolChunk cur = head;;) { metrics.add(cur); cur =; if (cur == null) { break; } } return metrics.iterator(); } } @Override public String toString() { StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(); synchronized (arena) { if (head == null) { return "none"; } for (PoolChunk cur = head;;) { buf.append(cur); cur =; if (cur == null) { break; } buf.append(StringUtil.NEWLINE); } } return buf.toString(); } void destroy(PoolArena arena) { PoolChunk chunk = head; while (chunk != null) { arena.destroyChunk(chunk); chunk =; } head = null; } }