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* Copyright 2020 The Netty Project
* The Netty Project licenses this file to you under the Apache License,
* version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at:
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
* WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
* License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package io.netty.buffer.api;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.nio.ByteOrder;
* A reference counted buffer of memory, with separate reader and writer offsets.
* <p>
* A buffer is a sequential stretch of memory with a certain capacity, an offset for writing, and an offset for reading.
* <h3>Creating a buffer</h3>
* Buffers are created by {@linkplain BufferAllocator allocators}, and their {@code allocate} family of methods.
* A number of standard allocators exist, and ara available through static methods on the {@code BufferAllocator}
* interface.
* <h3>Life cycle and reference counting</h3>
* The buffer has a life cycle, where it is allocated, used, and deallocated.
* The reference count controls this life cycle.
* <p>
* When the buffer is initially allocated, a pairing {@link #close()} call will deallocate it.
* In this state, the buffer {@linkplain #isOwned() is "owned"}.
* <p>
* The buffer can also be {@linkplain #acquire() acquired} when it's about to be involved in a complicated lifetime.
* The {@link #acquire()} call increments the reference count of the buffer,
* and a pairing {@link #close()} call will decrement the reference count.
* Each acquire lends out the buffer, and the buffer is said to be in a "borrowed" state.
* <p>
* Certain operations, such as {@link #send()}, are only available on owned buffers.
* <h3>Thread-safety</h3>
* Buffers are not thread-safe.
* The reference counting implied by the {@link Rc} interface is itself not thread-safe,
* and buffers additionally contain other mutable data that is not thread-safe.
* Depending on the buffer implementation, the buffer may impose confinement restrictions as well,
* so that the buffer cannot even be read using absolute offsets,
* such as with the {@link #getByte(int)} method,
* from multiple threads.
* <p>
* If a buffer needs to be accessed by a different thread,
* then the ownership of that buffer must be sent to that thread.
* This can be done with the {@link #send()} method.
* The send method consumes the buffer, if it is in an owned state, and produces a {@link Send} object.
* The {@link Send} object can then be shared in a thread-safe way (so-called "safe publication"),
* with the intended recipient thread.
* <p>
* To send a buffer to another thread, the buffer must not have any outstanding borrows.
* That is to say, all {@linkplain #acquire() acquires} must have been paired with a {@link #close()};
* all {@linkplain #slice() slices} must have been closed.
* And if this buffer is a constituent of a
* {@linkplain CompositeBuffer#compose(BufferAllocator, Buffer...) composite buffer}, then that composite buffer must
* be closed.
* And if this buffer is itself a composite buffer, then it must own all of its constituent buffers.
* The {@link #isOwned()} method can be used on any buffer to check if it can be sent or not.
* <h3>Accessing data</h3>
* Data access methods fall into two classes:
* <ol>
* <li>Access that are based on, and updates, the read or write offset positions.</li>
* <ul><li>These accessor methods are typically called {@code readX} or {@code writeX}.</li></ul>
* <li>Access that take offsets as arguments, and do not update read or write offset positions.</li>
* <ul><li>These accessor methods are typically called {@code getX} or {@code setX}.</li></ul>
* </ol>
* A buffer contains two mutable offset positions: one for reading and one for writing.
* These positions use <a href="">zero-based indexing</a>,
* such that the first byte of data in the buffer is placed at offset {@code 0},
* and the last byte in the buffer is at offset {@link #capacity() capacity - 1}.
* The {@link #readerOffset()} is the offset into the buffer from which the next read will take place,
* and is initially zero.
* The reader offset must always be less than or equal to the {@link #writerOffset()}.
* The {@link #writerOffset()} is likewise the offset into the buffer where the next write will take place.
* The writer offset is also initially zero, and must be less than or equal to the {@linkplain #capacity() capacity}.
* <p>
* This carves the buffer into three regions, as demonstrated by this diagram:
* <pre>
* +-------------------+------------------+------------------+
* | discardable bytes | readable bytes | writable bytes |
* | | (CONTENT) | |
* +-------------------+------------------+------------------+
* | | | |
* 0 <= readerOffset <= writerOffset <= capacity
* </pre>
* <h3 name="slice-split">Slice vs. Split</h3>
* The {@link #slice()} and {@link #split()} methods both return new buffers on the memory of the buffer they're
* called on.
* However, there are also important differences between the two, as they are aimed at different use cases that were
* previously (in the {@code ByteBuf} API) covered by {@code slice()} alone.
* <ul>
* <li>
* Slices create a new view onto the memory, that is shared between the slice and the buffer.
* As long as both the slice, and the originating buffer are alive, neither will have ownership of the memory.
* Since the memory is shared, changes to the data made through one will be visible through the other.
* </li>
* <li>
* Split breaks the ownership of the memory in two.
* Both resulting buffers retain ownership of their respective region of memory.
* They can do this because the regions are guaranteed to not overlap; data changes through one buffer will not
* be visible through the other.
* </li>
* </ul>
* These differences mean that slicing is mostly suitable for when you temporarily want to share a focused area of a
* buffer.
* Examples of this include doing IO, or decoding a bounded part of a larger message.
* On the other hand, split is suitable for when you want to hand over a region of a buffer to some other,
* perhaps unknown, piece of code, and relinquish your ownership of that buffer region in the process.
* Examples include aggregating messages into an accumulator buffer, and sending messages down the pipeline for
* further processing, as split buffer regions, once their data has been received in its entirety.
* <h3>Buffers as constants</h3>
* Sometimes, the same bit of data will be processed or transmitted over and over again. In such cases, it can be
* tempting to allocate and fill a buffer once, and then reuse it.
* Such reuse must be done carefully, however, to avoid a number of bugs.
* The {@link BufferAllocator} has a {@link BufferAllocator#constBufferSupplier(byte[])} method that solves this, and
* prevents these bugs from occurring.
public interface Buffer extends Rc<Buffer>, BufferAccessors {
* Change the default byte order of this buffer, and return this buffer.
* @param order The new default byte order, used by accessor methods that don't use an explicit byte order.
* @return This buffer instance.
Buffer order(ByteOrder order);
* The default byte order of this buffer.
* @return The default byte order of this buffer.
ByteOrder order();
* The capacity of this buffer, that is, the maximum number of bytes it can contain.
* @return The capacity in bytes.
int capacity();
* Get the current reader offset. The next read will happen from this byte offset into the buffer.
* @return The current reader offset.
int readerOffset();
* Set the reader offset. Make the next read happen from the given offset into the buffer.
* @param offset The reader offset to set.
* @return This Buffer.
* @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if the specified {@code offset} is less than zero or greater than the current
* {@link #writerOffset()}.
Buffer readerOffset(int offset);
* Get the current writer offset. The next write will happen at this byte offset into the byffer.
* @return The current writer offset.
int writerOffset();
* Set the writer offset. Make the next write happen at the given offset.
* @param offset The writer offset to set.
* @return This Buffer.
* @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if the specified {@code offset} is less than the current
* {@link #readerOffset()} or greater than {@link #capacity()}.
* @throws IllegalStateException if this buffer is {@linkplain #readOnly() read-only}.
Buffer writerOffset(int offset);
* Returns the number of readable bytes which is equal to {@code (writerOffset() - readerOffset())}.
default int readableBytes() {
return writerOffset() - readerOffset();
* Returns the number of writable bytes which is equal to {@code (capacity() - writerOffset())}.
default int writableBytes() {
return capacity() - writerOffset();
* Fill the buffer with the given byte value. This method does not respect the {@link #readerOffset()} or {@link
* #writerOffset()}, but copies the full capacity of the buffer. The {@link #readerOffset()} and {@link
* #writerOffset()} are not modified.
* @param value The byte value to write at every position in the buffer.
* @return This Buffer.
* @throws IllegalStateException if this buffer is {@linkplain #readOnly() read-only}.
Buffer fill(byte value);
* Give the native memory address backing this buffer, or return 0 if this buffer has no native memory address.
* @return The native memory address, if any, otherwise 0.
long nativeAddress();
* Make this buffer read-only. This is irreversible.
* Unless a writable slice has previously been obtained from this buffer, there will no longer be any way to modify
* the data contained in this buffer.
* @return this buffer.
Buffer makeReadOnly();
* Query if this buffer is read-only or not.
* @return {@code true} if this buffer is read-only, {@code false} otherwise.
boolean readOnly();
* Copies the given length of data from this buffer into the given destination array, beginning at the given source
* position in this buffer, and the given destination position in the destination array.
* <p>
* This method does not read or modify the {@linkplain #writerOffset() write offset} or the
* {@linkplain #readerOffset() read offset}.
* @param srcPos The byte offset into this buffer wherefrom the copying should start; the byte at this offset in
* this buffer will be copied to the {@code destPos} index in the {@code dest} array.
* @param dest The destination byte array.
* @param destPos The index into the {@code dest} array wherefrom the copying should start.
* @param length The number of bytes to copy.
* @throws NullPointerException if the destination array is null.
* @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if the source or destination positions, or the length, are negative,
* or if the resulting end positions reaches beyond the end of either this buffer, or the destination array.
void copyInto(int srcPos, byte[] dest, int destPos, int length);
* Copies the given length of data from this buffer into the given destination byte buffer, beginning at the given
* source position in this buffer, and the given destination position in the destination byte buffer.
* <p>
* This method does not read or modify the {@linkplain #writerOffset() write offset} or the
* {@linkplain #readerOffset() read offset}, nor is the position of the destination buffer changed.
* <p>
* The position and limit of the destination byte buffer are also ignored, and do not influence {@code destPos}
* or {@code length}.
* @param srcPos The byte offset into this buffer wherefrom the copying should start; the byte at this offset in
* this buffer will be copied to the {@code destPos} index in the {@code dest} array.
* @param dest The destination byte buffer.
* @param destPos The index into the {@code dest} array wherefrom the copying should start.
* @param length The number of bytes to copy.
* @throws NullPointerException if the destination array is null.
* @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if the source or destination positions, or the length, are negative,
* or if the resulting end positions reaches beyond the end of either this buffer, or the destination array.
void copyInto(int srcPos, ByteBuffer dest, int destPos, int length);
* Copies the given length of data from this buffer into the given destination buffer, beginning at the given
* source position in this buffer, and the given destination position in the destination buffer.
* <p>
* This method does not read or modify the {@linkplain #writerOffset() write offset} or the
* {@linkplain #readerOffset() read offset} on this buffer, nor on the destination buffer.
* <p>
* The read and write offsets of the destination buffer are also ignored, and do not influence {@code destPos}
* or {@code length}.
* @param srcPos The byte offset into this buffer wherefrom the copying should start; the byte at this offset in
* this buffer will be copied to the {@code destPos} index in the {@code dest} array.
* @param dest The destination buffer.
* @param destPos The index into the {@code dest} array wherefrom the copying should start.
* @param length The number of bytes to copy.
* @throws NullPointerException if the destination array is null.
* @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if the source or destination positions, or the length, are negative,
* or if the resulting end positions reaches beyond the end of either this buffer, or the destination array.
void copyInto(int srcPos, Buffer dest, int destPos, int length);
* Write into this buffer, all the readable bytes from the given buffer.
* This updates the {@linkplain #writerOffset() write offset} of this buffer, and the
* {@linkplain #readerOffset() reader offset} of the given buffer.
* @param source The buffer to read from.
* @return This buffer.
default Buffer writeBytes(Buffer source) {
int size = source.readableBytes();
int woff = writerOffset();
writerOffset(woff + size);
source.copyInto(source.readerOffset(), this, woff, size);
source.readerOffset(source.readerOffset() + size);
return this;
* Write into this buffer, all the bytes from the given byte array.
* This updates the {@linkplain #writerOffset() write offset} of this buffer by the length of the array.
* @param source The byte array to read from.
* @return This buffer.
default Buffer writeBytes(byte[] source) {
int size = source.length;
int woff = writerOffset();
writerOffset(woff + size);
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
setByte(woff + i, source[i]);
return this;
* Resets the {@linkplain #readerOffset() read offset} and the {@linkplain #writerOffset() write offset} on this
* buffer to their initial values.
default Buffer reset() {
return this;
* Open a cursor to iterate the readable bytes of this buffer. The {@linkplain #readerOffset() reader offset} and
* {@linkplain #writerOffset() witer offset} are not modified by the cursor.
* <p>
* Care should be taken to ensure that the buffer's lifetime extends beyond the cursor and the iteration, and that
* the {@linkplain #readerOffset() reader offset} and {@linkplain #writerOffset() writer offset} are not modified
* while the iteration takes place. Otherwise, unpredictable behaviour might result.
* @return A {@link ByteCursor} for iterating the readable bytes of this buffer.
ByteCursor openCursor();
* Open a cursor to iterate the given number bytes of this buffer, starting at the given offset.
* The {@linkplain #readerOffset() reader offset} and {@linkplain #writerOffset() witer offset} are not modified by
* the cursor.
* <p>
* Care should be taken to ensure that the buffer's lifetime extends beyond the cursor and the iteration, and that
* the {@linkplain #readerOffset() reader offset} and {@linkplain #writerOffset() writer offset} are not modified
* while the iteration takes place. Otherwise, unpredictable behaviour might result.
* @param fromOffset The offset into the buffer where iteration should start.
* The first byte read from the iterator will be the byte at this offset.
* @param length The number of bytes to iterate.
* @return A {@link ByteCursor} for the given stretch of bytes of this buffer.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the length is negative, or if the region given by the {@code fromOffset} and
* the {@code length} reaches outside the bounds of this buffer.
ByteCursor openCursor(int fromOffset, int length);
* Open a cursor to iterate the readable bytes of this buffer, in reverse.
* The {@linkplain #readerOffset() reader offset} and {@linkplain #writerOffset() witer offset} are not modified by
* the cursor.
* <p>
* Care should be taken to ensure that the buffer's lifetime extends beyond the cursor and the iteration, and that
* the {@linkplain #readerOffset() reader offset} and {@linkplain #writerOffset() writer offset} are not modified
* while the iteration takes place. Otherwise, unpredictable behaviour might result.
* @return A {@link ByteCursor} for the readable bytes of this buffer.
default ByteCursor openReverseCursor() {
int woff = writerOffset();
return openReverseCursor(woff == 0? 0 : woff - 1, readableBytes());
* Open a cursor to iterate the given number bytes of this buffer, in reverse, starting at the given offset.
* The {@linkplain #readerOffset() reader offset} and {@linkplain #writerOffset() witer offset} are not modified by
* the cursor.
* <p>
* Care should be taken to ensure that the buffer's lifetime extends beyond the cursor and the iteration, and that
* the {@linkplain #readerOffset() reader offset} and {@linkplain #writerOffset() writer offset} are not modified
* while the iteration takes place. Otherwise, unpredictable behaviour might result.
* @param fromOffset The offset into the buffer where iteration should start.
* The first byte read from the iterator will be the byte at this offset.
* @param length The number of bytes to iterate.
* @return A {@link ByteCursor} for the given stretch of bytes of this buffer.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the length is negative, or if the region given by the {@code fromOffset} and
* the {@code length} reaches outside the bounds of this buffer.
ByteCursor openReverseCursor(int fromOffset, int length);
* Ensure that this buffer has {@linkplain #writableBytes() available space for writing} the given number of
* bytes.
* The buffer must be in {@linkplain #isOwned() an owned state}, or an exception will be thrown.
* If this buffer already has the necessary space, then this method returns immediately.
* If this buffer does not already have the necessary space, then it will be expanded using the
* {@link BufferAllocator} the buffer was created with.
* This method is the same as calling {@link #ensureWritable(int, int, boolean)} where {@code allowCompaction} is
* {@code false}.
* @param size The requested number of bytes of space that should be available for writing.
* @throws IllegalStateException if this buffer is not in an {@linkplain #isOwned() owned} state,
* or is {@linkplain #readOnly() read-only}.
default void ensureWritable(int size) {
ensureWritable(size, 1, true);
* Ensure that this buffer has {@linkplain #writableBytes() available space for writing} the given number of
* bytes.
* The buffer must be in {@linkplain #isOwned() an owned state}, or an exception will be thrown.
* If this buffer already has the necessary space, then this method returns immediately.
* If this buffer does not already have the necessary space, then space will be made available in one or all of
* the following available ways:
* <ul>
* <li>
* If {@code allowCompaction} is {@code true}, and sum of the read and writable bytes would be enough to
* satisfy the request, and it (depending on the buffer implementation) seems faster and easier to compact
* the existing buffer rather than allocation a new buffer, then the requested bytes will be made available
* that way. The compaction will not necessarily work the same way as the {@link #compact()} method, as the
* implementation may be able to make the requested bytes available with less effort than is strictly
* mandated by the {@link #compact()} method.
* </li>
* <li>
* Regardless of the value of the {@code allowCompaction}, the implementation may make more space available
* by just allocating more or larger buffers. This allocation would use the same {@link BufferAllocator}
* that this buffer was created with.
* </li>
* <li>
* If {@code allowCompaction} is {@code true}, then the implementation may choose to do a combination of
* compaction and allocation.
* </li>
* </ul>
* @param size The requested number of bytes of space that should be available for writing.
* @param minimumGrowth The minimum number of bytes to grow by. If it is determined that memory should be allocated
* and copied, make sure that the new memory allocation is bigger than the old one by at least
* this many bytes. This way, the buffer can grow by more than what is immediately necessary,
* thus amortising the costs of allocating and copying.
* @param allowCompaction {@code true} if the method is allowed to modify the
* {@linkplain #readerOffset() reader offset} and
* {@linkplain #writerOffset() writer offset}, otherwise {@code false}.
* @throws IllegalStateException if this buffer is not in an {@linkplain #isOwned() owned} state,
* or is {@linkplain #readOnly() read-only}.
void ensureWritable(int size, int minimumGrowth, boolean allowCompaction);
* Returns a slice of this buffer's readable bytes.
* Modifying the content of the returned buffer or this buffer affects each other's content,
* while they maintain separate offsets. This method is identical to
* {@code buf.slice(buf.readerOffset(), buf.readableBytes())}.
* This method does not modify {@link #readerOffset()} or {@link #writerOffset()} of this buffer.
* <p>
* This method increments the reference count of this buffer.
* The reference count is decremented again when the slice is deallocated.
* <p>
* The slice is created with a {@linkplain #writerOffset() write offset} equal to the length of the slice,
* so that the entire contents of the slice is ready to be read.
* <p>
* See the <a href="#slice-split">Slice vs. Split</a> section for details on the difference between slice
* and split.
* @return A new buffer instance, with independent {@link #readerOffset()} and {@link #writerOffset()},
* that is a view of the readable region of this buffer.
default Buffer slice() {
return slice(readerOffset(), readableBytes());
* Returns a slice of the given region of this buffer.
* Modifying the content of the returned buffer or this buffer affects each other's content,
* while they maintain separate offsets.
* This method does not modify {@link #readerOffset()} or {@link #writerOffset()} of this buffer.
* <p>
* This method increments the reference count of this buffer.
* The reference count is decremented again when the slice is deallocated.
* <p>
* The slice is created with a {@linkplain #writerOffset() write offset} equal to the length of the slice,
* so that the entire contents of the slice is ready to be read.
* <p>
* See the <a href="#slice-split">Slice vs. Split</a> section for details on the difference between slice
* and split.
* @return A new buffer instance, with independent {@link #readerOffset()} and {@link #writerOffset()},
* that is a view of the given region of this buffer.
Buffer slice(int offset, int length);
* Split the buffer into two, at the {@linkplain #writerOffset() write offset} position.
* <p>
* The buffer must be in {@linkplain #isOwned() an owned state}, or an exception will be thrown.
* <p>
* The region of this buffer that contain the read and readable bytes, will be captured and returned in a new
* buffer, that will hold its own ownership of that region. This allows the returned buffer to be independently
* {@linkplain #send() sent} to other threads.
* <p>
* The returned buffer will adopt the {@link #readerOffset()} of this buffer, and have its {@link #writerOffset()}
* and {@link #capacity()} both set to the equal to the write-offset of this buffer.
* <p>
* The memory region in the returned buffer will become inaccessible through this buffer. This buffer will have its
* capacity reduced by the capacity of the returned buffer, and the read and write offsets of this buffer will both
* become zero, even though their position in memory remain unchanged.
* <p>
* Effectively, the following transformation takes place:
* <pre>{@code
* This buffer:
* +------------------------------------------+
* 0| |r/o |w/o |cap
* +---+---------------------+----------------+
* / / / \ \
* / / / \ \
* / / / \ \
* / / / \ \
* / / / \ \
* +---+---------------------+ +---------------+
* | |r/o |w/o & cap |r/o & w/o |cap
* +---+---------------------+ +---------------+
* Returned buffer. This buffer.
* }</pre>
* When the buffers are in this state, both of the split parts retain an atomic reference count on the
* underlying memory. This means that shared underlying memory will not be deallocated or returned to a pool, until
* all the split parts have been closed.
* <p>
* Composite buffers have it a little easier, in that at most only one of the constituent buffers will actually be
* split. If the split point lands perfectly between two constituent buffers, then a composite buffer can
* simply split its internal array in two.
* <p>
* Split buffers support all operations that normal buffers do, including {@link #ensureWritable(int)}.
* <p>
* See the <a href="#slice-split">Slice vs. Split</a> section for details on the difference between slice
* and split.
* @return A new buffer with independent and exclusive ownership over the read and readable bytes from this buffer.
default Buffer split() {
return split(writerOffset());
* Split the buffer into two, at the given {@code splitOffset}.
* <p>
* The buffer must be in {@linkplain #isOwned() an owned state}, or an exception will be thrown.
* <p>
* The region of this buffer that precede the {@code splitOffset}, will be captured and returned in a new
* buffer, that will hold its own ownership of that region. This allows the returned buffer to be independently
* {@linkplain #send() sent} to other threads.
* <p>
* The returned buffer will adopt the {@link #readerOffset()} and {@link #writerOffset()} of this buffer,
* but truncated to fit within the capacity dictated by the {@code splitOffset}.
* <p>
* The memory region in the returned buffer will become inaccessible through this buffer. If the
* {@link #readerOffset()} or {@link #writerOffset()} of this buffer lie prior to the {@code splitOffset},
* then those offsets will be moved forward, so they land on offset 0 after the split.
* <p>
* Effectively, the following transformation takes place:
* <pre>{@code
* This buffer:
* +--------------------------------+
* 0| |splitOffset |cap
* +---------------+----------------+
* / / \ \
* / / \ \
* / / \ \
* / / \ \
* / / \ \
* +---------------+ +---------------+
* | |cap | |cap
* +---------------+ +---------------+
* Returned buffer. This buffer.
* }</pre>
* When the buffers are in this state, both of the split parts retain an atomic reference count on the
* underlying memory. This means that shared underlying memory will not be deallocated or returned to a pool, until
* all the split parts have been closed.
* <p>
* Composite buffers have it a little easier, in that at most only one of the constituent buffers will actually be
* split. If the split point lands perfectly between two constituent buffers, then a composite buffer can
* simply split its internal array in two.
* <p>
* Split buffers support all operations that normal buffers do, including {@link #ensureWritable(int)}.
* <p>
* See the <a href="#slice-split">Slice vs. Split</a> section for details on the difference between slice
* and split.
* @return A new buffer with independent and exclusive ownership over the bytes from the beginning to the given
* offset of this buffer.
Buffer split(int splitOffset);
* Discards the read bytes, and moves the buffer contents to the beginning of the buffer.
* @throws IllegalStateException if this buffer is not in an {@linkplain #isOwned() owned} state,
* or is {@linkplain #readOnly() read-only}.
void compact();
* Get the number of "components" in this buffer. For composite buffers, this is the number of transitive
* constituent buffers, while non-composite buffers only have one component.
* @return The number of components in this buffer.
int countComponents();
* Get the number of "components" in this buffer, that are readable. These are the components that would be
* processed by {@link #forEachReadable(int, ReadableComponentProcessor)}. For composite buffers, this is the
* number of transitive constituent buffers that are readable, while non-composite buffers only have at most one
* readable component.
* <p>
* The number of readable components may be less than the {@link #countComponents() component count}, if not all of
* them have readable data.
* @return The number of readable components in this buffer.
int countReadableComponents();
* Get the number of "components" in this buffer, that are writable. These are the components that would be
* processed by {@link #forEachWritable(int, WritableComponentProcessor)}. For composite buffers, this is the
* number of transitive constituent buffers that are writable, while non-composite buffers only have at most one
* writable component.
* <p>
* The number of writable components may be less than the {@link #countComponents() component count}, if not all of
* them have space for writing.
* @return The number of writable components in this buffer.
int countWritableComponents();
* Process all readable components of this buffer, and return the number of components processed.
* <p>
* The given {@linkplain ReadableComponentProcessor processor} is called for each readable component in this buffer,
* and passed a component index, for the given component in the iteration, and a {@link ReadableComponent} object
* for accessing the data within the given component.
* <p>
* The component index is specific to the particular invokation of this method. The first call to the consumer will
* be passed the given initial index, and the next call will be passed the initial index plus one, and so on.
* <p>
* The {@linkplain ReadableComponentProcessor component processor} may stop the iteration at any time by returning
* {@code false}.
* This will cause the number of components processed to be returned as a negative number (to signal early return),
* and the number of components processed may then be less than the
* {@linkplain #countReadableComponents() readable component count}.
* <p>
* <strong>Note</strong> that the {@link ReadableComponent} instance passed to the consumer could be reused for
* multiple calls, so the data must be extracted from the component in the context of the iteration.
* <p>
* The {@link ByteBuffer} instances obtained from the component, share lifetime with that internal component.
* This means they can be accessed as long as the internal memory store remain unchanged. Methods that may cause
* such changes, are any method that requires the buffer to be {@linkplain #isOwned() owned}.
* <p>
* The best way to ensure this doesn't cause any trouble, is to use the buffers directly as part of the iteration,
* or immediately after the iteration while we are still in the scope of the method that triggered the iteration.
* <p>
* <strong>Note</strong> that the arrays, memory addresses, and byte buffers exposed as components by this method,
* should not be used for changing the buffer contents. Doing so may cause undefined behaviour.
* <p>
* Changes to position and limit of the byte buffers exposed via the processed components, are not reflected back to
* this buffer instance.
* @param initialIndex The initial index of the iteration, and the index that will be passed to the first call to
* the {@linkplain ReadableComponentProcessor#process(int, ReadableComponent) processor}.
* @param processor The processor that will be used to process the buffer components.
* @return The number of readable components processed, as a positive number of all readable components were
* processed, or as a negative number if the iteration was stopped because
* {@link ReadableComponentProcessor#process(int, ReadableComponent)} returned {@code false}.
* In any case, the number of components processed may be less than {@link #countComponents()}.
<E extends Exception> int forEachReadable(int initialIndex, ReadableComponentProcessor<E> processor) throws E;
* Process all writable components of this buffer, and return the number of components processed.
* <p>
* The given {@linkplain WritableComponentProcessor processor} is called for each writable component in this buffer,
* and passed a component index, for the given component in the iteration, and a {@link WritableComponent} object
* for accessing the data within the given component.
* <p>
* The component index is specific to the particular invokation of this method. The first call to the consumer will
* be passed the given initial index, and the next call will be passed the initial index plus one, and so on.
* <p>
* The {@link WritableComponentProcessor component processor} may stop the iteration at any time by returning
* {@code false}.
* This will cause the number of components processed to be returned as a negative number (to signal early return),
* and the number of components processed may then be less than the
* {@linkplain #countReadableComponents() readable component count}.
* <p>
* <strong>Note</strong> that the {@link WritableComponent} instance passed to the consumer could be reused for
* multiple calls, so the data must be extracted from the component in the context of the iteration.
* <p>
* The {@link ByteBuffer} instances obtained from the component, share lifetime with that internal component.
* This means they can be accessed as long as the internal memory store remain unchanged. Methods that may cause
* such changes, are any method that requires the buffer to be {@linkplain #isOwned() owned}.
* <p>
* The best way to ensure this doesn't cause any trouble, is to use the buffers directly as part of the iteration,
* or immediately after the iteration while we are still in the scope of the method that triggered the iteration.
* <p>
* Changes to position and limit of the byte buffers exposed via the processed components, are not reflected back to
* this buffer instance.
* @param initialIndex The initial index of the iteration, and the index that will be passed to the first call to
* the {@linkplain WritableComponentProcessor#process(int, WritableComponent) processor}.
* @param processor The processor that will be used to process the buffer components.
* @return The number of writable components processed, as a positive number of all writable components were
* processed, or as a negative number if the iteration was stopped because
* {@link WritableComponentProcessor#process(int, WritableComponent)} returned {@code false}.
* In any case, the number of components processed may be less than {@link #countComponents()}.
<E extends Exception> int forEachWritable(int initialIndex, WritableComponentProcessor<E> processor) throws E;