Chris Vest 556d0acc89 Add splitComponentsFloor and splitComponentsCeil
These methods make it possible to accurately split composite buffers at component boundaries, either by rounding the offset down or up to the nearest component boundary, respectively.

Composite buffers already support the split method, but it is hard for client code to predict precisely where component boundaries are placed inside composite buffers.
When split is used with an offset that does not land exactly on a component boundary, then the internal component that the offset lands on will also be split.
This may make it harder to precisely reason about memory life cycles and reuse.
2021-05-07 10:41:46 +02:00

738 lines
39 KiB

* Copyright 2020 The Netty Project
* The Netty Project licenses this file to you under the Apache License,
* version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at:
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
* WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
* License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package io.netty.buffer.api;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.nio.ByteOrder;
* A reference counted buffer of memory, with separate reader and writer offsets.
* <p>
* A buffer is a sequential stretch of memory with a certain capacity, an offset for writing, and an offset for reading.
* <h3>Creating a buffer</h3>
* Buffers are created by {@linkplain BufferAllocator allocators}, and their {@code allocate} family of methods.
* A number of standard allocators exist, and ara available through static methods on the {@code BufferAllocator}
* interface.
* <h3>Life cycle and reference counting</h3>
* The buffer has a life cycle, where it is allocated, used, and deallocated.
* The reference count controls this life cycle.
* <p>
* When the buffer is initially allocated, a pairing {@link #close()} call will deallocate it.
* In this state, the buffer {@linkplain #isOwned() is "owned"}.
* <p>
* The buffer can also be {@linkplain #acquire() acquired} when it's about to be involved in a complicated lifetime.
* The {@link #acquire()} call increments the reference count of the buffer,
* and a pairing {@link #close()} call will decrement the reference count.
* Each acquire lends out the buffer, and the buffer is said to be in a "borrowed" state.
* <p>
* Certain operations, such as {@link #send()}, are only available on owned buffers.
* <h3>Thread-safety</h3>
* Buffers are not thread-safe.
* The reference counting implied by the {@link Rc} interface is itself not thread-safe,
* and buffers additionally contain other mutable data that is not thread-safe.
* Depending on the buffer implementation, the buffer may impose confinement restrictions as well,
* so that the buffer cannot even be read using absolute offsets,
* such as with the {@link #getByte(int)} method,
* from multiple threads.
* <p>
* If a buffer needs to be accessed by a different thread,
* then the ownership of that buffer must be sent to that thread.
* This can be done with the {@link #send()} method.
* The send method consumes the buffer, if it is in an owned state, and produces a {@link Send} object.
* The {@link Send} object can then be shared in a thread-safe way (so-called "safe publication"),
* with the intended recipient thread.
* <p>
* To send a buffer to another thread, the buffer must not have any outstanding borrows.
* That is to say, all {@linkplain #acquire() acquires} must have been paired with a {@link #close()};
* all {@linkplain #slice() slices} must have been closed.
* And if this buffer is a constituent of a
* {@linkplain CompositeBuffer#compose(BufferAllocator, Buffer...) composite buffer}, then that composite buffer must
* be closed.
* And if this buffer is itself a composite buffer, then it must own all of its constituent buffers.
* The {@link #isOwned()} method can be used on any buffer to check if it can be sent or not.
* <h3>Accessing data</h3>
* Data access methods fall into two classes:
* <ol>
* <li>Access that are based on, and updates, the read or write offset positions.</li>
* <ul><li>These accessor methods are typically called {@code readX} or {@code writeX}.</li></ul>
* <li>Access that take offsets as arguments, and do not update read or write offset positions.</li>
* <ul><li>These accessor methods are typically called {@code getX} or {@code setX}.</li></ul>
* </ol>
* A buffer contains two mutable offset positions: one for reading and one for writing.
* These positions use <a href="">zero-based indexing</a>,
* such that the first byte of data in the buffer is placed at offset {@code 0},
* and the last byte in the buffer is at offset {@link #capacity() capacity - 1}.
* The {@link #readerOffset()} is the offset into the buffer from which the next read will take place,
* and is initially zero.
* The reader offset must always be less than or equal to the {@link #writerOffset()}.
* The {@link #writerOffset()} is likewise the offset into the buffer where the next write will take place.
* The writer offset is also initially zero, and must be less than or equal to the {@linkplain #capacity() capacity}.
* <p>
* This carves the buffer into three regions, as demonstrated by this diagram:
* <pre>
* +-------------------+------------------+------------------+
* | discardable bytes | readable bytes | writable bytes |
* | | (CONTENT) | |
* +-------------------+------------------+------------------+
* | | | |
* 0 <= readerOffset <= writerOffset <= capacity
* </pre>
* <h3 name="slice-split">Slice vs. Split</h3>
* The {@link #slice()} and {@link #split()} methods both return new buffers on the memory of the buffer they're
* called on.
* However, there are also important differences between the two, as they are aimed at different use cases that were
* previously (in the {@code ByteBuf} API) covered by {@code slice()} alone.
* <ul>
* <li>
* Slices create a new view onto the memory, that is shared between the slice and the buffer.
* As long as both the slice, and the originating buffer are alive, neither will have ownership of the memory.
* Since the memory is shared, changes to the data made through one will be visible through the other.
* </li>
* <li>
* Split breaks the ownership of the memory in two.
* Both resulting buffers retain ownership of their respective region of memory.
* They can do this because the regions are guaranteed to not overlap; data changes through one buffer will not
* be visible through the other.
* </li>
* </ul>
* These differences mean that slicing is mostly suitable for when you temporarily want to share a focused area of a
* buffer.
* Examples of this include doing IO, or decoding a bounded part of a larger message.
* On the other hand, split is suitable for when you want to hand over a region of a buffer to some other,
* perhaps unknown, piece of code, and relinquish your ownership of that buffer region in the process.
* Examples include aggregating messages into an accumulator buffer, and sending messages down the pipeline for
* further processing, as split buffer regions, once their data has been received in its entirety.
* <h3>Buffers as constants</h3>
* Sometimes, the same bit of data will be processed or transmitted over and over again. In such cases, it can be
* tempting to allocate and fill a buffer once, and then reuse it.
* Such reuse must be done carefully, however, to avoid a number of bugs.
* The {@link BufferAllocator} has a {@link BufferAllocator#constBufferSupplier(byte[])} method that solves this, and
* prevents these bugs from occurring.
public interface Buffer extends Rc<Buffer>, BufferAccessors {
* Change the default byte order of this buffer, and return this buffer.
* @param order The new default byte order, used by accessor methods that don't use an explicit byte order.
* @return This buffer instance.
Buffer order(ByteOrder order);
* The default byte order of this buffer.
* @return The default byte order of this buffer.
ByteOrder order();
* The capacity of this buffer, that is, the maximum number of bytes it can contain.
* @return The capacity in bytes.
int capacity();
* Get the current reader offset. The next read will happen from this byte offset into the buffer.
* @return The current reader offset.
int readerOffset();
* Set the reader offset. Make the next read happen from the given offset into the buffer.
* @param offset The reader offset to set.
* @return This Buffer.
* @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if the specified {@code offset} is less than zero or greater than the current
* {@link #writerOffset()}.
Buffer readerOffset(int offset);
* Get the current writer offset. The next write will happen at this byte offset into the byffer.
* @return The current writer offset.
int writerOffset();
* Set the writer offset. Make the next write happen at the given offset.
* @param offset The writer offset to set.
* @return This Buffer.
* @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if the specified {@code offset} is less than the current
* {@link #readerOffset()} or greater than {@link #capacity()}.
* @throws IllegalStateException if this buffer is {@linkplain #readOnly() read-only}.
Buffer writerOffset(int offset);
* Returns the number of readable bytes which is equal to {@code (writerOffset() - readerOffset())}.
default int readableBytes() {
return writerOffset() - readerOffset();
* Returns the number of writable bytes which is equal to {@code (capacity() - writerOffset())}.
default int writableBytes() {
return capacity() - writerOffset();
* Fill the buffer with the given byte value. This method does not respect the {@link #readerOffset()} or {@link
* #writerOffset()}, but copies the full capacity of the buffer. The {@link #readerOffset()} and {@link
* #writerOffset()} are not modified.
* @param value The byte value to write at every position in the buffer.
* @return This Buffer.
* @throws IllegalStateException if this buffer is {@linkplain #readOnly() read-only}.
Buffer fill(byte value);
* Give the native memory address backing this buffer, or return 0 if this buffer has no native memory address.
* @return The native memory address, if any, otherwise 0.
long nativeAddress();
* Make this buffer read-only. This is irreversible.
* Unless a writable slice has previously been obtained from this buffer, there will no longer be any way to modify
* the data contained in this buffer.
* @return this buffer.
Buffer makeReadOnly();
* Query if this buffer is read-only or not.
* @return {@code true} if this buffer is read-only, {@code false} otherwise.
boolean readOnly();
* Copies the given length of data from this buffer into the given destination array, beginning at the given source
* position in this buffer, and the given destination position in the destination array.
* <p>
* This method does not read or modify the {@linkplain #writerOffset() write offset} or the
* {@linkplain #readerOffset() read offset}.
* @param srcPos The byte offset into this buffer wherefrom the copying should start; the byte at this offset in
* this buffer will be copied to the {@code destPos} index in the {@code dest} array.
* @param dest The destination byte array.
* @param destPos The index into the {@code dest} array wherefrom the copying should start.
* @param length The number of bytes to copy.
* @throws NullPointerException if the destination array is null.
* @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if the source or destination positions, or the length, are negative,
* or if the resulting end positions reaches beyond the end of either this buffer, or the destination array.
void copyInto(int srcPos, byte[] dest, int destPos, int length);
* Copies the given length of data from this buffer into the given destination byte buffer, beginning at the given
* source position in this buffer, and the given destination position in the destination byte buffer.
* <p>
* This method does not read or modify the {@linkplain #writerOffset() write offset} or the
* {@linkplain #readerOffset() read offset}, nor is the position of the destination buffer changed.
* <p>
* The position and limit of the destination byte buffer are also ignored, and do not influence {@code destPos}
* or {@code length}.
* @param srcPos The byte offset into this buffer wherefrom the copying should start; the byte at this offset in
* this buffer will be copied to the {@code destPos} index in the {@code dest} array.
* @param dest The destination byte buffer.
* @param destPos The index into the {@code dest} array wherefrom the copying should start.
* @param length The number of bytes to copy.
* @throws NullPointerException if the destination array is null.
* @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if the source or destination positions, or the length, are negative,
* or if the resulting end positions reaches beyond the end of either this buffer, or the destination array.
void copyInto(int srcPos, ByteBuffer dest, int destPos, int length);
* Copies the given length of data from this buffer into the given destination buffer, beginning at the given
* source position in this buffer, and the given destination position in the destination buffer.
* <p>
* This method does not read or modify the {@linkplain #writerOffset() write offset} or the
* {@linkplain #readerOffset() read offset} on this buffer, nor on the destination buffer.
* <p>
* The read and write offsets of the destination buffer are also ignored, and do not influence {@code destPos}
* or {@code length}.
* @param srcPos The byte offset into this buffer wherefrom the copying should start; the byte at this offset in
* this buffer will be copied to the {@code destPos} index in the {@code dest} array.
* @param dest The destination buffer.
* @param destPos The index into the {@code dest} array wherefrom the copying should start.
* @param length The number of bytes to copy.
* @throws NullPointerException if the destination array is null.
* @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if the source or destination positions, or the length, are negative,
* or if the resulting end positions reaches beyond the end of either this buffer, or the destination array.
void copyInto(int srcPos, Buffer dest, int destPos, int length);
* Write into this buffer, all the readable bytes from the given buffer.
* This updates the {@linkplain #writerOffset() write offset} of this buffer, and the
* {@linkplain #readerOffset() reader offset} of the given buffer.
* @param source The buffer to read from.
* @return This buffer.
default Buffer writeBytes(Buffer source) {
int size = source.readableBytes();
int woff = writerOffset();
writerOffset(woff + size);
source.copyInto(source.readerOffset(), this, woff, size);
source.readerOffset(source.readerOffset() + size);
return this;
* Write into this buffer, all the bytes from the given byte array.
* This updates the {@linkplain #writerOffset() write offset} of this buffer by the length of the array.
* @param source The byte array to read from.
* @return This buffer.
default Buffer writeBytes(byte[] source) {
int size = source.length;
int woff = writerOffset();
writerOffset(woff + size);
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
setByte(woff + i, source[i]);
return this;
* Resets the {@linkplain #readerOffset() read offset} and the {@linkplain #writerOffset() write offset} on this
* buffer to their initial values.
default Buffer reset() {
return this;
* Open a cursor to iterate the readable bytes of this buffer. The {@linkplain #readerOffset() reader offset} and
* {@linkplain #writerOffset() witer offset} are not modified by the cursor.
* <p>
* Care should be taken to ensure that the buffer's lifetime extends beyond the cursor and the iteration, and that
* the {@linkplain #readerOffset() reader offset} and {@linkplain #writerOffset() writer offset} are not modified
* while the iteration takes place. Otherwise, unpredictable behaviour might result.
* @return A {@link ByteCursor} for iterating the readable bytes of this buffer.
ByteCursor openCursor();
* Open a cursor to iterate the given number bytes of this buffer, starting at the given offset.
* The {@linkplain #readerOffset() reader offset} and {@linkplain #writerOffset() witer offset} are not modified by
* the cursor.
* <p>
* Care should be taken to ensure that the buffer's lifetime extends beyond the cursor and the iteration, and that
* the {@linkplain #readerOffset() reader offset} and {@linkplain #writerOffset() writer offset} are not modified
* while the iteration takes place. Otherwise, unpredictable behaviour might result.
* @param fromOffset The offset into the buffer where iteration should start.
* The first byte read from the iterator will be the byte at this offset.
* @param length The number of bytes to iterate.
* @return A {@link ByteCursor} for the given stretch of bytes of this buffer.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the length is negative, or if the region given by the {@code fromOffset} and
* the {@code length} reaches outside the bounds of this buffer.
ByteCursor openCursor(int fromOffset, int length);
* Open a cursor to iterate the readable bytes of this buffer, in reverse.
* The {@linkplain #readerOffset() reader offset} and {@linkplain #writerOffset() witer offset} are not modified by
* the cursor.
* <p>
* Care should be taken to ensure that the buffer's lifetime extends beyond the cursor and the iteration, and that
* the {@linkplain #readerOffset() reader offset} and {@linkplain #writerOffset() writer offset} are not modified
* while the iteration takes place. Otherwise, unpredictable behaviour might result.
* @return A {@link ByteCursor} for the readable bytes of this buffer.
default ByteCursor openReverseCursor() {
int woff = writerOffset();
return openReverseCursor(woff == 0? 0 : woff - 1, readableBytes());
* Open a cursor to iterate the given number bytes of this buffer, in reverse, starting at the given offset.
* The {@linkplain #readerOffset() reader offset} and {@linkplain #writerOffset() witer offset} are not modified by
* the cursor.
* <p>
* Care should be taken to ensure that the buffer's lifetime extends beyond the cursor and the iteration, and that
* the {@linkplain #readerOffset() reader offset} and {@linkplain #writerOffset() writer offset} are not modified
* while the iteration takes place. Otherwise, unpredictable behaviour might result.
* @param fromOffset The offset into the buffer where iteration should start.
* The first byte read from the iterator will be the byte at this offset.
* @param length The number of bytes to iterate.
* @return A {@link ByteCursor} for the given stretch of bytes of this buffer.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the length is negative, or if the region given by the {@code fromOffset} and
* the {@code length} reaches outside the bounds of this buffer.
ByteCursor openReverseCursor(int fromOffset, int length);
* Ensure that this buffer has {@linkplain #writableBytes() available space for writing} the given number of
* bytes.
* The buffer must be in {@linkplain #isOwned() an owned state}, or an exception will be thrown.
* If this buffer already has the necessary space, then this method returns immediately.
* If this buffer does not already have the necessary space, then it will be expanded using the
* {@link BufferAllocator} the buffer was created with.
* This method is the same as calling {@link #ensureWritable(int, int, boolean)} where {@code allowCompaction} is
* {@code false}.
* @param size The requested number of bytes of space that should be available for writing.
* @throws IllegalStateException if this buffer is not in an {@linkplain #isOwned() owned} state,
* or is {@linkplain #readOnly() read-only}.
default void ensureWritable(int size) {
ensureWritable(size, 1, true);
* Ensure that this buffer has {@linkplain #writableBytes() available space for writing} the given number of
* bytes.
* The buffer must be in {@linkplain #isOwned() an owned state}, or an exception will be thrown.
* If this buffer already has the necessary space, then this method returns immediately.
* If this buffer does not already have the necessary space, then space will be made available in one or all of
* the following available ways:
* <ul>
* <li>
* If {@code allowCompaction} is {@code true}, and sum of the read and writable bytes would be enough to
* satisfy the request, and it (depending on the buffer implementation) seems faster and easier to compact
* the existing buffer rather than allocation a new buffer, then the requested bytes will be made available
* that way. The compaction will not necessarily work the same way as the {@link #compact()} method, as the
* implementation may be able to make the requested bytes available with less effort than is strictly
* mandated by the {@link #compact()} method.
* </li>
* <li>
* Regardless of the value of the {@code allowCompaction}, the implementation may make more space available
* by just allocating more or larger buffers. This allocation would use the same {@link BufferAllocator}
* that this buffer was created with.
* </li>
* <li>
* If {@code allowCompaction} is {@code true}, then the implementation may choose to do a combination of
* compaction and allocation.
* </li>
* </ul>
* @param size The requested number of bytes of space that should be available for writing.
* @param minimumGrowth The minimum number of bytes to grow by. If it is determined that memory should be allocated
* and copied, make sure that the new memory allocation is bigger than the old one by at least
* this many bytes. This way, the buffer can grow by more than what is immediately necessary,
* thus amortising the costs of allocating and copying.
* @param allowCompaction {@code true} if the method is allowed to modify the
* {@linkplain #readerOffset() reader offset} and
* {@linkplain #writerOffset() writer offset}, otherwise {@code false}.
* @throws IllegalStateException if this buffer is not in an {@linkplain #isOwned() owned} state,
* or is {@linkplain #readOnly() read-only}.
void ensureWritable(int size, int minimumGrowth, boolean allowCompaction);
* Returns a slice of this buffer's readable bytes.
* Modifying the content of the returned buffer or this buffer affects each other's content,
* while they maintain separate offsets. This method is identical to
* {@code buf.slice(buf.readerOffset(), buf.readableBytes())}.
* This method does not modify {@link #readerOffset()} or {@link #writerOffset()} of this buffer.
* <p>
* This method increments the reference count of this buffer.
* The reference count is decremented again when the slice is deallocated.
* <p>
* The slice is created with a {@linkplain #writerOffset() write offset} equal to the length of the slice,
* so that the entire contents of the slice is ready to be read.
* <p>
* See the <a href="#slice-split">Slice vs. Split</a> section for details on the difference between slice
* and split.
* @return A new buffer instance, with independent {@link #readerOffset()} and {@link #writerOffset()},
* that is a view of the readable region of this buffer.
default Buffer slice() {
return slice(readerOffset(), readableBytes());
* Returns a slice of the given region of this buffer.
* Modifying the content of the returned buffer or this buffer affects each other's content,
* while they maintain separate offsets.
* This method does not modify {@link #readerOffset()} or {@link #writerOffset()} of this buffer.
* <p>
* This method increments the reference count of this buffer.
* The reference count is decremented again when the slice is deallocated.
* <p>
* The slice is created with a {@linkplain #writerOffset() write offset} equal to the length of the slice,
* so that the entire contents of the slice is ready to be read.
* <p>
* See the <a href="#slice-split">Slice vs. Split</a> section for details on the difference between slice
* and split.
* @return A new buffer instance, with independent {@link #readerOffset()} and {@link #writerOffset()},
* that is a view of the given region of this buffer.
Buffer slice(int offset, int length);
* Split the buffer into two, at the {@linkplain #writerOffset() write offset} position.
* <p>
* The buffer must be in {@linkplain #isOwned() an owned state}, or an exception will be thrown.
* <p>
* The region of this buffer that contain the read and readable bytes, will be captured and returned in a new
* buffer, that will hold its own ownership of that region. This allows the returned buffer to be independently
* {@linkplain #send() sent} to other threads.
* <p>
* The returned buffer will adopt the {@link #readerOffset()} of this buffer, and have its {@link #writerOffset()}
* and {@link #capacity()} both set to the equal to the write-offset of this buffer.
* <p>
* The memory region in the returned buffer will become inaccessible through this buffer. This buffer will have its
* capacity reduced by the capacity of the returned buffer, and the read and write offsets of this buffer will both
* become zero, even though their position in memory remain unchanged.
* <p>
* Effectively, the following transformation takes place:
* <pre>{@code
* This buffer:
* +------------------------------------------+
* 0| |r/o |w/o |cap
* +---+---------------------+----------------+
* / / / \ \
* / / / \ \
* / / / \ \
* / / / \ \
* / / / \ \
* +---+---------------------+ +---------------+
* | |r/o |w/o & cap |r/o & w/o |cap
* +---+---------------------+ +---------------+
* Returned buffer. This buffer.
* }</pre>
* When the buffers are in this state, both of the split parts retain an atomic reference count on the
* underlying memory. This means that shared underlying memory will not be deallocated or returned to a pool, until
* all the split parts have been closed.
* <p>
* Composite buffers have it a little easier, in that at most only one of the constituent buffers will actually be
* split. If the split point lands perfectly between two constituent buffers, then a composite buffer can
* simply split its internal array in two.
* <p>
* Split buffers support all operations that normal buffers do, including {@link #ensureWritable(int)}.
* <p>
* See the <a href="#slice-split">Slice vs. Split</a> section for details on the difference between slice
* and split.
* @return A new buffer with independent and exclusive ownership over the read and readable bytes from this buffer.
default Buffer split() {
return split(writerOffset());
* Split the buffer into two, at the given {@code splitOffset}.
* <p>
* The buffer must be in {@linkplain #isOwned() an owned state}, or an exception will be thrown.
* <p>
* The region of this buffer that precede the {@code splitOffset}, will be captured and returned in a new
* buffer, that will hold its own ownership of that region. This allows the returned buffer to be independently
* {@linkplain #send() sent} to other threads.
* <p>
* The returned buffer will adopt the {@link #readerOffset()} and {@link #writerOffset()} of this buffer,
* but truncated to fit within the capacity dictated by the {@code splitOffset}.
* <p>
* The memory region in the returned buffer will become inaccessible through this buffer. If the
* {@link #readerOffset()} or {@link #writerOffset()} of this buffer lie prior to the {@code splitOffset},
* then those offsets will be moved forward, so they land on offset 0 after the split.
* <p>
* Effectively, the following transformation takes place:
* <pre>{@code
* This buffer:
* +--------------------------------+
* 0| |splitOffset |cap
* +---------------+----------------+
* / / \ \
* / / \ \
* / / \ \
* / / \ \
* / / \ \
* +---------------+ +---------------+
* | |cap | |cap
* +---------------+ +---------------+
* Returned buffer. This buffer.
* }</pre>
* When the buffers are in this state, both of the split parts retain an atomic reference count on the
* underlying memory. This means that shared underlying memory will not be deallocated or returned to a pool, until
* all the split parts have been closed.
* <p>
* Composite buffers have it a little easier, in that at most only one of the constituent buffers will actually be
* split. If the split point lands perfectly between two constituent buffers, then a composite buffer can
* simply split its internal array in two.
* <p>
* Split buffers support all operations that normal buffers do, including {@link #ensureWritable(int)}.
* <p>
* See the <a href="#slice-split">Slice vs. Split</a> section for details on the difference between slice
* and split.
* @return A new buffer with independent and exclusive ownership over the bytes from the beginning to the given
* offset of this buffer.
Buffer split(int splitOffset);
* Discards the read bytes, and moves the buffer contents to the beginning of the buffer.
* @throws IllegalStateException if this buffer is not in an {@linkplain #isOwned() owned} state,
* or is {@linkplain #readOnly() read-only}.
void compact();
* Get the number of "components" in this buffer. For composite buffers, this is the number of transitive
* constituent buffers, while non-composite buffers only have one component.
* @return The number of components in this buffer.
int countComponents();
* Get the number of "components" in this buffer, that are readable. These are the components that would be
* processed by {@link #forEachReadable(int, ReadableComponentProcessor)}. For composite buffers, this is the
* number of transitive constituent buffers that are readable, while non-composite buffers only have at most one
* readable component.
* <p>
* The number of readable components may be less than the {@link #countComponents() component count}, if not all of
* them have readable data.
* @return The number of readable components in this buffer.
int countReadableComponents();
* Get the number of "components" in this buffer, that are writable. These are the components that would be
* processed by {@link #forEachWritable(int, WritableComponentProcessor)}. For composite buffers, this is the
* number of transitive constituent buffers that are writable, while non-composite buffers only have at most one
* writable component.
* <p>
* The number of writable components may be less than the {@link #countComponents() component count}, if not all of
* them have space for writing.
* @return The number of writable components in this buffer.
int countWritableComponents();
* Process all readable components of this buffer, and return the number of components processed.
* <p>
* The given {@linkplain ReadableComponentProcessor processor} is called for each readable component in this buffer,
* and passed a component index, for the given component in the iteration, and a {@link ReadableComponent} object
* for accessing the data within the given component.
* <p>
* The component index is specific to the particular invokation of this method. The first call to the consumer will
* be passed the given initial index, and the next call will be passed the initial index plus one, and so on.
* <p>
* The {@linkplain ReadableComponentProcessor component processor} may stop the iteration at any time by returning
* {@code false}.
* This will cause the number of components processed to be returned as a negative number (to signal early return),
* and the number of components processed may then be less than the
* {@linkplain #countReadableComponents() readable component count}.
* <p>
* <strong>Note</strong> that the {@link ReadableComponent} instance passed to the consumer could be reused for
* multiple calls, so the data must be extracted from the component in the context of the iteration.
* <p>
* The {@link ByteBuffer} instances obtained from the component, share lifetime with that internal component.
* This means they can be accessed as long as the internal memory store remain unchanged. Methods that may cause
* such changes, are any method that requires the buffer to be {@linkplain #isOwned() owned}.
* <p>
* The best way to ensure this doesn't cause any trouble, is to use the buffers directly as part of the iteration,
* or immediately after the iteration while we are still in the scope of the method that triggered the iteration.
* <p>
* <strong>Note</strong> that the arrays, memory addresses, and byte buffers exposed as components by this method,
* should not be used for changing the buffer contents. Doing so may cause undefined behaviour.
* <p>
* Changes to position and limit of the byte buffers exposed via the processed components, are not reflected back to
* this buffer instance.
* @param initialIndex The initial index of the iteration, and the index that will be passed to the first call to
* the {@linkplain ReadableComponentProcessor#process(int, ReadableComponent) processor}.
* @param processor The processor that will be used to process the buffer components.
* @return The number of readable components processed, as a positive number of all readable components were
* processed, or as a negative number if the iteration was stopped because
* {@link ReadableComponentProcessor#process(int, ReadableComponent)} returned {@code false}.
* In any case, the number of components processed may be less than {@link #countComponents()}.
<E extends Exception> int forEachReadable(int initialIndex, ReadableComponentProcessor<E> processor) throws E;
* Process all writable components of this buffer, and return the number of components processed.
* <p>
* The given {@linkplain WritableComponentProcessor processor} is called for each writable component in this buffer,
* and passed a component index, for the given component in the iteration, and a {@link WritableComponent} object
* for accessing the data within the given component.
* <p>
* The component index is specific to the particular invokation of this method. The first call to the consumer will
* be passed the given initial index, and the next call will be passed the initial index plus one, and so on.
* <p>
* The {@link WritableComponentProcessor component processor} may stop the iteration at any time by returning
* {@code false}.
* This will cause the number of components processed to be returned as a negative number (to signal early return),
* and the number of components processed may then be less than the
* {@linkplain #countReadableComponents() readable component count}.
* <p>
* <strong>Note</strong> that the {@link WritableComponent} instance passed to the consumer could be reused for
* multiple calls, so the data must be extracted from the component in the context of the iteration.
* <p>
* The {@link ByteBuffer} instances obtained from the component, share lifetime with that internal component.
* This means they can be accessed as long as the internal memory store remain unchanged. Methods that may cause
* such changes, are any method that requires the buffer to be {@linkplain #isOwned() owned}.
* <p>
* The best way to ensure this doesn't cause any trouble, is to use the buffers directly as part of the iteration,
* or immediately after the iteration while we are still in the scope of the method that triggered the iteration.
* <p>
* Changes to position and limit of the byte buffers exposed via the processed components, are not reflected back to
* this buffer instance.
* @param initialIndex The initial index of the iteration, and the index that will be passed to the first call to
* the {@linkplain WritableComponentProcessor#process(int, WritableComponent) processor}.
* @param processor The processor that will be used to process the buffer components.
* @return The number of writable components processed, as a positive number of all writable components were
* processed, or as a negative number if the iteration was stopped because
* {@link WritableComponentProcessor#process(int, WritableComponent)} returned {@code false}.
* In any case, the number of components processed may be less than {@link #countComponents()}.
<E extends Exception> int forEachWritable(int initialIndex, WritableComponentProcessor<E> processor) throws E;