2021-05-31 11:50:44 -07:00

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* Copyright 2020 The Netty Project
* The Netty Project licenses this file to you under the Apache License,
* version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at:
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
* WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
* License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package io.netty.buffer.api;
import io.netty.buffer.api.internal.ResourceSupport;
import io.netty.buffer.api.internal.Statics;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.nio.ByteOrder;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.IdentityHashMap;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.Set;
import static io.netty.buffer.api.internal.Statics.bufferIsClosed;
import static io.netty.buffer.api.internal.Statics.bufferIsReadOnly;
* The {@code CompositeBuffer} is a concrete {@link Buffer} implementation that make a number of other buffers appear
* as one. A composite buffer behaves the same as a normal, non-composite buffer in every way, so you normally don't
* need to handle them specially.
* <p>
* A composite buffer is constructed using one of the {@code compose} methods:
* <ul>
* <li>
* {@link #compose(BufferAllocator, Send[])} creates a composite buffer from the buffers that are sent to it via
* the passed in send objects. Since {@link Send#receive()} transfers ownership, the resulting composite buffer
* will have ownership, because it is guaranteed that there are no other references to its constituent buffers.
* </li>
* <li>
* {@link #compose(BufferAllocator)} creates and empty, zero capacity, composite buffer. Such empty buffers may
* change their {@linkplain #order() byte order} or {@linkplain #readOnly() read-only} states when they gain
* their first component.
* </li>
* </ul>
* Composite buffers can later be extended with internally allocated components, with {@link #ensureWritable(int)},
* or with externally allocated buffers, using {@link #extendWith(Send)}.
* <h3>Constituent buffer requirements</h3>
* The buffers that a being composed to form the composite buffer, need to live up to a number of requirements.
* Basically, if we imagine that the constituent buffers have their memory regions concatenated together, then the
* result needs to make sense.
* <p>
* All the constituent buffers must have the same {@linkplain Buffer#order() byte order}.
* An exception will be thrown if you attempt to compose buffers that have different byte orders,
* and changing the byte order of the constituent buffers so that they become inconsistent after construction,
* will result in unspecified behaviour.
* <p>
* The read and write offsets of the constituent buffers must be arranged such that there are no "gaps" when viewed
* as a single connected chunk of memory.
* Specifically, there can be at most one buffer whose write offset is neither zero nor at capacity,
* and all buffers prior to it must have their write offsets at capacity, and all buffers after it must have a
* write-offset of zero.
* Likewise, there can be at most one buffer whose read offset is neither zero nor at capacity,
* and all buffers prior to it must have their read offsets at capacity, and all buffers after it must have a read
* offset of zero.
* Furthermore, the sum of the read offsets must be less than or equal to the sum of the write-offsets.
* <p>
* Reads and writes to the composite buffer that modifies the read or write offsets, will also modify the relevant
* offsets in the constituent buffers.
* <p>
* It is not a requirement that the buffers have the same size.
* <p>
* It is not a requirement that the buffers are allocated by this allocator, but if
* {@link Buffer#ensureWritable(int)} is called on the composed buffer, and the composed buffer needs to be
* expanded, then this allocator instance will be used for allocation the extra memory.
* <h3>Ownership and Send</h3>
* {@linkplain Resource#send() Sending} a composite buffer implies sending all of its constituent buffers.
* For sending to be possible, both the composite buffer itself, and all of its constituent buffers, must be in a
* state that permits them being sent. This should be the case by default, as it shouldn't be possible to create
* composite buffers that can't be sent.
public final class CompositeBuffer extends ResourceSupport<Buffer, CompositeBuffer> implements Buffer {
* The max array size is JVM implementation dependant, but most seem to settle on {@code Integer.MAX_VALUE - 8}.
* We set the max composite buffer capacity to the same, since it would otherwise be impossible to create a
* non-composite copy of the buffer.
private static final int MAX_CAPACITY = Integer.MAX_VALUE - 8;
private static final Drop<CompositeBuffer> COMPOSITE_DROP = new Drop<CompositeBuffer>() {
public void drop(CompositeBuffer buf) {
for (Buffer b : buf.bufs) {
public String toString() {
private static final Buffer[] EMPTY_BUFFER_ARRAY = new Buffer[0];
private final BufferAllocator allocator;
private final TornBufferAccessors tornBufAccessors;
private Buffer[] bufs;
private int[] offsets; // The offset, for the composite buffer, where each constituent buffer starts.
private int capacity;
private int roff;
private int woff;
private int subOffset; // The next offset *within* a consituent buffer to read from or write to.
private ByteOrder order;
private boolean closed;
private boolean readOnly;
* Compose the given sequence of sends of buffers and present them as a single buffer.
* <p>
* <strong>Note:</strong> The composite buffer holds a reference to all the constituent buffers,
* until the composite buffer is deallocated.
* This means the constituent buffers must still have their outside-reference count decremented as normal.
* If the buffers are allocated for the purpose of participating in the composite buffer,
* then they should be closed as soon as the composite buffer has been created, like in this example:
* <pre>{@code
* try (Buffer a = allocator.allocate(size);
* Buffer b = allocator.allocate(size)) {
* return allocator.compose(a, b); // Reference counts for 'a' and 'b' incremented here.
* } // Reference count for 'a' and 'b' decremented here; composite buffer now holds the last references.
* }</pre>
* <p>
* See the class documentation for more information on what is required of the given buffers for composition to be
* allowed.
* @param allocator The allocator for the composite buffer. This allocator will be used e.g. to service
* {@link #ensureWritable(int)} calls.
* @param sends The sent buffers to compose into a single buffer view.
* @return A buffer composed of, and backed by, the given buffers.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the given buffers have an inconsistent
* {@linkplain Buffer#order() byte order}.
* @throws IllegalStateException if one of the sends have already been received. The remaining buffers and sends
* will be closed and discarded, respectively.
public static CompositeBuffer compose(BufferAllocator allocator, Send<Buffer>... sends) {
Buffer[] bufs = new Buffer[sends.length];
IllegalStateException ise = null;
for (int i = 0; i < sends.length; i++) {
if (ise != null) {
} else {
try {
bufs[i] = sends[i].receive();
} catch (IllegalStateException e) {
ise = e;
for (int j = 0; j < i; j++) {
if (ise != null) {
throw ise;
return new CompositeBuffer(allocator, filterExternalBufs(, COMPOSITE_DROP);
* Create an empty composite buffer, that has no components. The buffer can be extended with components using either
* {@link #ensureWritable(int)} or {@link #extendWith(Send)}.
* @param allocator The allocator for the composite buffer. This allocator will be used e.g. to service
* {@link #ensureWritable(int)} calls.
* @return A composite buffer that has no components, and has a capacity of zero.
public static CompositeBuffer compose(BufferAllocator allocator) {
return new CompositeBuffer(allocator, EMPTY_BUFFER_ARRAY, COMPOSITE_DROP);
* Check if the given buffer is a {@linkplain #compose(BufferAllocator, Send...) composite} buffer or not.
* @param composite The buffer to check.
* @return {@code true} if the given buffer was created with {@link #compose(BufferAllocator, Send...)},
* {@code false} otherwise.
public static boolean isComposite(Buffer composite) {
return composite.getClass() == CompositeBuffer.class;
private static Buffer[] filterExternalBufs(Stream<Buffer> refs) {
// We filter out all zero-capacity buffers because they wouldn't contribute to the composite buffer anyway,
// and also, by ensuring that all constituent buffers contribute to the size of the composite buffer,
// we make sure that the number of composite buffers will never become greater than the number of bytes in
// the composite buffer.
// This restriction guarantees that methods like countComponents, forEachReadable and forEachWritable,
// will never overflow their component counts.
// Allocating a new array unconditionally also prevents external modification of the array.
Buffer[] bufs = refs
// Make sure there are no duplicates among the buffers.
Set<Buffer> duplicatesCheck = Collections.newSetFromMap(new IdentityHashMap<>());
if (duplicatesCheck.size() < bufs.length) {
for (Buffer buf : bufs) {
buf.close(); // Undo the increment we did with Deref.get().
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"Cannot create composite buffer with duplicate constituent buffer components.");
return bufs;
private static boolean discardEmpty(Buffer buf) {
if (buf.capacity() > 0) {
return true;
} else {
// If we filter a buffer out, then we must make sure to close it since we incremented the reference count
// with Deref.get() earlier.
return false;
private static Stream<Buffer> flattenBuffer(Buffer buf) {
if (buf instanceof CompositeBuffer) {
// Extract components and move our reference count from the composite onto the components.
var composite = (CompositeBuffer) buf;
var bufs = composite.bufs;
return Stream.of(bufs);
return Stream.of(buf);
private CompositeBuffer(BufferAllocator allocator, Buffer[] bufs, Drop<CompositeBuffer> drop) {
this.allocator = allocator;
try {
if (bufs.length > 0) {
ByteOrder targetOrder = bufs[0].order();
for (Buffer buf : bufs) {
if (buf.order() != targetOrder) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Constituent buffers have inconsistent byte order.");
order = bufs[0].order();
boolean targetReadOnly = bufs[0].readOnly();
for (Buffer buf : bufs) {
if (buf.readOnly() != targetReadOnly) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Constituent buffers have inconsistent read-only state.");
readOnly = targetReadOnly;
} else {
order = ByteOrder.nativeOrder();
this.bufs = bufs;
tornBufAccessors = new TornBufferAccessors(this);
} catch (Exception e) {
// Always close bufs on exception, regardless of acquireBufs value.
// If acquireBufs is false, it just means the ref count increments happened prior to this constructor call.
for (Buffer buf : bufs) {
throw e;
private void computeBufferOffsets() {
if (bufs.length > 0) {
int woff = 0;
int roff = 0;
boolean woffMidpoint = false;
for (Buffer buf : bufs) {
if (buf.writableBytes() == 0) {
woff += buf.capacity();
} else if (!woffMidpoint) {
woff += buf.writerOffset();
woffMidpoint = true;
} else if (buf.writerOffset() != 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"The given buffers cannot be composed because they leave an unwritten gap: " +
Arrays.toString(bufs) + '.');
boolean roffMidpoint = false;
for (Buffer buf : bufs) {
if (buf.readableBytes() == 0 && buf.writableBytes() == 0) {
roff += buf.capacity();
} else if (!roffMidpoint) {
roff += buf.readerOffset();
roffMidpoint = true;
} else if (buf.readerOffset() != 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"The given buffers cannot be composed because they leave an unread gap: " +
Arrays.toString(bufs) + '.');
assert roff <= woff:
"The given buffers place the read offset ahead of the write offset: " + Arrays.toString(bufs) + '.';
// Commit computed offsets.
this.woff = woff;
this.roff = roff;
offsets = new int[bufs.length];
long cap = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < bufs.length; i++) {
offsets[i] = (int) cap;
cap += bufs[i].capacity();
if (cap > MAX_CAPACITY) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"Combined size of the constituent buffers is too big. " +
"The maximum buffer capacity is " + MAX_CAPACITY + " (Integer.MAX_VALUE - 8), " +
"but the sum of the constituent buffer capacities was " + cap + '.');
capacity = (int) cap;
public String toString() {
return "Buffer[roff:" + roff + ", woff:" + woff + ", cap:" + capacity + ']';
protected RuntimeException createResourceClosedException() {
return bufferIsClosed(this);
public CompositeBuffer order(ByteOrder order) {
if (this.order != order) {
this.order = order;
for (Buffer buf : bufs) {
return this;
public ByteOrder order() {
return order;
public int capacity() {
return capacity;
public int readerOffset() {
return roff;
public CompositeBuffer readerOffset(int index) {
prepRead(index, 0);
int indexLeft = index;
for (Buffer buf : bufs) {
buf.readerOffset(Math.min(indexLeft, buf.capacity()));
indexLeft = Math.max(0, indexLeft - buf.capacity());
roff = index;
return this;
public int writerOffset() {
return woff;
public CompositeBuffer writerOffset(int index) {
checkWriteBounds(index, 0);
int indexLeft = index;
for (Buffer buf : bufs) {
buf.writerOffset(Math.min(indexLeft, buf.capacity()));
indexLeft = Math.max(0, indexLeft - buf.capacity());
woff = index;
return this;
public CompositeBuffer fill(byte value) {
for (Buffer buf : bufs) {
return this;
public long nativeAddress() {
return 0;
public CompositeBuffer makeReadOnly() {
for (Buffer buf : bufs) {
readOnly = true;
return this;
public boolean readOnly() {
return readOnly;
public CompositeBuffer copy(int offset, int length) {
checkWriteBounds(offset, length);
if (offset < 0 || length < 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"Offset and length cannot be negative, but offset was " +
offset + ", and length was " + length + '.');
Buffer choice = (Buffer) chooseBuffer(offset, 0);
Buffer[] copies;
if (length > 0) {
copies = new Buffer[bufs.length];
int off = subOffset;
int cap = length;
int i;
for (i = searchOffsets(offset); cap > 0; i++) {
var buf = bufs[i];
int avail = buf.capacity() - off;
copies[i] = buf.copy(off, Math.min(cap, avail));
cap -= avail;
off = 0;
copies = Arrays.copyOf(copies, i);
} else {
// Specialize for length == 0, since we must copy from at least one constituent buffer.
copies = new Buffer[] { choice.copy(subOffset, 0) };
return new CompositeBuffer(allocator, copies, COMPOSITE_DROP);
public void copyInto(int srcPos, byte[] dest, int destPos, int length) {
copyInto(srcPos, (b, s, d, l) -> b.copyInto(s, dest, d, l), destPos, length);
public void copyInto(int srcPos, ByteBuffer dest, int destPos, int length) {
copyInto(srcPos, (b, s, d, l) -> b.copyInto(s, dest, d, l), destPos, length);
private void copyInto(int srcPos, CopyInto dest, int destPos, int length) {
if (length < 0) {
throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("Length cannot be negative: " + length + '.');
if (srcPos < 0) {
throw indexOutOfBounds(srcPos, false);
if (srcPos + length > capacity) {
throw indexOutOfBounds(srcPos + length, false);
while (length > 0) {
var buf = (Buffer) chooseBuffer(srcPos, 0);
int toCopy = Math.min(buf.capacity() - subOffset, length);
dest.copyInto(buf, subOffset, destPos, toCopy);
srcPos += toCopy;
destPos += toCopy;
length -= toCopy;
private interface CopyInto {
void copyInto(Buffer src, int srcPos, int destPos, int length);
public void copyInto(int srcPos, Buffer dest, int destPos, int length) {
if (length < 0) {
throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("Length cannot be negative: " + length + '.');
if (srcPos < 0) {
throw indexOutOfBounds(srcPos, false);
if (srcPos + length > capacity) {
throw indexOutOfBounds(srcPos + length, false);
// Iterate in reverse to account for src and dest buffer overlap.
// todo optimise by delegating to constituent buffers.
var cursor = openReverseCursor(srcPos + length - 1, length);
ByteOrder prevOrder = dest.order();
// We read longs in BE, in reverse, so they need to be flipped for writing.
try {
while (cursor.readLong()) {
length -= Long.BYTES;
dest.setLong(destPos + length, cursor.getLong());
while (cursor.readByte()) {
dest.setByte(destPos + --length, cursor.getByte());
} finally {
public ByteCursor openCursor() {
return openCursor(readerOffset(), readableBytes());
public ByteCursor openCursor(int fromOffset, int length) {
if (fromOffset < 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("The fromOffset cannot be negative: " + fromOffset + '.');
if (length < 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("The length cannot be negative: " + length + '.');
if (capacity < fromOffset + length) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("The fromOffset+length is beyond the end of the buffer: " +
"fromOffset=" + fromOffset + ", length=" + length + '.');
int startBufferIndex = searchOffsets(fromOffset);
int off = fromOffset - offsets[startBufferIndex];
Buffer startBuf = bufs[startBufferIndex];
ByteCursor startCursor = startBuf.openCursor(off, Math.min(startBuf.capacity() - off, length));
return new ByteCursor() {
int index = fromOffset;
final int end = fromOffset + length;
int bufferIndex = startBufferIndex;
int initOffset = startCursor.currentOffset();
ByteCursor cursor = startCursor;
long longValue = -1;
byte byteValue = -1;
public boolean readLong() {
if (cursor.readLong()) {
longValue = cursor.getLong();
return true;
if (bytesLeft() >= Long.BYTES) {
longValue = nextLongFromBytes();
return true;
return false;
private long nextLongFromBytes() {
if (cursor.bytesLeft() == 0) {
if (cursor.readLong()) {
return cursor.getLong();
long val = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
val <<= 8;
val |= getByte();
return val;
public long getLong() {
return longValue;
public boolean readByte() {
if (cursor.readByte()) {
byteValue = cursor.getByte();
return true;
if (bytesLeft() > 0) {
byteValue = cursor.getByte();
return true;
return false;
private void nextCursor() {
Buffer nextBuf = bufs[bufferIndex];
cursor = nextBuf.openCursor(0, Math.min(nextBuf.capacity(), bytesLeft()));
initOffset = 0;
public byte getByte() {
return byteValue;
public int currentOffset() {
int currOff = cursor.currentOffset();
index += currOff - initOffset;
initOffset = currOff;
return index;
public int bytesLeft() {
return end - currentOffset();
public ByteCursor openReverseCursor(int fromOffset, int length) {
if (fromOffset < 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("The fromOffset cannot be negative: " + fromOffset + '.');
if (length < 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("The length cannot be negative: " + length + '.');
if (fromOffset - length < -1) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("The fromOffset-length would underflow the buffer: " +
"fromOffset=" + fromOffset + ", length=" + length + '.');
int startBufferIndex = searchOffsets(fromOffset);
int off = fromOffset - offsets[startBufferIndex];
Buffer startBuf = bufs[startBufferIndex];
ByteCursor startCursor = startBuf.openReverseCursor(off, Math.min(off + 1, length));
return new ByteCursor() {
int index = fromOffset;
final int end = fromOffset - length;
int bufferIndex = startBufferIndex;
int initOffset = startCursor.currentOffset();
ByteCursor cursor = startCursor;
long longValue = -1;
byte byteValue = -1;
public boolean readLong() {
if (cursor.readLong()) {
longValue = cursor.getLong();
return true;
if (bytesLeft() >= Long.BYTES) {
longValue = nextLongFromBytes();
return true;
return false;
private long nextLongFromBytes() {
if (cursor.bytesLeft() == 0) {
if (cursor.readLong()) {
return cursor.getLong();
long val = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
val <<= 8;
val |= getByte();
return val;
public long getLong() {
return longValue;
public boolean readByte() {
if (cursor.readByte()) {
byteValue = cursor.getByte();
return true;
if (bytesLeft() > 0) {
byteValue = cursor.getByte();
return true;
return false;
private void nextCursor() {
Buffer nextBuf = bufs[bufferIndex];
int length = Math.min(nextBuf.capacity(), bytesLeft());
int offset = nextBuf.capacity() - 1;
cursor = nextBuf.openReverseCursor(offset, length);
initOffset = offset;
public byte getByte() {
return byteValue;
public int currentOffset() {
int currOff = cursor.currentOffset();
index -= initOffset - currOff;
initOffset = currOff;
return index;
public int bytesLeft() {
return currentOffset() - end;
public void ensureWritable(int size, int minimumGrowth, boolean allowCompaction) {
if (!isOwned()) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Buffer is not owned. Only owned buffers can call ensureWritable.");
if (size < 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot ensure writable for a negative size: " + size + '.');
if (minimumGrowth < 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("The minimum growth cannot be negative: " + minimumGrowth + '.');
if (readOnly) {
throw bufferIsReadOnly(this);
if (writableBytes() >= size) {
// We already have enough space.
if (allowCompaction && size <= roff) {
// Let's see if we can solve some or all of the requested size with compaction.
// We always compact as much as is possible, regardless of size. This amortizes our work.
int compactableBuffers = 0;
for (Buffer buf : bufs) {
if (buf.capacity() != buf.readerOffset()) {
if (compactableBuffers > 0) {
Buffer[] compactable;
if (compactableBuffers < bufs.length) {
compactable = new Buffer[compactableBuffers];
System.arraycopy(bufs, 0, compactable, 0, compactable.length);
System.arraycopy(bufs, compactable.length, bufs, 0, bufs.length - compactable.length);
System.arraycopy(compactable, 0, bufs, bufs.length - compactable.length, compactable.length);
} else {
compactable = bufs;
for (Buffer buf : compactable) {
if (writableBytes() >= size) {
// Now we have enough space.
} else if (bufs.length == 1) {
// If we only have a single component buffer, then we can safely compact that in-place.
if (writableBytes() >= size) {
// Now we have enough space.
int growth = Math.max(size - writableBytes(), minimumGrowth);
BufferAllocator.checkSize(capacity() + (long) growth);
Buffer extension = allocator.allocate(growth, order());
* Extend this composite buffer with the given extension buffer.
* This works as if the extension had originally been included at the end of the list of constituent buffers when
* the composite buffer was created.
* The extension buffer is added to the end of this composite buffer, which is modified in-place.
* @see #compose(BufferAllocator, Send...)
* @param extension The buffer to extend the composite buffer with.
public void extendWith(Send<Buffer> extension) {
Objects.requireNonNull(extension, "Extension buffer cannot be null.");
Buffer buffer = extension.receive();
if (!isOwned()) {
throw new IllegalStateException("This buffer cannot be extended because it is not in an owned state.");
if (bufs.length > 0 && buffer.order() != order()) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"This buffer uses " + order() + " byte order, and cannot be extended with " +
"a buffer that uses " + buffer.order() + " byte order.");
if (bufs.length > 0 && buffer.readOnly() != readOnly()) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"This buffer is " + (readOnly? "read-only" : "writable") + ", " +
"and cannot be extended with a buffer that is " +
(buffer.readOnly()? "read-only." : "writable."));
long extensionCapacity = buffer.capacity();
if (extensionCapacity == 0) {
// Extending by a zero-sized buffer makes no difference. Especially since it's not allowed to change the
// capacity of buffers that are constiuents of composite buffers.
// This also ensures that methods like countComponents, and forEachReadable, do not have to worry about
// overflow in their component counters.
long newSize = capacity() + extensionCapacity;
Buffer[] restoreTemp = bufs; // We need this to restore our buffer array, in case offset computations fail.
try {
if (buffer instanceof CompositeBuffer) {
// If the extension is itself a composite buffer, then extend this one by all the constituent
// component buffers.
CompositeBuffer compositeExtension = (CompositeBuffer) buffer;
Buffer[] addedBuffers = compositeExtension.bufs;
Set<Buffer> duplicatesCheck = Collections.newSetFromMap(new IdentityHashMap<>());
if (duplicatesCheck.size() < bufs.length + addedBuffers.length) {
throw extensionDuplicatesException();
int extendAtIndex = bufs.length;
bufs = Arrays.copyOf(bufs, extendAtIndex + addedBuffers.length);
System.arraycopy(addedBuffers, 0, bufs, extendAtIndex, addedBuffers.length);
} else {
for (Buffer buf : restoreTemp) {
if (buf == buffer) {
throw extensionDuplicatesException();
if (restoreTemp.length == 0) {
order = buffer.order();
readOnly = buffer.readOnly();
} catch (Exception e) {
bufs = restoreTemp;
throw e;
private static IllegalArgumentException extensionDuplicatesException() {
return new IllegalArgumentException(
"The composite buffer cannot be extended with the given extension," +
" as it would cause the buffer to have duplicate constituent buffers.");
private void unsafeExtendWith(Buffer extension) {
bufs = Arrays.copyOf(bufs, bufs.length + 1);
bufs[bufs.length - 1] = extension;
private void checkSplit(int splitOffset) {
if (splitOffset < 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("The split offset cannot be negative: " + splitOffset + '.');
if (capacity() < splitOffset) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("The split offset cannot be greater than the buffer capacity, " +
"but the split offset was " + splitOffset + ", and capacity is " + capacity() + '.');
if (!isOwned()) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot split a buffer that is not owned.");
public CompositeBuffer split(int splitOffset) {
if (bufs.length == 0) {
// Splitting a zero-length buffer is trivial.
return new CompositeBuffer(allocator, bufs, unsafeGetDrop()).order(order);
int i = searchOffsets(splitOffset);
int off = splitOffset - offsets[i];
Buffer[] splits = Arrays.copyOf(bufs, off == 0? i : 1 + i);
bufs = Arrays.copyOfRange(bufs, off == bufs[i].capacity()? 1 + i : i, bufs.length);
if (off > 0 && splits.length > 0 && off < splits[splits.length - 1].capacity()) {
splits[splits.length - 1] = bufs[0].split(off);
return buildSplitBuffer(splits);
private CompositeBuffer buildSplitBuffer(Buffer[] splits) {
var compositeBuf = new CompositeBuffer(allocator, splits, unsafeGetDrop());
compositeBuf.order = order; // Preserve byte order even if splits array is empty.
return compositeBuf;
* Split this buffer at a component boundary that is less than or equal to the given offset.
* <p>
* This method behaves the same as {@link #split(int)}, except no components are split.
* @param splitOffset The maximum split offset. The real split offset will be at a component boundary that is less
* than or equal to this offset.
* @return A new buffer with independent and exclusive ownership over the bytes from the beginning to a component
* boundary less than or equal to the given offset of this buffer.
public CompositeBuffer splitComponentsFloor(int splitOffset) {
if (bufs.length == 0) {
// Splitting a zero-length buffer is trivial.
return new CompositeBuffer(allocator, bufs, unsafeGetDrop()).order(order);
int i = searchOffsets(splitOffset);
int off = splitOffset - offsets[i];
if (off == bufs[i].capacity()) {
Buffer[] splits = Arrays.copyOf(bufs, i);
bufs = Arrays.copyOfRange(bufs, i, bufs.length);
return buildSplitBuffer(splits);
* Split this buffer at a component boundary that is greater than or equal to the given offset.
* <p>
* This method behaves the same as {@link #split(int)}, except no components are split.
* @param splitOffset The minimum split offset. The real split offset will be at a component boundary that is
* greater than or equal to this offset.
* @return A new buffer with independent and exclusive ownership over the bytes from the beginning to a component
* boundary greater than or equal to the given offset of this buffer.
public CompositeBuffer splitComponentsCeil(int splitOffset) {
if (bufs.length == 0) {
// Splitting a zero-length buffer is trivial.
return new CompositeBuffer(allocator, bufs, unsafeGetDrop()).order(order);
int i = searchOffsets(splitOffset);
int off = splitOffset - offsets[i];
if (0 < off && off <= bufs[i].capacity()) {
Buffer[] splits = Arrays.copyOf(bufs, i);
bufs = Arrays.copyOfRange(bufs, i, bufs.length);
return buildSplitBuffer(splits);
public void compact() {
if (!isOwned()) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Buffer must be owned in order to compact.");
if (readOnly()) {
throw new BufferReadOnlyException("Buffer must be writable in order to compact, but was read-only.");
int distance = roff;
if (distance == 0) {
int pos = 0;
var oldOrder = order;
order = ByteOrder.BIG_ENDIAN;
try {
var cursor = openCursor();
while (cursor.readLong()) {
setLong(pos, cursor.getLong());
pos += Long.BYTES;
while (cursor.readByte()) {
setByte(pos, cursor.getByte());
} finally {
order = oldOrder;
writerOffset(woff - distance);
public int countComponents() {
int sum = 0;
for (Buffer buf : bufs) {
sum += buf.countComponents();
return sum;
public int countReadableComponents() {
int sum = 0;
for (Buffer buf : bufs) {
sum += buf.countReadableComponents();
return sum;
public int countWritableComponents() {
int sum = 0;
for (Buffer buf : bufs) {
sum += buf.countWritableComponents();
return sum;
public <E extends Exception> int forEachReadable(int initialIndex, ReadableComponentProcessor<E> processor)
throws E {
checkReadBounds(readerOffset(), Math.max(1, readableBytes()));
int visited = 0;
for (Buffer buf : bufs) {
if (buf.readableBytes() > 0) {
int count = buf.forEachReadable(visited + initialIndex, processor);
if (count > 0) {
visited += count;
} else {
visited = -visited + count;
return visited;
public <E extends Exception> int forEachWritable(int initialIndex, WritableComponentProcessor<E> processor)
throws E {
checkWriteBounds(writerOffset(), Math.max(1, writableBytes()));
int visited = 0;
for (Buffer buf : bufs) {
if (buf.writableBytes() > 0) {
int count = buf.forEachWritable(visited + initialIndex, processor);
if (count > 0) {
visited += count;
} else {
visited = -visited + count;
return visited;
// <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="Primitive accessors.">
public byte readByte() {
return prepRead(Byte.BYTES).readByte();
public byte getByte(int roff) {
return prepGet(roff, Byte.BYTES).getByte(subOffset);
public int readUnsignedByte() {
return prepRead(Byte.BYTES).readUnsignedByte();
public int getUnsignedByte(int roff) {
return prepGet(roff, Byte.BYTES).getUnsignedByte(subOffset);
public CompositeBuffer writeByte(byte value) {
return this;
public CompositeBuffer setByte(int woff, byte value) {
prepWrite(woff, Byte.BYTES).setByte(subOffset, value);
return this;
public CompositeBuffer writeUnsignedByte(int value) {
return this;
public CompositeBuffer setUnsignedByte(int woff, int value) {
prepWrite(woff, Byte.BYTES).setUnsignedByte(subOffset, value);
return this;
public char readChar() {
return prepRead(2).readChar();
public char getChar(int roff) {
return prepGet(roff, 2).getChar(subOffset);
public CompositeBuffer writeChar(char value) {
return this;
public CompositeBuffer setChar(int woff, char value) {
prepWrite(woff, 2).setChar(subOffset, value);
return this;
public short readShort() {
return prepRead(Short.BYTES).readShort();
public short getShort(int roff) {
return prepGet(roff, Short.BYTES).getShort(subOffset);
public int readUnsignedShort() {
return prepRead(Short.BYTES).readShort();
public int getUnsignedShort(int roff) {
return prepGet(roff, Short.BYTES).getUnsignedShort(subOffset);
public CompositeBuffer writeShort(short value) {
return this;
public CompositeBuffer setShort(int woff, short value) {
prepWrite(woff, Short.BYTES).setShort(subOffset, value);
return this;
public CompositeBuffer writeUnsignedShort(int value) {
return this;
public CompositeBuffer setUnsignedShort(int woff, int value) {
prepWrite(woff, Short.BYTES).setUnsignedShort(subOffset, value);
return this;
public int readMedium() {
return prepRead(3).readMedium();
public int getMedium(int roff) {
return prepGet(roff, 3).getMedium(subOffset);
public int readUnsignedMedium() {
return prepRead(3).readMedium();
public int getUnsignedMedium(int roff) {
return prepGet(roff, 3).getMedium(subOffset);
public CompositeBuffer writeMedium(int value) {
return this;
public CompositeBuffer setMedium(int woff, int value) {
prepWrite(woff, 3).setMedium(subOffset, value);
return this;
public CompositeBuffer writeUnsignedMedium(int value) {
return this;
public CompositeBuffer setUnsignedMedium(int woff, int value) {
prepWrite(woff, 3).setUnsignedMedium(subOffset, value);
return this;
public int readInt() {
return prepRead(Integer.BYTES).readInt();
public int getInt(int roff) {
return prepGet(roff, Integer.BYTES).getInt(subOffset);
public long readUnsignedInt() {
return prepRead(Integer.BYTES).readUnsignedInt();
public long getUnsignedInt(int roff) {
return prepGet(roff, Integer.BYTES).getUnsignedInt(subOffset);
public CompositeBuffer writeInt(int value) {
return this;
public CompositeBuffer setInt(int woff, int value) {
prepWrite(woff, Integer.BYTES).setInt(subOffset, value);
return this;
public CompositeBuffer writeUnsignedInt(long value) {
return this;
public CompositeBuffer setUnsignedInt(int woff, long value) {
prepWrite(woff, Integer.BYTES).setUnsignedInt(subOffset, value);
return this;
public float readFloat() {
return prepRead(Float.BYTES).readFloat();
public float getFloat(int roff) {
return prepGet(roff, Float.BYTES).getFloat(subOffset);
public CompositeBuffer writeFloat(float value) {
return this;
public CompositeBuffer setFloat(int woff, float value) {
prepWrite(woff, Float.BYTES).setFloat(subOffset, value);
return this;
public long readLong() {
return prepRead(Long.BYTES).readLong();
public long getLong(int roff) {
return prepGet(roff, Long.BYTES).getLong(subOffset);
public CompositeBuffer writeLong(long value) {
return this;
public CompositeBuffer setLong(int woff, long value) {
prepWrite(woff, Long.BYTES).setLong(subOffset, value);
return this;
public double readDouble() {
return prepRead(Double.BYTES).readDouble();
public double getDouble(int roff) {
return prepGet(roff, Double.BYTES).getDouble(subOffset);
public CompositeBuffer writeDouble(double value) {
return this;
public CompositeBuffer setDouble(int woff, double value) {
prepWrite(woff, Double.BYTES).setDouble(subOffset, value);
return this;
// </editor-fold>
protected Owned<CompositeBuffer> prepareSend() {
Send<Buffer>[] sends = new Send[bufs.length];
try {
for (int i = 0; i < bufs.length; i++) {
sends[i] = bufs[i].send();
} catch (Throwable throwable) {
// Repair our bufs array.
for (int i = 0; i < sends.length; i++) {
if (sends[i] != null) {
try {
bufs[i] = sends[i].receive();
} catch (Exception e) {
throw throwable;
boolean readOnly = this.readOnly;
return new Owned<CompositeBuffer>() {
public CompositeBuffer transferOwnership(Drop<CompositeBuffer> drop) {
Buffer[] received = new Buffer[sends.length];
for (int i = 0; i < sends.length; i++) {
received[i] = sends[i].receive();
var composite = new CompositeBuffer(allocator, received, drop);
composite.readOnly = readOnly;
return composite;
void makeInaccessible() {
capacity = 0;
roff = 0;
woff = 0;
readOnly = false;
closed = true;
protected boolean isOwned() {
return super.isOwned() && allConstituentsAreOwned();
private boolean allConstituentsAreOwned() {
boolean result = true;
for (Buffer buf : bufs) {
result &= Statics.isOwned((ResourceSupport<?, ?>) buf);
return result;
long readPassThrough() {
var buf = choosePassThroughBuffer(subOffset++);
assert buf != tornBufAccessors: "Recursive call to torn buffer.";
return buf.readUnsignedByte();
void writePassThrough(int value) {
var buf = choosePassThroughBuffer(subOffset++);
assert buf != tornBufAccessors: "Recursive call to torn buffer.";
long getPassThrough(int roff) {
var buf = chooseBuffer(roff, 1);
assert buf != tornBufAccessors: "Recursive call to torn buffer.";
return buf.getUnsignedByte(subOffset);
void setPassThrough(int woff, int value) {
var buf = chooseBuffer(woff, 1);
assert buf != tornBufAccessors: "Recursive call to torn buffer.";
buf.setUnsignedByte(subOffset, value);
private BufferAccessors prepRead(int size) {
var buf = prepRead(roff, size);
roff += size;
return buf;
private BufferAccessors prepRead(int index, int size) {
checkReadBounds(index, size);
return chooseBuffer(index, size);
private void checkReadBounds(int index, int size) {
if (index < 0 || woff < index + size) {
throw indexOutOfBounds(index, false);
private BufferAccessors prepGet(int index, int size) {
checkGetBounds(index, size);
return chooseBuffer(index, size);
private void checkGetBounds(int index, int size) {
if (index < 0 || capacity < index + size) {
throw indexOutOfBounds(index, false);
private BufferAccessors prepWrite(int size) {
var buf = prepWrite(woff, size);
woff += size;
return buf;
private BufferAccessors prepWrite(int index, int size) {
checkWriteBounds(index, size);
return chooseBuffer(index, size);
private void checkWriteBounds(int index, int size) {
if (index < 0 || capacity < index + size) {
throw indexOutOfBounds(index, true);
private RuntimeException indexOutOfBounds(int index, boolean write) {
if (closed) {
return bufferIsClosed(this);
if (write && readOnly) {
return bufferIsReadOnly(this);
return new IndexOutOfBoundsException(
"Index " + index + " is out of bounds: [read 0 to " + woff + ", write 0 to " +
capacity + "].");
private BufferAccessors chooseBuffer(int index, int size) {
int i = searchOffsets(index);
if (i == bufs.length) {
// This happens when the read/write offsets are parked 1 byte beyond the end of the buffer.
// In that case it should not matter what buffer is returned, because it shouldn't be used anyway.
return null;
int off = index - offsets[i];
Buffer candidate = bufs[i];
if (off + size <= candidate.capacity()) {
subOffset = off;
return candidate;
subOffset = index;
return tornBufAccessors;
private BufferAccessors choosePassThroughBuffer(int index) {
int i = searchOffsets(index);
return bufs[i];
private int searchOffsets(int index) {
int i = Arrays.binarySearch(offsets, index);
return i < 0? -(i + 2) : i;
// <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="Torn buffer access.">
private static final class TornBufferAccessors implements BufferAccessors {
private final CompositeBuffer buf;
private TornBufferAccessors(CompositeBuffer buf) {
this.buf = buf;
public byte readByte() {
throw new AssertionError("Method should not be used.");
public byte getByte(int roff) {
throw new AssertionError("Method should not be used.");
public int readUnsignedByte() {
throw new AssertionError("Method should not be used.");
public int getUnsignedByte(int roff) {
throw new AssertionError("Method should not be used.");
public Buffer writeByte(byte value) {
throw new AssertionError("Method should not be used.");
public Buffer setByte(int woff, byte value) {
throw new AssertionError("Method should not be used.");
public Buffer writeUnsignedByte(int value) {
throw new AssertionError("Method should not be used.");
public Buffer setUnsignedByte(int woff, int value) {
throw new AssertionError("Method should not be used.");
public char readChar() {
if (bigEndian()) {
return (char) (read() << 8 | read());
} else {
return (char) (read() | read() << 8);
public char getChar(int roff) {
if (bigEndian()) {
return (char) (read(roff) << 8 | read(roff + 1));
} else {
return (char) (read(roff) | read(roff + 1) << 8);
public Buffer writeChar(char value) {
if (bigEndian()) {
write(value >>> 8);
write(value & 0xFF);
} else {
write(value & 0xFF);
write(value >>> 8);
return buf;
public Buffer setChar(int woff, char value) {
if (bigEndian()) {
write(woff, value >>> 8);
write(woff + 1, value & 0xFF);
} else {
write(woff, value & 0xFF);
write(woff + 1, value >>> 8);
return buf;
public short readShort() {
if (bigEndian()) {
return (short) (read() << 8 | read());
} else {
return (short) (read() | read() << 8);
public short getShort(int roff) {
if (bigEndian()) {
return (short) (read(roff) << 8 | read(roff + 1));
} else {
return (short) (read(roff) | read(roff + 1) << 8);
public int readUnsignedShort() {
if (bigEndian()) {
return (int) (read() << 8 | read()) & 0xFFFF;
} else {
return (int) (read() | read() << 8) & 0xFFFF;
public int getUnsignedShort(int roff) {
if (bigEndian()) {
return (int) (read(roff) << 8 | read(roff + 1)) & 0xFFFF;
} else {
return (int) (read(roff) | read(roff + 1) << 8) & 0xFFFF;
public Buffer writeShort(short value) {
if (bigEndian()) {
write(value >>> 8);
write(value & 0xFF);
} else {
write(value & 0xFF);
write(value >>> 8);
return buf;
public Buffer setShort(int woff, short value) {
if (bigEndian()) {
write(woff, value >>> 8);
write(woff + 1, value & 0xFF);
} else {
write(woff, value & 0xFF);
write(woff + 1, value >>> 8);
return buf;
public Buffer writeUnsignedShort(int value) {
if (bigEndian()) {
write(value >>> 8);
write(value & 0xFF);
} else {
write(value & 0xFF);
write(value >>> 8);
return buf;
public Buffer setUnsignedShort(int woff, int value) {
if (bigEndian()) {
write(woff, value >>> 8);
write(woff + 1, value & 0xFF);
} else {
write(woff, value & 0xFF);
write(woff + 1, value >>> 8);
return buf;
public int readMedium() {
if (bigEndian()) {
return (int) (read() << 16 | read() << 8 | read());
} else {
return (int) (read() | read() << 8 | read() << 16);
public int getMedium(int roff) {
if (bigEndian()) {
return (int) (read(roff) << 16 | read(roff + 1) << 8 | read(roff + 2));
} else {
return (int) (read(roff) | read(roff + 1) << 8 | read(roff + 2) << 16);
public int readUnsignedMedium() {
if (bigEndian()) {
return (int) (read() << 16 | read() << 8 | read()) & 0xFFFFFF;
} else {
return (int) (read() | read() << 8 | read() << 16) & 0xFFFFFF;
public int getUnsignedMedium(int roff) {
if (bigEndian()) {
return (int) (read(roff) << 16 | read(roff + 1) << 8 | read(roff + 2)) & 0xFFFFFF;
} else {
return (int) (read(roff) | read(roff + 1) << 8 | read(roff + 2) << 16) & 0xFFFFFF;
public Buffer writeMedium(int value) {
if (bigEndian()) {
write(value >>> 16);
write(value >>> 8 & 0xFF);
write(value & 0xFF);
} else {
write(value & 0xFF);
write(value >>> 8 & 0xFF);
write(value >>> 16);
return buf;
public Buffer setMedium(int woff, int value) {
if (bigEndian()) {
write(woff, value >>> 16);
write(woff + 1, value >>> 8 & 0xFF);
write(woff + 2, value & 0xFF);
} else {
write(woff, value & 0xFF);
write(woff + 1, value >>> 8 & 0xFF);
write(woff + 2, value >>> 16);
return buf;
public Buffer writeUnsignedMedium(int value) {
if (bigEndian()) {
write(value >>> 16);
write(value >>> 8 & 0xFF);
write(value & 0xFF);
} else {
write(value & 0xFF);
write(value >>> 8 & 0xFF);
write(value >>> 16);
return buf;
public Buffer setUnsignedMedium(int woff, int value) {
if (bigEndian()) {
write(woff, value >>> 16);
write(woff + 1, value >>> 8 & 0xFF);
write(woff + 2, value & 0xFF);
} else {
write(woff, value & 0xFF);
write(woff + 1, value >>> 8 & 0xFF);
write(woff + 2, value >>> 16);
return buf;
public int readInt() {
if (bigEndian()) {
return (int) (read() << 24 | read() << 16 | read() << 8 | read());
} else {
return (int) (read() | read() << 8 | read() << 16 | read() << 24);
public int getInt(int roff) {
if (bigEndian()) {
return (int) (read(roff) << 24 | read(roff + 1) << 16 | read(roff + 2) << 8 | read(roff + 3));
} else {
return (int) (read(roff) | read(roff + 1) << 8 | read(roff + 2) << 16 | read(roff + 3) << 24);
public long readUnsignedInt() {
if (bigEndian()) {
return (read() << 24 | read() << 16 | read() << 8 | read()) & 0xFFFFFFFFL;
} else {
return (read() | read() << 8 | read() << 16 | read() << 24) & 0xFFFFFFFFL;
public long getUnsignedInt(int roff) {
if (bigEndian()) {
return (read(roff) << 24 | read(roff + 1) << 16 | read(roff + 2) << 8 | read(roff + 3)) & 0xFFFFFFFFL;
} else {
return (read(roff) | read(roff + 1) << 8 | read(roff + 2) << 16 | read(roff + 3) << 24) & 0xFFFFFFFFL;
public Buffer writeInt(int value) {
if (bigEndian()) {
write(value >>> 24);
write(value >>> 16 & 0xFF);
write(value >>> 8 & 0xFF);
write(value & 0xFF);
} else {
write(value & 0xFF);
write(value >>> 8 & 0xFF);
write(value >>> 16 & 0xFF);
write(value >>> 24);
return buf;
public Buffer setInt(int woff, int value) {
if (bigEndian()) {
write(woff, value >>> 24);
write(woff + 1, value >>> 16 & 0xFF);
write(woff + 2, value >>> 8 & 0xFF);
write(woff + 3, value & 0xFF);
} else {
write(woff, value & 0xFF);
write(woff + 1, value >>> 8 & 0xFF);
write(woff + 2, value >>> 16 & 0xFF);
write(woff + 3, value >>> 24);
return buf;
public Buffer writeUnsignedInt(long value) {
if (bigEndian()) {
write((int) (value >>> 24));
write((int) (value >>> 16 & 0xFF));
write((int) (value >>> 8 & 0xFF));
write((int) (value & 0xFF));
} else {
write((int) (value & 0xFF));
write((int) (value >>> 8 & 0xFF));
write((int) (value >>> 16 & 0xFF));
write((int) (value >>> 24));
return buf;
public Buffer setUnsignedInt(int woff, long value) {
if (bigEndian()) {
write(woff, (int) (value >>> 24));
write(woff + 1, (int) (value >>> 16 & 0xFF));
write(woff + 2, (int) (value >>> 8 & 0xFF));
write(woff + 3, (int) (value & 0xFF));
} else {
write(woff, (int) (value & 0xFF));
write(woff + 1, (int) (value >>> 8 & 0xFF));
write(woff + 2, (int) (value >>> 16 & 0xFF));
write(woff + 3, (int) (value >>> 24));
return buf;
public float readFloat() {
return Float.intBitsToFloat(readInt());
public float getFloat(int roff) {
return Float.intBitsToFloat(getInt(roff));
public Buffer writeFloat(float value) {
return writeUnsignedInt(Float.floatToRawIntBits(value));
public Buffer setFloat(int woff, float value) {
return setUnsignedInt(woff, Float.floatToRawIntBits(value));
public long readLong() {
if (bigEndian()) {
return read() << 56 | read() << 48 | read() << 40 | read() << 32 |
read() << 24 | read() << 16 | read() << 8 | read();
} else {
return read() | read() << 8 | read() << 16 | read() << 24 |
read() << 32 | read() << 40 | read() << 48 | read() << 56;
public long getLong(int roff) {
if (bigEndian()) {
return read(roff) << 56 | read(roff + 1) << 48 | read(roff + 2) << 40 | read(roff + 3) << 32 |
read(roff + 4) << 24 | read(roff + 5) << 16 | read(roff + 6) << 8 | read(roff + 7);
} else {
return read(roff) | read(roff + 1) << 8 | read(roff + 2) << 16 | read(roff + 3) << 24 |
read(roff + 4) << 32 | read(roff + 5) << 40 | read(roff + 6) << 48 | read(roff + 7) << 56;
public Buffer writeLong(long value) {
if (bigEndian()) {
write((int) (value >>> 56));
write((int) (value >>> 48 & 0xFF));
write((int) (value >>> 40 & 0xFF));
write((int) (value >>> 32 & 0xFF));
write((int) (value >>> 24 & 0xFF));
write((int) (value >>> 16 & 0xFF));
write((int) (value >>> 8 & 0xFF));
write((int) (value & 0xFF));
} else {
write((int) (value & 0xFF));
write((int) (value >>> 8 & 0xFF));
write((int) (value >>> 16 & 0xFF));
write((int) (value >>> 24));
write((int) (value >>> 32));
write((int) (value >>> 40));
write((int) (value >>> 48));
write((int) (value >>> 56));
return buf;
public Buffer setLong(int woff, long value) {
if (bigEndian()) {
write(woff, (int) (value >>> 56));
write(woff + 1, (int) (value >>> 48 & 0xFF));
write(woff + 2, (int) (value >>> 40 & 0xFF));
write(woff + 3, (int) (value >>> 32 & 0xFF));
write(woff + 4, (int) (value >>> 24 & 0xFF));
write(woff + 5, (int) (value >>> 16 & 0xFF));
write(woff + 6, (int) (value >>> 8 & 0xFF));
write(woff + 7, (int) (value & 0xFF));
} else {
write(woff, (int) (value & 0xFF));
write(woff + 1, (int) (value >>> 8 & 0xFF));
write(woff + 2, (int) (value >>> 16 & 0xFF));
write(woff + 3, (int) (value >>> 24));
write(woff + 4, (int) (value >>> 32));
write(woff + 5, (int) (value >>> 40));
write(woff + 6, (int) (value >>> 48));
write(woff + 7, (int) (value >>> 56));
return buf;
public double readDouble() {
return Double.longBitsToDouble(readLong());
public double getDouble(int roff) {
return Double.longBitsToDouble(getLong(roff));
public Buffer writeDouble(double value) {
return writeLong(Double.doubleToRawLongBits(value));
public Buffer setDouble(int woff, double value) {
return setLong(woff, Double.doubleToRawLongBits(value));
private boolean bigEndian() {
return buf.order() == ByteOrder.BIG_ENDIAN;
private long read() {
return buf.readPassThrough();
private void write(int value) {
private long read(int roff) {
return buf.getPassThrough(roff);
private void write(int woff, int value) {
buf.setPassThrough(woff, value);
// </editor-fold>