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* Copyright 2015 The Netty Project
* The Netty Project licenses this file to you under the Apache License,
* version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at:
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
* WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
* License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package io.netty.buffer;
Change arena to thread cache mapping algorithm to be closer to ideal. Motivation: Circular assignment of arenas to thread caches can lead to less than optimal mappings in cases where threads are (frequently) shutdown and started. Example Scenario: There are a total of 2 arenas. The first two threads performing an allocation would lead to the following mapping: Thread 0 -> Arena 0 Thread 1 -> Arena 1 Now, assume Thread 1 is shut down and another Thread 2 is started. The current circular assignment algorithm would lead to the following mapping: Thread 0 -> Arena 0 Thread 2 -> Arena 0 Ideally, we want Thread 2 to use Arena 1 though. Presumably, this is not much of an issue for most Netty applications that do all the allocations inside the eventloop, as eventloop threads are seldomly shut down and restarted. However, applications that only use the netty-buffer package or implement their own threading model outside the eventloop might suffer from increased contention. For example, gRPC Java when using the blocking stub performs some allocations outside the eventloop and within its own thread pool that is dynamically sized depending on system load. Modifications: Implement a linear scan algorithm that assigns a new thread cache to the arena that currently backs the fewest thread caches. Result: Closer to ideal mappings between thread caches and arenas. In order to always get an ideal mapping, we would have to re-balance the mapping whenever a thread dies. However, that's difficult because of deallocation.
2016-03-14 17:25:43 +01:00
import io.netty.util.concurrent.FastThreadLocal;
import io.netty.util.concurrent.FastThreadLocalThread;
import io.netty.util.internal.PlatformDependent;
import io.netty.util.internal.SystemPropertyUtil;
import org.junit.Assume;
import org.junit.Test;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Queue;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentLinkedQueue;
import java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference;
Change arena to thread cache mapping algorithm to be closer to ideal. Motivation: Circular assignment of arenas to thread caches can lead to less than optimal mappings in cases where threads are (frequently) shutdown and started. Example Scenario: There are a total of 2 arenas. The first two threads performing an allocation would lead to the following mapping: Thread 0 -> Arena 0 Thread 1 -> Arena 1 Now, assume Thread 1 is shut down and another Thread 2 is started. The current circular assignment algorithm would lead to the following mapping: Thread 0 -> Arena 0 Thread 2 -> Arena 0 Ideally, we want Thread 2 to use Arena 1 though. Presumably, this is not much of an issue for most Netty applications that do all the allocations inside the eventloop, as eventloop threads are seldomly shut down and restarted. However, applications that only use the netty-buffer package or implement their own threading model outside the eventloop might suffer from increased contention. For example, gRPC Java when using the blocking stub performs some allocations outside the eventloop and within its own thread pool that is dynamically sized depending on system load. Modifications: Implement a linear scan algorithm that assigns a new thread cache to the arena that currently backs the fewest thread caches. Result: Closer to ideal mappings between thread caches and arenas. In order to always get an ideal mapping, we would have to re-balance the mapping whenever a thread dies. However, that's difficult because of deallocation.
2016-03-14 17:25:43 +01:00
import java.util.concurrent.locks.LockSupport;
import static java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertFalse;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertNotNull;
Change arena to thread cache mapping algorithm to be closer to ideal. Motivation: Circular assignment of arenas to thread caches can lead to less than optimal mappings in cases where threads are (frequently) shutdown and started. Example Scenario: There are a total of 2 arenas. The first two threads performing an allocation would lead to the following mapping: Thread 0 -> Arena 0 Thread 1 -> Arena 1 Now, assume Thread 1 is shut down and another Thread 2 is started. The current circular assignment algorithm would lead to the following mapping: Thread 0 -> Arena 0 Thread 2 -> Arena 0 Ideally, we want Thread 2 to use Arena 1 though. Presumably, this is not much of an issue for most Netty applications that do all the allocations inside the eventloop, as eventloop threads are seldomly shut down and restarted. However, applications that only use the netty-buffer package or implement their own threading model outside the eventloop might suffer from increased contention. For example, gRPC Java when using the blocking stub performs some allocations outside the eventloop and within its own thread pool that is dynamically sized depending on system load. Modifications: Implement a linear scan algorithm that assigns a new thread cache to the arena that currently backs the fewest thread caches. Result: Closer to ideal mappings between thread caches and arenas. In order to always get an ideal mapping, we would have to re-balance the mapping whenever a thread dies. However, that's difficult because of deallocation.
2016-03-14 17:25:43 +01:00
import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;
public class PooledByteBufAllocatorTest extends AbstractByteBufAllocatorTest<PooledByteBufAllocator> {
protected PooledByteBufAllocator newAllocator(boolean preferDirect) {
return new PooledByteBufAllocator(preferDirect);
protected PooledByteBufAllocator newUnpooledAllocator() {
return new PooledByteBufAllocator(0, 0, 8192, 1);
protected long expectedUsedMemory(PooledByteBufAllocator allocator, int capacity) {
return allocator.metric().chunkSize();
protected long expectedUsedMemoryAfterRelease(PooledByteBufAllocator allocator, int capacity) {
// This is the case as allocations will start in qInit and chunks in qInit will never be released until
// these are moved to q000.
// See
return allocator.metric().chunkSize();
public void testTrim() {
PooledByteBufAllocator allocator = newAllocator(true);
// Should return false as we never allocated from this thread yet.
ByteBuf directBuffer = allocator.directBuffer();
// Should return true now a cache exists for the calling thread.
public void testPooledUnsafeHeapBufferAndUnsafeDirectBuffer() {
PooledByteBufAllocator allocator = newAllocator(true);
ByteBuf directBuffer = allocator.directBuffer();
PlatformDependent.hasUnsafe() ? PooledUnsafeDirectByteBuf.class : PooledDirectByteBuf.class);
ByteBuf heapBuffer = allocator.heapBuffer();
PlatformDependent.hasUnsafe() ? PooledUnsafeHeapByteBuf.class : PooledHeapByteBuf.class);
public void testIOBuffersAreDirectWhenUnsafeAvailableOrDirectBuffersPooled() {
PooledByteBufAllocator allocator = newAllocator(true);
ByteBuf ioBuffer = allocator.ioBuffer();
PooledByteBufAllocator unpooledAllocator = newUnpooledAllocator();
ioBuffer = unpooledAllocator.ioBuffer();
if (PlatformDependent.hasUnsafe()) {
} else {
public void testWithoutUseCacheForAllThreads() {
assertFalse(Thread.currentThread() instanceof FastThreadLocalThread);
PooledByteBufAllocator pool = new PooledByteBufAllocator(
/*preferDirect=*/ false,
/*nHeapArena=*/ 1,
/*nDirectArena=*/ 1,
/*maxOrder=*/ 11,
/*tinyCacheSize=*/ 0,
/*smallCacheSize=*/ 0,
/*normalCacheSize=*/ 0,
/*useCacheForAllThreads=*/ false);
ByteBuf buf = pool.buffer(1);
public void testArenaMetricsNoCache() {
testArenaMetrics0(new PooledByteBufAllocator(true, 2, 2, 8192, 11, 0, 0, 0), 100, 0, 100, 100);
public void testArenaMetricsCache() {
testArenaMetrics0(new PooledByteBufAllocator(true, 2, 2, 8192, 11, 1000, 1000, 1000), 100, 1, 1, 0);
public void testArenaMetricsNoCacheAlign() {
testArenaMetrics0(new PooledByteBufAllocator(true, 2, 2, 8192, 11, 0, 0, 0, true, 64), 100, 0, 100, 100);
public void testArenaMetricsCacheAlign() {
testArenaMetrics0(new PooledByteBufAllocator(true, 2, 2, 8192, 11, 1000, 1000, 1000, true, 64), 100, 1, 1, 0);
private static void testArenaMetrics0(
PooledByteBufAllocator allocator, int num, int expectedActive, int expectedAlloc, int expectedDealloc) {
for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) {
assertArenaMetrics(allocator.metric().directArenas(), expectedActive, expectedAlloc, expectedDealloc);
assertArenaMetrics(allocator.metric().heapArenas(), expectedActive, expectedAlloc, expectedDealloc);
private static void assertArenaMetrics(
List<PoolArenaMetric> arenaMetrics, int expectedActive, int expectedAlloc, int expectedDealloc) {
int active = 0;
int alloc = 0;
int dealloc = 0;
for (PoolArenaMetric arena : arenaMetrics) {
active += arena.numActiveAllocations();
alloc += arena.numAllocations();
dealloc += arena.numDeallocations();
assertEquals(expectedActive, active);
assertEquals(expectedAlloc, alloc);
assertEquals(expectedDealloc, dealloc);
public void testPoolChunkListMetric() {
for (PoolArenaMetric arenaMetric: PooledByteBufAllocator.DEFAULT.metric().heapArenas()) {
private static void assertPoolChunkListMetric(PoolArenaMetric arenaMetric) {
List<PoolChunkListMetric> lists = arenaMetric.chunkLists();
assertEquals(6, lists.size());
assertPoolChunkListMetric(lists.get(0), 1, 25);
assertPoolChunkListMetric(lists.get(1), 1, 50);
assertPoolChunkListMetric(lists.get(2), 25, 75);
assertPoolChunkListMetric(lists.get(4), 75, 100);
assertPoolChunkListMetric(lists.get(5), 100, 100);
private static void assertPoolChunkListMetric(PoolChunkListMetric m, int min, int max) {
assertEquals(min, m.minUsage());
assertEquals(max, m.maxUsage());
public void testSmallSubpageMetric() {
PooledByteBufAllocator allocator = new PooledByteBufAllocator(true, 1, 1, 8192, 11, 0, 0, 0);
ByteBuf buffer = allocator.heapBuffer(500);
try {
PoolArenaMetric metric = allocator.metric().heapArenas().get(0);
PoolSubpageMetric subpageMetric = metric.smallSubpages().get(0);
assertEquals(1, subpageMetric.maxNumElements() - subpageMetric.numAvailable());
} finally {
public void testTinySubpageMetric() {
PooledByteBufAllocator allocator = new PooledByteBufAllocator(true, 1, 1, 8192, 11, 0, 0, 0);
ByteBuf buffer = allocator.heapBuffer(1);
try {
PoolArenaMetric metric = allocator.metric().heapArenas().get(0);
PoolSubpageMetric subpageMetric = metric.tinySubpages().get(0);
assertEquals(1, subpageMetric.maxNumElements() - subpageMetric.numAvailable());
} finally {
public void testAllocNotNull() {
PooledByteBufAllocator allocator = new PooledByteBufAllocator(true, 1, 1, 8192, 11, 0, 0, 0);
// Huge allocation
testAllocNotNull(allocator, allocator.metric().chunkSize() + 1);
// Normal allocation
testAllocNotNull(allocator, 1024);
// Small allocation
testAllocNotNull(allocator, 512);
// Tiny allocation
testAllocNotNull(allocator, 1);
private static void testAllocNotNull(PooledByteBufAllocator allocator, int capacity) {
ByteBuf buffer = allocator.heapBuffer(capacity);
public void testFreePoolChunk() {
int chunkSize = 16 * 1024 * 1024;
PooledByteBufAllocator allocator = new PooledByteBufAllocator(true, 1, 0, 8192, 11, 0, 0, 0);
ByteBuf buffer = allocator.heapBuffer(chunkSize);
List<PoolArenaMetric> arenas = allocator.metric().heapArenas();
assertEquals(1, arenas.size());
List<PoolChunkListMetric> lists = arenas.get(0).chunkLists();
assertEquals(6, lists.size());
// Must end up in the 6th PoolChunkList
// Should be completely removed and so all PoolChunkLists must be empty
@Test (timeout = 4000)
public void testThreadCacheDestroyedByThreadCleaner() throws InterruptedException {
@Test (timeout = 4000)
public void testThreadCacheDestroyedAfterExitRun() throws InterruptedException {
private static void testThreadCacheDestroyed(boolean useRunnable) throws InterruptedException {
Change arena to thread cache mapping algorithm to be closer to ideal. Motivation: Circular assignment of arenas to thread caches can lead to less than optimal mappings in cases where threads are (frequently) shutdown and started. Example Scenario: There are a total of 2 arenas. The first two threads performing an allocation would lead to the following mapping: Thread 0 -> Arena 0 Thread 1 -> Arena 1 Now, assume Thread 1 is shut down and another Thread 2 is started. The current circular assignment algorithm would lead to the following mapping: Thread 0 -> Arena 0 Thread 2 -> Arena 0 Ideally, we want Thread 2 to use Arena 1 though. Presumably, this is not much of an issue for most Netty applications that do all the allocations inside the eventloop, as eventloop threads are seldomly shut down and restarted. However, applications that only use the netty-buffer package or implement their own threading model outside the eventloop might suffer from increased contention. For example, gRPC Java when using the blocking stub performs some allocations outside the eventloop and within its own thread pool that is dynamically sized depending on system load. Modifications: Implement a linear scan algorithm that assigns a new thread cache to the arena that currently backs the fewest thread caches. Result: Closer to ideal mappings between thread caches and arenas. In order to always get an ideal mapping, we would have to re-balance the mapping whenever a thread dies. However, that's difficult because of deallocation.
2016-03-14 17:25:43 +01:00
int numArenas = 11;
final PooledByteBufAllocator allocator =
new PooledByteBufAllocator(numArenas, numArenas, 8192, 1);
final AtomicBoolean threadCachesCreated = new AtomicBoolean(true);
final Runnable task = new Runnable() {
public void run() {
ByteBuf buf = allocator.newHeapBuffer(1024, 1024);
for (int i = 0; i < buf.capacity(); i++) {
Change arena to thread cache mapping algorithm to be closer to ideal. Motivation: Circular assignment of arenas to thread caches can lead to less than optimal mappings in cases where threads are (frequently) shutdown and started. Example Scenario: There are a total of 2 arenas. The first two threads performing an allocation would lead to the following mapping: Thread 0 -> Arena 0 Thread 1 -> Arena 1 Now, assume Thread 1 is shut down and another Thread 2 is started. The current circular assignment algorithm would lead to the following mapping: Thread 0 -> Arena 0 Thread 2 -> Arena 0 Ideally, we want Thread 2 to use Arena 1 though. Presumably, this is not much of an issue for most Netty applications that do all the allocations inside the eventloop, as eventloop threads are seldomly shut down and restarted. However, applications that only use the netty-buffer package or implement their own threading model outside the eventloop might suffer from increased contention. For example, gRPC Java when using the blocking stub performs some allocations outside the eventloop and within its own thread pool that is dynamically sized depending on system load. Modifications: Implement a linear scan algorithm that assigns a new thread cache to the arena that currently backs the fewest thread caches. Result: Closer to ideal mappings between thread caches and arenas. In order to always get an ideal mapping, we would have to re-balance the mapping whenever a thread dies. However, that's difficult because of deallocation.
2016-03-14 17:25:43 +01:00
// Make sure that thread caches are actually created,
// so that down below we are not testing for zero
// thread caches without any of them ever having been initialized.
if (allocator.metric().numThreadLocalCaches() == 0) {
Change arena to thread cache mapping algorithm to be closer to ideal. Motivation: Circular assignment of arenas to thread caches can lead to less than optimal mappings in cases where threads are (frequently) shutdown and started. Example Scenario: There are a total of 2 arenas. The first two threads performing an allocation would lead to the following mapping: Thread 0 -> Arena 0 Thread 1 -> Arena 1 Now, assume Thread 1 is shut down and another Thread 2 is started. The current circular assignment algorithm would lead to the following mapping: Thread 0 -> Arena 0 Thread 2 -> Arena 0 Ideally, we want Thread 2 to use Arena 1 though. Presumably, this is not much of an issue for most Netty applications that do all the allocations inside the eventloop, as eventloop threads are seldomly shut down and restarted. However, applications that only use the netty-buffer package or implement their own threading model outside the eventloop might suffer from increased contention. For example, gRPC Java when using the blocking stub performs some allocations outside the eventloop and within its own thread pool that is dynamically sized depending on system load. Modifications: Implement a linear scan algorithm that assigns a new thread cache to the arena that currently backs the fewest thread caches. Result: Closer to ideal mappings between thread caches and arenas. In order to always get an ideal mapping, we would have to re-balance the mapping whenever a thread dies. However, that's difficult because of deallocation.
2016-03-14 17:25:43 +01:00
for (int i = 0; i < numArenas; i++) {
final FastThreadLocalThread thread;
if (useRunnable) {
thread = new FastThreadLocalThread(task);
} else {
thread = new FastThreadLocalThread() {
public void run() {;
Change arena to thread cache mapping algorithm to be closer to ideal. Motivation: Circular assignment of arenas to thread caches can lead to less than optimal mappings in cases where threads are (frequently) shutdown and started. Example Scenario: There are a total of 2 arenas. The first two threads performing an allocation would lead to the following mapping: Thread 0 -> Arena 0 Thread 1 -> Arena 1 Now, assume Thread 1 is shut down and another Thread 2 is started. The current circular assignment algorithm would lead to the following mapping: Thread 0 -> Arena 0 Thread 2 -> Arena 0 Ideally, we want Thread 2 to use Arena 1 though. Presumably, this is not much of an issue for most Netty applications that do all the allocations inside the eventloop, as eventloop threads are seldomly shut down and restarted. However, applications that only use the netty-buffer package or implement their own threading model outside the eventloop might suffer from increased contention. For example, gRPC Java when using the blocking stub performs some allocations outside the eventloop and within its own thread pool that is dynamically sized depending on system load. Modifications: Implement a linear scan algorithm that assigns a new thread cache to the arena that currently backs the fewest thread caches. Result: Closer to ideal mappings between thread caches and arenas. In order to always get an ideal mapping, we would have to re-balance the mapping whenever a thread dies. However, that's difficult because of deallocation.
2016-03-14 17:25:43 +01:00
// Wait for the ThreadDeathWatcher to have destroyed all thread caches
while (allocator.metric().numThreadLocalCaches() > 0) {
// Signal we want to have a GC run to ensure we can process our ThreadCleanerReference
Change arena to thread cache mapping algorithm to be closer to ideal. Motivation: Circular assignment of arenas to thread caches can lead to less than optimal mappings in cases where threads are (frequently) shutdown and started. Example Scenario: There are a total of 2 arenas. The first two threads performing an allocation would lead to the following mapping: Thread 0 -> Arena 0 Thread 1 -> Arena 1 Now, assume Thread 1 is shut down and another Thread 2 is started. The current circular assignment algorithm would lead to the following mapping: Thread 0 -> Arena 0 Thread 2 -> Arena 0 Ideally, we want Thread 2 to use Arena 1 though. Presumably, this is not much of an issue for most Netty applications that do all the allocations inside the eventloop, as eventloop threads are seldomly shut down and restarted. However, applications that only use the netty-buffer package or implement their own threading model outside the eventloop might suffer from increased contention. For example, gRPC Java when using the blocking stub performs some allocations outside the eventloop and within its own thread pool that is dynamically sized depending on system load. Modifications: Implement a linear scan algorithm that assigns a new thread cache to the arena that currently backs the fewest thread caches. Result: Closer to ideal mappings between thread caches and arenas. In order to always get an ideal mapping, we would have to re-balance the mapping whenever a thread dies. However, that's difficult because of deallocation.
2016-03-14 17:25:43 +01:00
@Test(timeout = 3000)
public void testNumThreadCachesWithNoDirectArenas() throws InterruptedException {
Change arena to thread cache mapping algorithm to be closer to ideal. Motivation: Circular assignment of arenas to thread caches can lead to less than optimal mappings in cases where threads are (frequently) shutdown and started. Example Scenario: There are a total of 2 arenas. The first two threads performing an allocation would lead to the following mapping: Thread 0 -> Arena 0 Thread 1 -> Arena 1 Now, assume Thread 1 is shut down and another Thread 2 is started. The current circular assignment algorithm would lead to the following mapping: Thread 0 -> Arena 0 Thread 2 -> Arena 0 Ideally, we want Thread 2 to use Arena 1 though. Presumably, this is not much of an issue for most Netty applications that do all the allocations inside the eventloop, as eventloop threads are seldomly shut down and restarted. However, applications that only use the netty-buffer package or implement their own threading model outside the eventloop might suffer from increased contention. For example, gRPC Java when using the blocking stub performs some allocations outside the eventloop and within its own thread pool that is dynamically sized depending on system load. Modifications: Implement a linear scan algorithm that assigns a new thread cache to the arena that currently backs the fewest thread caches. Result: Closer to ideal mappings between thread caches and arenas. In order to always get an ideal mapping, we would have to re-balance the mapping whenever a thread dies. However, that's difficult because of deallocation.
2016-03-14 17:25:43 +01:00
int numHeapArenas = 1;
final PooledByteBufAllocator allocator =
new PooledByteBufAllocator(numHeapArenas, 0, 8192, 1);
ThreadCache tcache0 = createNewThreadCache(allocator);
assertEquals(1, allocator.metric().numThreadLocalCaches());
Change arena to thread cache mapping algorithm to be closer to ideal. Motivation: Circular assignment of arenas to thread caches can lead to less than optimal mappings in cases where threads are (frequently) shutdown and started. Example Scenario: There are a total of 2 arenas. The first two threads performing an allocation would lead to the following mapping: Thread 0 -> Arena 0 Thread 1 -> Arena 1 Now, assume Thread 1 is shut down and another Thread 2 is started. The current circular assignment algorithm would lead to the following mapping: Thread 0 -> Arena 0 Thread 2 -> Arena 0 Ideally, we want Thread 2 to use Arena 1 though. Presumably, this is not much of an issue for most Netty applications that do all the allocations inside the eventloop, as eventloop threads are seldomly shut down and restarted. However, applications that only use the netty-buffer package or implement their own threading model outside the eventloop might suffer from increased contention. For example, gRPC Java when using the blocking stub performs some allocations outside the eventloop and within its own thread pool that is dynamically sized depending on system load. Modifications: Implement a linear scan algorithm that assigns a new thread cache to the arena that currently backs the fewest thread caches. Result: Closer to ideal mappings between thread caches and arenas. In order to always get an ideal mapping, we would have to re-balance the mapping whenever a thread dies. However, that's difficult because of deallocation.
2016-03-14 17:25:43 +01:00
ThreadCache tcache1 = createNewThreadCache(allocator);
assertEquals(2, allocator.metric().numThreadLocalCaches());
Change arena to thread cache mapping algorithm to be closer to ideal. Motivation: Circular assignment of arenas to thread caches can lead to less than optimal mappings in cases where threads are (frequently) shutdown and started. Example Scenario: There are a total of 2 arenas. The first two threads performing an allocation would lead to the following mapping: Thread 0 -> Arena 0 Thread 1 -> Arena 1 Now, assume Thread 1 is shut down and another Thread 2 is started. The current circular assignment algorithm would lead to the following mapping: Thread 0 -> Arena 0 Thread 2 -> Arena 0 Ideally, we want Thread 2 to use Arena 1 though. Presumably, this is not much of an issue for most Netty applications that do all the allocations inside the eventloop, as eventloop threads are seldomly shut down and restarted. However, applications that only use the netty-buffer package or implement their own threading model outside the eventloop might suffer from increased contention. For example, gRPC Java when using the blocking stub performs some allocations outside the eventloop and within its own thread pool that is dynamically sized depending on system load. Modifications: Implement a linear scan algorithm that assigns a new thread cache to the arena that currently backs the fewest thread caches. Result: Closer to ideal mappings between thread caches and arenas. In order to always get an ideal mapping, we would have to re-balance the mapping whenever a thread dies. However, that's difficult because of deallocation.
2016-03-14 17:25:43 +01:00
assertEquals(1, allocator.metric().numThreadLocalCaches());
Change arena to thread cache mapping algorithm to be closer to ideal. Motivation: Circular assignment of arenas to thread caches can lead to less than optimal mappings in cases where threads are (frequently) shutdown and started. Example Scenario: There are a total of 2 arenas. The first two threads performing an allocation would lead to the following mapping: Thread 0 -> Arena 0 Thread 1 -> Arena 1 Now, assume Thread 1 is shut down and another Thread 2 is started. The current circular assignment algorithm would lead to the following mapping: Thread 0 -> Arena 0 Thread 2 -> Arena 0 Ideally, we want Thread 2 to use Arena 1 though. Presumably, this is not much of an issue for most Netty applications that do all the allocations inside the eventloop, as eventloop threads are seldomly shut down and restarted. However, applications that only use the netty-buffer package or implement their own threading model outside the eventloop might suffer from increased contention. For example, gRPC Java when using the blocking stub performs some allocations outside the eventloop and within its own thread pool that is dynamically sized depending on system load. Modifications: Implement a linear scan algorithm that assigns a new thread cache to the arena that currently backs the fewest thread caches. Result: Closer to ideal mappings between thread caches and arenas. In order to always get an ideal mapping, we would have to re-balance the mapping whenever a thread dies. However, that's difficult because of deallocation.
2016-03-14 17:25:43 +01:00
assertEquals(0, allocator.metric().numThreadLocalCaches());
Change arena to thread cache mapping algorithm to be closer to ideal. Motivation: Circular assignment of arenas to thread caches can lead to less than optimal mappings in cases where threads are (frequently) shutdown and started. Example Scenario: There are a total of 2 arenas. The first two threads performing an allocation would lead to the following mapping: Thread 0 -> Arena 0 Thread 1 -> Arena 1 Now, assume Thread 1 is shut down and another Thread 2 is started. The current circular assignment algorithm would lead to the following mapping: Thread 0 -> Arena 0 Thread 2 -> Arena 0 Ideally, we want Thread 2 to use Arena 1 though. Presumably, this is not much of an issue for most Netty applications that do all the allocations inside the eventloop, as eventloop threads are seldomly shut down and restarted. However, applications that only use the netty-buffer package or implement their own threading model outside the eventloop might suffer from increased contention. For example, gRPC Java when using the blocking stub performs some allocations outside the eventloop and within its own thread pool that is dynamically sized depending on system load. Modifications: Implement a linear scan algorithm that assigns a new thread cache to the arena that currently backs the fewest thread caches. Result: Closer to ideal mappings between thread caches and arenas. In order to always get an ideal mapping, we would have to re-balance the mapping whenever a thread dies. However, that's difficult because of deallocation.
2016-03-14 17:25:43 +01:00
@Test(timeout = 3000)
Change arena to thread cache mapping algorithm to be closer to ideal. Motivation: Circular assignment of arenas to thread caches can lead to less than optimal mappings in cases where threads are (frequently) shutdown and started. Example Scenario: There are a total of 2 arenas. The first two threads performing an allocation would lead to the following mapping: Thread 0 -> Arena 0 Thread 1 -> Arena 1 Now, assume Thread 1 is shut down and another Thread 2 is started. The current circular assignment algorithm would lead to the following mapping: Thread 0 -> Arena 0 Thread 2 -> Arena 0 Ideally, we want Thread 2 to use Arena 1 though. Presumably, this is not much of an issue for most Netty applications that do all the allocations inside the eventloop, as eventloop threads are seldomly shut down and restarted. However, applications that only use the netty-buffer package or implement their own threading model outside the eventloop might suffer from increased contention. For example, gRPC Java when using the blocking stub performs some allocations outside the eventloop and within its own thread pool that is dynamically sized depending on system load. Modifications: Implement a linear scan algorithm that assigns a new thread cache to the arena that currently backs the fewest thread caches. Result: Closer to ideal mappings between thread caches and arenas. In order to always get an ideal mapping, we would have to re-balance the mapping whenever a thread dies. However, that's difficult because of deallocation.
2016-03-14 17:25:43 +01:00
public void testThreadCacheToArenaMappings() throws InterruptedException {
int numArenas = 2;
final PooledByteBufAllocator allocator =
new PooledByteBufAllocator(numArenas, numArenas, 8192, 1);
ThreadCache tcache0 = createNewThreadCache(allocator);
ThreadCache tcache1 = createNewThreadCache(allocator);
assertEquals(2, allocator.metric().numThreadLocalCaches());
assertEquals(1, allocator.metric().heapArenas().get(0).numThreadCaches());
assertEquals(1, allocator.metric().heapArenas().get(1).numThreadCaches());
assertEquals(1, allocator.metric().directArenas().get(0).numThreadCaches());
assertEquals(1, allocator.metric().directArenas().get(0).numThreadCaches());
Change arena to thread cache mapping algorithm to be closer to ideal. Motivation: Circular assignment of arenas to thread caches can lead to less than optimal mappings in cases where threads are (frequently) shutdown and started. Example Scenario: There are a total of 2 arenas. The first two threads performing an allocation would lead to the following mapping: Thread 0 -> Arena 0 Thread 1 -> Arena 1 Now, assume Thread 1 is shut down and another Thread 2 is started. The current circular assignment algorithm would lead to the following mapping: Thread 0 -> Arena 0 Thread 2 -> Arena 0 Ideally, we want Thread 2 to use Arena 1 though. Presumably, this is not much of an issue for most Netty applications that do all the allocations inside the eventloop, as eventloop threads are seldomly shut down and restarted. However, applications that only use the netty-buffer package or implement their own threading model outside the eventloop might suffer from increased contention. For example, gRPC Java when using the blocking stub performs some allocations outside the eventloop and within its own thread pool that is dynamically sized depending on system load. Modifications: Implement a linear scan algorithm that assigns a new thread cache to the arena that currently backs the fewest thread caches. Result: Closer to ideal mappings between thread caches and arenas. In order to always get an ideal mapping, we would have to re-balance the mapping whenever a thread dies. However, that's difficult because of deallocation.
2016-03-14 17:25:43 +01:00
assertEquals(1, allocator.metric().numThreadLocalCaches());
assertEquals(1, allocator.metric().heapArenas().get(0).numThreadCaches());
assertEquals(0, allocator.metric().heapArenas().get(1).numThreadCaches());
assertEquals(1, allocator.metric().directArenas().get(0).numThreadCaches());
assertEquals(0, allocator.metric().directArenas().get(1).numThreadCaches());
Change arena to thread cache mapping algorithm to be closer to ideal. Motivation: Circular assignment of arenas to thread caches can lead to less than optimal mappings in cases where threads are (frequently) shutdown and started. Example Scenario: There are a total of 2 arenas. The first two threads performing an allocation would lead to the following mapping: Thread 0 -> Arena 0 Thread 1 -> Arena 1 Now, assume Thread 1 is shut down and another Thread 2 is started. The current circular assignment algorithm would lead to the following mapping: Thread 0 -> Arena 0 Thread 2 -> Arena 0 Ideally, we want Thread 2 to use Arena 1 though. Presumably, this is not much of an issue for most Netty applications that do all the allocations inside the eventloop, as eventloop threads are seldomly shut down and restarted. However, applications that only use the netty-buffer package or implement their own threading model outside the eventloop might suffer from increased contention. For example, gRPC Java when using the blocking stub performs some allocations outside the eventloop and within its own thread pool that is dynamically sized depending on system load. Modifications: Implement a linear scan algorithm that assigns a new thread cache to the arena that currently backs the fewest thread caches. Result: Closer to ideal mappings between thread caches and arenas. In order to always get an ideal mapping, we would have to re-balance the mapping whenever a thread dies. However, that's difficult because of deallocation.
2016-03-14 17:25:43 +01:00
ThreadCache tcache2 = createNewThreadCache(allocator);
assertEquals(2, allocator.metric().numThreadLocalCaches());
assertEquals(1, allocator.metric().heapArenas().get(0).numThreadCaches());
assertEquals(1, allocator.metric().heapArenas().get(1).numThreadCaches());
assertEquals(1, allocator.metric().directArenas().get(0).numThreadCaches());
assertEquals(1, allocator.metric().directArenas().get(1).numThreadCaches());
Change arena to thread cache mapping algorithm to be closer to ideal. Motivation: Circular assignment of arenas to thread caches can lead to less than optimal mappings in cases where threads are (frequently) shutdown and started. Example Scenario: There are a total of 2 arenas. The first two threads performing an allocation would lead to the following mapping: Thread 0 -> Arena 0 Thread 1 -> Arena 1 Now, assume Thread 1 is shut down and another Thread 2 is started. The current circular assignment algorithm would lead to the following mapping: Thread 0 -> Arena 0 Thread 2 -> Arena 0 Ideally, we want Thread 2 to use Arena 1 though. Presumably, this is not much of an issue for most Netty applications that do all the allocations inside the eventloop, as eventloop threads are seldomly shut down and restarted. However, applications that only use the netty-buffer package or implement their own threading model outside the eventloop might suffer from increased contention. For example, gRPC Java when using the blocking stub performs some allocations outside the eventloop and within its own thread pool that is dynamically sized depending on system load. Modifications: Implement a linear scan algorithm that assigns a new thread cache to the arena that currently backs the fewest thread caches. Result: Closer to ideal mappings between thread caches and arenas. In order to always get an ideal mapping, we would have to re-balance the mapping whenever a thread dies. However, that's difficult because of deallocation.
2016-03-14 17:25:43 +01:00
assertEquals(1, allocator.metric().numThreadLocalCaches());
Change arena to thread cache mapping algorithm to be closer to ideal. Motivation: Circular assignment of arenas to thread caches can lead to less than optimal mappings in cases where threads are (frequently) shutdown and started. Example Scenario: There are a total of 2 arenas. The first two threads performing an allocation would lead to the following mapping: Thread 0 -> Arena 0 Thread 1 -> Arena 1 Now, assume Thread 1 is shut down and another Thread 2 is started. The current circular assignment algorithm would lead to the following mapping: Thread 0 -> Arena 0 Thread 2 -> Arena 0 Ideally, we want Thread 2 to use Arena 1 though. Presumably, this is not much of an issue for most Netty applications that do all the allocations inside the eventloop, as eventloop threads are seldomly shut down and restarted. However, applications that only use the netty-buffer package or implement their own threading model outside the eventloop might suffer from increased contention. For example, gRPC Java when using the blocking stub performs some allocations outside the eventloop and within its own thread pool that is dynamically sized depending on system load. Modifications: Implement a linear scan algorithm that assigns a new thread cache to the arena that currently backs the fewest thread caches. Result: Closer to ideal mappings between thread caches and arenas. In order to always get an ideal mapping, we would have to re-balance the mapping whenever a thread dies. However, that's difficult because of deallocation.
2016-03-14 17:25:43 +01:00
assertEquals(0, allocator.metric().numThreadLocalCaches());
assertEquals(0, allocator.metric().heapArenas().get(0).numThreadCaches());
assertEquals(0, allocator.metric().heapArenas().get(1).numThreadCaches());
assertEquals(0, allocator.metric().directArenas().get(0).numThreadCaches());
assertEquals(0, allocator.metric().directArenas().get(1).numThreadCaches());
Change arena to thread cache mapping algorithm to be closer to ideal. Motivation: Circular assignment of arenas to thread caches can lead to less than optimal mappings in cases where threads are (frequently) shutdown and started. Example Scenario: There are a total of 2 arenas. The first two threads performing an allocation would lead to the following mapping: Thread 0 -> Arena 0 Thread 1 -> Arena 1 Now, assume Thread 1 is shut down and another Thread 2 is started. The current circular assignment algorithm would lead to the following mapping: Thread 0 -> Arena 0 Thread 2 -> Arena 0 Ideally, we want Thread 2 to use Arena 1 though. Presumably, this is not much of an issue for most Netty applications that do all the allocations inside the eventloop, as eventloop threads are seldomly shut down and restarted. However, applications that only use the netty-buffer package or implement their own threading model outside the eventloop might suffer from increased contention. For example, gRPC Java when using the blocking stub performs some allocations outside the eventloop and within its own thread pool that is dynamically sized depending on system load. Modifications: Implement a linear scan algorithm that assigns a new thread cache to the arena that currently backs the fewest thread caches. Result: Closer to ideal mappings between thread caches and arenas. In order to always get an ideal mapping, we would have to re-balance the mapping whenever a thread dies. However, that's difficult because of deallocation.
2016-03-14 17:25:43 +01:00
private static ThreadCache createNewThreadCache(final PooledByteBufAllocator allocator)
throws InterruptedException {
Change arena to thread cache mapping algorithm to be closer to ideal. Motivation: Circular assignment of arenas to thread caches can lead to less than optimal mappings in cases where threads are (frequently) shutdown and started. Example Scenario: There are a total of 2 arenas. The first two threads performing an allocation would lead to the following mapping: Thread 0 -> Arena 0 Thread 1 -> Arena 1 Now, assume Thread 1 is shut down and another Thread 2 is started. The current circular assignment algorithm would lead to the following mapping: Thread 0 -> Arena 0 Thread 2 -> Arena 0 Ideally, we want Thread 2 to use Arena 1 though. Presumably, this is not much of an issue for most Netty applications that do all the allocations inside the eventloop, as eventloop threads are seldomly shut down and restarted. However, applications that only use the netty-buffer package or implement their own threading model outside the eventloop might suffer from increased contention. For example, gRPC Java when using the blocking stub performs some allocations outside the eventloop and within its own thread pool that is dynamically sized depending on system load. Modifications: Implement a linear scan algorithm that assigns a new thread cache to the arena that currently backs the fewest thread caches. Result: Closer to ideal mappings between thread caches and arenas. In order to always get an ideal mapping, we would have to re-balance the mapping whenever a thread dies. However, that's difficult because of deallocation.
2016-03-14 17:25:43 +01:00
final CountDownLatch latch = new CountDownLatch(1);
final CountDownLatch cacheLatch = new CountDownLatch(1);
final Thread t = new FastThreadLocalThread(new Runnable() {
Change arena to thread cache mapping algorithm to be closer to ideal. Motivation: Circular assignment of arenas to thread caches can lead to less than optimal mappings in cases where threads are (frequently) shutdown and started. Example Scenario: There are a total of 2 arenas. The first two threads performing an allocation would lead to the following mapping: Thread 0 -> Arena 0 Thread 1 -> Arena 1 Now, assume Thread 1 is shut down and another Thread 2 is started. The current circular assignment algorithm would lead to the following mapping: Thread 0 -> Arena 0 Thread 2 -> Arena 0 Ideally, we want Thread 2 to use Arena 1 though. Presumably, this is not much of an issue for most Netty applications that do all the allocations inside the eventloop, as eventloop threads are seldomly shut down and restarted. However, applications that only use the netty-buffer package or implement their own threading model outside the eventloop might suffer from increased contention. For example, gRPC Java when using the blocking stub performs some allocations outside the eventloop and within its own thread pool that is dynamically sized depending on system load. Modifications: Implement a linear scan algorithm that assigns a new thread cache to the arena that currently backs the fewest thread caches. Result: Closer to ideal mappings between thread caches and arenas. In order to always get an ideal mapping, we would have to re-balance the mapping whenever a thread dies. However, that's difficult because of deallocation.
2016-03-14 17:25:43 +01:00
public void run() {
ByteBuf buf = allocator.newHeapBuffer(1024, 1024);
// Countdown the latch after we allocated a buffer. At this point the cache must exists.
Change arena to thread cache mapping algorithm to be closer to ideal. Motivation: Circular assignment of arenas to thread caches can lead to less than optimal mappings in cases where threads are (frequently) shutdown and started. Example Scenario: There are a total of 2 arenas. The first two threads performing an allocation would lead to the following mapping: Thread 0 -> Arena 0 Thread 1 -> Arena 1 Now, assume Thread 1 is shut down and another Thread 2 is started. The current circular assignment algorithm would lead to the following mapping: Thread 0 -> Arena 0 Thread 2 -> Arena 0 Ideally, we want Thread 2 to use Arena 1 though. Presumably, this is not much of an issue for most Netty applications that do all the allocations inside the eventloop, as eventloop threads are seldomly shut down and restarted. However, applications that only use the netty-buffer package or implement their own threading model outside the eventloop might suffer from increased contention. For example, gRPC Java when using the blocking stub performs some allocations outside the eventloop and within its own thread pool that is dynamically sized depending on system load. Modifications: Implement a linear scan algorithm that assigns a new thread cache to the arena that currently backs the fewest thread caches. Result: Closer to ideal mappings between thread caches and arenas. In order to always get an ideal mapping, we would have to re-balance the mapping whenever a thread dies. However, that's difficult because of deallocation.
2016-03-14 17:25:43 +01:00
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
throw new IllegalStateException(e);
// Wait until we allocated a buffer and so be sure the thread was started and the cache exists.
Change arena to thread cache mapping algorithm to be closer to ideal. Motivation: Circular assignment of arenas to thread caches can lead to less than optimal mappings in cases where threads are (frequently) shutdown and started. Example Scenario: There are a total of 2 arenas. The first two threads performing an allocation would lead to the following mapping: Thread 0 -> Arena 0 Thread 1 -> Arena 1 Now, assume Thread 1 is shut down and another Thread 2 is started. The current circular assignment algorithm would lead to the following mapping: Thread 0 -> Arena 0 Thread 2 -> Arena 0 Ideally, we want Thread 2 to use Arena 1 though. Presumably, this is not much of an issue for most Netty applications that do all the allocations inside the eventloop, as eventloop threads are seldomly shut down and restarted. However, applications that only use the netty-buffer package or implement their own threading model outside the eventloop might suffer from increased contention. For example, gRPC Java when using the blocking stub performs some allocations outside the eventloop and within its own thread pool that is dynamically sized depending on system load. Modifications: Implement a linear scan algorithm that assigns a new thread cache to the arena that currently backs the fewest thread caches. Result: Closer to ideal mappings between thread caches and arenas. In order to always get an ideal mapping, we would have to re-balance the mapping whenever a thread dies. However, that's difficult because of deallocation.
2016-03-14 17:25:43 +01:00
return new ThreadCache() {
public void destroy() throws InterruptedException {
private interface ThreadCache {
void destroy() throws InterruptedException;
Change arena to thread cache mapping algorithm to be closer to ideal. Motivation: Circular assignment of arenas to thread caches can lead to less than optimal mappings in cases where threads are (frequently) shutdown and started. Example Scenario: There are a total of 2 arenas. The first two threads performing an allocation would lead to the following mapping: Thread 0 -> Arena 0 Thread 1 -> Arena 1 Now, assume Thread 1 is shut down and another Thread 2 is started. The current circular assignment algorithm would lead to the following mapping: Thread 0 -> Arena 0 Thread 2 -> Arena 0 Ideally, we want Thread 2 to use Arena 1 though. Presumably, this is not much of an issue for most Netty applications that do all the allocations inside the eventloop, as eventloop threads are seldomly shut down and restarted. However, applications that only use the netty-buffer package or implement their own threading model outside the eventloop might suffer from increased contention. For example, gRPC Java when using the blocking stub performs some allocations outside the eventloop and within its own thread pool that is dynamically sized depending on system load. Modifications: Implement a linear scan algorithm that assigns a new thread cache to the arena that currently backs the fewest thread caches. Result: Closer to ideal mappings between thread caches and arenas. In order to always get an ideal mapping, we would have to re-balance the mapping whenever a thread dies. However, that's difficult because of deallocation.
2016-03-14 17:25:43 +01:00
public void testConcurrentUsage() throws Throwable {
Change arena to thread cache mapping algorithm to be closer to ideal. Motivation: Circular assignment of arenas to thread caches can lead to less than optimal mappings in cases where threads are (frequently) shutdown and started. Example Scenario: There are a total of 2 arenas. The first two threads performing an allocation would lead to the following mapping: Thread 0 -> Arena 0 Thread 1 -> Arena 1 Now, assume Thread 1 is shut down and another Thread 2 is started. The current circular assignment algorithm would lead to the following mapping: Thread 0 -> Arena 0 Thread 2 -> Arena 0 Ideally, we want Thread 2 to use Arena 1 though. Presumably, this is not much of an issue for most Netty applications that do all the allocations inside the eventloop, as eventloop threads are seldomly shut down and restarted. However, applications that only use the netty-buffer package or implement their own threading model outside the eventloop might suffer from increased contention. For example, gRPC Java when using the blocking stub performs some allocations outside the eventloop and within its own thread pool that is dynamically sized depending on system load. Modifications: Implement a linear scan algorithm that assigns a new thread cache to the arena that currently backs the fewest thread caches. Result: Closer to ideal mappings between thread caches and arenas. In order to always get an ideal mapping, we would have to re-balance the mapping whenever a thread dies. However, that's difficult because of deallocation.
2016-03-14 17:25:43 +01:00
long runningTime = MILLISECONDS.toNanos(SystemPropertyUtil.getLong(
"io.netty.buffer.PooledByteBufAllocatorTest.testConcurrentUsageTime", 15000));
// We use no caches and only one arena to maximize the chance of hitting the race-condition we
// had before.
ByteBufAllocator allocator = new PooledByteBufAllocator(true, 1, 1, 8192, 11, 0, 0, 0);
List<AllocationThread> threads = new ArrayList<AllocationThread>();
try {
for (int i = 0; i < 512; i++) {
AllocationThread thread = new AllocationThread(allocator);
long start = System.nanoTime();
while (!isExpired(start, runningTime)) {
} finally {
// First mark all AllocationThreads to complete their work and then wait until these are complete
// and rethrow if there was any error.
for (AllocationThread t : threads) {
for (AllocationThread t: threads) {
private static boolean isExpired(long start, long expireTime) {
return System.nanoTime() - start > expireTime;
private static void checkForErrors(List<AllocationThread> threads) throws Throwable {
for (AllocationThread t : threads) {
if (t.isFinished()) {
private static final class AllocationThread extends Thread {
Change arena to thread cache mapping algorithm to be closer to ideal. Motivation: Circular assignment of arenas to thread caches can lead to less than optimal mappings in cases where threads are (frequently) shutdown and started. Example Scenario: There are a total of 2 arenas. The first two threads performing an allocation would lead to the following mapping: Thread 0 -> Arena 0 Thread 1 -> Arena 1 Now, assume Thread 1 is shut down and another Thread 2 is started. The current circular assignment algorithm would lead to the following mapping: Thread 0 -> Arena 0 Thread 2 -> Arena 0 Ideally, we want Thread 2 to use Arena 1 though. Presumably, this is not much of an issue for most Netty applications that do all the allocations inside the eventloop, as eventloop threads are seldomly shut down and restarted. However, applications that only use the netty-buffer package or implement their own threading model outside the eventloop might suffer from increased contention. For example, gRPC Java when using the blocking stub performs some allocations outside the eventloop and within its own thread pool that is dynamically sized depending on system load. Modifications: Implement a linear scan algorithm that assigns a new thread cache to the arena that currently backs the fewest thread caches. Result: Closer to ideal mappings between thread caches and arenas. In order to always get an ideal mapping, we would have to re-balance the mapping whenever a thread dies. However, that's difficult because of deallocation.
2016-03-14 17:25:43 +01:00
private static final int[] ALLOCATION_SIZES = new int[16 * 1024];
static {
for (int i = 0; i < ALLOCATION_SIZES.length; i++) {
private final Queue<ByteBuf> buffers = new ConcurrentLinkedQueue<ByteBuf>();
private final ByteBufAllocator allocator;
private final AtomicReference<Object> finish = new AtomicReference<Object>();
AllocationThread(ByteBufAllocator allocator) {
this.allocator = allocator;
public void run() {
try {
int idx = 0;
while (finish.get() == null) {
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
} catch (Throwable cause) {
} finally {
private void releaseBuffers() {
for (;;) {
ByteBuf buf = buffers.poll();
if (buf == null) {
boolean isFinished() {
return finish.get() != null;
void markAsFinished() {
finish.compareAndSet(null, Boolean.TRUE);
void joinAndCheckForError() throws Throwable {
try {
// Mark as finish if not already done but ensure we not override the previous set error.
} finally {
void checkForError() throws Throwable {
Object obj = finish.get();
if (obj instanceof Throwable) {
throw (Throwable) obj;