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* Copyright 2014 The Netty Project
* The Netty Project licenses this file to you under the Apache License, version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a
* copy of the License at:
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License
* is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express
* or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
* the License.
package io.netty.handler.codec.http2;
import io.netty.buffer.ByteBuf;
import io.netty.buffer.ByteBufAllocator;
import io.netty.handler.codec.http2.Http2FrameReader.Configuration;
import io.netty.util.internal.PlatformDependent;
import io.netty.util.internal.UnstableApi;
import static io.netty.handler.codec.http2.Http2CodecUtil.DEFAULT_MAX_FRAME_SIZE;
import static io.netty.handler.codec.http2.Http2CodecUtil.FRAME_HEADER_LENGTH;
import static io.netty.handler.codec.http2.Http2CodecUtil.INT_FIELD_LENGTH;
import static io.netty.handler.codec.http2.Http2CodecUtil.PING_FRAME_PAYLOAD_LENGTH;
import static io.netty.handler.codec.http2.Http2CodecUtil.PRIORITY_ENTRY_LENGTH;
import static io.netty.handler.codec.http2.Http2CodecUtil.SETTINGS_INITIAL_WINDOW_SIZE;
import static io.netty.handler.codec.http2.Http2CodecUtil.SETTINGS_MAX_FRAME_SIZE;
import static io.netty.handler.codec.http2.Http2CodecUtil.SETTING_ENTRY_LENGTH;
HTTP/2 Ensure default settings are correctly enforced and interfaces clarified Motivation: The responsibility for retaining the settings values and enforcing the settings constraints is spread out in different areas of the code and may be initialized with different values than the default specified in the RFC. This should not be allowed by default and interfaces which are responsible for maintaining/enforcing settings state should clearly indicate the restrictions that they should only be set by the codec upon receipt of a SETTINGS ACK frame. Modifications: - Encoder, Decoder, and the Headers Encoder/Decoder no longer expose public constructors that allow the default settings to be changed. - Http2HeadersDecoder#maxHeaderSize() exists to provide some bound when headers/continuation frames are being aggregated. However this is roughly the same as SETTINGS_MAX_HEADER_LIST_SIZE (besides the 32 byte octet for each header field) and can be used instead of attempting to keep the two independent values in sync. - Encoding headers now enforces SETTINGS_MAX_HEADER_LIST_SIZE at the octect level. Previously the header encoder compared the number of header key/value pairs against SETTINGS_MAX_HEADER_LIST_SIZE instead of the number of octets (plus 32 bytes overhead). - DefaultHttp2ConnectionDecoder#onData calls shouldIgnoreHeadersOrDataFrame but may swallow exceptions from this method. This means a STREAM_RST frame may not be sent when it should for an unknown stream and thus violate the RFC. The exception is no longer swallowed. Result: Default settings state is enforced and interfaces related to settings state are clarified.
2016-09-16 15:57:33 +02:00
import static io.netty.handler.codec.http2.Http2CodecUtil.headerListSizeExceeded;
import static io.netty.handler.codec.http2.Http2CodecUtil.isMaxFrameSizeValid;
import static io.netty.handler.codec.http2.Http2CodecUtil.readUnsignedInt;
import static io.netty.handler.codec.http2.Http2Error.FLOW_CONTROL_ERROR;
import static io.netty.handler.codec.http2.Http2Error.FRAME_SIZE_ERROR;
import static io.netty.handler.codec.http2.Http2Error.PROTOCOL_ERROR;
import static io.netty.handler.codec.http2.Http2Exception.connectionError;
import static io.netty.handler.codec.http2.Http2Exception.streamError;
import static io.netty.handler.codec.http2.Http2FrameTypes.CONTINUATION;
import static io.netty.handler.codec.http2.Http2FrameTypes.DATA;
import static io.netty.handler.codec.http2.Http2FrameTypes.GO_AWAY;
import static io.netty.handler.codec.http2.Http2FrameTypes.HEADERS;
import static io.netty.handler.codec.http2.Http2FrameTypes.PING;
import static io.netty.handler.codec.http2.Http2FrameTypes.PRIORITY;
import static io.netty.handler.codec.http2.Http2FrameTypes.PUSH_PROMISE;
import static io.netty.handler.codec.http2.Http2FrameTypes.RST_STREAM;
import static io.netty.handler.codec.http2.Http2FrameTypes.SETTINGS;
import static io.netty.handler.codec.http2.Http2FrameTypes.WINDOW_UPDATE;
* A {@link Http2FrameReader} that supports all frame types defined by the HTTP/2 specification.
public class DefaultHttp2FrameReader implements Http2FrameReader, Http2FrameSizePolicy, Configuration {
private final Http2HeadersDecoder headersDecoder;
* {@code true} = reading headers, {@code false} = reading payload.
private boolean readingHeaders = true;
* Once set to {@code true} the value will never change. This is set to {@code true} if an unrecoverable error which
* renders the connection unusable.
private boolean readError;
private byte frameType;
private int streamId;
private Http2Flags flags;
private int payloadLength;
private HeadersContinuation headersContinuation;
private int maxFrameSize;
* Create a new instance.
* <p>
* Header names will be validated.
public DefaultHttp2FrameReader() {
* Create a new instance.
* @param validateHeaders {@code true} to validate headers. {@code false} to not validate headers.
* @see {@link DefaultHttp2HeadersDecoder(boolean)}
public DefaultHttp2FrameReader(boolean validateHeaders) {
this(new DefaultHttp2HeadersDecoder(validateHeaders));
public DefaultHttp2FrameReader(Http2HeadersDecoder headersDecoder) {
this.headersDecoder = headersDecoder;
HTTP/2 Max Header List Size Bug Motivation: If the HPACK Decoder detects that SETTINGS_MAX_HEADER_LIST_SIZE has been violated it aborts immediately and sends a RST_STREAM frame for what ever stream caused the issue. Because HPACK is stateful this means that the HPACK state may become out of sync between peers, and the issue won't be detected until the next headers frame. We should make a best effort to keep processing to keep the HPACK state in sync with our peer, or completely close the connection. If the HPACK Encoder is configured to verify SETTINGS_MAX_HEADER_LIST_SIZE it checks the limit and encodes at the same time. This may result in modifying the HPACK local state but not sending the headers to the peer if SETTINGS_MAX_HEADER_LIST_SIZE is violated. This will also lead to an inconsistency in HPACK state that will be flagged at some later time. Modifications: - HPACK Decoder now has 2 levels of limits related to SETTINGS_MAX_HEADER_LIST_SIZE. The first will attempt to keep processing data and send a RST_STREAM after all data is processed. The second will send a GO_AWAY and close the entire connection. - When the HPACK Encoder enforces SETTINGS_MAX_HEADER_LIST_SIZE it should not modify the HPACK state until the size has been checked. - states that the initial value of SETTINGS_MAX_HEADER_LIST_SIZE is "unlimited". We currently use 8k as a limit. We should honor the specifications default value so we don't unintentionally close a connection before the remote peer is aware of the local settings. - Remove unnecessary object allocation in DefaultHttp2HeadersDecoder and DefaultHttp2HeadersEncoder. Result: Fixes
2017-01-14 02:09:44 +01:00
public Http2HeadersDecoder.Configuration headersConfiguration() {
return headersDecoder.configuration();
public Configuration configuration() {
return this;
public Http2FrameSizePolicy frameSizePolicy() {
return this;
public void maxFrameSize(int max) throws Http2Exception {
if (!isMaxFrameSizeValid(max)) {
throw streamError(streamId, FRAME_SIZE_ERROR,
"Invalid MAX_FRAME_SIZE specified in sent settings: %d", max);
maxFrameSize = max;
public int maxFrameSize() {
return maxFrameSize;
public void close() {
private void closeHeadersContinuation() {
if (headersContinuation != null) {
headersContinuation = null;
public void readFrame(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, ByteBuf input, Http2FrameListener listener)
throws Http2Exception {
if (readError) {
try {
do {
if (readingHeaders) {
if (readingHeaders) {
// Wait until the entire header has arrived.
// The header is complete, fall into the next case to process the payload.
// This is to ensure the proper handling of zero-length payloads. In this
// case, we don't want to loop around because there may be no more data
// available, causing us to exit the loop. Instead, we just want to perform
// the first pass at payload processing now.
processPayloadState(ctx, input, listener);
if (!readingHeaders) {
// Wait until the entire payload has arrived.
} while (input.isReadable());
} catch (Http2Exception e) {
readError = !Http2Exception.isStreamError(e);
throw e;
} catch (RuntimeException e) {
readError = true;
throw e;
} catch (Throwable cause) {
readError = true;
private void processHeaderState(ByteBuf in) throws Http2Exception {
if (in.readableBytes() < FRAME_HEADER_LENGTH) {
// Wait until the entire frame header has been read.
// Read the header and prepare the unmarshaller to read the frame.
payloadLength = in.readUnsignedMedium();
if (payloadLength > maxFrameSize) {
throw connectionError(FRAME_SIZE_ERROR, "Frame length: %d exceeds maximum: %d", payloadLength,
frameType = in.readByte();
flags = new Http2Flags(in.readUnsignedByte());
streamId = readUnsignedInt(in);
// We have consumed the data, next time we read we will be expecting to read the frame payload.
readingHeaders = false;
switch (frameType) {
case DATA:
case PING:
case GO_AWAY:
// Unknown frame type, could be an extension.
private void processPayloadState(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, ByteBuf in, Http2FrameListener listener)
throws Http2Exception {
if (in.readableBytes() < payloadLength) {
// Wait until the entire payload has been read.
// Get a view of the buffer for the size of the payload.
ByteBuf payload = in.readSlice(payloadLength);
// We have consumed the data, next time we read we will be expecting to read a frame header.
readingHeaders = true;
// Read the payload and fire the frame event to the listener.
switch (frameType) {
case DATA:
readDataFrame(ctx, payload, listener);
readHeadersFrame(ctx, payload, listener);
readPriorityFrame(ctx, payload, listener);
readRstStreamFrame(ctx, payload, listener);
readSettingsFrame(ctx, payload, listener);
readPushPromiseFrame(ctx, payload, listener);
case PING:
readPingFrame(ctx, payload, listener);
case GO_AWAY:
readGoAwayFrame(ctx, payload, listener);
readWindowUpdateFrame(ctx, payload, listener);
readContinuationFrame(payload, listener);
readUnknownFrame(ctx, payload, listener);
private void verifyDataFrame() throws Http2Exception {
if (payloadLength < flags.getPaddingPresenceFieldLength()) {
throw streamError(streamId, FRAME_SIZE_ERROR,
"Frame length %d too small.", payloadLength);
private void verifyHeadersFrame() throws Http2Exception {
int requiredLength = flags.getPaddingPresenceFieldLength() + flags.getNumPriorityBytes();
if (payloadLength < requiredLength) {
throw streamError(streamId, FRAME_SIZE_ERROR,
"Frame length too small." + payloadLength);
private void verifyPriorityFrame() throws Http2Exception {
if (payloadLength != PRIORITY_ENTRY_LENGTH) {
throw streamError(streamId, FRAME_SIZE_ERROR,
"Invalid frame length %d.", payloadLength);
private void verifyRstStreamFrame() throws Http2Exception {
if (payloadLength != INT_FIELD_LENGTH) {
throw connectionError(FRAME_SIZE_ERROR, "Invalid frame length %d.", payloadLength);
private void verifySettingsFrame() throws Http2Exception {
if (streamId != 0) {
throw connectionError(PROTOCOL_ERROR, "A stream ID must be zero.");
if (flags.ack() && payloadLength > 0) {
throw connectionError(FRAME_SIZE_ERROR, "Ack settings frame must have an empty payload.");
if (payloadLength % SETTING_ENTRY_LENGTH > 0) {
throw connectionError(FRAME_SIZE_ERROR, "Frame length %d invalid.", payloadLength);
private void verifyPushPromiseFrame() throws Http2Exception {
// Subtract the length of the promised stream ID field, to determine the length of the
// rest of the payload (header block fragment + payload).
int minLength = flags.getPaddingPresenceFieldLength() + INT_FIELD_LENGTH;
if (payloadLength < minLength) {
throw streamError(streamId, FRAME_SIZE_ERROR,
"Frame length %d too small.", payloadLength);
private void verifyPingFrame() throws Http2Exception {
if (streamId != 0) {
throw connectionError(PROTOCOL_ERROR, "A stream ID must be zero.");
if (payloadLength != PING_FRAME_PAYLOAD_LENGTH) {
throw connectionError(FRAME_SIZE_ERROR,
"Frame length %d incorrect size for ping.", payloadLength);
private void verifyGoAwayFrame() throws Http2Exception {
if (streamId != 0) {
throw connectionError(PROTOCOL_ERROR, "A stream ID must be zero.");
if (payloadLength < 8) {
throw connectionError(FRAME_SIZE_ERROR, "Frame length %d too small.", payloadLength);
private void verifyWindowUpdateFrame() throws Http2Exception {
verifyStreamOrConnectionId(streamId, "Stream ID");
if (payloadLength != INT_FIELD_LENGTH) {
throw connectionError(FRAME_SIZE_ERROR, "Invalid frame length %d.", payloadLength);
private void verifyContinuationFrame() throws Http2Exception {
if (headersContinuation == null) {
throw connectionError(PROTOCOL_ERROR, "Received %s frame but not currently processing headers.",
if (streamId != headersContinuation.getStreamId()) {
throw connectionError(PROTOCOL_ERROR, "Continuation stream ID does not match pending headers. "
+ "Expected %d, but received %d.", headersContinuation.getStreamId(), streamId);
if (payloadLength < flags.getPaddingPresenceFieldLength()) {
throw streamError(streamId, FRAME_SIZE_ERROR,
"Frame length %d too small for padding.", payloadLength);
private void verifyUnknownFrame() throws Http2Exception {
private void readDataFrame(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, ByteBuf payload,
Http2FrameListener listener) throws Http2Exception {
int padding = readPadding(payload);
// Determine how much data there is to read by removing the trailing
// padding.
int dataLength = lengthWithoutTrailingPadding(payload.readableBytes(), padding);
ByteBuf data = payload.readSlice(dataLength);
listener.onDataRead(ctx, streamId, data, padding, flags.endOfStream());
private void readHeadersFrame(final ChannelHandlerContext ctx, ByteBuf payload,
Http2FrameListener listener) throws Http2Exception {
final int headersStreamId = streamId;
final Http2Flags headersFlags = flags;
final int padding = readPadding(payload);
// The callback that is invoked is different depending on whether priority information
// is present in the headers frame.
if (flags.priorityPresent()) {
long word1 = payload.readUnsignedInt();
final boolean exclusive = (word1 & 0x80000000L) != 0;
final int streamDependency = (int) (word1 & 0x7FFFFFFFL);
if (streamDependency == streamId) {
throw streamError(streamId, PROTOCOL_ERROR, "A stream cannot depend on itself.");
final short weight = (short) (payload.readUnsignedByte() + 1);
final ByteBuf fragment = payload.readSlice(lengthWithoutTrailingPadding(payload.readableBytes(), padding));
// Create a handler that invokes the listener when the header block is complete.
headersContinuation = new HeadersContinuation() {
public int getStreamId() {
return headersStreamId;
public void processFragment(boolean endOfHeaders, ByteBuf fragment,
Http2FrameListener listener) throws Http2Exception {
final HeadersBlockBuilder hdrBlockBuilder = headersBlockBuilder();
hdrBlockBuilder.addFragment(fragment, ctx.alloc(), endOfHeaders);
if (endOfHeaders) {
listener.onHeadersRead(ctx, headersStreamId, hdrBlockBuilder.headers(), streamDependency,
weight, exclusive, padding, headersFlags.endOfStream());
// Process the initial fragment, invoking the listener's callback if end of headers.
headersContinuation.processFragment(flags.endOfHeaders(), fragment, listener);
// The priority fields are not present in the frame. Prepare a continuation that invokes
// the listener callback without priority information.
headersContinuation = new HeadersContinuation() {
public int getStreamId() {
return headersStreamId;
public void processFragment(boolean endOfHeaders, ByteBuf fragment,
Http2FrameListener listener) throws Http2Exception {
final HeadersBlockBuilder hdrBlockBuilder = headersBlockBuilder();
hdrBlockBuilder.addFragment(fragment, ctx.alloc(), endOfHeaders);
if (endOfHeaders) {
listener.onHeadersRead(ctx, headersStreamId, hdrBlockBuilder.headers(), padding,
// Process the initial fragment, invoking the listener's callback if end of headers.
final ByteBuf fragment = payload.readSlice(lengthWithoutTrailingPadding(payload.readableBytes(), padding));
headersContinuation.processFragment(flags.endOfHeaders(), fragment, listener);
private void resetHeadersContinuationIfEnd(boolean endOfHeaders) {
if (endOfHeaders) {
private void readPriorityFrame(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, ByteBuf payload,
Http2FrameListener listener) throws Http2Exception {
long word1 = payload.readUnsignedInt();
boolean exclusive = (word1 & 0x80000000L) != 0;
int streamDependency = (int) (word1 & 0x7FFFFFFFL);
if (streamDependency == streamId) {
throw streamError(streamId, PROTOCOL_ERROR, "A stream cannot depend on itself.");
short weight = (short) (payload.readUnsignedByte() + 1);
listener.onPriorityRead(ctx, streamId, streamDependency, weight, exclusive);
private void readRstStreamFrame(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, ByteBuf payload,
Http2FrameListener listener) throws Http2Exception {
long errorCode = payload.readUnsignedInt();
listener.onRstStreamRead(ctx, streamId, errorCode);
private void readSettingsFrame(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, ByteBuf payload,
Http2FrameListener listener) throws Http2Exception {
if (flags.ack()) {
} else {
int numSettings = payloadLength / SETTING_ENTRY_LENGTH;
Http2Settings settings = new Http2Settings();
for (int index = 0; index < numSettings; ++index) {
char id = (char) payload.readUnsignedShort();
long value = payload.readUnsignedInt();
try {
settings.put(id, Long.valueOf(value));
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
switch(id) {
throw connectionError(PROTOCOL_ERROR, e, e.getMessage());
throw connectionError(FLOW_CONTROL_ERROR, e, e.getMessage());
throw connectionError(PROTOCOL_ERROR, e, e.getMessage());
listener.onSettingsRead(ctx, settings);
private void readPushPromiseFrame(final ChannelHandlerContext ctx, ByteBuf payload,
Http2FrameListener listener) throws Http2Exception {
final int pushPromiseStreamId = streamId;
final int padding = readPadding(payload);
final int promisedStreamId = readUnsignedInt(payload);
// Create a handler that invokes the listener when the header block is complete.
headersContinuation = new HeadersContinuation() {
public int getStreamId() {
return pushPromiseStreamId;
public void processFragment(boolean endOfHeaders, ByteBuf fragment,
Http2FrameListener listener) throws Http2Exception {
headersBlockBuilder().addFragment(fragment, ctx.alloc(), endOfHeaders);
if (endOfHeaders) {
listener.onPushPromiseRead(ctx, pushPromiseStreamId, promisedStreamId,
headersBlockBuilder().headers(), padding);
// Process the initial fragment, invoking the listener's callback if end of headers.
final ByteBuf fragment = payload.readSlice(lengthWithoutTrailingPadding(payload.readableBytes(), padding));
headersContinuation.processFragment(flags.endOfHeaders(), fragment, listener);
private void readPingFrame(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, ByteBuf payload,
Http2FrameListener listener) throws Http2Exception {
ByteBuf data = payload.readSlice(payload.readableBytes());
if (flags.ack()) {
listener.onPingAckRead(ctx, data);
} else {
listener.onPingRead(ctx, data);
private static void readGoAwayFrame(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, ByteBuf payload,
Http2FrameListener listener) throws Http2Exception {
int lastStreamId = readUnsignedInt(payload);
long errorCode = payload.readUnsignedInt();
ByteBuf debugData = payload.readSlice(payload.readableBytes());
listener.onGoAwayRead(ctx, lastStreamId, errorCode, debugData);
private void readWindowUpdateFrame(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, ByteBuf payload,
Http2FrameListener listener) throws Http2Exception {
int windowSizeIncrement = readUnsignedInt(payload);
if (windowSizeIncrement == 0) {
throw streamError(streamId, PROTOCOL_ERROR,
"Received WINDOW_UPDATE with delta 0 for stream: %d", streamId);
listener.onWindowUpdateRead(ctx, streamId, windowSizeIncrement);
private void readContinuationFrame(ByteBuf payload, Http2FrameListener listener)
throws Http2Exception {
// Process the initial fragment, invoking the listener's callback if end of headers.
final ByteBuf continuationFragment = payload.readSlice(payload.readableBytes());
headersContinuation.processFragment(flags.endOfHeaders(), continuationFragment,
private void readUnknownFrame(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, ByteBuf payload, Http2FrameListener listener)
throws Http2Exception {
payload = payload.readSlice(payload.readableBytes());
listener.onUnknownFrame(ctx, frameType, streamId, flags, payload);
* If padding is present in the payload, reads the next byte as padding. The padding also includes the one byte
* width of the pad length field. Otherwise, returns zero.
private int readPadding(ByteBuf payload) {
if (!flags.paddingPresent()) {
return 0;
return payload.readUnsignedByte() + 1;
private void verifyPadding(int padding) throws Http2Exception {
int len = lengthWithoutTrailingPadding(payloadLength, padding);
if (len < 0) {
throw connectionError(PROTOCOL_ERROR, "Frame payload too small for padding.");
* The padding parameter consists of the 1 byte pad length field and the trailing padding bytes. This method
* returns the number of readable bytes without the trailing padding.
private static int lengthWithoutTrailingPadding(int readableBytes, int padding) {
return padding == 0
? readableBytes
: readableBytes - (padding - 1);
* Base class for processing of HEADERS and PUSH_PROMISE header blocks that potentially span
* multiple frames. The implementation of this interface will perform the final callback to the
* {@link Http2FrameListener} once the end of headers is reached.
private abstract class HeadersContinuation {
private final HeadersBlockBuilder builder = new HeadersBlockBuilder();
* Returns the stream for which headers are currently being processed.
abstract int getStreamId();
* Processes the next fragment for the current header block.
* @param endOfHeaders whether the fragment is the last in the header block.
* @param fragment the fragment of the header block to be added.
* @param listener the listener to be notified if the header block is completed.
abstract void processFragment(boolean endOfHeaders, ByteBuf fragment,
Http2FrameListener listener) throws Http2Exception;
final HeadersBlockBuilder headersBlockBuilder() {
return builder;
* Free any allocated resources.
final void close() {
* Utility class to help with construction of the headers block that may potentially span
* multiple frames.
protected class HeadersBlockBuilder {
private ByteBuf headerBlock;
* The local header size maximum has been exceeded while accumulating bytes.
* @throws Http2Exception A connection error indicating too much data has been received.
private void headerSizeExceeded() throws Http2Exception {
HTTP/2 Max Header List Size Bug Motivation: If the HPACK Decoder detects that SETTINGS_MAX_HEADER_LIST_SIZE has been violated it aborts immediately and sends a RST_STREAM frame for what ever stream caused the issue. Because HPACK is stateful this means that the HPACK state may become out of sync between peers, and the issue won't be detected until the next headers frame. We should make a best effort to keep processing to keep the HPACK state in sync with our peer, or completely close the connection. If the HPACK Encoder is configured to verify SETTINGS_MAX_HEADER_LIST_SIZE it checks the limit and encodes at the same time. This may result in modifying the HPACK local state but not sending the headers to the peer if SETTINGS_MAX_HEADER_LIST_SIZE is violated. This will also lead to an inconsistency in HPACK state that will be flagged at some later time. Modifications: - HPACK Decoder now has 2 levels of limits related to SETTINGS_MAX_HEADER_LIST_SIZE. The first will attempt to keep processing data and send a RST_STREAM after all data is processed. The second will send a GO_AWAY and close the entire connection. - When the HPACK Encoder enforces SETTINGS_MAX_HEADER_LIST_SIZE it should not modify the HPACK state until the size has been checked. - states that the initial value of SETTINGS_MAX_HEADER_LIST_SIZE is "unlimited". We currently use 8k as a limit. We should honor the specifications default value so we don't unintentionally close a connection before the remote peer is aware of the local settings. - Remove unnecessary object allocation in DefaultHttp2HeadersDecoder and DefaultHttp2HeadersEncoder. Result: Fixes
2017-01-14 02:09:44 +01:00
* Adds a fragment to the block.
* @param fragment the fragment of the headers block to be added.
* @param alloc allocator for new blocks if needed.
* @param endOfHeaders flag indicating whether the current frame is the end of the headers.
* This is used for an optimization for when the first fragment is the full
* block. In that case, the buffer is used directly without copying.
final void addFragment(ByteBuf fragment, ByteBufAllocator alloc, boolean endOfHeaders) throws Http2Exception {
if (headerBlock == null) {
HTTP/2 Max Header List Size Bug Motivation: If the HPACK Decoder detects that SETTINGS_MAX_HEADER_LIST_SIZE has been violated it aborts immediately and sends a RST_STREAM frame for what ever stream caused the issue. Because HPACK is stateful this means that the HPACK state may become out of sync between peers, and the issue won't be detected until the next headers frame. We should make a best effort to keep processing to keep the HPACK state in sync with our peer, or completely close the connection. If the HPACK Encoder is configured to verify SETTINGS_MAX_HEADER_LIST_SIZE it checks the limit and encodes at the same time. This may result in modifying the HPACK local state but not sending the headers to the peer if SETTINGS_MAX_HEADER_LIST_SIZE is violated. This will also lead to an inconsistency in HPACK state that will be flagged at some later time. Modifications: - HPACK Decoder now has 2 levels of limits related to SETTINGS_MAX_HEADER_LIST_SIZE. The first will attempt to keep processing data and send a RST_STREAM after all data is processed. The second will send a GO_AWAY and close the entire connection. - When the HPACK Encoder enforces SETTINGS_MAX_HEADER_LIST_SIZE it should not modify the HPACK state until the size has been checked. - states that the initial value of SETTINGS_MAX_HEADER_LIST_SIZE is "unlimited". We currently use 8k as a limit. We should honor the specifications default value so we don't unintentionally close a connection before the remote peer is aware of the local settings. - Remove unnecessary object allocation in DefaultHttp2HeadersDecoder and DefaultHttp2HeadersEncoder. Result: Fixes
2017-01-14 02:09:44 +01:00
if (fragment.readableBytes() > headersDecoder.configuration().maxHeaderListSizeGoAway()) {
if (endOfHeaders) {
// Optimization - don't bother copying, just use the buffer as-is. Need
// to retain since we release when the header block is built.
headerBlock = fragment.retain();
} else {
headerBlock = alloc.buffer(fragment.readableBytes());
HTTP/2 Max Header List Size Bug Motivation: If the HPACK Decoder detects that SETTINGS_MAX_HEADER_LIST_SIZE has been violated it aborts immediately and sends a RST_STREAM frame for what ever stream caused the issue. Because HPACK is stateful this means that the HPACK state may become out of sync between peers, and the issue won't be detected until the next headers frame. We should make a best effort to keep processing to keep the HPACK state in sync with our peer, or completely close the connection. If the HPACK Encoder is configured to verify SETTINGS_MAX_HEADER_LIST_SIZE it checks the limit and encodes at the same time. This may result in modifying the HPACK local state but not sending the headers to the peer if SETTINGS_MAX_HEADER_LIST_SIZE is violated. This will also lead to an inconsistency in HPACK state that will be flagged at some later time. Modifications: - HPACK Decoder now has 2 levels of limits related to SETTINGS_MAX_HEADER_LIST_SIZE. The first will attempt to keep processing data and send a RST_STREAM after all data is processed. The second will send a GO_AWAY and close the entire connection. - When the HPACK Encoder enforces SETTINGS_MAX_HEADER_LIST_SIZE it should not modify the HPACK state until the size has been checked. - states that the initial value of SETTINGS_MAX_HEADER_LIST_SIZE is "unlimited". We currently use 8k as a limit. We should honor the specifications default value so we don't unintentionally close a connection before the remote peer is aware of the local settings. - Remove unnecessary object allocation in DefaultHttp2HeadersDecoder and DefaultHttp2HeadersEncoder. Result: Fixes
2017-01-14 02:09:44 +01:00
if (headersDecoder.configuration().maxHeaderListSizeGoAway() - fragment.readableBytes() <
headerBlock.readableBytes()) {
if (headerBlock.isWritable(fragment.readableBytes())) {
// The buffer can hold the requested bytes, just write it directly.
} else {
// Allocate a new buffer that is big enough to hold the entire header block so far.
ByteBuf buf = alloc.buffer(headerBlock.readableBytes() + fragment.readableBytes());
headerBlock = buf;
* Builds the headers from the completed headers block. After this is called, this builder
* should not be called again.
Http2Headers headers() throws Http2Exception {
try {
HTTP/2 Ensure default settings are correctly enforced and interfaces clarified Motivation: The responsibility for retaining the settings values and enforcing the settings constraints is spread out in different areas of the code and may be initialized with different values than the default specified in the RFC. This should not be allowed by default and interfaces which are responsible for maintaining/enforcing settings state should clearly indicate the restrictions that they should only be set by the codec upon receipt of a SETTINGS ACK frame. Modifications: - Encoder, Decoder, and the Headers Encoder/Decoder no longer expose public constructors that allow the default settings to be changed. - Http2HeadersDecoder#maxHeaderSize() exists to provide some bound when headers/continuation frames are being aggregated. However this is roughly the same as SETTINGS_MAX_HEADER_LIST_SIZE (besides the 32 byte octet for each header field) and can be used instead of attempting to keep the two independent values in sync. - Encoding headers now enforces SETTINGS_MAX_HEADER_LIST_SIZE at the octect level. Previously the header encoder compared the number of header key/value pairs against SETTINGS_MAX_HEADER_LIST_SIZE instead of the number of octets (plus 32 bytes overhead). - DefaultHttp2ConnectionDecoder#onData calls shouldIgnoreHeadersOrDataFrame but may swallow exceptions from this method. This means a STREAM_RST frame may not be sent when it should for an unknown stream and thus violate the RFC. The exception is no longer swallowed. Result: Default settings state is enforced and interfaces related to settings state are clarified.
2016-09-16 15:57:33 +02:00
return headersDecoder.decodeHeaders(streamId, headerBlock);
} finally {
* Closes this builder and frees any resources.
void close() {
if (headerBlock != null) {
headerBlock = null;
// Clear the member variable pointing at this instance.
headersContinuation = null;
* Verify that current state is not processing on header block
* @throws Http2Exception thrown if {@link #headersContinuation} is not null
private void verifyNotProcessingHeaders() throws Http2Exception {
if (headersContinuation != null) {
throw connectionError(PROTOCOL_ERROR, "Received frame of type %s while processing headers on stream %d.",
frameType, headersContinuation.getStreamId());
private void verifyPayloadLength(int payloadLength) throws Http2Exception {
if (payloadLength > maxFrameSize) {
throw connectionError(PROTOCOL_ERROR, "Total payload length %d exceeds max frame length.", payloadLength);
private void verifyAssociatedWithAStream() throws Http2Exception {
if (streamId == 0) {
throw connectionError(PROTOCOL_ERROR, "Frame of type %s must be associated with a stream.", frameType);
private static void verifyStreamOrConnectionId(int streamId, String argumentName)
throws Http2Exception {
if (streamId < 0) {
throw connectionError(PROTOCOL_ERROR, "%s must be >= 0", argumentName);