Fix netty-all artifact (#11274)


612ab58448 did change the way how netty-all was produced by unfortunally it messed up the dependency graph for our native artifacts. This commit reverts changes done by 612ab58448 and also clean up the profiles


netty-all is useable again


This commit is contained in:
Norman Maurer 2021-05-19 11:12:52 +02:00
parent c56e5e6e4f
commit 0d30e7a627

View File

@ -66,24 +66,28 @@
@ -98,24 +102,28 @@
@ -138,17 +146,20 @@
<!-- Just include the classes for the other platform so these are at least present in the netty-all artifact -->
@ -170,6 +181,7 @@
@ -177,12 +189,14 @@
<!-- Just include the classes for the other platform so these are at least present in the netty-all artifact -->
@ -202,17 +216,20 @@
<!-- Just include the classes for the other platform so these are at least present in the netty-all artifact -->
@ -232,240 +249,383 @@
<!-- Just include the classes for the other platform so these are at least present in the netty-all artifact -->
<!-- Only include in full profile as this will not work on Java9 yet -->
<!-- -->
<!-- Generate Xref -->
<docTitle>Netty Source Xref (${project.version})</docTitle>
<windowTitle>Netty Source Xref (${project.version})</windowTitle>
<!-- Generate Javadoc -->
<doctitle>Netty API Reference (${project.version})</doctitle>
<windowtitle>Netty API Reference (${project.version})</windowtitle>
-group "Low-level data representation" io.netty.buffer*
-group "Central interface for all I/O operations"*
-group "Client &amp; Server bootstrapping utilities" io.netty.bootstrap*
-group "Reusable I/O event interceptors" io.netty.handler*
-group "Miscellaneous" io.netty.util*
<!-- All release modules -->
<!-- Populate the properties whose key is groupId:artifactId:type
and whose value is the path to the artifact -->
<!-- Unpack all source files -->
<!-- Unpack all class files -->
<!-- Instead of generating a new version property file, merge others' version property files into one. -->
<taskdef resource="net/sf/antcontrib/antlib.xml" />
<propertyselector property="versions" match="^(${project.groupId}:(?!netty-example)[^:]+:jar(?::[^:]+)?)$" select="\1" />
<for list="${versions}" param="x">
<unzip src="${@{x}}" dest="${dependencyVersionsDir}">
<include name="META-INF/${project.groupId}" />
<concat destfile="${}/META-INF/${project.groupId}" append="true">
<path path="${dependencyVersionsDir}/META-INF/${project.groupId}" />
<delete dir="${dependencyVersionsDir}" quiet="true" />
<!-- Clean everything once finished so that IDE doesn't find the unpacked files. -->
<delete dir="${generatedSourceDir}" quiet="true" />
<delete dir="${dependencyVersionsDir}" quiet="true" />
<delete dir="${}" quiet="true" />
<!-- Include the directory where the source files were unpacked -->
<!-- Disable OSGi bundle manifest generation -->
<!-- Override the default JAR configuration -->
<!-- Disable animal sniffer -->
<!-- Disable checkstyle -->
<!-- Disable all plugin executions configured by jar packaging -->