Added PROXY Protocol TLV support
Motivation: The current PROXY protocol implementation does not have support for optional Type-Length-Value fields. This pull requests adds the TLV values as specified in the PROXY protocol specification ( and adds support for arbitrary TLVs. Modifications: The existing HAProxyMessage implements an additional TLV reading operation. A small bug in the AF_UNIX reader which didn’t set the reader index correctly was also fixed. Result: The PROXY protocol supports TLVs
This commit is contained in:
@ -21,6 +21,10 @@ import io.netty.util.ByteProcessor;
import io.netty.util.CharsetUtil;
import io.netty.util.NetUtil;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
* Message container for decoded HAProxy proxy protocol parameters
@ -54,6 +58,7 @@ public final class HAProxyMessage {
private final String destinationAddress;
private final int sourcePort;
private final int destinationPort;
private final List<HAProxyTLV> tlvs;
* Creates a new instance
@ -73,6 +78,18 @@ public final class HAProxyMessage {
HAProxyProtocolVersion protocolVersion, HAProxyCommand command, HAProxyProxiedProtocol proxiedProtocol,
String sourceAddress, String destinationAddress, int sourcePort, int destinationPort) {
this(protocolVersion, command, proxiedProtocol,
sourceAddress, destinationAddress, sourcePort, destinationPort, Collections.<HAProxyTLV>emptyList());
* Creates a new instance
private HAProxyMessage(
HAProxyProtocolVersion protocolVersion, HAProxyCommand command, HAProxyProxiedProtocol proxiedProtocol,
String sourceAddress, String destinationAddress, int sourcePort, int destinationPort,
List<HAProxyTLV> tlvs) {
if (proxiedProtocol == null) {
throw new NullPointerException("proxiedProtocol");
@ -90,6 +107,7 @@ public final class HAProxyMessage {
this.destinationAddress = destinationAddress;
this.sourcePort = sourcePort;
this.destinationPort = destinationPort;
this.tlvs = Collections.unmodifiableList(tlvs);
@ -214,7 +232,71 @@ public final class HAProxyMessage {
dstPort = header.readUnsignedShort();
return new HAProxyMessage(ver, cmd, protAndFam, srcAddress, dstAddress, srcPort, dstPort);
final List<HAProxyTLV> tlvs = readTlvs(header);
return new HAProxyMessage(ver, cmd, protAndFam, srcAddress, dstAddress, srcPort, dstPort, tlvs);
private static List<HAProxyTLV> readTlvs(final ByteBuf header) {
HAProxyTLV haProxyTLV = readNextTLV(header);
if (haProxyTLV == null) {
return Collections.emptyList();
// In most cases there are less than 4 TLVs available
List<HAProxyTLV> haProxyTLVs = new ArrayList<HAProxyTLV>(4);
do {
if (haProxyTLV instanceof HAProxySSLTLV) {
haProxyTLVs.addAll(((HAProxySSLTLV) haProxyTLV).encapsulatedTLVs());
} while ((haProxyTLV = readNextTLV(header)) != null);
return haProxyTLVs;
private static HAProxyTLV readNextTLV(final ByteBuf header) {
// We need at least 4 bytes for a TLV
if (header.readableBytes() < 4) {
return null;
final byte typeAsByte = header.readByte();
final HAProxyTLV.Type type = HAProxyTLV.Type.typeForByteValue(typeAsByte);
final int length = header.readUnsignedShort();
switch (type) {
case PP2_TYPE_SSL:
final ByteBuf rawContent = header.retainedSlice(header.readerIndex(), length);
final ByteBuf byteBuf = header.readSlice(length);
final byte client = byteBuf.readByte();
final int verify = byteBuf.readInt();
if (byteBuf.readableBytes() >= 4) {
final List<HAProxyTLV> encapsulatedTlvs = new ArrayList<HAProxyTLV>(4);
do {
final HAProxyTLV haProxyTLV = readNextTLV(byteBuf);
if (haProxyTLV == null) {
} while (byteBuf.readableBytes() >= 4);
return new HAProxySSLTLV(verify, client, encapsulatedTlvs, rawContent);
return new HAProxySSLTLV(verify, client, Collections.<HAProxyTLV>emptyList(), rawContent);
// If we're not dealing with a SSL Type, we can use the same mechanism
case OTHER:
return new HAProxyTLV(type, typeAsByte, header.readRetainedSlice(length));
return null;
@ -428,4 +510,13 @@ public final class HAProxyMessage {
public int destinationPort() {
return destinationPort;
* Returns a list of {@link HAProxyTLV} or an empty list if no TLVs are present.
* <p>
* TLVs are only available for the Proxy Protocol V2
public List<HAProxyTLV> tlvs() {
return tlvs;
@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
* Copyright 2016 The Netty Project
* The Netty Project licenses this file to you under the Apache License,
* version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at:
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
* WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
* License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package io.netty.handler.codec.haproxy;
import io.netty.buffer.ByteBuf;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
* Represents a {@link HAProxyTLV} of the type {@link HAProxyTLV.Type#PP2_TYPE_SSL}.
* This TLV encapsulates other TLVs and has additional information like verification information and a client bitfield.
public final class HAProxySSLTLV extends HAProxyTLV {
private final int verify;
private final List<HAProxyTLV> tlvs;
private final byte clientBitField;
* Creates a new HAProxySSLTLV
* @param verify the verification result as defined in the specification for the pp2_tlv_ssl struct (see
* @param clientBitField the bitfield with client information
* @param tlvs the encapsulated {@link HAProxyTLV}s
* @param rawContent the raw TLV content
HAProxySSLTLV(final int verify, final byte clientBitField, final List<HAProxyTLV> tlvs, final ByteBuf rawContent) {
super(Type.PP2_TYPE_SSL, (byte) 0x20, rawContent);
this.verify = verify;
this.tlvs = Collections.unmodifiableList(tlvs);
this.clientBitField = clientBitField;
* Returns {@code true} if the bit field for PP2_CLIENT_CERT_CONN was set
public boolean isPP2ClientCertConn() {
return (clientBitField & 0x2) != 0;
* Returns {@code true} if the bit field for PP2_CLIENT_SSL was set
public boolean isPP2ClientSSL() {
return (clientBitField & 0x1) != 0;
* Returns {@code true} if the bit field for PP2_CLIENT_CERT_SESS was set
public boolean isPP2ClientCertSess() {
return (clientBitField & 0x4) != 0;
* Returns the verification result
public int verify() {
return verify;
* Returns an unmodifiable Set of encapsulated {@link HAProxyTLV}s.
public List<HAProxyTLV> encapsulatedTLVs() {
return tlvs;
@ -0,0 +1,151 @@
* Copyright 2016 The Netty Project
* The Netty Project licenses this file to you under the Apache License,
* version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at:
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
* WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
* License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package io.netty.handler.codec.haproxy;
import io.netty.buffer.ByteBuf;
import io.netty.buffer.DefaultByteBufHolder;
import static io.netty.util.internal.ObjectUtil.*;
* A Type-Length Value (TLV vector) that can be added to the PROXY protocol
* to include additional information like SSL information.
* @see HAProxySSLTLV
public class HAProxyTLV extends DefaultByteBufHolder {
private final Type type;
private final byte typeByteValue;
* The registered types a TLV can have regarding the PROXY protocol 1.5 spec
public enum Type {
* A TLV type that is not officially defined in the spec. May be used for nonstandard TLVs
* Returns the the {@link Type} for a specific byte value as defined in the PROXY protocol 1.5 spec
* <p>
* If the byte value is not an official one, it will return {@link Type#OTHER}.
* @param byteValue the byte for a type
* @return the {@link Type} of a TLV
public static Type typeForByteValue(final byte byteValue) {
switch (byteValue) {
case 0x01:
return PP2_TYPE_ALPN;
case 0x02:
case 0x20:
return PP2_TYPE_SSL;
case 0x21:
case 0x22:
return PP2_TYPE_SSL_CN;
case 0x30:
return PP2_TYPE_NETNS;
return OTHER;
* Creates a new HAProxyTLV
* @param type the {@link Type} of the TLV
* @param typeByteValue the byteValue of the TLV. This is especially important if non-standard TLVs are used
* @param content the raw content of the TLV
HAProxyTLV(final Type type, final byte typeByteValue, final ByteBuf content) {
checkNotNull(type, "type");
this.type = type;
this.typeByteValue = typeByteValue;
* Returns the {@link Type} of this TLV
public Type type() {
return type;
* Returns the type of the TLV as byte
public byte typeByteValue() {
return typeByteValue;
public HAProxyTLV copy() {
return replace(content().copy());
public HAProxyTLV duplicate() {
return replace(content().duplicate());
public HAProxyTLV retainedDuplicate() {
return replace(content().retainedDuplicate());
public HAProxyTLV replace(ByteBuf content) {
return new HAProxyTLV(type, typeByteValue, content);
public HAProxyTLV retain() {
return this;
public HAProxyTLV retain(int increment) {
return this;
public HAProxyTLV touch() {
return this;
public HAProxyTLV touch(Object hint) {
return this;
@ -26,6 +26,8 @@ import io.netty.util.CharsetUtil;
import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.Test;
import java.util.List;
import static io.netty.buffer.Unpooled.*;
import static org.junit.Assert.*;
@ -155,7 +157,7 @@ public class HAProxyMessageDecoderTest {
@Test(expected = HAProxyProtocolException.class)
public void testHeaderTooLong() {
String header = "PROXY TCP4 56324 " +
ch.writeInbound(copiedBuffer(header, CharsetUtil.US_ASCII));
@ -212,16 +214,16 @@ public class HAProxyMessageDecoderTest {
public void testV2IPV4Decode() {
byte[] header = new byte[28];
header[0] = 0x0D; // Binary Prefix
header[1] = 0x0A; // -----
header[2] = 0x0D; // -----
header[3] = 0x0A; // -----
header[4] = 0x00; // -----
header[5] = 0x0D; // -----
header[6] = 0x0A; // -----
header[7] = 0x51; // -----
header[8] = 0x55; // -----
header[9] = 0x49; // -----
header[0] = 0x0D; // Binary Prefix
header[1] = 0x0A; // -----
header[2] = 0x0D; // -----
header[3] = 0x0A; // -----
header[4] = 0x00; // -----
header[5] = 0x0D; // -----
header[6] = 0x0A; // -----
header[7] = 0x51; // -----
header[8] = 0x55; // -----
header[9] = 0x49; // -----
header[10] = 0x54; // -----
header[11] = 0x0A; // -----
@ -267,16 +269,16 @@ public class HAProxyMessageDecoderTest {
public void testV2UDPDecode() {
byte[] header = new byte[28];
header[0] = 0x0D; // Binary Prefix
header[1] = 0x0A; // -----
header[2] = 0x0D; // -----
header[3] = 0x0A; // -----
header[4] = 0x00; // -----
header[5] = 0x0D; // -----
header[6] = 0x0A; // -----
header[7] = 0x51; // -----
header[8] = 0x55; // -----
header[9] = 0x49; // -----
header[0] = 0x0D; // Binary Prefix
header[1] = 0x0A; // -----
header[2] = 0x0D; // -----
header[3] = 0x0A; // -----
header[4] = 0x00; // -----
header[5] = 0x0D; // -----
header[6] = 0x0A; // -----
header[7] = 0x51; // -----
header[8] = 0x55; // -----
header[9] = 0x49; // -----
header[10] = 0x54; // -----
header[11] = 0x0A; // -----
@ -322,16 +324,16 @@ public class HAProxyMessageDecoderTest {
public void testv2IPV6Decode() {
byte[] header = new byte[52];
header[0] = 0x0D; // Binary Prefix
header[1] = 0x0A; // -----
header[2] = 0x0D; // -----
header[3] = 0x0A; // -----
header[4] = 0x00; // -----
header[5] = 0x0D; // -----
header[6] = 0x0A; // -----
header[7] = 0x51; // -----
header[8] = 0x55; // -----
header[9] = 0x49; // -----
header[0] = 0x0D; // Binary Prefix
header[1] = 0x0A; // -----
header[2] = 0x0D; // -----
header[3] = 0x0A; // -----
header[4] = 0x00; // -----
header[5] = 0x0D; // -----
header[6] = 0x0A; // -----
header[7] = 0x51; // -----
header[8] = 0x55; // -----
header[9] = 0x49; // -----
header[10] = 0x54; // -----
header[11] = 0x0A; // -----
@ -401,16 +403,16 @@ public class HAProxyMessageDecoderTest {
public void testv2UnixDecode() {
byte[] header = new byte[232];
header[0] = 0x0D; // Binary Prefix
header[1] = 0x0A; // -----
header[2] = 0x0D; // -----
header[3] = 0x0A; // -----
header[4] = 0x00; // -----
header[5] = 0x0D; // -----
header[6] = 0x0A; // -----
header[7] = 0x51; // -----
header[8] = 0x55; // -----
header[9] = 0x49; // -----
header[0] = 0x0D; // Binary Prefix
header[1] = 0x0A; // -----
header[2] = 0x0D; // -----
header[3] = 0x0A; // -----
header[4] = 0x00; // -----
header[5] = 0x0D; // -----
header[6] = 0x0A; // -----
header[7] = 0x51; // -----
header[8] = 0x55; // -----
header[9] = 0x49; // -----
header[10] = 0x54; // -----
header[11] = 0x0A; // -----
@ -479,16 +481,16 @@ public class HAProxyMessageDecoderTest {
public void testV2LocalProtocolDecode() {
byte[] header = new byte[28];
header[0] = 0x0D; // Binary Prefix
header[1] = 0x0A; // -----
header[2] = 0x0D; // -----
header[3] = 0x0A; // -----
header[4] = 0x00; // -----
header[5] = 0x0D; // -----
header[6] = 0x0A; // -----
header[7] = 0x51; // -----
header[8] = 0x55; // -----
header[9] = 0x49; // -----
header[0] = 0x0D; // Binary Prefix
header[1] = 0x0A; // -----
header[2] = 0x0D; // -----
header[3] = 0x0A; // -----
header[4] = 0x00; // -----
header[5] = 0x0D; // -----
header[6] = 0x0A; // -----
header[7] = 0x51; // -----
header[8] = 0x55; // -----
header[9] = 0x49; // -----
header[10] = 0x54; // -----
header[11] = 0x0A; // -----
@ -534,16 +536,16 @@ public class HAProxyMessageDecoderTest {
public void testV2UnknownProtocolDecode() {
byte[] header = new byte[28];
header[0] = 0x0D; // Binary Prefix
header[1] = 0x0A; // -----
header[2] = 0x0D; // -----
header[3] = 0x0A; // -----
header[4] = 0x00; // -----
header[5] = 0x0D; // -----
header[6] = 0x0A; // -----
header[7] = 0x51; // -----
header[8] = 0x55; // -----
header[9] = 0x49; // -----
header[0] = 0x0D; // Binary Prefix
header[1] = 0x0A; // -----
header[2] = 0x0D; // -----
header[3] = 0x0A; // -----
header[4] = 0x00; // -----
header[5] = 0x0D; // -----
header[6] = 0x0A; // -----
header[7] = 0x51; // -----
header[8] = 0x55; // -----
header[9] = 0x49; // -----
header[10] = 0x54; // -----
header[11] = 0x0A; // -----
@ -586,21 +588,86 @@ public class HAProxyMessageDecoderTest {
public void testV2WithSslTLVs() throws Exception {
ch = new EmbeddedChannel(new HAProxyMessageDecoder());
final byte[] bytes = {
13, 10, 13, 10, 0, 13, 10, 81, 85, 73, 84, 10, 33, 17, 0, 35, 127, 0, 0, 1, 127, 0, 0, 1,
-55, -90, 7, 89, 32, 0, 20, 5, 0, 0, 0, 0, 33, 0, 5, 84, 76, 83, 118, 49, 34, 0, 4, 76, 69, 65, 70
int startChannels = ch.pipeline().names().size();
Object msgObj = ch.readInbound();
assertEquals(startChannels - 1, ch.pipeline().names().size());
HAProxyMessage msg = (HAProxyMessage) msgObj;
assertEquals(HAProxyProtocolVersion.V2, msg.protocolVersion());
assertEquals(HAProxyCommand.PROXY, msg.command());
assertEquals(HAProxyProxiedProtocol.TCP4, msg.proxiedProtocol());
assertEquals("", msg.sourceAddress());
assertEquals("", msg.destinationAddress());
assertEquals(51622, msg.sourcePort());
assertEquals(1881, msg.destinationPort());
final List<HAProxyTLV> tlvs = msg.tlvs();
assertEquals(3, tlvs.size());
final HAProxyTLV firstTlv = tlvs.get(0);
assertEquals(HAProxyTLV.Type.PP2_TYPE_SSL, firstTlv.type());
final HAProxySSLTLV sslTlv = (HAProxySSLTLV) firstTlv;
assertEquals(0, sslTlv.verify());
final HAProxyTLV secondTlv = tlvs.get(1);
assertEquals(HAProxyTLV.Type.PP2_TYPE_SSL_VERSION, secondTlv.type());
ByteBuf secondContentBuf = secondTlv.content();
byte[] secondContent = new byte[secondContentBuf.readableBytes()];
assertArrayEquals("TLSv1".getBytes(CharsetUtil.US_ASCII), secondContent);
final HAProxyTLV thirdTLV = tlvs.get(2);
assertEquals(HAProxyTLV.Type.PP2_TYPE_SSL_CN, thirdTLV.type());
ByteBuf thirdContentBuf = thirdTLV.content();
byte[] thirdContent = new byte[thirdContentBuf.readableBytes()];
assertArrayEquals("LEAF".getBytes(CharsetUtil.US_ASCII), thirdContent);
assertTrue(0 < firstTlv.refCnt());
assertTrue(0 < secondTlv.refCnt());
assertTrue(0 < thirdTLV.refCnt());
assertEquals(0, firstTlv.refCnt());
assertEquals(0, secondTlv.refCnt());
assertEquals(0, thirdTLV.refCnt());
public void testV2WithTLV() {
ch = new EmbeddedChannel(new HAProxyMessageDecoder(4));
byte[] header = new byte[236];
header[0] = 0x0D; // Binary Prefix
header[1] = 0x0A; // -----
header[2] = 0x0D; // -----
header[3] = 0x0A; // -----
header[4] = 0x00; // -----
header[5] = 0x0D; // -----
header[6] = 0x0A; // -----
header[7] = 0x51; // -----
header[8] = 0x55; // -----
header[9] = 0x49; // -----
header[0] = 0x0D; // Binary Prefix
header[1] = 0x0A; // -----
header[2] = 0x0D; // -----
header[3] = 0x0A; // -----
header[4] = 0x00; // -----
header[5] = 0x0D; // -----
header[6] = 0x0A; // -----
header[7] = 0x51; // -----
header[8] = 0x55; // -----
header[9] = 0x49; // -----
header[10] = 0x54; // -----
header[11] = 0x0A; // -----
@ -676,16 +743,16 @@ public class HAProxyMessageDecoderTest {
@Test(expected = HAProxyProtocolException.class)
public void testV2InvalidProtocol() {
byte[] header = new byte[28];
header[0] = 0x0D; // Binary Prefix
header[1] = 0x0A; // -----
header[2] = 0x0D; // -----
header[3] = 0x0A; // -----
header[4] = 0x00; // -----
header[5] = 0x0D; // -----
header[6] = 0x0A; // -----
header[7] = 0x51; // -----
header[8] = 0x55; // -----
header[9] = 0x49; // -----
header[0] = 0x0D; // Binary Prefix
header[1] = 0x0A; // -----
header[2] = 0x0D; // -----
header[3] = 0x0A; // -----
header[4] = 0x00; // -----
header[5] = 0x0D; // -----
header[6] = 0x0A; // -----
header[7] = 0x51; // -----
header[8] = 0x55; // -----
header[9] = 0x49; // -----
header[10] = 0x54; // -----
header[11] = 0x0A; // -----
@ -717,16 +784,16 @@ public class HAProxyMessageDecoderTest {
@Test(expected = HAProxyProtocolException.class)
public void testV2MissingParams() {
byte[] header = new byte[26];
header[0] = 0x0D; // Binary Prefix
header[1] = 0x0A; // -----
header[2] = 0x0D; // -----
header[3] = 0x0A; // -----
header[4] = 0x00; // -----
header[5] = 0x0D; // -----
header[6] = 0x0A; // -----
header[7] = 0x51; // -----
header[8] = 0x55; // -----
header[9] = 0x49; // -----
header[0] = 0x0D; // Binary Prefix
header[1] = 0x0A; // -----
header[2] = 0x0D; // -----
header[3] = 0x0A; // -----
header[4] = 0x00; // -----
header[5] = 0x0D; // -----
header[6] = 0x0A; // -----
header[7] = 0x51; // -----
header[8] = 0x55; // -----
header[9] = 0x49; // -----
header[10] = 0x54; // -----
header[11] = 0x0A; // -----
@ -755,16 +822,16 @@ public class HAProxyMessageDecoderTest {
@Test(expected = HAProxyProtocolException.class)
public void testV2InvalidCommand() {
byte[] header = new byte[28];
header[0] = 0x0D; // Binary Prefix
header[1] = 0x0A; // -----
header[2] = 0x0D; // -----
header[3] = 0x0A; // -----
header[4] = 0x00; // -----
header[5] = 0x0D; // -----
header[6] = 0x0A; // -----
header[7] = 0x51; // -----
header[8] = 0x55; // -----
header[9] = 0x49; // -----
header[0] = 0x0D; // Binary Prefix
header[1] = 0x0A; // -----
header[2] = 0x0D; // -----
header[3] = 0x0A; // -----
header[4] = 0x00; // -----
header[5] = 0x0D; // -----
header[6] = 0x0A; // -----
header[7] = 0x51; // -----
header[8] = 0x55; // -----
header[9] = 0x49; // -----
header[10] = 0x54; // -----
header[11] = 0x0A; // -----
@ -796,16 +863,16 @@ public class HAProxyMessageDecoderTest {
@Test(expected = HAProxyProtocolException.class)
public void testV2InvalidVersion() {
byte[] header = new byte[28];
header[0] = 0x0D; // Binary Prefix
header[1] = 0x0A; // -----
header[2] = 0x0D; // -----
header[3] = 0x0A; // -----
header[4] = 0x00; // -----
header[5] = 0x0D; // -----
header[6] = 0x0A; // -----
header[7] = 0x51; // -----
header[8] = 0x55; // -----
header[9] = 0x49; // -----
header[0] = 0x0D; // Binary Prefix
header[1] = 0x0A; // -----
header[2] = 0x0D; // -----
header[3] = 0x0A; // -----
header[4] = 0x00; // -----
header[5] = 0x0D; // -----
header[6] = 0x0A; // -----
header[7] = 0x51; // -----
header[8] = 0x55; // -----
header[9] = 0x49; // -----
header[10] = 0x54; // -----
header[11] = 0x0A; // -----
@ -839,16 +906,16 @@ public class HAProxyMessageDecoderTest {
ch = new EmbeddedChannel(new HAProxyMessageDecoder(0));
byte[] header = new byte[248];
header[0] = 0x0D; // Binary Prefix
header[1] = 0x0A; // -----
header[2] = 0x0D; // -----
header[3] = 0x0A; // -----
header[4] = 0x00; // -----
header[5] = 0x0D; // -----
header[6] = 0x0A; // -----
header[7] = 0x51; // -----
header[8] = 0x55; // -----
header[9] = 0x49; // -----
header[0] = 0x0D; // Binary Prefix
header[1] = 0x0A; // -----
header[2] = 0x0D; // -----
header[3] = 0x0A; // -----
header[4] = 0x00; // -----
header[5] = 0x0D; // -----
header[6] = 0x0A; // -----
header[7] = 0x51; // -----
header[8] = 0x55; // -----
header[9] = 0x49; // -----
header[10] = 0x54; // -----
header[11] = 0x0A; // -----
@ -880,16 +947,16 @@ public class HAProxyMessageDecoderTest {
public void testV2IncompleteHeader() {
byte[] header = new byte[13];
header[0] = 0x0D; // Binary Prefix
header[1] = 0x0A; // -----
header[2] = 0x0D; // -----
header[3] = 0x0A; // -----
header[4] = 0x00; // -----
header[5] = 0x0D; // -----
header[6] = 0x0A; // -----
header[7] = 0x51; // -----
header[8] = 0x55; // -----
header[9] = 0x49; // -----
header[0] = 0x0D; // Binary Prefix
header[1] = 0x0A; // -----
header[2] = 0x0D; // -----
header[3] = 0x0A; // -----
header[4] = 0x00; // -----
header[5] = 0x0D; // -----
header[6] = 0x0A; // -----
header[7] = 0x51; // -----
header[8] = 0x55; // -----
header[9] = 0x49; // -----
header[10] = 0x54; // -----
header[11] = 0x0A; // -----
@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
* Copyright 2016 The Netty Project
* The Netty Project licenses this file to you under the Apache License,
* version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at:
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
* WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
* License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package io.netty.handler.codec.haproxy;
import io.netty.buffer.Unpooled;
import org.junit.Test;
import java.util.Collections;
import static org.junit.Assert.*;
public class HAProxySSLTLVTest {
public void testClientBitmask() throws Exception {
// 0b0000_0111
final byte allClientsEnabled = 0x7;
final HAProxySSLTLV allClientsEnabledTLV =
new HAProxySSLTLV(0, allClientsEnabled, Collections.<HAProxyTLV>emptyList(), Unpooled.buffer());
// 0b0000_0101
final byte clientSSLandClientCertSessEnabled = 0x5;
final HAProxySSLTLV clientSSLandClientCertSessTLV =
new HAProxySSLTLV(0, clientSSLandClientCertSessEnabled, Collections.<HAProxyTLV>emptyList(),
// 0b0000_0000
final byte noClientEnabled = 0x0;
final HAProxySSLTLV noClientTlv =
new HAProxySSLTLV(0, noClientEnabled, Collections.<HAProxyTLV>emptyList(),
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