Removed the reference to ChannelPipelineCoverage in the getting started guide. Beginners should simply start from creating a new instance for every new connection, as shown in the guide and all examples which were revised to avoid confusion.

Shared instances are more advanced topic, which will be addressed in another chapter.
This commit is contained in:
Trustin Lee 2010-02-01 23:56:37 +00:00
parent 901b1f099a
commit 2f7c758fe6

View File

@ -73,15 +73,14 @@
<programlisting>package org.jboss.netty.example.discard;
@&ChannelPipelineCoverage;("all")<co id="example.discard.co1"/>
public class DiscardServerHandler extends &SimpleChannelHandler; {<co id="example.discard.co2"/>
public class DiscardServerHandler extends &SimpleChannelHandler; {<co id="example.discard.co1"/>
public void messageReceived(&ChannelHandlerContext; ctx, &MessageEvent; e) {<co id="example.discard.co3"/>
public void messageReceived(&ChannelHandlerContext; ctx, &MessageEvent; e) {<co id="example.discard.co2"/>
public void exceptionCaught(&ChannelHandlerContext; ctx, &ExceptionEvent; e) {<co id="example.discard.co4"/>
public void exceptionCaught(&ChannelHandlerContext; ctx, &ExceptionEvent; e) {<co id="example.discard.co3"/>
&Channel; ch = e.getChannel();
@ -90,16 +89,6 @@ public class DiscardServerHandler extends &SimpleChannelHandler; {<co id="exampl
<callout arearefs="example.discard.co1">
&ChannelPipelineCoverage; annotates a handler type to tell if the
handler instance of the annotated type can be shared by more than
one &Channel; (and its associated &ChannelPipeline;).
<classname>DiscardServerHandler</classname> does not manage any
stateful information, and therefore it is annotated with the value
<callout arearefs="example.discard.co2">
<classname>DiscardServerHandler</classname> extends
&SimpleChannelHandler;, which is an implementation of
@ -109,7 +98,7 @@ public class DiscardServerHandler extends &SimpleChannelHandler; {<co id="exampl
the handler interfaces by yourself.
<callout arearefs="example.discard.co3">
<callout arearefs="example.discard.co2">
We override the <methodname>messageReceived</methodname> event
handler method here. This method is called with a &MessageEvent;,
@ -118,7 +107,7 @@ public class DiscardServerHandler extends &SimpleChannelHandler; {<co id="exampl
nothing to implement the DISCARD protocol.
<callout arearefs="example.discard.co4">
<callout arearefs="example.discard.co3">
<methodname>exceptionCaught</methodname> event handler method is
called with an &ExceptionEvent; when an exception was raised by
@ -154,14 +143,14 @@ public class DiscardServer {
bootstrap.setPipelineFactory(new &ChannelPipelineFactory;() {<co id="example.discard2.co3" />
public &ChannelPipeline; getPipeline() {
return &Channels;.pipeline(new DiscardServerHandler());<co id="example.discard2.co4" />
return &Channels;.pipeline(new DiscardServerHandler());
bootstrap.setOption("child.tcpNoDelay", true);<co id="example.discard2.co5" />
bootstrap.setOption("child.tcpNoDelay", true);<co id="example.discard2.co4" />
bootstrap.setOption("child.keepAlive", true);
bootstrap.bind(new InetSocketAddress(8080));<co id="example.discard2.co6" />
bootstrap.bind(new InetSocketAddress(8080));<co id="example.discard2.co5" />
@ -200,13 +189,6 @@ public class DiscardServer {
<callout arearefs="example.discard2.co4">
Strictly speaking, we do not need to create a new
<classname>DiscardServerHandler</classname> instance for a new
connection because the handler is stateless.
<callout arearefs="example.discard2.co5">
You can also set the parameters which are specific to the &Channel;
implementation. We are writing a TCP/IP server, so we are allowed
@ -219,7 +201,7 @@ public class DiscardServer {
<programlisting>bootstrap.setOption("reuseAddress", true);</programlisting>
<callout arearefs="example.discard2.co6">
<callout arearefs="example.discard2.co5">
We are ready to go now. What's left is to bind to the port and to
start the server. Here, we bind to the port <literal>8080</literal>
@ -260,6 +242,7 @@ public void messageReceived(&ChannelHandlerContext; ctx, &MessageEvent; e) {
&ChannelBuffer;<co id="example.discard3.co1"/> buf = (ChannelBuffer) e.getMessage();
while(buf.readable()) {
System.out.println((char) buf.readByte());
@ -353,7 +336,6 @@ public void messageReceived(&ChannelHandlerContext; ctx, &MessageEvent; e) {
<programlisting>package org.jboss.netty.example.time;
public class TimeServerHandler extends &SimpleChannelHandler; {
@ -447,7 +429,7 @@ ch.close();</programlisting>
method after the &ChannelFuture;, which was returned by the
<methodname>write</methodname> method, notifies you when the write
operation has been done. Please note that, <methodname>close</methodname>
might not close the connection immediately, and it returns a
also might not close the connection immediately, and it returns a
@ -545,7 +527,6 @@ public class TimeClient {
import java.util.Date;
public class TimeClientHandler extends &SimpleChannelHandler; {
@ -633,17 +614,16 @@ import static org.jboss.netty.buffer.&ChannelBuffers;.*;
import java.util.Date;
@&ChannelPipelineCoverage;("one")<co id="example.time3.co1"/>
public class TimeClientHandler extends &SimpleChannelHandler; {
private final &ChannelBuffer; buf = dynamicBuffer();<co id="example.time3.co2"/>
private final &ChannelBuffer; buf = dynamicBuffer();<co id="example.time3.co1"/>
public void messageReceived(&ChannelHandlerContext; ctx, &MessageEvent; e) {
&ChannelBuffer; m = (&ChannelBuffer;) e.getMessage();
buf.writeBytes(m);<co id="example.time3.co3"/>
buf.writeBytes(m);<co id="example.time3.co2"/>
if (buf.readableBytes() &gt;= 4) {<co id="example.time3.co4"/>
if (buf.readableBytes() &gt;= 4) {<co id="example.time3.co3"/>
long currentTimeMillis = buf.readInt() * 1000L;
System.out.println(new Date(currentTimeMillis));
@ -658,30 +638,19 @@ public class TimeClientHandler extends &SimpleChannelHandler; {
<callout arearefs="example.time3.co1">
This time, <literal>"one"</literal> was used as the value of the
&ChannelPipelineCoverage; annotation. It's because the new
<classname>TimeClientHandler</classname> has to maintain the internal
buffer and therefore cannot serve multiple &Channel;s. If an
instance of <classname>TimeClientHandler</classname> is shared by
multiple &Channel;s (and consequently multiple &ChannelPipeline;s),
the content of the <varname>buf</varname> will be corrupted.
<callout arearefs="example.time3.co2">
A <firstterm>dynamic buffer</firstterm> is a &ChannelBuffer; which
increases its capacity on demand. It's very useful when you don't
know the length of the message.
<callout arearefs="example.time3.co3">
<callout arearefs="example.time3.co2">
First, all received data should be cumulated into
<callout arearefs="example.time3.co4">
<callout arearefs="example.time3.co3">
And then, the handler must check if <varname>buf</varname> has enough
data, 4 bytes in this example, and proceed to the actual business
@ -729,35 +698,28 @@ public class TimeClientHandler extends &SimpleChannelHandler; {
<programlisting>package org.jboss.netty.example.time;
<co id="example.time4.co1"/>
public class TimeDecoder extends &FrameDecoder; {
protected Object decode(
&ChannelHandlerContext; ctx, &Channel; channel, &ChannelBuffer; buffer)<co id="example.time4.co2"/> {
&ChannelHandlerContext; ctx, &Channel; channel, &ChannelBuffer; buffer)<co id="example.time4.co1"/> {
if (buffer.readableBytes() &lt; 4) {
return null; <co id="example.time4.co3"/>
return null; <co id="example.time4.co2"/>
return buffer.readBytes(4);<co id="example.time4.co4"/>
return buffer.readBytes(4);<co id="example.time4.co3"/>
<callout arearefs="example.time4.co1">
There's no &ChannelPipelineCoverage; annotation this time because
&FrameDecoder; is already annotated with <literal>"one"</literal>.
<callout arearefs="example.time4.co2">
&FrameDecoder; calls <methodname>decode</methodname> method with
an internally maintained cumulative buffer whenever new data is
<callout arearefs="example.time4.co3">
<callout arearefs="example.time4.co2">
If <literal>null</literal> is returned, it means there's not
enough data yet. &FrameDecoder; will call again when there is a
@ -926,27 +888,19 @@ public void channelConnected(&ChannelHandlerContext; ctx, &ChannelStateEvent; e)
import static org.jboss.netty.buffer.&ChannelBuffers;.*;
@&ChannelPipelineCoverage;("all")<co id="example.time6.co1"/>
public class TimeEncoder extends &SimpleChannelHandler; {
public void writeRequested(&ChannelHandlerContext; ctx, &MessageEvent;<co id="example.time6.co2"/> e) {
public void writeRequested(&ChannelHandlerContext; ctx, &MessageEvent;<co id="example.time6.co1"/> e) {
UnixTime time = (UnixTime) e.getMessage();
&ChannelBuffer; buf = buffer(4);
&Channels;.write(ctx, e.getFuture(), buf);<co id="example.time6.co3"/>
&Channels;.write(ctx, e.getFuture(), buf);<co id="example.time6.co2"/>
<callout arearefs="example.time6.co1">
The &ChannelPipelineCoverage; value of an encoder is usually
<literal>"all"</literal> because this encoder is stateless.
Actually, most encoders are stateless.
<callout arearefs="example.time6.co2">
An encoder overrides the <methodname>writeRequested</methodname>
method to intercept a write request. Please note that the
@ -962,7 +916,7 @@ public class TimeEncoder extends &SimpleChannelHandler; {
between a upstream event and a downstream event.
<callout arearefs="example.time6.co3">
<callout arearefs="example.time6.co2">
Once done with transforming a POJO into a &ChannelBuffer;, you should
forward the new buffer to the previous &ChannelDownstreamHandler; in