Deduplicate and simplify code in HttpPostMultipartRequestDecoder
Motivation: - A `HttpPostMultipartRequestDecoder` contains two pairs of the same methods: `readFileUploadByteMultipartStandard`+`readFileUploadByteMultipart` and `loadFieldMultipartStandard`+`loadFieldMultipart`. - These methods use `NotEnoughDataDecoderException` to detecting not last data chunk (exception handling is very expensive). - These methods can be greatly simplified. - Methods `loadFieldMultipart` and `loadFieldMultipartStandard` has an unnecessary catching for the `IndexOutOfBoundsException`. Modifications: - Remove duplicate methods. - Replace handling `NotEnoughDataDecoderException` by the return of a boolean result. - Simplify code. Result: The code is cleaner and easier to support. Less exception handling logic.
This commit is contained in:
@ -511,7 +511,7 @@ public class HttpPostMultipartRequestDecoder implements InterfaceHttpPostRequest
.getValue()) : 0L;
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new ErrorDataDecoderException(e);
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
} catch (NumberFormatException ignored) {
size = 0;
try {
@ -534,9 +534,8 @@ public class HttpPostMultipartRequestDecoder implements InterfaceHttpPostRequest
// load data
try {
loadFieldMultipart(undecodedChunk, multipartDataBoundary, currentAttribute);
} catch (NotEnoughDataDecoderException ignored) {
if (!loadDataMultipart(undecodedChunk, multipartDataBoundary, currentAttribute)) {
// Delimiter is not found. Need more chunks.
return null;
Attribute finalAttribute = currentAttribute;
@ -883,12 +882,8 @@ public class HttpPostMultipartRequestDecoder implements InterfaceHttpPostRequest
// load data as much as possible
try {
readFileUploadByteMultipart(undecodedChunk, delimiter, currentFileUpload);
} catch (NotEnoughDataDecoderException e) {
// do not change the buffer position
// since some can be already saved into FileUpload
// So do not change the currentStatus
if (!loadDataMultipart(undecodedChunk, delimiter, currentFileUpload)) {
// Delimiter is not found. Need more chunks.
return null;
if (currentFileUpload.isCompleted()) {
@ -1271,442 +1266,96 @@ public class HttpPostMultipartRequestDecoder implements InterfaceHttpPostRequest
* Read a FileUpload data as Byte (Binary) and add the bytes directly to the
* FileUpload. If the delimiter is found, the FileUpload is completed.
* Load the field value or file data from a Multipart request
* @throws NotEnoughDataDecoderException
* Need more chunks but do not reset the readerInder since some
* values will be already added to the FileOutput
* @return {@code true} if the last chunk is loaded (boundary delimiter found), {@code false} if need more chunks
* @throws ErrorDataDecoderException
* write IO error occurs with the FileUpload
private static void readFileUploadByteMultipartStandard(ByteBuf undecodedChunk, String delimiter,
FileUpload currentFileUpload) {
int readerIndex = undecodedChunk.readerIndex();
// found the decoder limit
boolean newLine = true;
private static boolean loadDataMultipartStandard(ByteBuf undecodedChunk, String delimiter, HttpData httpData) {
final int startReaderIndex = undecodedChunk.readerIndex();
final int delimeterLength = delimiter.length();
int index = 0;
int lastPosition = undecodedChunk.readerIndex();
boolean found = false;
int lastPosition = startReaderIndex;
byte prevByte = HttpConstants.LF;
boolean delimiterFound = false;
while (undecodedChunk.isReadable()) {
byte nextByte = undecodedChunk.readByte();
if (newLine) {
// Check the delimiter
if (nextByte == delimiter.codePointAt(index)) {
if (delimiter.length() == index) {
found = true;
} else {
newLine = false;
index = 0;
// continue until end of line
if (nextByte == HttpConstants.CR) {
if (undecodedChunk.isReadable()) {
nextByte = undecodedChunk.readByte();
if (nextByte == HttpConstants.LF) {
newLine = true;
index = 0;
lastPosition = undecodedChunk.readerIndex() - 2;
} else {
// save last valid position
lastPosition = undecodedChunk.readerIndex() - 1;
// Unread next byte.
} else if (nextByte == HttpConstants.LF) {
newLine = true;
index = 0;
lastPosition = undecodedChunk.readerIndex() - 1;
} else {
// save last valid position
lastPosition = undecodedChunk.readerIndex();
} else {
// continue until end of line
if (nextByte == HttpConstants.CR) {
if (undecodedChunk.isReadable()) {
nextByte = undecodedChunk.readByte();
if (nextByte == HttpConstants.LF) {
newLine = true;
index = 0;
lastPosition = undecodedChunk.readerIndex() - 2;
} else {
// save last valid position
lastPosition = undecodedChunk.readerIndex() - 1;
// Unread next byte.
} else if (nextByte == HttpConstants.LF) {
newLine = true;
index = 0;
lastPosition = undecodedChunk.readerIndex() - 1;
} else {
// save last valid position
lastPosition = undecodedChunk.readerIndex();
final byte nextByte = undecodedChunk.readByte();
// Check the delimiter
if (prevByte == HttpConstants.LF && nextByte == delimiter.codePointAt(index)) {
if (delimeterLength == index) {
delimiterFound = true;
lastPosition = undecodedChunk.readerIndex();
if (nextByte == HttpConstants.LF) {
index = 0;
lastPosition -= (prevByte == HttpConstants.CR)? 2 : 1;
prevByte = nextByte;
ByteBuf buffer = undecodedChunk.copy(readerIndex, lastPosition - readerIndex);
if (found) {
// found so lastPosition is correct and final
try {
currentFileUpload.addContent(buffer, true);
// just before the CRLF and delimiter
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new ErrorDataDecoderException(e);
} else {
// possibly the delimiter is partially found but still the last
// position is OK
try {
currentFileUpload.addContent(buffer, false);
// last valid char (not CR, not LF, not beginning of delimiter)
throw new NotEnoughDataDecoderException();
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new ErrorDataDecoderException(e);
if (prevByte == HttpConstants.CR) {
ByteBuf content = undecodedChunk.copy(startReaderIndex, lastPosition - startReaderIndex);
try {
httpData.addContent(content, delimiterFound);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new ErrorDataDecoderException(e);
return delimiterFound;
* Read a FileUpload data as Byte (Binary) and add the bytes directly to the
* FileUpload. If the delimiter is found, the FileUpload is completed.
* Load the field value from a Multipart request
* @throws NotEnoughDataDecoderException
* Need more chunks but do not reset the {@code readerIndex} since some
* values will be already added to the FileOutput
* @return {@code true} if the last chunk is loaded (boundary delimiter found), {@code false} if need more chunks
* @throws ErrorDataDecoderException
* write IO error occurs with the FileUpload
private static void readFileUploadByteMultipart(ByteBuf undecodedChunk, String delimiter,
FileUpload currentFileUpload) {
private static boolean loadDataMultipart(ByteBuf undecodedChunk, String delimiter, HttpData httpData) {
if (!undecodedChunk.hasArray()) {
readFileUploadByteMultipartStandard(undecodedChunk, delimiter, currentFileUpload);
return loadDataMultipartStandard(undecodedChunk, delimiter, httpData);
SeekAheadOptimize sao = new SeekAheadOptimize(undecodedChunk);
int readerIndex = undecodedChunk.readerIndex();
// found the decoder limit
boolean newLine = true;
final SeekAheadOptimize sao = new SeekAheadOptimize(undecodedChunk);
final int startReaderIndex = undecodedChunk.readerIndex();
final int delimeterLength = delimiter.length();
int index = 0;
int lastrealpos = sao.pos;
int lastPosition;
boolean found = false;
int lastRealPos = sao.pos;
byte prevByte = HttpConstants.LF;
boolean delimiterFound = false;
while (sao.pos < sao.limit) {
byte nextByte = sao.bytes[sao.pos++];
if (newLine) {
// Check the delimiter
if (nextByte == delimiter.codePointAt(index)) {
if (delimiter.length() == index) {
found = true;
} else {
newLine = false;
index = 0;
// continue until end of line
if (nextByte == HttpConstants.CR) {
if (sao.pos < sao.limit) {
nextByte = sao.bytes[sao.pos++];
if (nextByte == HttpConstants.LF) {
newLine = true;
index = 0;
lastrealpos = sao.pos - 2;
} else {
// unread next byte
// save last valid position
lastrealpos = sao.pos;
} else if (nextByte == HttpConstants.LF) {
newLine = true;
index = 0;
lastrealpos = sao.pos - 1;
} else {
// save last valid position
lastrealpos = sao.pos;
} else {
// continue until end of line
if (nextByte == HttpConstants.CR) {
if (sao.pos < sao.limit) {
nextByte = sao.bytes[sao.pos++];
if (nextByte == HttpConstants.LF) {
newLine = true;
index = 0;
lastrealpos = sao.pos - 2;
} else {
// unread next byte
// save last valid position
lastrealpos = sao.pos;
} else if (nextByte == HttpConstants.LF) {
newLine = true;
index = 0;
lastrealpos = sao.pos - 1;
} else {
// save last valid position
lastrealpos = sao.pos;
final byte nextByte = sao.bytes[sao.pos++];
// Check the delimiter
if (prevByte == HttpConstants.LF && nextByte == delimiter.codePointAt(index)) {
if (delimeterLength == index) {
delimiterFound = true;
lastRealPos = sao.pos;
if (nextByte == HttpConstants.LF) {
index = 0;
lastRealPos -= (prevByte == HttpConstants.CR)? 2 : 1;
prevByte = nextByte;
lastPosition = sao.getReadPosition(lastrealpos);
ByteBuf buffer = undecodedChunk.copy(readerIndex, lastPosition - readerIndex);
if (found) {
// found so lastPosition is correct and final
try {
currentFileUpload.addContent(buffer, true);
// just before the CRLF and delimiter
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new ErrorDataDecoderException(e);
} else {
// possibly the delimiter is partially found but still the last
// position is OK
try {
currentFileUpload.addContent(buffer, false);
// last valid char (not CR, not LF, not beginning of delimiter)
throw new NotEnoughDataDecoderException();
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new ErrorDataDecoderException(e);
if (prevByte == HttpConstants.CR) {
* Load the field value from a Multipart request
* @throws NotEnoughDataDecoderException
* Need more chunks
* @throws ErrorDataDecoderException
private static void loadFieldMultipartStandard(ByteBuf undecodedChunk, String delimiter,
Attribute currentAttribute) {
int readerIndex = undecodedChunk.readerIndex();
final int lastPosition = sao.getReadPosition(lastRealPos);
final ByteBuf content = undecodedChunk.copy(startReaderIndex, lastPosition - startReaderIndex);
try {
// found the decoder limit
boolean newLine = true;
int index = 0;
int lastPosition = undecodedChunk.readerIndex();
boolean found = false;
while (undecodedChunk.isReadable()) {
byte nextByte = undecodedChunk.readByte();
if (newLine) {
// Check the delimiter
if (nextByte == delimiter.codePointAt(index)) {
if (delimiter.length() == index) {
found = true;
} else {
newLine = false;
index = 0;
// continue until end of line
if (nextByte == HttpConstants.CR) {
if (undecodedChunk.isReadable()) {
nextByte = undecodedChunk.readByte();
if (nextByte == HttpConstants.LF) {
newLine = true;
index = 0;
lastPosition = undecodedChunk.readerIndex() - 2;
} else {
// Unread second nextByte
lastPosition = undecodedChunk.readerIndex() - 1;
} else {
lastPosition = undecodedChunk.readerIndex() - 1;
} else if (nextByte == HttpConstants.LF) {
newLine = true;
index = 0;
lastPosition = undecodedChunk.readerIndex() - 1;
} else {
lastPosition = undecodedChunk.readerIndex();
} else {
// continue until end of line
if (nextByte == HttpConstants.CR) {
if (undecodedChunk.isReadable()) {
nextByte = undecodedChunk.readByte();
if (nextByte == HttpConstants.LF) {
newLine = true;
index = 0;
lastPosition = undecodedChunk.readerIndex() - 2;
} else {
// Unread second nextByte
lastPosition = undecodedChunk.readerIndex() - 1;
} else {
lastPosition = undecodedChunk.readerIndex() - 1;
} else if (nextByte == HttpConstants.LF) {
newLine = true;
index = 0;
lastPosition = undecodedChunk.readerIndex() - 1;
} else {
lastPosition = undecodedChunk.readerIndex();
if (found) {
// found so lastPosition is correct
// but position is just after the delimiter (either close
// delimiter or simple one)
// so go back of delimiter size
try {
undecodedChunk.copy(readerIndex, lastPosition - readerIndex), true);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new ErrorDataDecoderException(e);
} else {
try {
undecodedChunk.copy(readerIndex, lastPosition - readerIndex), false);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new ErrorDataDecoderException(e);
throw new NotEnoughDataDecoderException();
} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
throw new NotEnoughDataDecoderException(e);
* Load the field value from a Multipart request
* @throws NotEnoughDataDecoderException
* Need more chunks
* @throws ErrorDataDecoderException
private static void loadFieldMultipart(ByteBuf undecodedChunk, String delimiter, Attribute currentAttribute) {
if (!undecodedChunk.hasArray()) {
loadFieldMultipartStandard(undecodedChunk, delimiter, currentAttribute);
SeekAheadOptimize sao = new SeekAheadOptimize(undecodedChunk);
int readerIndex = undecodedChunk.readerIndex();
try {
// found the decoder limit
boolean newLine = true;
int index = 0;
int lastPosition;
int lastrealpos = sao.pos;
boolean found = false;
while (sao.pos < sao.limit) {
byte nextByte = sao.bytes[sao.pos++];
if (newLine) {
// Check the delimiter
if (nextByte == delimiter.codePointAt(index)) {
if (delimiter.length() == index) {
found = true;
} else {
newLine = false;
index = 0;
// continue until end of line
if (nextByte == HttpConstants.CR) {
if (sao.pos < sao.limit) {
nextByte = sao.bytes[sao.pos++];
if (nextByte == HttpConstants.LF) {
newLine = true;
index = 0;
lastrealpos = sao.pos - 2;
} else {
// Unread last nextByte
lastrealpos = sao.pos;
} else if (nextByte == HttpConstants.LF) {
newLine = true;
index = 0;
lastrealpos = sao.pos - 1;
} else {
lastrealpos = sao.pos;
} else {
// continue until end of line
if (nextByte == HttpConstants.CR) {
if (sao.pos < sao.limit) {
nextByte = sao.bytes[sao.pos++];
if (nextByte == HttpConstants.LF) {
newLine = true;
index = 0;
lastrealpos = sao.pos - 2;
} else {
// Unread last nextByte
lastrealpos = sao.pos;
} else if (nextByte == HttpConstants.LF) {
newLine = true;
index = 0;
lastrealpos = sao.pos - 1;
} else {
lastrealpos = sao.pos;
lastPosition = sao.getReadPosition(lastrealpos);
if (found) {
// found so lastPosition is correct
// but position is just after the delimiter (either close
// delimiter or simple one)
// so go back of delimiter size
try {
undecodedChunk.copy(readerIndex, lastPosition - readerIndex), true);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new ErrorDataDecoderException(e);
} else {
try {
undecodedChunk.copy(readerIndex, lastPosition - readerIndex), false);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new ErrorDataDecoderException(e);
throw new NotEnoughDataDecoderException();
} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
throw new NotEnoughDataDecoderException(e);
httpData.addContent(content, delimiterFound);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new ErrorDataDecoderException(e);
return delimiterFound;
@ -1714,25 +1363,25 @@ public class HttpPostMultipartRequestDecoder implements InterfaceHttpPostRequest
* @return the cleaned String
private static String cleanString(String field) {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(field.length());
for (int i = 0; i < field.length(); i++) {
int size = field.length();
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(size);
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
char nextChar = field.charAt(i);
if (nextChar == HttpConstants.COLON) {
switch (nextChar) {
case HttpConstants.COLON:
case HttpConstants.COMMA:
case HttpConstants.EQUALS:
case HttpConstants.SEMICOLON:
case HttpConstants.HT:
} else if (nextChar == HttpConstants.COMMA) {
} else if (nextChar == HttpConstants.EQUALS) {
} else if (nextChar == HttpConstants.SEMICOLON) {
} else if (nextChar == HttpConstants.HT) {
} else if (nextChar == HttpConstants.DOUBLE_QUOTE) {
case HttpConstants.DOUBLE_QUOTE:
// nothing added, just removes it
} else {
return sb.toString().trim();
Reference in New Issue
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