Increase default bits for SelfSignedCertificate (#9019)

During initialization, a SelfSignedCertificate is created
during the static initialization block to determine if OpenSsl
can be used.

The default key strength for SelfSignedCertificate was too low if FIPS
mode is used and BouncyCastle-FIPS is the only available provider
(necessary for compliance). A simple fix is to just augment the key
strength to the minimum required about by FIPS.

Set default key bit length to 2048 but also allow it to be dynamically set via a system property for future proofing to more stricter security compliance.

Fixes #9018

Signed-off-by: Farid Zakaria <>
This commit is contained in:
Farid Zakaria 2019-04-08 11:08:59 -07:00 committed by Norman Maurer
parent 4b83be1ceb
commit 4373a1fba2
2 changed files with 55 additions and 68 deletions

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@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ import io.netty.internal.tcnative.Buffer;
import io.netty.internal.tcnative.Library; import io.netty.internal.tcnative.Library;
import io.netty.internal.tcnative.SSL; import io.netty.internal.tcnative.SSL;
import io.netty.internal.tcnative.SSLContext; import io.netty.internal.tcnative.SSLContext;
import io.netty.util.CharsetUtil;
import io.netty.util.ReferenceCountUtil; import io.netty.util.ReferenceCountUtil;
import io.netty.util.ReferenceCounted; import io.netty.util.ReferenceCounted;
import io.netty.util.internal.NativeLibraryLoader; import io.netty.util.internal.NativeLibraryLoader;
@ -64,71 +65,47 @@ public final class OpenSsl {
private static final boolean IS_BORINGSSL; private static final boolean IS_BORINGSSL;
static final Set<String> SUPPORTED_PROTOCOLS_SET; static final Set<String> SUPPORTED_PROTOCOLS_SET;
// Bytes of self-signed certificate for and the matching private-key // self-signed certificate for and the matching private-key
private static byte[] CERT_BYTES = { private static final String CERT = "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\n" +
48, -126, 1, -93, 48, -126, 1, 12, -96, 3, 2, 1, 2, 2, 8, 31, 127, -24, 79, 67, "MIICrjCCAZagAwIBAgIIdSvQPv1QAZQwDQYJKoZIhvcNAQELBQAwFjEUMBIGA1UEAxMLZXhhbXBs\n" +
-72, -128, 124, 48, 13, 6, 9, 42, -122, 72, -122, -9, 13, 1, 1, 11, 5, 0, 48, "ZS5jb20wIBcNMTgwNDA2MjIwNjU5WhgPOTk5OTEyMzEyMzU5NTlaMBYxFDASBgNVBAMTC2V4YW1w\n" +
19, 49, 17, 48, 15, 6, 3, 85, 4, 3, 19, 8, 110, 101, 116, 116, 121, 46, 105, "bGUuY29tMIIBIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAQ8AMIIBCgKCAQEAggbWsmDQ6zNzRZ5AW8E3eoGl\n" +
111, 48, 32, 23, 13, 49, 56, 48, 51, 50, 55, 49, 50, 52, 49, 50, 49, 90, 24, "qWvOBDb5Fs1oBRrVQHuYmVAoaqwDzXYJ0LOwa293AgWEQ1jpcbZ2hpoYQzqEZBTLnFhMrhRFlH6K\n" +
15, 57, 57, 57, 57, 49, 50, 51, 49, 50, 51, 53, 57, 53, 57, 90, 48, 19, 49, 17, "bJND8Y33kZ/iSVBBDuGbdSbJShlM+4WwQ9IAso4MZ4vW3S1iv5fGGpLgbtXRmBf/RU8omN0Gijlv\n" +
48, 15, 6, 3, 85, 4, 3, 19, 8, 110, 101, 116, 116, 121, 46, 105, 111, 48, -127, "WlLWHWijLN8xQtySFuBQ7ssW8RcKAary3pUm6UUQB+Co6lnfti0Tzag8PgjhAJq2Z3wbsGRnP2YS\n" +
-97, 48, 13, 6, 9, 42, -122, 72, -122, -9, 13, 1, 1, 1, 5, 0, 3, -127, -115, 0, "vYoaK6qzmHXRYlp/PxrjBAZAmkLJs4YTm/XFF+fkeYx4i9zqHbyone5yerRibsHaXZWLnUL+rFoe\n" +
48, -127, -119, 2, -127, -127, 0, -105, 81, 76, -56, -118, -35, 54, -61, -39, "MdKvr0VS3sGmhQIDAQABMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBCwUAA4IBAQADQi441pKmXf9FvUV5EHU4v8nJT9Iq\n" +
69, 77, -56, 36, -126, 15, -35, -97, 126, -59, 2, -110, -39, -122, -116, -62, "yqwsKwXnr7AsUlDGHBD7jGrjAXnG5rGxuNKBQ35wRxJATKrUtyaquFUL6H8O6aGQehiFTk6zmPbe\n" +
-83, -43, -102, 98, 46, -33, 6, 33, 74, -68, -121, -64, -9, -3, 45, 102, -121, "12Gu44vqqTgIUxnv3JQJiox8S2hMxsSddpeCmSdvmalvD6WG4NthH6B9ZaBEiep1+0s0RUaBYn73\n" +
50, -86, 93, 125, -82, -110, -2, -22, -114, 18, -93, 51, -86, 63, -63, 46, 96, "I7CCUaAtbjfR6pcJjrFk5ei7uwdQZFSJtkP2z8r7zfeANJddAKFlkaMWn7u+OIVuB4XPooWicObk\n" +
-37, 16, 105, -11, 96, -97, -77, 98, -2, 117, -66, -118, 31, -62, -94, 109, -61, "NAHFtP65bocUYnDpTVdiyvn8DdqyZ/EO8n1bBKBzuSLplk2msW4pdgaFgY7Vw/0wzcFXfUXmL1uy\n" +
-82, 31, -103, 29, -53, -6, 47, 13, -78, -30, -128, 95, -76, 18, 5, -43, -80, "G8sQD/wx\n" +
51, 22, 39, 11, -93, 101, -66, -105, -68, -110, -80, 89, -105, -116, 10, -42, "-----END CERTIFICATE-----";
16, 51, 4, 113, -23, 69, -111, 85, -61, -59, -33, -83, 5, 114, -112, 34, 34,
-107, 79, 2, 3, 1, 0, 1, 48, 13, 6, 9, 42, -122, 72, -122, -9, 13, 1, 1, 11, 5, private static final String KEY = "-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----\n" +
0, 3, -127, -127, 0, 8, -18, -42, -73, 54, 95, 39, -58, -98, 62, -26, 50, -3, "MIIEvQIBADANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAASCBKcwggSjAgEAAoIBAQCCBtayYNDrM3NFnkBbwTd6gaWp\n" +
71, -125, -128, -19, -87, -46, -85, 72, 17, 46, 75, -104, 125, -51, 27, 123, "a84ENvkWzWgFGtVAe5iZUChqrAPNdgnQs7Brb3cCBYRDWOlxtnaGmhhDOoRkFMucWEyuFEWUfops\n" +
84, 34, 100, -112, 122, -28, 29, -33, 127, -20, -54, 30, -77, 109, -81, -3, "k0PxjfeRn+JJUEEO4Zt1JslKGUz7hbBD0gCyjgxni9bdLWK/l8YakuBu1dGYF/9FTyiY3QaKOW9a\n" +
-73, -113, 17, 28, 98, 127, 77, 53, -76, -49, -119, 98, 113, 71, -107, -33, "UtYdaKMs3zFC3JIW4FDuyxbxFwoBqvLelSbpRRAH4KjqWd+2LRPNqDw+COEAmrZnfBuwZGc/ZhK9\n" +
-57, 37, -55, -60, 89, 65, 83, -96, -54, -22, 122, 10, -11, 11, -67, -58, -57, "ihorqrOYddFiWn8/GuMEBkCaQsmzhhOb9cUX5+R5jHiL3OodvKid7nJ6tGJuwdpdlYudQv6sWh4x\n" +
85, -119, 46, -26, -41, 15, -77, 19, 4, -32, -64, -12, 49, 104, -101, 42, 88, "0q+vRVLewaaFAgMBAAECggEAP8tPJvFtTxhNJAkCloHz0D0vpDHqQBMgntlkgayqmBqLwhyb18pR\n" +
75, 27, 41, 122, 126, 70, -99, -91, -33, -36, -57, -63, -7, 94, -71, -15, -108, "i0qwgh7HHc7wWqOOQuSqlEnrWRrdcI6TSe8R/sErzfTQNoznKWIPYcI/hskk4sdnQ//Yn9/Jvnsv\n" +
59, -32, 50, 47, -35, 71, 104, 47, 97, 43, 93, -128, -65, 11, 29, -88 "U/BBjOTJxtD+sQbhAl80JcA3R+5sArURQkfzzHOL/YMqzAsn5hTzp7HZCxUqBk3KaHRxV7NefeOE\n" +
}; "xlZuWSmxYWfbFIs4kx19/1t7h8CHQWezw+G60G2VBtSBBxDnhBWvqG6R/wpzJ3nEhPLLY9T+XIHe\n" +
private static byte[] KEY_BYTES = { "ipzdMOOOUZorfIg7M+pyYPji+ZIZxIpY5OjrOzXHciAjRtr5Y7l99K1CG1LguQKBgQDrQfIMxxtZ\n" +
48, -126, 2, 120, 2, 1, 0, 48, 13, 6, 9, 42, -122, 72, -122, -9, 13, 1, 1, 1, 5, "vxU/1cRmUV9l7pt5bjV5R6byXq178LxPKVYNjdZ840Q0/OpZEVqaT1xKVi35ohP1QfNjxPLlHD+K\n" +
0, 4, -126, 2, 98, 48, -126, 2, 94, 2, 1, 0, 2, -127, -127, 0, -105, 81, 76, -56, "iDAR9z6zkwjIrbwPCnb5kuXy4lpwPcmmmkva25fI7qlpHtbcuQdoBdCfr/KkKaUCMPyY89LCXgEw\n" +
-118, -35, 54, -61, -39, 69, 77, -56, 36, -126, 15, -35, -97, 126, -59, 2, -110, "5KTDj64UywKBgQCNfbO+eZLGzhiHhtNJurresCsIGWlInv322gL8CSfBMYl6eNfUTZvUDdFhPISL\n" +
-39, -122, -116, -62, -83, -43, -102, 98, 46, -33, 6, 33, 74, -68, -121, -64, -9, "UljKWzXDrjw0ujFSPR0XhUGtiq89H+HUTuPPYv25gVXO+HTgBFZEPl4PpA+BUsSVZy0NddneyqLk\n" +
-3, 45, 102, -121, 50, -86, 93, 125, -82, -110, -2, -22, -114, 18, -93, 51, -86, "42Wey9omY9Q8WsdNQS5cbUvy0uG6WFoX7wKBgQDZ1jpW8pa0x2bZsQsm4vo+3G5CRnZlUp+XlWt2\n" +
63, -63, 46, 96, -37, 16, 105, -11, 96, -97, -77, 98, -2, 117, -66, -118, 31, -62, "dDcp5dC0xD1zbs1dc0NcLeGDOTDv9FSl7hok42iHXXq8AygjEm/QcuwwQ1nC2HxmQP5holAiUs4D\n" +
-94, 109, -61, -82, 31, -103, 29, -53, -6, 47, 13, -78, -30, -128, 95, -76, 18, 5, "WHM8PWs3wFYPzE459EBoKTxeaeP/uWAn+he8q7d5uWvSZlEcANs/6e77eQKBgD21Ar0hfFfj7mK8\n" +
-43, -80, 51, 22, 39, 11, -93, 101, -66, -105, -68, -110, -80, 89, -105, -116, 10, "9E0FeRZBsqK3omkfnhcYgZC11Xa2SgT1yvs2Va2n0RcdM5kncr3eBZav2GYOhhAdwyBM55XuE/sO\n" +
-42, 16, 51, 4, 113, -23, 69, -111, 85, -61, -59, -33, -83, 5, 114, -112, 34, 34, "eokDVutNeuZ6d5fqV96TRaRBpvgfTvvRwxZ9hvKF4Vz+9wfn/JvCwANaKmegF6ejs7pvmF3whq2k\n" +
-107, 79, 2, 3, 1, 0, 1, 2, -127, -128, 68, 52, 93, 11, -73, -85, -26, 87, 120, -61, "drZVAoGAX5YxQ5XMTD0QbMAl7/6qp6S58xNoVdfCkmkj1ZLKaHKIjS/benkKGlySVQVPexPfnkZx\n" +
-120, 63, -62, 84, -19, -103, -45, -98, 108, 102, -80, -110, 99, -41, 102, -104, "p/Vv9yyphBoudiTBS9Uog66ueLYZqpgxlM/6OhYg86Gm3U2ycvMxYjBM1NFiyze21AqAhI+HX+Ot\n" +
-68, 67, 14, 38, 90, 88, -123, 1, 14, -31, -111, -43, 53, -59, 21, 5, -77, -116, "mraV2/guSgDgZAhukRZzeQ2RucI=\n" +
-98, -1, 91, -124, -34, 106, 19, 7, -53, -112, 42, 24, -6, -106, 81, 9, -20, -24, "-----END PRIVATE KEY-----";
21, -75, 119, -49, 70, 70, -106, -6, -56, -6, 28, 104, 33, -104, 27, 65, -75, -12,
-93, 75, 87, 82, -64, -70, -127, 60, 91, -60, -76, 13, -115, 19, -77, -16, -3, 119,
-88, 111, 96, 78, -103, -30, -87, -118, 106, -7, 97, -21, 20, -31, -43, 28, -18,
-2, 117, 63, 111, -71, 84, -77, -42, 78, 20, -28, -54, -63, 2, 65, 0, -23, 7, -72,
-18, -122, 34, 90, 107, -103, 119, 105, 46, -10, -109, -7, 3, 21, 16, 91, 110, -13,
120, 95, 122, -77, -60, 18, -52, 103, -1, -90, 39, -3, 99, -10, 18, -14, 47, -104,
-87, -110, 7, -48, -23, -37, 104, -125, 97, 88, -1, -86, -90, -11, -79, -20, 41,
-128, 15, -35, -104, 60, 25, 121, -41, 2, 65, 0, -90, 59, -92, -31, -117, 35, -79,
16, -76, 57, 90, 15, -6, 84, 47, -113, -42, 19, -56, 121, 123, -121, -91, 91, -37,
-71, 78, -40, 12, 82, -25, -125, -58, 115, -123, 97, 10, -99, -59, 38, -48, -103,
-128, -125, 36, 108, 18, -86, -85, -17, -40, 8, -14, -108, -24, -20, 63, -59, -81,
5, 11, 35, 1, 73, 2, 65, 0, -30, 11, -8, -85, -128, 120, 80, -121, -15, -35, -80,
-83, -70, -55, 125, -109, 44, -38, -86, 39, 45, -116, 69, -22, 75, -7, 86, 86, -20,
71, 68, -111, -92, 46, 84, 100, -70, -125, -53, 46, 42, -106, -28, 100, 5, -49, 19,
42, -38, 95, 95, -42, 7, -99, -23, 61, -76, -103, 47, 86, -34, 109, -60, 15, 2, 65,
0, -126, -72, -22, -101, 87, 0, -75, 80, 110, 121, -97, 98, 107, 55, -30, -61, 24,
-43, 43, -44, -92, -104, -14, 39, 127, 109, -123, 28, 14, -20, -17, 20, -56, 109,
-75, -40, -81, 49, -116, -123, 78, -117, 55, -19, 105, 41, -9, -81, -15, 79, -58,
50, -101, 25, 16, -26, 31, -20, 68, 11, 18, 75, -17, -55, 2, 65, 0, -126, -11, 56,
-83, -60, 1, -125, 109, 74, 74, -1, -17, 54, 111, -111, 100, 125, 21, 77, 34, 119,
-33, 23, -13, 66, 74, -78, 80, -67, 57, -42, 65, 65, 58, 96, 0, 72, -122, 3, -78,
119, 68, -76, 5, 50, 37, 51, 10, -54, 54, -102, 90, -6, 127, -93, 97, 53, 24, 57,
77, 81, 53, -13, -127
static { static {
Throwable cause = null; Throwable cause = null;
@ -256,7 +233,7 @@ public final class OpenSsl {
} }
PemEncoded privateKey = PemPrivateKey.toPEM(UnpooledByteBufAllocator.DEFAULT, true, KEY_BYTES); PemEncoded privateKey = PemPrivateKey.valueOf(KEY.getBytes(CharsetUtil.US_ASCII));
try { try {
X509Certificate certificate = selfSignedCertificate(); X509Certificate certificate = selfSignedCertificate();
certBio = ReferenceCountedOpenSslContext.toBIO(ByteBufAllocator.DEFAULT, certificate); certBio = ReferenceCountedOpenSslContext.toBIO(ByteBufAllocator.DEFAULT, certificate);
@ -388,7 +365,9 @@ public final class OpenSsl {
* Returns a self-signed {@link X509Certificate} for {@code}. * Returns a self-signed {@link X509Certificate} for {@code}.
*/ */
static X509Certificate selfSignedCertificate() throws CertificateException { static X509Certificate selfSignedCertificate() throws CertificateException {
return (X509Certificate) SslContext.X509_CERT_FACTORY.generateCertificate(new ByteArrayInputStream(CERT_BYTES)); return (X509Certificate) SslContext.X509_CERT_FACTORY.generateCertificate(
new ByteArrayInputStream(CERT.getBytes(CharsetUtil.US_ASCII))
} }
private static boolean doesSupportOcsp() { private static boolean doesSupportOcsp() {

View File

@ -67,6 +67,14 @@ public final class SelfSignedCertificate {
private static final Date DEFAULT_NOT_AFTER = new Date(SystemPropertyUtil.getLong( private static final Date DEFAULT_NOT_AFTER = new Date(SystemPropertyUtil.getLong(
"io.netty.selfSignedCertificate.defaultNotAfter", 253402300799000L)); "io.netty.selfSignedCertificate.defaultNotAfter", 253402300799000L));
* FIPS 140-2 encryption requires the key length to be 2048 bits or greater.
* Let's use that as a sane default but allow the default to be set dynamically
* for those that need more stringent security requirements.
private static final int DEFAULT_KEY_LENGTH_BITS =
SystemPropertyUtil.getInt("io.netty.handler.ssl.util.selfSignedKeyStrength", 2048);
private final File certificate; private final File certificate;
private final File privateKey; private final File privateKey;
private final X509Certificate cert; private final X509Certificate cert;
@ -107,7 +115,7 @@ public final class SelfSignedCertificate {
public SelfSignedCertificate(String fqdn, Date notBefore, Date notAfter) throws CertificateException { public SelfSignedCertificate(String fqdn, Date notBefore, Date notAfter) throws CertificateException {
// Bypass entropy collection by using insecure random generator. // Bypass entropy collection by using insecure random generator.
// We just want to generate it without any delay because it's for testing purposes only. // We just want to generate it without any delay because it's for testing purposes only.
this(fqdn, ThreadLocalInsecureRandom.current(), 1024, notBefore, notAfter); this(fqdn, ThreadLocalInsecureRandom.current(), DEFAULT_KEY_LENGTH_BITS, notBefore, notAfter);
} }
/** /**