Optimize DefaultChannelPipeline in terms of memory usage and initialization time
Motivation: Each of DefaultChannelPipeline instance creates an head and tail that wraps a handler. These are used to chain together other DefaultChannelHandlerContext that are created once a new ChannelHandler is added. There are a few things here that can be improved in terms of memory usage and initialization time. Modification: - Only generate the name for the tail and head one time as it will never change anyway - Rename DefaultChannelHandlerContext to AbstractChannelHandlerContext and make it abstract - Create a new DefaultChannelHandlerContext that is used when a ChannelHandler is added to the DefaultChannelPipeline - Rename TailHandler to TailContext and HeadHandler to HeadContext and let them extend AbstractChannelHandlerContext. This way we can save 2 object creations per DefaultChannelPipeline Result: - Less memory usage because we have 2 less objects per DefaultChannelPipeline - Faster creation of DefaultChannelPipeline as we not need to generate the name for the head and tail
This commit is contained in:
@ -0,0 +1,998 @@
* Copyright 2012 The Netty Project
* The Netty Project licenses this file to you under the Apache License,
* version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at:
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
* WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
* License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package io.netty.channel;
import static io.netty.channel.DefaultChannelPipeline.logger;
import io.netty.buffer.ByteBufAllocator;
import io.netty.util.DefaultAttributeMap;
import io.netty.util.Recycler;
import io.netty.util.ReferenceCountUtil;
import io.netty.util.concurrent.EventExecutor;
import io.netty.util.concurrent.EventExecutorGroup;
import io.netty.util.internal.OneTimeTask;
import io.netty.util.internal.StringUtil;
import java.net.SocketAddress;
abstract class AbstractChannelHandlerContext extends DefaultAttributeMap implements ChannelHandlerContext {
volatile AbstractChannelHandlerContext next;
volatile AbstractChannelHandlerContext prev;
private final boolean inbound;
private final boolean outbound;
private final AbstractChannel channel;
private final DefaultChannelPipeline pipeline;
private final String name;
private boolean removed;
// Will be set to null if no child executor should be used, otherwise it will be set to the
// child executor.
final EventExecutor executor;
private ChannelFuture succeededFuture;
// Lazily instantiated tasks used to trigger events to a handler with different executor.
// These needs to be volatile as otherwise an other Thread may see an half initialized instance.
// See the JMM for more details
private volatile Runnable invokeChannelReadCompleteTask;
private volatile Runnable invokeReadTask;
private volatile Runnable invokeChannelWritableStateChangedTask;
private volatile Runnable invokeFlushTask;
AbstractChannelHandlerContext(DefaultChannelPipeline pipeline, EventExecutorGroup group, String name,
boolean inbound, boolean outbound) {
if (name == null) {
throw new NullPointerException("name");
channel = pipeline.channel;
this.pipeline = pipeline;
this.name = name;
if (group != null) {
// Pin one of the child executors once and remember it so that the same child executor
// is used to fire events for the same channel.
EventExecutor childExecutor = pipeline.childExecutors.get(group);
if (childExecutor == null) {
childExecutor = group.next();
pipeline.childExecutors.put(group, childExecutor);
executor = childExecutor;
} else {
executor = null;
this.inbound = inbound;
this.outbound = outbound;
/** Invocation initiated by {@link DefaultChannelPipeline#teardownAll()}}. */
void teardown() {
EventExecutor executor = executor();
if (executor.inEventLoop()) {
} else {
executor.execute(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
private void teardown0() {
AbstractChannelHandlerContext prev = this.prev;
if (prev != null) {
synchronized (pipeline) {
public Channel channel() {
return channel;
public ChannelPipeline pipeline() {
return pipeline;
public ByteBufAllocator alloc() {
return channel().config().getAllocator();
public EventExecutor executor() {
if (executor == null) {
return channel().eventLoop();
} else {
return executor;
public String name() {
return name;
public ChannelHandlerContext fireChannelRegistered() {
final AbstractChannelHandlerContext next = findContextInbound();
EventExecutor executor = next.executor();
if (executor.inEventLoop()) {
} else {
executor.execute(new OneTimeTask() {
public void run() {
return this;
private void invokeChannelRegistered() {
try {
((ChannelInboundHandler) handler()).channelRegistered(this);
} catch (Throwable t) {
public ChannelHandlerContext fireChannelUnregistered() {
final AbstractChannelHandlerContext next = findContextInbound();
EventExecutor executor = next.executor();
if (executor.inEventLoop()) {
} else {
executor.execute(new OneTimeTask() {
public void run() {
return this;
private void invokeChannelUnregistered() {
try {
((ChannelInboundHandler) handler()).channelUnregistered(this);
} catch (Throwable t) {
public ChannelHandlerContext fireChannelActive() {
final AbstractChannelHandlerContext next = findContextInbound();
EventExecutor executor = next.executor();
if (executor.inEventLoop()) {
} else {
executor.execute(new OneTimeTask() {
public void run() {
return this;
private void invokeChannelActive() {
try {
((ChannelInboundHandler) handler()).channelActive(this);
} catch (Throwable t) {
public ChannelHandlerContext fireChannelInactive() {
final AbstractChannelHandlerContext next = findContextInbound();
EventExecutor executor = next.executor();
if (executor.inEventLoop()) {
} else {
executor.execute(new OneTimeTask() {
public void run() {
return this;
private void invokeChannelInactive() {
try {
((ChannelInboundHandler) handler()).channelInactive(this);
} catch (Throwable t) {
public ChannelHandlerContext fireExceptionCaught(final Throwable cause) {
if (cause == null) {
throw new NullPointerException("cause");
final AbstractChannelHandlerContext next = this.next;
EventExecutor executor = next.executor();
if (executor.inEventLoop()) {
} else {
try {
executor.execute(new OneTimeTask() {
public void run() {
} catch (Throwable t) {
if (logger.isWarnEnabled()) {
logger.warn("Failed to submit an exceptionCaught() event.", t);
logger.warn("The exceptionCaught() event that was failed to submit was:", cause);
return this;
private void invokeExceptionCaught(final Throwable cause) {
try {
handler().exceptionCaught(this, cause);
} catch (Throwable t) {
if (logger.isWarnEnabled()) {
"An exception was thrown by a user handler's " +
"exceptionCaught() method while handling the following exception:", cause);
public ChannelHandlerContext fireUserEventTriggered(final Object event) {
if (event == null) {
throw new NullPointerException("event");
final AbstractChannelHandlerContext next = findContextInbound();
EventExecutor executor = next.executor();
if (executor.inEventLoop()) {
} else {
executor.execute(new OneTimeTask() {
public void run() {
return this;
private void invokeUserEventTriggered(Object event) {
try {
((ChannelInboundHandler) handler()).userEventTriggered(this, event);
} catch (Throwable t) {
public ChannelHandlerContext fireChannelRead(final Object msg) {
if (msg == null) {
throw new NullPointerException("msg");
final AbstractChannelHandlerContext next = findContextInbound();
EventExecutor executor = next.executor();
if (executor.inEventLoop()) {
} else {
executor.execute(new OneTimeTask() {
public void run() {
return this;
private void invokeChannelRead(Object msg) {
try {
((ChannelInboundHandler) handler()).channelRead(this, msg);
} catch (Throwable t) {
public ChannelHandlerContext fireChannelReadComplete() {
final AbstractChannelHandlerContext next = findContextInbound();
EventExecutor executor = next.executor();
if (executor.inEventLoop()) {
} else {
Runnable task = next.invokeChannelReadCompleteTask;
if (task == null) {
next.invokeChannelReadCompleteTask = task = new Runnable() {
public void run() {
return this;
private void invokeChannelReadComplete() {
try {
((ChannelInboundHandler) handler()).channelReadComplete(this);
} catch (Throwable t) {
public ChannelHandlerContext fireChannelWritabilityChanged() {
final AbstractChannelHandlerContext next = findContextInbound();
EventExecutor executor = next.executor();
if (executor.inEventLoop()) {
} else {
Runnable task = next.invokeChannelWritableStateChangedTask;
if (task == null) {
next.invokeChannelWritableStateChangedTask = task = new Runnable() {
public void run() {
return this;
private void invokeChannelWritabilityChanged() {
try {
((ChannelInboundHandler) handler()).channelWritabilityChanged(this);
} catch (Throwable t) {
public ChannelFuture bind(SocketAddress localAddress) {
return bind(localAddress, newPromise());
public ChannelFuture connect(SocketAddress remoteAddress) {
return connect(remoteAddress, newPromise());
public ChannelFuture connect(SocketAddress remoteAddress, SocketAddress localAddress) {
return connect(remoteAddress, localAddress, newPromise());
public ChannelFuture disconnect() {
return disconnect(newPromise());
public ChannelFuture close() {
return close(newPromise());
public ChannelFuture deregister() {
return deregister(newPromise());
public ChannelFuture bind(final SocketAddress localAddress, final ChannelPromise promise) {
if (localAddress == null) {
throw new NullPointerException("localAddress");
if (!validatePromise(promise, false)) {
// cancelled
return promise;
final AbstractChannelHandlerContext next = findContextOutbound();
EventExecutor executor = next.executor();
if (executor.inEventLoop()) {
next.invokeBind(localAddress, promise);
} else {
safeExecute(executor, new OneTimeTask() {
public void run() {
next.invokeBind(localAddress, promise);
}, promise, null);
return promise;
private void invokeBind(SocketAddress localAddress, ChannelPromise promise) {
try {
((ChannelOutboundHandler) handler()).bind(this, localAddress, promise);
} catch (Throwable t) {
notifyOutboundHandlerException(t, promise);
public ChannelFuture connect(SocketAddress remoteAddress, ChannelPromise promise) {
return connect(remoteAddress, null, promise);
public ChannelFuture connect(
final SocketAddress remoteAddress, final SocketAddress localAddress, final ChannelPromise promise) {
if (remoteAddress == null) {
throw new NullPointerException("remoteAddress");
if (!validatePromise(promise, false)) {
// cancelled
return promise;
final AbstractChannelHandlerContext next = findContextOutbound();
EventExecutor executor = next.executor();
if (executor.inEventLoop()) {
next.invokeConnect(remoteAddress, localAddress, promise);
} else {
safeExecute(executor, new OneTimeTask() {
public void run() {
next.invokeConnect(remoteAddress, localAddress, promise);
}, promise, null);
return promise;
private void invokeConnect(SocketAddress remoteAddress, SocketAddress localAddress, ChannelPromise promise) {
try {
((ChannelOutboundHandler) handler()).connect(this, remoteAddress, localAddress, promise);
} catch (Throwable t) {
notifyOutboundHandlerException(t, promise);
public ChannelFuture disconnect(final ChannelPromise promise) {
if (!validatePromise(promise, false)) {
// cancelled
return promise;
final AbstractChannelHandlerContext next = findContextOutbound();
EventExecutor executor = next.executor();
if (executor.inEventLoop()) {
// Translate disconnect to close if the channel has no notion of disconnect-reconnect.
// So far, UDP/IP is the only transport that has such behavior.
if (!channel().metadata().hasDisconnect()) {
} else {
} else {
safeExecute(executor, new OneTimeTask() {
public void run() {
if (!channel().metadata().hasDisconnect()) {
} else {
}, promise, null);
return promise;
private void invokeDisconnect(ChannelPromise promise) {
try {
((ChannelOutboundHandler) handler()).disconnect(this, promise);
} catch (Throwable t) {
notifyOutboundHandlerException(t, promise);
public ChannelFuture close(final ChannelPromise promise) {
if (!validatePromise(promise, false)) {
// cancelled
return promise;
final AbstractChannelHandlerContext next = findContextOutbound();
EventExecutor executor = next.executor();
if (executor.inEventLoop()) {
} else {
safeExecute(executor, new OneTimeTask() {
public void run() {
}, promise, null);
return promise;
private void invokeClose(ChannelPromise promise) {
try {
((ChannelOutboundHandler) handler()).close(this, promise);
} catch (Throwable t) {
notifyOutboundHandlerException(t, promise);
public ChannelFuture deregister(final ChannelPromise promise) {
if (!validatePromise(promise, false)) {
// cancelled
return promise;
final AbstractChannelHandlerContext next = findContextOutbound();
EventExecutor executor = next.executor();
if (executor.inEventLoop()) {
} else {
safeExecute(executor, new OneTimeTask() {
public void run() {
}, promise, null);
return promise;
private void invokeDeregister(ChannelPromise promise) {
try {
((ChannelOutboundHandler) handler()).deregister(this, promise);
} catch (Throwable t) {
notifyOutboundHandlerException(t, promise);
public ChannelHandlerContext read() {
final AbstractChannelHandlerContext next = findContextOutbound();
EventExecutor executor = next.executor();
if (executor.inEventLoop()) {
} else {
Runnable task = next.invokeReadTask;
if (task == null) {
next.invokeReadTask = task = new Runnable() {
public void run() {
return this;
private void invokeRead() {
try {
((ChannelOutboundHandler) handler()).read(this);
} catch (Throwable t) {
public ChannelFuture write(Object msg) {
return write(msg, newPromise());
public ChannelFuture write(final Object msg, final ChannelPromise promise) {
if (msg == null) {
throw new NullPointerException("msg");
if (!validatePromise(promise, true)) {
// cancelled
return promise;
write(msg, false, promise);
return promise;
private void invokeWrite(Object msg, ChannelPromise promise) {
try {
((ChannelOutboundHandler) handler()).write(this, msg, promise);
} catch (Throwable t) {
notifyOutboundHandlerException(t, promise);
public ChannelHandlerContext flush() {
final AbstractChannelHandlerContext next = findContextOutbound();
EventExecutor executor = next.executor();
if (executor.inEventLoop()) {
} else {
Runnable task = next.invokeFlushTask;
if (task == null) {
next.invokeFlushTask = task = new Runnable() {
public void run() {
safeExecute(executor, task, channel.voidPromise(), null);
return this;
private void invokeFlush() {
try {
((ChannelOutboundHandler) handler()).flush(this);
} catch (Throwable t) {
public ChannelFuture writeAndFlush(Object msg, ChannelPromise promise) {
if (msg == null) {
throw new NullPointerException("msg");
if (!validatePromise(promise, true)) {
// cancelled
return promise;
write(msg, true, promise);
return promise;
private void write(Object msg, boolean flush, ChannelPromise promise) {
AbstractChannelHandlerContext next = findContextOutbound();
EventExecutor executor = next.executor();
if (executor.inEventLoop()) {
next.invokeWrite(msg, promise);
if (flush) {
} else {
int size = channel.estimatorHandle().size(msg);
if (size > 0) {
ChannelOutboundBuffer buffer = channel.unsafe().outboundBuffer();
// Check for null as it may be set to null if the channel is closed already
if (buffer != null) {
Runnable task;
if (flush) {
task = WriteAndFlushTask.newInstance(next, msg, size, promise);
} else {
task = WriteTask.newInstance(next, msg, size, promise);
safeExecute(executor, task, promise, msg);
public ChannelFuture writeAndFlush(Object msg) {
return writeAndFlush(msg, newPromise());
private static void notifyOutboundHandlerException(Throwable cause, ChannelPromise promise) {
// only try to fail the promise if its not a VoidChannelPromise, as
// the VoidChannelPromise would also fire the cause through the pipeline
if (promise instanceof VoidChannelPromise) {
if (!promise.tryFailure(cause)) {
if (logger.isWarnEnabled()) {
logger.warn("Failed to fail the promise because it's done already: {}", promise, cause);
private void notifyHandlerException(Throwable cause) {
if (inExceptionCaught(cause)) {
if (logger.isWarnEnabled()) {
"An exception was thrown by a user handler " +
"while handling an exceptionCaught event", cause);
private static boolean inExceptionCaught(Throwable cause) {
do {
StackTraceElement[] trace = cause.getStackTrace();
if (trace != null) {
for (StackTraceElement t : trace) {
if (t == null) {
if ("exceptionCaught".equals(t.getMethodName())) {
return true;
cause = cause.getCause();
} while (cause != null);
return false;
public ChannelPromise newPromise() {
return new DefaultChannelPromise(channel(), executor());
public ChannelProgressivePromise newProgressivePromise() {
return new DefaultChannelProgressivePromise(channel(), executor());
public ChannelFuture newSucceededFuture() {
ChannelFuture succeededFuture = this.succeededFuture;
if (succeededFuture == null) {
this.succeededFuture = succeededFuture = new SucceededChannelFuture(channel(), executor());
return succeededFuture;
public ChannelFuture newFailedFuture(Throwable cause) {
return new FailedChannelFuture(channel(), executor(), cause);
private boolean validatePromise(ChannelPromise promise, boolean allowVoidPromise) {
if (promise == null) {
throw new NullPointerException("promise");
if (promise.isDone()) {
// Check if the promise was cancelled and if so signal that the processing of the operation
// should not be performed.
// See https://github.com/netty/netty/issues/2349
if (promise.isCancelled()) {
return false;
throw new IllegalArgumentException("promise already done: " + promise);
if (promise.channel() != channel()) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format(
"promise.channel does not match: %s (expected: %s)", promise.channel(), channel()));
if (promise.getClass() == DefaultChannelPromise.class) {
return true;
if (!allowVoidPromise && promise instanceof VoidChannelPromise) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
StringUtil.simpleClassName(VoidChannelPromise.class) + " not allowed for this operation");
if (promise instanceof AbstractChannel.CloseFuture) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
StringUtil.simpleClassName(AbstractChannel.CloseFuture.class) + " not allowed in a pipeline");
return true;
private AbstractChannelHandlerContext findContextInbound() {
AbstractChannelHandlerContext ctx = this;
do {
ctx = ctx.next;
} while (!ctx.inbound);
return ctx;
private AbstractChannelHandlerContext findContextOutbound() {
AbstractChannelHandlerContext ctx = this;
do {
ctx = ctx.prev;
} while (!ctx.outbound);
return ctx;
public ChannelPromise voidPromise() {
return channel.voidPromise();
void setRemoved() {
removed = true;
public boolean isRemoved() {
return removed;
private static void safeExecute(EventExecutor executor, Runnable runnable, ChannelPromise promise, Object msg) {
try {
} catch (Throwable cause) {
try {
} finally {
if (msg != null) {
abstract static class AbstractWriteTask extends OneTimeTask {
private final Recycler.Handle handle;
private AbstractChannelHandlerContext ctx;
private Object msg;
private ChannelPromise promise;
private int size;
private AbstractWriteTask(Recycler.Handle handle) {
this.handle = handle;
protected static void init(AbstractWriteTask task, AbstractChannelHandlerContext ctx,
Object msg, int size, ChannelPromise promise) {
task.ctx = ctx;
task.msg = msg;
task.promise = promise;
task.size = size;
public final void run() {
try {
if (size > 0) {
ChannelOutboundBuffer buffer = ctx.channel.unsafe().outboundBuffer();
// Check for null as it may be set to null if the channel is closed already
if (buffer != null) {
write(ctx, msg, promise);
} finally {
// Set to null so the GC can collect them directly
ctx = null;
msg = null;
promise = null;
protected void write(AbstractChannelHandlerContext ctx, Object msg, ChannelPromise promise) {
ctx.invokeWrite(msg, promise);
protected abstract void recycle(Recycler.Handle handle);
static final class WriteTask extends AbstractWriteTask implements SingleThreadEventLoop.NonWakeupRunnable {
private static final Recycler<WriteTask> RECYCLER = new Recycler<WriteTask>() {
protected WriteTask newObject(Handle handle) {
return new WriteTask(handle);
private static WriteTask newInstance(
AbstractChannelHandlerContext ctx, Object msg, int size, ChannelPromise promise) {
WriteTask task = RECYCLER.get();
init(task, ctx, msg, size, promise);
return task;
private WriteTask(Recycler.Handle handle) {
protected void recycle(Recycler.Handle handle) {
RECYCLER.recycle(this, handle);
static final class WriteAndFlushTask extends AbstractWriteTask {
private static final Recycler<WriteAndFlushTask> RECYCLER = new Recycler<WriteAndFlushTask>() {
protected WriteAndFlushTask newObject(Handle handle) {
return new WriteAndFlushTask(handle);
private static WriteAndFlushTask newInstance(
AbstractChannelHandlerContext ctx, Object msg, int size, ChannelPromise promise) {
WriteAndFlushTask task = RECYCLER.get();
init(task, ctx, msg, size, promise);
return task;
private WriteAndFlushTask(Recycler.Handle handle) {
public void write(AbstractChannelHandlerContext ctx, Object msg, ChannelPromise promise) {
super.write(ctx, msg, promise);
protected void recycle(Recycler.Handle handle) {
RECYCLER.recycle(this, handle);
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -57,11 +57,11 @@ final class DefaultChannelPipeline implements ChannelPipeline {
final AbstractChannel channel;
final AbstractChannel channel;
final DefaultChannelHandlerContext head;
final AbstractChannelHandlerContext head;
final DefaultChannelHandlerContext tail;
final AbstractChannelHandlerContext tail;
private final Map<String, DefaultChannelHandlerContext> name2ctx =
private final Map<String, AbstractChannelHandlerContext> name2ctx =
new HashMap<String, DefaultChannelHandlerContext>(4);
new HashMap<String, AbstractChannelHandlerContext>(4);
final Map<EventExecutorGroup, EventExecutor> childExecutors =
final Map<EventExecutorGroup, EventExecutor> childExecutors =
new IdentityHashMap<EventExecutorGroup, EventExecutor>();
new IdentityHashMap<EventExecutorGroup, EventExecutor>();
@ -72,11 +72,8 @@ final class DefaultChannelPipeline implements ChannelPipeline {
this.channel = channel;
this.channel = channel;
TailHandler tailHandler = new TailHandler();
tail = new TailContext(this);
tail = new DefaultChannelHandlerContext(this, null, generateName(tailHandler), tailHandler);
head = new HeadContext(this);
HeadHandler headHandler = new HeadHandler(channel.unsafe());
head = new DefaultChannelHandlerContext(this, null, generateName(headHandler), headHandler);
head.next = tail;
head.next = tail;
tail.prev = head;
tail.prev = head;
@ -96,17 +93,17 @@ final class DefaultChannelPipeline implements ChannelPipeline {
public ChannelPipeline addFirst(EventExecutorGroup group, final String name, ChannelHandler handler) {
public ChannelPipeline addFirst(EventExecutorGroup group, final String name, ChannelHandler handler) {
synchronized (this) {
synchronized (this) {
DefaultChannelHandlerContext newCtx = new DefaultChannelHandlerContext(this, group, name, handler);
AbstractChannelHandlerContext newCtx = new DefaultChannelHandlerContext(this, group, name, handler);
addFirst0(name, newCtx);
addFirst0(name, newCtx);
return this;
return this;
private void addFirst0(String name, DefaultChannelHandlerContext newCtx) {
private void addFirst0(String name, AbstractChannelHandlerContext newCtx) {
DefaultChannelHandlerContext nextCtx = head.next;
AbstractChannelHandlerContext nextCtx = head.next;
newCtx.prev = head;
newCtx.prev = head;
newCtx.next = nextCtx;
newCtx.next = nextCtx;
head.next = newCtx;
head.next = newCtx;
@ -127,17 +124,17 @@ final class DefaultChannelPipeline implements ChannelPipeline {
synchronized (this) {
synchronized (this) {
DefaultChannelHandlerContext newCtx = new DefaultChannelHandlerContext(this, group, name, handler);
AbstractChannelHandlerContext newCtx = new DefaultChannelHandlerContext(this, group, name, handler);
addLast0(name, newCtx);
addLast0(name, newCtx);
return this;
return this;
private void addLast0(final String name, DefaultChannelHandlerContext newCtx) {
private void addLast0(final String name, AbstractChannelHandlerContext newCtx) {
DefaultChannelHandlerContext prev = tail.prev;
AbstractChannelHandlerContext prev = tail.prev;
newCtx.prev = prev;
newCtx.prev = prev;
newCtx.next = tail;
newCtx.next = tail;
prev.next = newCtx;
prev.next = newCtx;
@ -157,15 +154,16 @@ final class DefaultChannelPipeline implements ChannelPipeline {
public ChannelPipeline addBefore(
public ChannelPipeline addBefore(
EventExecutorGroup group, String baseName, final String name, ChannelHandler handler) {
EventExecutorGroup group, String baseName, final String name, ChannelHandler handler) {
synchronized (this) {
synchronized (this) {
DefaultChannelHandlerContext ctx = getContextOrDie(baseName);
AbstractChannelHandlerContext ctx = getContextOrDie(baseName);
DefaultChannelHandlerContext newCtx = new DefaultChannelHandlerContext(this, group, name, handler);
AbstractChannelHandlerContext newCtx = new DefaultChannelHandlerContext(this, group, name, handler);
addBefore0(name, ctx, newCtx);
addBefore0(name, ctx, newCtx);
return this;
return this;
private void addBefore0(final String name, DefaultChannelHandlerContext ctx, DefaultChannelHandlerContext newCtx) {
private void addBefore0(
final String name, AbstractChannelHandlerContext ctx, AbstractChannelHandlerContext newCtx) {
newCtx.prev = ctx.prev;
newCtx.prev = ctx.prev;
@ -187,9 +185,9 @@ final class DefaultChannelPipeline implements ChannelPipeline {
public ChannelPipeline addAfter(
public ChannelPipeline addAfter(
EventExecutorGroup group, String baseName, final String name, ChannelHandler handler) {
EventExecutorGroup group, String baseName, final String name, ChannelHandler handler) {
synchronized (this) {
synchronized (this) {
DefaultChannelHandlerContext ctx = getContextOrDie(baseName);
AbstractChannelHandlerContext ctx = getContextOrDie(baseName);
DefaultChannelHandlerContext newCtx = new DefaultChannelHandlerContext(this, group, name, handler);
AbstractChannelHandlerContext newCtx = new DefaultChannelHandlerContext(this, group, name, handler);
addAfter0(name, ctx, newCtx);
addAfter0(name, ctx, newCtx);
@ -197,7 +195,7 @@ final class DefaultChannelPipeline implements ChannelPipeline {
return this;
return this;
private void addAfter0(final String name, DefaultChannelHandlerContext ctx, DefaultChannelHandlerContext newCtx) {
private void addAfter0(final String name, AbstractChannelHandlerContext ctx, AbstractChannelHandlerContext newCtx) {
@ -268,7 +266,7 @@ final class DefaultChannelPipeline implements ChannelPipeline {
synchronized (cache) {
synchronized (cache) {
name = cache.get(handlerType);
name = cache.get(handlerType);
if (name == null) {
if (name == null) {
name = StringUtil.simpleClassName(handlerType) + "#0";
name = generateName0(handlerType);
cache.put(handlerType, name);
cache.put(handlerType, name);
@ -291,6 +289,10 @@ final class DefaultChannelPipeline implements ChannelPipeline {
return name;
return name;
private static String generateName0(Class<?> handlerType) {
return StringUtil.simpleClassName(handlerType) + "#0";
public ChannelPipeline remove(ChannelHandler handler) {
public ChannelPipeline remove(ChannelHandler handler) {
@ -308,10 +310,10 @@ final class DefaultChannelPipeline implements ChannelPipeline {
return (T) remove(getContextOrDie(handlerType)).handler();
return (T) remove(getContextOrDie(handlerType)).handler();
private DefaultChannelHandlerContext remove(final DefaultChannelHandlerContext ctx) {
private AbstractChannelHandlerContext remove(final AbstractChannelHandlerContext ctx) {
assert ctx != head && ctx != tail;
assert ctx != head && ctx != tail;
DefaultChannelHandlerContext context;
AbstractChannelHandlerContext context;
Future<?> future;
Future<?> future;
synchronized (this) {
synchronized (this) {
@ -339,9 +341,9 @@ final class DefaultChannelPipeline implements ChannelPipeline {
return context;
return context;
void remove0(DefaultChannelHandlerContext ctx) {
void remove0(AbstractChannelHandlerContext ctx) {
DefaultChannelHandlerContext prev = ctx.prev;
AbstractChannelHandlerContext prev = ctx.prev;
DefaultChannelHandlerContext next = ctx.next;
AbstractChannelHandlerContext next = ctx.next;
prev.next = next;
prev.next = next;
next.prev = prev;
next.prev = prev;
@ -383,7 +385,7 @@ final class DefaultChannelPipeline implements ChannelPipeline {
private ChannelHandler replace(
private ChannelHandler replace(
final DefaultChannelHandlerContext ctx, final String newName,
final AbstractChannelHandlerContext ctx, final String newName,
ChannelHandler newHandler) {
ChannelHandler newHandler) {
assert ctx != head && ctx != tail;
assert ctx != head && ctx != tail;
@ -395,7 +397,7 @@ final class DefaultChannelPipeline implements ChannelPipeline {
final DefaultChannelHandlerContext newCtx =
final AbstractChannelHandlerContext newCtx =
new DefaultChannelHandlerContext(this, ctx.executor, newName, newHandler);
new DefaultChannelHandlerContext(this, ctx.executor, newName, newHandler);
if (!newCtx.channel().isRegistered() || newCtx.executor().inEventLoop()) {
if (!newCtx.channel().isRegistered() || newCtx.executor().inEventLoop()) {
@ -421,12 +423,12 @@ final class DefaultChannelPipeline implements ChannelPipeline {
return ctx.handler();
return ctx.handler();
private void replace0(DefaultChannelHandlerContext oldCtx, String newName,
private void replace0(AbstractChannelHandlerContext oldCtx, String newName,
DefaultChannelHandlerContext newCtx) {
AbstractChannelHandlerContext newCtx) {
DefaultChannelHandlerContext prev = oldCtx.prev;
AbstractChannelHandlerContext prev = oldCtx.prev;
DefaultChannelHandlerContext next = oldCtx.next;
AbstractChannelHandlerContext next = oldCtx.next;
newCtx.prev = prev;
newCtx.prev = prev;
newCtx.next = next;
newCtx.next = next;
@ -485,7 +487,7 @@ final class DefaultChannelPipeline implements ChannelPipeline {
} catch (Throwable t) {
} catch (Throwable t) {
boolean removed = false;
boolean removed = false;
try {
try {
remove((DefaultChannelHandlerContext) ctx);
remove((AbstractChannelHandlerContext) ctx);
removed = true;
removed = true;
} catch (Throwable t2) {
} catch (Throwable t2) {
if (logger.isWarnEnabled()) {
if (logger.isWarnEnabled()) {
@ -505,7 +507,7 @@ final class DefaultChannelPipeline implements ChannelPipeline {
private void callHandlerRemoved(final DefaultChannelHandlerContext ctx) {
private void callHandlerRemoved(final AbstractChannelHandlerContext ctx) {
if (ctx.channel().isRegistered() && !ctx.executor().inEventLoop()) {
if (ctx.channel().isRegistered() && !ctx.executor().inEventLoop()) {
ctx.executor().execute(new Runnable() {
ctx.executor().execute(new Runnable() {
@ -518,7 +520,7 @@ final class DefaultChannelPipeline implements ChannelPipeline {
private void callHandlerRemoved0(final DefaultChannelHandlerContext ctx) {
private void callHandlerRemoved0(final AbstractChannelHandlerContext ctx) {
// Notify the complete removal.
// Notify the complete removal.
try {
try {
@ -567,7 +569,7 @@ final class DefaultChannelPipeline implements ChannelPipeline {
public ChannelHandlerContext firstContext() {
public ChannelHandlerContext firstContext() {
DefaultChannelHandlerContext first = head.next;
AbstractChannelHandlerContext first = head.next;
if (first == tail) {
if (first == tail) {
return null;
return null;
@ -576,7 +578,7 @@ final class DefaultChannelPipeline implements ChannelPipeline {
public ChannelHandler last() {
public ChannelHandler last() {
DefaultChannelHandlerContext last = tail.prev;
AbstractChannelHandlerContext last = tail.prev;
if (last == head) {
if (last == head) {
return null;
return null;
@ -585,7 +587,7 @@ final class DefaultChannelPipeline implements ChannelPipeline {
public ChannelHandlerContext lastContext() {
public ChannelHandlerContext lastContext() {
DefaultChannelHandlerContext last = tail.prev;
AbstractChannelHandlerContext last = tail.prev;
if (last == head) {
if (last == head) {
return null;
return null;
@ -630,7 +632,7 @@ final class DefaultChannelPipeline implements ChannelPipeline {
throw new NullPointerException("handler");
throw new NullPointerException("handler");
DefaultChannelHandlerContext ctx = head.next;
AbstractChannelHandlerContext ctx = head.next;
for (;;) {
for (;;) {
if (ctx == null) {
if (ctx == null) {
@ -651,7 +653,7 @@ final class DefaultChannelPipeline implements ChannelPipeline {
throw new NullPointerException("handlerType");
throw new NullPointerException("handlerType");
DefaultChannelHandlerContext ctx = head.next;
AbstractChannelHandlerContext ctx = head.next;
for (;;) {
for (;;) {
if (ctx == null) {
if (ctx == null) {
return null;
return null;
@ -666,7 +668,7 @@ final class DefaultChannelPipeline implements ChannelPipeline {
public List<String> names() {
public List<String> names() {
List<String> list = new ArrayList<String>();
List<String> list = new ArrayList<String>();
DefaultChannelHandlerContext ctx = head.next;
AbstractChannelHandlerContext ctx = head.next;
for (;;) {
for (;;) {
if (ctx == null) {
if (ctx == null) {
return list;
return list;
@ -679,7 +681,7 @@ final class DefaultChannelPipeline implements ChannelPipeline {
public Map<String, ChannelHandler> toMap() {
public Map<String, ChannelHandler> toMap() {
Map<String, ChannelHandler> map = new LinkedHashMap<String, ChannelHandler>();
Map<String, ChannelHandler> map = new LinkedHashMap<String, ChannelHandler>();
DefaultChannelHandlerContext ctx = head.next;
AbstractChannelHandlerContext ctx = head.next;
for (;;) {
for (;;) {
if (ctx == tail) {
if (ctx == tail) {
return map;
return map;
@ -702,7 +704,7 @@ final class DefaultChannelPipeline implements ChannelPipeline {
StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder();
StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder();
DefaultChannelHandlerContext ctx = head.next;
AbstractChannelHandlerContext ctx = head.next;
for (;;) {
for (;;) {
if (ctx == tail) {
if (ctx == tail) {
@ -899,8 +901,8 @@ final class DefaultChannelPipeline implements ChannelPipeline {
private DefaultChannelHandlerContext getContextOrDie(String name) {
private AbstractChannelHandlerContext getContextOrDie(String name) {
DefaultChannelHandlerContext ctx = (DefaultChannelHandlerContext) context(name);
AbstractChannelHandlerContext ctx = (AbstractChannelHandlerContext) context(name);
if (ctx == null) {
if (ctx == null) {
throw new NoSuchElementException(name);
throw new NoSuchElementException(name);
} else {
} else {
@ -908,8 +910,8 @@ final class DefaultChannelPipeline implements ChannelPipeline {
private DefaultChannelHandlerContext getContextOrDie(ChannelHandler handler) {
private AbstractChannelHandlerContext getContextOrDie(ChannelHandler handler) {
DefaultChannelHandlerContext ctx = (DefaultChannelHandlerContext) context(handler);
AbstractChannelHandlerContext ctx = (AbstractChannelHandlerContext) context(handler);
if (ctx == null) {
if (ctx == null) {
throw new NoSuchElementException(handler.getClass().getName());
throw new NoSuchElementException(handler.getClass().getName());
} else {
} else {
@ -917,8 +919,8 @@ final class DefaultChannelPipeline implements ChannelPipeline {
private DefaultChannelHandlerContext getContextOrDie(Class<? extends ChannelHandler> handlerType) {
private AbstractChannelHandlerContext getContextOrDie(Class<? extends ChannelHandler> handlerType) {
DefaultChannelHandlerContext ctx = (DefaultChannelHandlerContext) context(handlerType);
AbstractChannelHandlerContext ctx = (AbstractChannelHandlerContext) context(handlerType);
if (ctx == null) {
if (ctx == null) {
throw new NoSuchElementException(handlerType.getName());
throw new NoSuchElementException(handlerType.getName());
} else {
} else {
@ -927,7 +929,18 @@ final class DefaultChannelPipeline implements ChannelPipeline {
// A special catch-all handler that handles both bytes and messages.
// A special catch-all handler that handles both bytes and messages.
static final class TailHandler implements ChannelInboundHandler {
static final class TailContext extends AbstractChannelHandlerContext implements ChannelInboundHandler {
private static final String TAIL_NAME = generateName0(TailContext.class);
TailContext(DefaultChannelPipeline pipeline) {
super(pipeline, null, TAIL_NAME, true, false);
public ChannelHandler handler() {
return this;
public void channelRegistered(ChannelHandlerContext ctx) throws Exception { }
public void channelRegistered(ChannelHandlerContext ctx) throws Exception { }
@ -975,12 +988,20 @@ final class DefaultChannelPipeline implements ChannelPipeline {
public void channelReadComplete(ChannelHandlerContext ctx) throws Exception { }
public void channelReadComplete(ChannelHandlerContext ctx) throws Exception { }
static final class HeadHandler implements ChannelOutboundHandler {
static final class HeadContext extends AbstractChannelHandlerContext implements ChannelOutboundHandler {
private static final String HEAD_NAME = generateName0(HeadContext.class);
protected final Unsafe unsafe;
protected final Unsafe unsafe;
protected HeadHandler(Unsafe unsafe) {
HeadContext(DefaultChannelPipeline pipeline) {
this.unsafe = unsafe;
super(pipeline, null, HEAD_NAME, false, true);
unsafe = pipeline.channel().unsafe();
public ChannelHandler handler() {
return this;
@ -255,7 +255,7 @@ public class DefaultChannelPipelineTest {
pipeline.addBefore("1", "0", newHandler());
pipeline.addBefore("1", "0", newHandler());
pipeline.addAfter("10", "11", newHandler());
pipeline.addAfter("10", "11", newHandler());
DefaultChannelHandlerContext ctx = (DefaultChannelHandlerContext) pipeline.firstContext();
AbstractChannelHandlerContext ctx = (AbstractChannelHandlerContext) pipeline.firstContext();
while (ctx != null) {
while (ctx != null) {
int i = toInt(ctx.name());
int i = toInt(ctx.name());
@ -535,8 +535,8 @@ public class DefaultChannelPipelineTest {
private static int next(DefaultChannelHandlerContext ctx) {
private static int next(AbstractChannelHandlerContext ctx) {
DefaultChannelHandlerContext next = ctx.next;
AbstractChannelHandlerContext next = ctx.next;
if (next == null) {
if (next == null) {
return Integer.MAX_VALUE;
return Integer.MAX_VALUE;
@ -553,7 +553,7 @@ public class DefaultChannelPipelineTest {
private static void verifyContextNumber(ChannelPipeline pipeline, int expectedNumber) {
private static void verifyContextNumber(ChannelPipeline pipeline, int expectedNumber) {
DefaultChannelHandlerContext ctx = (DefaultChannelHandlerContext) pipeline.firstContext();
AbstractChannelHandlerContext ctx = (AbstractChannelHandlerContext) pipeline.firstContext();
int handlerNumber = 0;
int handlerNumber = 0;
while (ctx != ((DefaultChannelPipeline) pipeline).tail) {
while (ctx != ((DefaultChannelPipeline) pipeline).tail) {
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