Updated the getting started guide which is simpler thanks to the recent changes in SimpleChannelHandler

This commit is contained in:
Trustin Lee 2008-10-02 04:58:04 +00:00
parent 5120c1172c
commit b6d9755ba5

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@ -89,10 +89,11 @@ public class DiscardServerHandler extends &SimpleChannelHandler; {<co id="exampl
<classname>DiscardServerHandler</classname> extends
&SimpleChannelHandler;, which is an implementation of
&ChannelUpstreamHandler;. &SimpleChannelHandler; provides various
event handler methods that you can override. For now, it's just
enough to extend &SimpleChannelHandler; rather than to implement
handler interfaces.
&ChannelUpstreamHandler; and &ChannelDownstreamHandler;.
&SimpleChannelHandler; provides various event handler methods that
you can override. For now, it's just enough to extend
&SimpleChannelHandler; rather than to implement the handler
interfaces directly.
<callout arearefs="example.discard.co3">
@ -917,20 +918,15 @@ public void channelConnected(&ChannelHandlerContext; ctx, &ChannelStateEvent; e)
import static org.jboss.netty.buffer.&ChannelBuffers;.*;
@&ChannelPipelineCoverage;("all")<co id="example.time6.co1"/>
public class TimeEncoder implements &ChannelDownstreamHandler; {<co id="example.time6.co2"/>
public class TimeEncoder implements &SimpleChannelHandler; {
public void handleDownstream(&ChannelHandlerContext; ctx, &ChannelEvent; e) {
if (!(e instanceof &MessageEvent;)) {
ctx.sendDownstream(e);<co id="example.time6.co3"/>
UnixTime time = (UnixTime) ((&MessageEvent;) e).getMessage();
public void writeRequested(&ChannelHandlerContext; ctx, &MessageEvent;<co id="example.time6.co2"/> e) {
UnixTime time = (UnixTime) e.getMessage();
&ChannelBuffer; buf = buffer(4);
&Channels;.write(ctx, e.getChannel(), e.getFuture(), buf);<co id="example.time6.co4"/>
&Channels;.write(ctx, e.getChannel(), e.getFuture(), buf);<co id="example.time6.co3"/>
@ -943,23 +939,21 @@ public class TimeEncoder implements &ChannelDownstreamHandler; {<co id="example.
<callout arearefs="example.time6.co2">
An encoder implements a &ChannelDownstreamHandler; to intercept a
write request. &ChannelDownstreamHandler; is a sub-type of
&ChannelHandler; that is used to intercept the downstream events,
which flows in the opposite direction of the &ChannelEvent;s we have
been processing so far. Please refer to the API reference to learn
more about the difference between a upstream event and a downstream
An encoder overrides the <methodname>writeRequested</methodname>
method to intercept a write request. Please note that the
&MessageEvent; parameter here is the same type which was specified
in <methodname>messageReceived</methodname> but they are interpreted
differently. A &ChannelEvent; can be either an
<firstterm>upstream</firstterm> or <firstterm>downstream</firstterm>
event depending on the direction where the event flows.
For instance, a &MessageEvent; can be an upstream event when called
for <methodname>messageReceived</methodname> or a downstream event
when called for <methodname>writeRequested</methodname>.
Please refer to the API reference to learn more about the difference
between a upstream event and a downstream event.
<callout arearefs="example.time6.co3">
&MessageEvent; is not the only event that a &ChannelDownstreamHandler;
intercepts. You need to forward the events of a unknown type so that
the other &ChannelDownstreamHandler;s or I/O thread processes them.
<callout arearefs="example.time6.co4">
Once done with transforming a POJO into a &ChannelBuffer;, you should
forward the new buffer to the previous &ChannelDownstreamHandler; in
@ -980,41 +974,6 @@ fireChannelDisconnected(ctx, e.getChannel());</programlisting>
At this point, you might wonder why you didn't have to forward a
&ChannelEvent; to the next &ChannelUpstreamHandler; in the
&ChannelPipeline; when we write the decoders. Actually, it had been
done behind the scene by &FrameDecoder; and &ReplayingDecoder;.
The <classname>TimeDecoder</classname> would look like the following if
it didn't extend neither &FrameDecoder; nor &SimpleChannelHandler;.
<programlisting>package org.jboss.netty.example.time;
import static org.jboss.netty.buffer.&ChannelBuffers;.*;
import static org.jboss.netty.channel.&Channels;.*;
public class TimeDecoder implements &ChannelUpstreamHandler; {
private final &ChannelBuffer; buf = dynamicBuffer();
public void handleUpstream(&ChannelHandlerContext; ctx, &ChannelEvent; e) {
if (!(e instanceof &MessageEvent;)) {
&ChannelBuffer; m = (&ChannelBuffer;) ((&MessageEvent;) e).getMessage();
while (buf.readableBytes() &gt;= 4) {
UnixTime time = new UnixTime(buf.readInt());
fireMessageReceived(ctx, time);
The last task left is to insert a <classname>TimeEncoder</classname>
into the &ChannelPipeline; on the server side, and it's left as a