- Really attempt to create a queue to determine LTQ can be initialized
in runtime, and cache the result
- Remove unnecessary Class<T> parameter in createQueue()
- Remove unused createQueue(Collection)
- AbstractChannel now handles flushing a message buffer
- Cleaned up DatagramChannel interface
- Removed ProtocolFamily because a user can create an NIO
DatagramChannel and specify it as a constructor parameter
- UniqueName and UniqueKey constructors became public so that
I don't need to create a subclass every time.
- UniqueKey removes the duplication between ChannelOption and
- UniqueName provides common name collision check for AttributeKey,
ChannelOption, and Signal.
- Replaced ReplayError with Signal
- SingleThreadEventLoop now implements ScheduledExecutorService
- Scheduled tasks are automatically fetched into taskQueue by
pollTask() and takeTask()
- Removed MapBackedSet because Java 6 provides it
- Merged LifeCycleAwareChannelHandler into ChannelHandler
- Replaced ChannelUpstreamHandler and ChannelDownstreamHandler with
ChannelReader and ChannelWriter
- These two new interfaces are much more type-safe than its ancestor.
- Simplified channel state model as described in #68
- Handler creates send/receive buffer.
- Previously, Netty created them, but it led to more memory copies and
inflexibility. I'm going to allow a handler to create a bounded
queue for example.
- It currently uses Queue<T> but I'll define a new interface and make
ChannelBuffer implement it (e.g. Queue<Byte>)
- Introduced AttributeMap which replaces attachments in Channel and
ChannelHandlerContext and ChannelLocal
Split the project into the following modules:
* common
* buffer
* codec
* codec-http
* transport
* transport-*
* handler
* example
* testsuite (integration tests that involve 2+ modules)
* all (does nothing yet, but will make it generate netty.jar)
This commit also fixes the compilation errors with transport-sctp on
non-Linux systems. It will at least compile without complaints.