- Clean up
- Do not stop reading when reached at maxCapacity.
- Just let handler drain the buffer and try again quickly.
- No more magic number in OIO buffer expansion
- Remove polling in SingleThreadEventExecutor
- Create a dedicated scheduled task scheduler called 'TaskScheduler'
- TaskScheduler is created per EventLoopGroup / EventExecutorGroup
- SingleThreadEventExecutor delegates all scheduled execution requests
to TaskScheduler provided as a constructor parameter
- TaskScheduler is a specialized form of single threaded
ScheduledExecutorService which requires an EventExecutor as a
parameter for all requests.
o Add ByteBuf.hasNioBuffers() method
o Promote CompositeByteBuf.nioBuffers() methods to ByteBuf
o Use ByteBuf.nioBuffers() methods from AioSocketChannel
- Add EventExecutorGroup and EventLoopGroup
- EventExecutor and EventLoop extends EventExecutorGroup and
- They form their own group so that .next() returns itself.
- Rename Bootstrap.eventLoop() to group()
- Rename parameter names such as executor to group
- Rename *EventLoop/Executor to *EventLoop/ExecutorGroup
- Rename *ChildEventLoop/Executor to *EventLoop/Executor
- Replace ByteBufferBackedByteBuf with DirectByteBuf
- Make DirectByteBuf and HeapByteBuf dynamic
- Remove DynamicByteBuf
- Replace Unpooled.dynamicBuffer() with Unpooled.buffer() and
- Remove ByteBufFactory (will be replaced with ByteBufPool later)
- Add ByteBuf.Unsafe (might change in the future)
- Removed VoidEnum because a user can now specify Void instead
- AIO: Prefer discardReadBytes to clear
- AIO: Fixed a potential bug where notifyFlushFutures() is not called
if flush() was requested with no outbound data
- Used reflection hack to dispatch the tasks submitted by JDK
efficiently. Without hack, there's higher chance of additional
context switches.
- Server side performance improved to the expected level.
- Client side performance issue still under investigation