Changed options and attrs from LinkedHashMap to ConcurrentHashMap to
avoid a possible ConcurrentModificationException if a thread was
adding/removing options/attrs while another was calling Bootstrap.init()
or Bootstrap.duplicate()
- Also add a new abstract class called StreamOioByteChannel which can be used by OIO channel implementation which are Stream based as a starting point.
- Borrow SLF4J API which is the best of the best
- InternalLoggerFactory now automatically detects the logging framework
using static class loading. It tries SLF4J, Log4J, and then falls back
to java.util.logging.
- Remove OsgiLogger because it is very likely that OSGi container
already provides a bridge for existing logging frameworks
- Remove JBossLogger because the latest JBossLogger implementation seems
to implement SLF4J binding
- Upgrade SLF4J to 1.7.2
- Remove tests for the untestable logging frameworks
- Remove TestAny
- Rename message types for clarity
- HttpMessage -> FullHttpMessage
- HttpHeader -> HttpMessage
- HttpRequest -> FullHttpRequest
- HttpResponse -> FulllHttpResponse
- HttpRequestHeader -> HttpRequest
- HttpResponseHeader -> HttpResponse
- HttpContent now extends ByteBufHolder; no more content() method
- Make HttpHeaders abstract, make its header access methods public, and
add DefaultHttpHeaders
- Header accessor methods in HttpMessage and LastHttpContent are
replaced with HttpMessage.headers() and
LastHttpContent.trailingHeaders(). Both methods return HttpHeaders.
- Remove setters wherever possible and remove 'get' prefix
- Instead of calling setContent(), a user can either specify the content
when constructing a message or write content into the buffer.
(e.g. m.content().writeBytes(...))
- Overall cleanup & fixes
This commit tries to simplify the handling of Http easier and more consistent. This has a effect of many channges. Including:
- HttpMessage was renamed to HttpHeader and the setContent and getContent methods were removed
- HttpChunk was renamed to HttpContent
- HttpChunkTrailer was renamed to LastHttpContent
- HttpCodecUtil was merged into HttpHeaders
Now a "complete" Http message (request or response) contains of the following parts:
- HttpHeader (HttpRequestHeader or HttpResponseHeader)
- 0 - n HttpContent objects which contains parts of the content of the message
- 1 LastHttpContent which marks the end of the message and contains the remaining data of the content
I also changed the sematic of HttpResponse and HttpRequest, these now represent a "complete" message which contains the HttpHeader and the HttpLastContent, and so can be used to eeasily send requests. The HttpMessageAggregator was renamed to HttpObjectAggregator and produce HttpResponse / HttpRequest message.
This pull request cleans up our pipeline implementation by moving most
inter-context traversal code to DefaultChannelHandlerContext.
Previously, outbound traversal was done in DefaultChannelPipeline while
inbound traversal was done in DefaultChannelHandlerContext.
Also, to address the memory inefficiency issue raised in #920, all
runnables are lazily instantiated.
Now that we are going to use buffer pooling by default, it is obvious
that a user will forget to call .free() and report memory leak. In this
case, we should have a tool to determine if it is a bug in our allocator
implementation or in the user's code.
This pull request adds a system property flag called
'io.netty.resourceLeakDetection'. If set, when a user forgets to call
.free(), the ResourceLeakDetector will detect it and log a message with
detailed stack trace to tell where the leaked buffer has been allocated.
Because obtaining stack trace is an expensive operation, I used sampling
technique. Allocation is recorded only for every 113th allocation. I
chose 113 because it's a prime number.
In production, a user might not want to enable this option due to
potential performance impact. If a user does not specify the
'-Dio.netty.resourceLeakDetection' option leak detection is disabled.
Even if the leak detection is enabled, the overhead should be less than
5% because only ~1% of allocations are monitored.
I also replaced SharedResourceMisuseDetector with ResourceLeakDetector.