Commit Graph

170 Commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
6222101924 migrate java8: use lambda and method reference (#8781)

We can use lambdas now as we use Java8.


use lambda function for all package, #8751 only migrate transport package.


Code cleanup.
2019-01-29 14:06:05 +01:00
934a07fbe2 migrate java8 (#8779)

We can omit argument types when using Java8.


Omit arguments where possible.


Cleaner code.
2019-01-28 05:55:30 +01:00
Norman Maurer
Decouple EventLoop details from the IO handling for each transport to… (#8680)
* Decouble EventLoop details from the IO handling for each transport to allow easy re-use of code and customization


As today extending EventLoop implementations to add custom logic / metrics / instrumentations is only possible in a very limited way if at all. This is due the fact that most implementations are final or even package-private. That said even if these would be public there are the ability to do something useful with these is very limited as the IO processing and task processing are very tightly coupled. All of the mentioned things are a big pain point in netty 4.x and need improvement.


This changeset decoubled the IO processing logic from the task processing logic for the main transport (NIO, Epoll, KQueue) by introducing the concept of an IoHandler. The IoHandler itself is responsible to wait for IO readiness and process these IO events. The execution of the IoHandler itself is done by the SingleThreadEventLoop as part of its EventLoop processing. This allows to use the same EventLoopGroup (MultiThreadEventLoupGroup) for all the mentioned transports by just specify a different IoHandlerFactory during construction.

Beside this core API change this changeset also allows to easily extend SingleThreadEventExecutor / SingleThreadEventLoop to add custom logic to it which then can be reused by all the transports. The ideas are very similar to what is provided by ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor (that is part of the JDK). This allows for example things like:

  * Adding instrumentation / metrics:
    * how many Channels are registered on an SingleThreadEventLoop
    * how many Channels were handled during the IO processing in an EventLoop run
    * how many task were handled during the last EventLoop / EventExecutor run
    * how many outstanding tasks we have
  * Implementing custom strategies for choosing the next EventExecutor / EventLoop to use based on these metrics.
  * Use different Promise / Future / ScheduledFuture implementations
  * decorate Runnable / Callables when submitted to the EventExecutor / EventLoop

As a lot of functionalities are folded into the MultiThreadEventLoopGroup and SingleThreadEventLoopGroup this changeset also removes:

  * AbstractEventLoop
  * AbstractEventLoopGroup
  * EventExecutorChooser
  * EventExecutorChooserFactory
  * DefaultEventLoopGroup
  * DefaultEventExecutor
  * DefaultEventExecutorGroup


Fixes .
2019-01-23 08:32:05 +01:00
9d62deeb6f Java 8 migration: Use diamond operator (#8749)

We can use the diamond operator these days.


Use diamond operator whenever possible.


More modern code and less boiler-plate.
2019-01-22 16:07:26 +01:00
2df8bca8da fix typo (#8741)

Correct typo


Correct typo


JavaDoc and method name are more readable
2019-01-22 08:51:54 +01:00
ae1340fd72 extract duplicate code into method (#8720)

Clean up code to increase readability.


Extract duplicate code blocks into method.


Less code duplication
2019-01-16 10:56:36 +01:00
Norman Maurer
71430d8bbd Call FastThreadLocal.removeAll() before notify termination future of … (#8666)

We should try removing all FastThreadLocals for the Thread before we notify the termination. future. The user may block on the future and once it unblocks the JVM may terminate and start unloading classes.


Remove all FastThreadLocals for the Thread before notify termination future.


2018-12-21 11:11:05 +01:00
Norman Maurer
Revert "Ability to run a task at the end of an eventloop iteration." (#8637)

executeAfterEventLoopIteration is an Unstable API and isnt used in Netty. We should remove it to reduce complexity.


This reverts commit 77770374fb.


Simplify implementation / cleanup.
2018-12-12 10:37:07 +01:00
Norman Maurer
Nio|Epoll|KqueueEventLoop task execution might throw UnsupportedOperationException on shutdown. (#8476)

There is a racy UnsupportedOperationException instead because the task removal is delegated to MpscChunkedArrayQueue that does not support removal. This happens with SingleThreadEventExecutor that overrides the newTaskQueue to return an MPSC queue instead of the LinkedBlockingQueue returned by the base class such as NioEventLoop, EpollEventLoop and KQueueEventLoop.


- Catch the UnsupportedOperationException
- Add unit test.


Fix #8475
2018-11-15 07:19:28 +01:00
Carl Mastrangelo
1dff107de1 Don't re-arm timerfd each epoll_wait (#7816)
The Epoll transport checks to see if there are any scheduled tasks
before entering epoll_wait, and resets the timerfd just before.
This causes an extra syscall to timerfd_settime before doing any
actual work.   When scheduled tasks aren't added frequently, or
tasks are added with later deadlines, this is unnecessary.

Check the *deadline* of the peeked task in EpollEventLoop, rather
than the *delay*.  If it hasn't changed since last time, don't
re-arm the timer

About 2us faster on gRPC RTT 50pct latency benchmarks.

Before (2 runs for 5 minutes, 1 minute of warmup):

50.0%ile Latency (in nanos):		64267
90.0%ile Latency (in nanos):		72851
95.0%ile Latency (in nanos):		78903
99.0%ile Latency (in nanos):		92327
99.9%ile Latency (in nanos):		119691
100.0%ile Latency (in nanos):		13347327
QPS:                           14933

50.0%ile Latency (in nanos):		63907
90.0%ile Latency (in nanos):		73055
95.0%ile Latency (in nanos):		79443
99.0%ile Latency (in nanos):		93739
99.9%ile Latency (in nanos):		123583
100.0%ile Latency (in nanos):		14028287
QPS:                           14936

50.0%ile Latency (in nanos):		62123
90.0%ile Latency (in nanos):		70795
95.0%ile Latency (in nanos):		76895
99.0%ile Latency (in nanos):		90887
99.9%ile Latency (in nanos):		117819
100.0%ile Latency (in nanos):		14126591
QPS:                           15387

50.0%ile Latency (in nanos):		61021
90.0%ile Latency (in nanos):		70311
95.0%ile Latency (in nanos):		76687
99.0%ile Latency (in nanos):		90887
99.9%ile Latency (in nanos):		119527
100.0%ile Latency (in nanos):		6351615
QPS:                           15571
2018-09-11 13:38:38 +02:00
Terence Yim
79706357c7 Fix race condition in the NonStickyEventExecutorGroup (#8232)

There was a race condition between the task submitter and task executor threads such that the last Runnable submitted may not get executed. 


The bug was fixed by checking the task queue and state in the task executor thread after it saw the task queue was empty.


Fixes #8230
2018-08-29 19:42:01 +02:00
Ziyan Mo
785473788f (Nio|Epoll)EventLoop.pendingTasks does not need to dispatch to the EventLoop (#8197)

EventLoop.pendingTasks should be (reasonably) cheap to invoke so it can be used within observability. 


Remove code that dispatch access to the internal taskqueue to the EventLoop when invoked as this is not needed anymore with the current MPSC queues we are using. 



2018-08-18 07:28:31 +02:00
Norman Maurer
DefaultPromise.getNow() does not correctly handle DefaultPromise.setUncancellable() (#8154)

We do not correctly check for previous calles of setUncancellable() in getNow() which may result in ClassCastException as we incorrectly return the internally UNCANCELLABLE object and not null if setUncancellable() we as called before.


Correctly check for UNCANCELLABLE and add unit test.


2018-07-27 01:55:21 +08:00
Norman Maurer
Replace toArray(new T[size]) with toArray(new T[0]) to eliminate zero-out and allow the VM to optimize. (#8075)

Using toArray(new T[0]) is usually the faster aproach these days. We should use it.

See also


Replace toArray(new T[size]) with toArray(new T[0]).


Faster code.
2018-06-29 07:56:04 +02:00
Norman Maurer
Remove usage of ObjectCleaner (#8064)

ObjectCleaner does start a Thread to handle the cleaning of resources which leaks into the users application. We should not use it in netty itself to make things more predictable.


- Remove usage of ObjectCleaner and use finalize as a replacement when possible.
- Clarify javadocs for FastThreadLocal.onRemoval(...) to ensure its clear that remove() is not guaranteed to be called when the Thread completees and so this method is not enough to guarantee cleanup for this case.


2018-06-28 08:15:27 +02:00
3e3e5155b9 Check if Log level is enabled before creating log statements (#8022)

There is a cost to concatenating strings and calling methods that will be wasted if the Logger's level is not enabled.


Check if Log level is enabled before producing log statement. These are just a few cases found by RegEx'ing in the code.


Tiny bit more efficient code.
2018-06-13 23:21:53 -07:00
Norman Maurer
Allow to schedule tasks up to Long.MAX_VALUE (#7972)

We should allow to schedule tasks with a delay up to Long.MAX_VALUE as we did pre 4.1.25.Final.


Just ensure we not overflow and put the correct max limits in place when schedule a timer. At worse we will get a wakeup to early and then schedule a new timeout.


2018-05-30 11:11:42 +02:00
Norman Maurer
EventLoop.schedule with big delay fails (#7402)

Using a very huge delay when calling schedule(...) may cause an Selector error when calling select(...) later on. We should gaurd against such a big value.


- Add guard against a very huge value.
- Added tests.


Fixes [#7365]
2018-04-24 11:15:20 +02:00
Robin Wang
010dbe3c73 Optimize space usage of FastThreadLocal (#7861)
A FastThreadLocal instance currently occupies 2 slots of InternalThreadLocalMap of every thread. Actually for a FastThreadLocalThread, it does not need to store cleaner flags of FastThreadLocal instances. Besides, using BitSet to store cleaner flags is also better for space usage.

Use BitSet to optimize space usage of FastThreadLocal.

Avoid unnecessary slot occupancy. Cleaner flags are now stored into a BitSet.
2018-04-24 09:19:01 +02:00
Dave Moten
0f4001d598 add task before starting thread in SingleThreadEventExecutor.execute (#7841)

Minor performance optimisation that prevents thread from blocking due to task not having been added to queue. Discussed #7815.


add task to the queue before starting the thread.


No additional tests.
2018-04-05 07:57:21 +02:00
Shohei Kamimori
73f23c5faa Fix typos in docs.

There are same typos in the docs.


Fix typos. Docs only changing.


More correct docs.
2018-02-14 08:44:07 +01:00
Scott Mitchell
DefaultPromise internal state dependent on Signal
DefaultPromise's internal state depends upon specific Signal objects. These Signal objects can be used externally which causes the DefaultPromise object API to not function correct and state to become corrupted.

- DefaultPromise shouldn't depend upon Signal for its internal state

2018-02-12 14:24:46 -08:00
koji lin
1e70d3092d Avoid register multiple cleaner task for same thread's FastThreadLocal index

Currently if user call set/remove/set/remove many times, it will create multiple cleaner task for same index. It may cause OOM due to long live thread will have more and more task in LIVE_SET.


Add flag to avoid recreating tasks.

Only create 1 clean task. But use more space of indexedVariables.
2018-02-05 09:05:51 +01:00
9dd5c928f3 Add java-doc for implemented methods of io.netty.util.concurrent.Future#cancel(boolean mayInterruptIfRunning)

The methods implement io.netty.util.concurrent.Future#cancel(boolean mayInterruptIfRunning) which actually ignored the param mayInterruptIfRunning.We need to add comments for the `mayInterruptIfRunning` param.


Add comments for the `mayInterruptIfRunning` param.


People who call the `cancel` method will be more clear about the effect of `mayInterruptIfRunning` param.
2018-01-29 11:19:52 +01:00
c0e84070b0 Set thread context classloader in a doPrivileged block

In a few classes, Netty starts a thread and then sets the context classloader of these threads
to prevent classloader leaks. The Thread#setContextClassLoader method is a privileged method in
that it requires permissions to be executed when there is a security manager in place. Unless
these calls are wrapped in a doPrivileged block, they will fail in an environment with a security
manager and restrictive policy in place.


Wrap the calls to Thread#setContextClassLoader in a AccessController#doPrivileged block.


After this change, the threads can set the context classloader without any errors in an
environment with a security manager and restrictive policy in place.
2018-01-25 10:55:34 +01:00
Scott Mitchell
FastThreadLocal#set remove duplicate isIndexedVariableSet call
FastThreadLocal#set calls isIndexedVariableSet to determine if we need to register with the cleaner, but the set(InternalThreadLocalMap, V) method will also internally do this check so we can share code and only do the check a single time.

- extract code from set(InternalThreadLocalMap, V) so it can be called externally to determine if a new item was created

Less code duplication in FastThreadLocal#set.
2017-12-22 09:41:57 -08:00
Norman Maurer
e004b4a354 Ensure ObjectCleaner will also be used when FastThreadLocal.set is used.

e329ca1 introduced the user of ObjectCleaner in FastThreadLocal but we missed the case to register our cleaner task if FastThreadLocal.set was called only.


- Use ObjectCleaner also when FastThreadLocal.set is used.
- Add test case.


ObjectCleaner is always used.
2017-12-22 07:11:22 +01:00
Norman Maurer
e329ca1cf3 Introduce ObjectCleaner and use it in FastThreadLocal to ensure FastThreadLocal.onRemoval(...) is called

There is no guarantee that FastThreadLocal.onRemoval(...) is called if the FastThreadLocal is used by "non" FastThreacLocalThreads. This can lead to all sort of problems, like for example memory leaks as direct memory is not correctly cleaned up etc.

Beside this we use ThreadDeathWatcher to check if we need to release buffers back to the pool when thread local caches are collected. In the past ThreadDeathWatcher was used which will need to "wakeup" every second to check if the registered Threads are still alive. If we can ensure FastThreadLocal.onRemoval(...) is called we do not need this anymore.


- Introduce ObjectCleaner and use it to ensure FastThreadLocal.onRemoval(...) is always called when a Thread is collected.
- Deprecate ThreadDeathWatcher
- Add unit tests.


Consistent way of cleanup FastThreadLocals when a Thread is collected.
2017-12-21 07:34:44 +01:00
Norman Maurer
5ad35a157c SingleThreadEventExecutor ignores startThread failures

When doStartThread throws an exception, e.g. due to the actual executor being depleted of threads and throwing in its rejected execution handler, the STEE ends up in started state anyway. If we try to execute another task in this executor, it will be queued but the thread won't be started anymore and the task will linger forever.


- Ensure we not update the internal state if the startThread() method throws.
- Add testcase


Fixes [#7483]
2017-12-14 21:38:37 +00:00
Norman Maurer
63bae0956a Ensure ThreadDeathWatcher and GlobalEventExecutor will not cause classloader leaks.

ThreadDeathWatcher and GlobalEventExecutor may create and start a new thread from various other threads and so inherit the classloader. We need to ensure we not inherit to allow recycling the classloader.


Use Thread.setContextClassLoader(null) to ensure we not hold a strong reference to the classloader and so not leak it.


Fixes [#7290].
2017-12-12 09:06:54 +01:00
Norman Maurer
09a05b680d Dont use ThreadDeathWatcher to cleanup PoolThreadCache if FastThreadLocalThread with wrapped Runnable is used

We dont need to use the ThreadDeathWatcher if we use a FastThreadLocalThread for which we wrap the Runnable and ensure we call FastThreadLocal.removeAll() once the Runnable completes.


- Dont use a ThreadDeathWatcher if we are sure we will call FastThreadLocal.removeAll()
- Add unit test.


Less overhead / running theads if you only allocate / deallocate from FastThreadLocalThreads.
2017-11-28 13:43:28 +01:00
Anuraag Agrawal
1f1a60ae7d Use Netty's DefaultPriorityQueue instead of JDK's PriorityQueue for scheduled tasks

`AbstractScheduledEventExecutor` uses a standard `java.util.PriorityQueue` to keep track of task deadlines. `ScheduledFuture.cancel` removes tasks from this `PriorityQueue`. Unfortunately, `PriorityQueue.remove` has `O(n)` performance since it must search for the item in the entire queue before removing it. This is fast when the future is at the front of the queue (e.g., already triggered) but not when it's randomly located in the queue.

Many servers will use `ScheduledFuture.cancel` on all requests, e.g., to manage a request timeout. As these cancellations will be happen in arbitrary order, when there are many scheduled futures, `PriorityQueue.remove` is a bottleneck and greatly hurts performance with many concurrent requests (>10K).


Use netty's `DefaultPriorityQueue` for scheduling futures instead of the JDK. `DefaultPriorityQueue` is almost identical to the JDK version except it is able to remove futures without searching for them in the queue. This means `DefaultPriorityQueue.remove` has `O(log n)` performance.


Before - cancelling futures has varying performance, capped at `O(n)`
After - cancelling futures has stable performance, capped at `O(log n)`

Benchmark results

After - cancelling in order and in reverse order have similar performance within `O(log n)` bounds
Benchmark                                           (num)   Mode  Cnt       Score      Error  Units
ScheduledFutureTaskBenchmark.cancelInOrder            100  thrpt   20  137779.616 ± 7709.751  ops/s
ScheduledFutureTaskBenchmark.cancelInOrder           1000  thrpt   20   11049.448 ±  385.832  ops/s
ScheduledFutureTaskBenchmark.cancelInOrder          10000  thrpt   20     943.294 ±   12.391  ops/s
ScheduledFutureTaskBenchmark.cancelInOrder         100000  thrpt   20      64.210 ±    1.824  ops/s
ScheduledFutureTaskBenchmark.cancelInReverseOrder     100  thrpt   20  167531.096 ± 9187.865  ops/s
ScheduledFutureTaskBenchmark.cancelInReverseOrder    1000  thrpt   20   33019.786 ± 4737.770  ops/s
ScheduledFutureTaskBenchmark.cancelInReverseOrder   10000  thrpt   20    2976.955 ±  248.555  ops/s
ScheduledFutureTaskBenchmark.cancelInReverseOrder  100000  thrpt   20     362.654 ±   45.716  ops/s

Before - cancelling in order and in reverse order have significantly different performance at higher queue size, orders of magnitude worse than the new implementation.
Benchmark                                           (num)   Mode  Cnt       Score       Error  Units
ScheduledFutureTaskBenchmark.cancelInOrder            100  thrpt   20  139968.586 ± 12951.333  ops/s
ScheduledFutureTaskBenchmark.cancelInOrder           1000  thrpt   20   12274.420 ±   337.800  ops/s
ScheduledFutureTaskBenchmark.cancelInOrder          10000  thrpt   20     958.168 ±    15.350  ops/s
ScheduledFutureTaskBenchmark.cancelInOrder         100000  thrpt   20      53.381 ±    13.981  ops/s
ScheduledFutureTaskBenchmark.cancelInReverseOrder     100  thrpt   20  123918.829 ±  3642.517  ops/s
ScheduledFutureTaskBenchmark.cancelInReverseOrder    1000  thrpt   20    5099.810 ±   206.992  ops/s
ScheduledFutureTaskBenchmark.cancelInReverseOrder   10000  thrpt   20      72.335 ±     0.443  ops/s
ScheduledFutureTaskBenchmark.cancelInReverseOrder  100000  thrpt   20       0.743 ±     0.003  ops/s
2017-11-10 23:09:32 -08:00
cd80b6c2d8 Use simple volatile read for SingleThreadEventExecutor#state instead of UNSAFE(AtomicIntegerFieldUpdater#get), CAS operation still to use AtomicIntegerFieldUpdater

AtomicIntegerFieldUpdater#get is unnecessary, I think use simple volatile read is cleaner


Replace code STATE_UPDATER.get(this) to state in SingleThreadEventExecutor


Cleaner code
2017-05-08 19:36:19 +02:00
e58095c4f2 Simplify code

Code can be simplified


Refactor code to remove extra branching


Cleaner code.
2017-05-02 15:16:19 -07:00
Nikolay Fedorovskikh
0692bf1b6a fix the typos 2017-04-20 04:56:09 +02:00
Norman Maurer
1b0b8f80cd AbstractScheduledEventExecutor.schedule(...) must accept delay <= 0.

As the javadoc of ScheduledExecutorService state:

Zero and negative delays (but not periods) are also allowed in schedule methods,and are treated as requests for immediate execution.


- Correctly handle delay <= 0.
- Add unit tests.


Fixes [#6627].
2017-04-19 11:35:50 +02:00
Norman Maurer
c6a3cae269 UnorderedThreadPoolEventExecutor consumes 100% CPU when idle

When UnorderedThreadPoolEventExecutor.execute / submit etc is called it will consume up to 100 % CPU even after the task was executed.


Add a special wrapper which we will be used in execute(...) to wrap the submitted Runnable. This is needed as  ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor.execute(...) will delegate to submit(...) which will then use decorateTask(...). The problem with this is that decorateTask(...) needs to ensure we only do our own decoration if we not call from execute(...) as otherwise we may end up creating an endless loop because DefaultPromise will call  EventExecutor.execute(...) when notify the listeners of the promise.


Fixes [#6507].
2017-03-09 11:12:42 +01:00
Nikolay Fedorovskikh
943f4ec7ff Make methods 'static' where it missed

Calling a static method is faster then dynamic


Add 'static' keyword for methods where it missed


A bit faster method calls
2017-02-23 11:01:57 +01:00
Nikolay Fedorovskikh
0623c6c533 Fix javadoc issues

Invalid javadoc in project


Fix it


More correct javadoc
2017-02-22 07:31:07 +01:00
Nikolay Fedorovskikh
634a8afa53 Fix some warnings at generics usage

Existing warnings from java compiler


Add/fix type parameters


Less warnings
2017-02-22 07:29:59 +01:00
Jon Chambers
94cb389c04 Restore add(Promise) and addAll(Promise...) methods to PromiseCombiner.

A testing goof in 7c630fe introduced a binary incompatibility when the old Promise-specific `add` and `addAll` methods in PromiseCombiner were generalized to accept `Futures`.


- Restore (but mark as `@Deprecated`) old PromiseCombiner methods.
- Fixed a couple minor documentation typos because sure why not.


`PromiseCombiner` is binary-compatible with previous versions of Netty.
2017-01-30 09:23:11 +01:00
Norman Maurer
2368f238ad Fix typo in inner-class name

There is a typo in the inner-class name.


Fix typo.


One typo less. Fixes [#6185].
2017-01-10 13:49:52 +01:00
Jon Chambers
7c630feefc Document and generalize PromiseCombiner

`PromiseCombiner` is really handy, but it's not obvious how to use it from its existing documentation/method signatures.


- Added javadoc comments to explain the theory of operation of `PromiseCombiner`.
- Generalized `PromiseCombiner` to work with `Futures` so it's clearer that the things for which it's listening won't be modified.


`PromiseCombiner` is easier to understand.
2016-12-20 11:15:03 +01:00
Norman Maurer
89e93968ac Remove usage of own Atomic*FieldUpdater in favor of JDKs

In later Java8 versions our Atomic*FieldUpdater are slower then the JDK implementations so we should not use ours anymore. Even worse the JDK implementations provide for example an optimized version of addAndGet(...) using intrinsics which makes it a lot faster for this use-case.


- Remove methods that return our own Atomic*FieldUpdaters.
- Use the JDK implementations everywhere.


Faster code.
2016-12-15 08:09:06 +00:00
15ac6c4a1f Clean-up unused imports

the build doesnt seem to enforce this, so they piled up


removed unused import lines


less unused imports

Signed-off-by: radai-rosenblatt <>
2016-09-30 09:08:50 +02:00
Norman Maurer
6bbf32134a Log more details if notification of promise fails in PromiseNotifier and AbstractChannelHandlerContext

To make it easier to debug why notification of a promise failed we should log extra info and make it consistent.


- Create a new PromiseNotificationUtil that has static methods that can be used to try notify a promise and log.
- Reuse this in AbstractChannelHandlerContext, ChannelOutboundBuffer and PromiseNotifier


Easier to debug why a promise could not be notified.
2016-09-07 06:55:38 +02:00
Norman Maurer
aa6e6ae307 [#4241] Ensure NioEventLoopGroup.shutdownGracefully(...) with no quiet period shutdown as fast as expected.

If the user uses 0 as quiet period we should shutdown without any delay if possible.


Ensure we not introduce extra delay when a shutdown quit period of 0 is used.


EventLoop shutdown as fast as expected.
2016-08-05 07:21:17 +02:00
Norman Maurer
fc14ca31cb Add NonStickyEventExecutorGroup

We offer DefaultEventExecutorGroup as an EventExecutorGroup which return OrderedEventExecutor and so provide strict ordering of event execution. One limitations of this implementation is that each contained DefaultEventExecutor will always be tied to a single thread, which can lead to a very unbalanced execution as one thread may be super busy while others are idling.


- Add NonStickyEventExecutorGroup which can be used to wrap another EventExecutorGroup (like UnorderedThreadPoolEventExecutor) and expose ordering while not be sticky with the thread that is used for a given EventExecutor. This basically means that Threads may change between execution of tasks for an EventExecutor but ordering is still guaranteed.


Better utalization of threads in some use-cases.
2016-08-04 06:30:59 +02:00
Norman Maurer
f585806a74 [#5598] Ensure SslHandler not log false-positives when try to close the channel due timeout.

When we try to close the Channel due a timeout we need to ensure we not log if the notification of the promise fails as it may be completed in the meantime.


Add another constructor to ChannelPromiseNotifier and PromiseNotifier which allows to log on notification failure.


No more miss-leading logs.
2016-07-30 21:15:09 +02:00
Jason Tedor
27520f5208 Non-sticky thread groups in DefaultThreadFactory

A recent change to DefaultThreadFactory modified it so that it is sticky
with respect to thread groups. In particular, this change made it so
that DefaultThreadFactory would hold on to the thread group that created
it, and then use that thread group to create threads.

This can have problematic semantics since it can lead to violations of a
tenet of thread groups that a thread can only modify threads in its own
thread group and descendant thread groups. With a sticky thread group, a
thread triggering the creation of a new thread via
DefaultThreadFactory#newThread will be modifying a thread from the
sticky thread group which will not necessarily be its own nor a
descendant thread group. When a security manager is in place that
enforces this requirement, these modifications are now impossible. This
is especially problematic in the context of Netty because certain global
singletons like GlobalEventExecutor will create a
DefaultThreadFactory. If all DefaultThreadFactory instances are sticky
about their thread groups, it means that submitting tasks to the
GlobalEventExecutor singleton can cause a thread to be created from the
DefaultThreadFactory sticky thread group, exactly the problem with
DefaultThreadFactory being sticky about thread groups. A similar problem
arises from the ThreadDeathWatcher.


This commit modifies DefaultThreadFactory so that a null thread group
can be set with the behavior that all threads created by such an
instance will inherit the default thread group (the thread group
provided by the security manager if there is one, otherwise the thread
group of the creating thread). The construction of the instances of
DefaultThreadFactory used by the GlobalEventExecutor singleton and
ThreadDeathWatcher are modified to use this behavior. Additionally, we
also modify the chained constructor invocations of the
DefaultThreadFactory that do not have a parameter to specify a thread
group to use the thread group from the security manager is available,
otherwise the creating thread's thread group. We also add unit tests
ensuring that all of this behavior is maintained.


It will be possible to have DefaultThreadFactory instances that are not
sticky about the thread group that led to their creation. Instead,
threads created by such a DefaultThreadFactory will inherit the default
thread group which will either be the thread group from the security
manager or the current thread's thread group.
2016-07-14 22:06:40 +02:00