- Related issues: #1937#1938 and #1946
- Add InterfaceHttpPostRequestDecoder and Make HttpPostRequestDecoder implement it
- HttpPostRequestDecoder actually delegates itself to HttpPostStandardRequestDecoder or HttpPostMultipartRequestDecoder
- Remove IncompatibleDataDecoderException because it's not thrown anywhere now
- Proposed fix for #1824
UniqueName and its subtypes do not allow getting the previously registered instance. For example, let's assume that a user is running his/her application in an OSGi container with Netty bundles and his server bundle. Whenever the server bundle is reloaded, the server will try to create a new AttributeKey instance with the same name. However, Netty bundles were not reloaded at all, so AttributeKey will complain that the name is taken already (by the previously loaded bundle.)
To fix this problem:
- Replaced UniqueName with Constant, AbstractConstant, and ConstantPool. Better name and better design.
- Sctp/Udt/RxtxChannelOption is not a ChannelOption anymore. They are just constant providers and ChannelOption is final now. It's because caching anything that's from outside of netty-transport will lead to ClassCastException on reload, because ChannelOption's constant pool will keep all option objects for reuse.
- Signal implements Constant because we can't ensure its uniqueness anymore by relying on the exception raised by UniqueName's constructor.
- This commit allows a user to write its first web socket frame right after calling WebSocketServerHandshaker.handshake() rather than adding a listener to the future it returns.
- Should fix#1933
This includes the following changes:
* Rewrite HttpObjectDecoder to use ByteToMessageDecoder
* Optimize parsing of the header
* Allow to disable the header validation for performance reason
* Not need to validate kwown header names and values
* Minimize access of ThreadLocals
* Optimize parsing of initial line
encode of chunked content is not the most common pattern so moving it to an extra method makes it possible to inline the rest as it is a smaller method now.
* Minimize allocation of StringBuilder and also minimize char array copy
* Try to detect HttpVersion without calling toUpperCase() for performance reasons