Trustin Lee
Fixed issue: NETTY-10 (DefaultChannelPipeline.removeFirst() and removeLast() throws NullPointerException)
* Made sure NoSuchElementException is thrown when the pipeline is empty
* Made sure NullPointerException is not thrown when the pipeline contains only one handler
2008-08-18 02:38:54 +00:00
Trustin Lee
Fixed issue: NETTY-9 (DefaultChannelPipline.getFirst() and getLast() throws NullPointerException if the pipeline is empty.)
* Added null check code in getFirst() and getLast()
2008-08-18 02:27:11 +00:00
Trustin Lee
* Moved all factory methods in InternalLogger to InternalLoggerFactory
* Made InternalLogger an interface
2008-08-09 15:05:53 +00:00
Trustin Lee
Renamed Logger and LoggerFactory to InternalLogger and InternalLoggerFactory to state that these classes for internal use only explicitly
2008-08-09 14:52:19 +00:00
Trustin Lee
* Changed all package names to org.jboss.netty.*
* Added .classpath, .project and target to svn:ignore
2008-08-08 01:40:10 +00:00