Commit Graph

15 Commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
Norman Maurer
Add executor() to ChannelOutboundInvoker and let it replace eventLoop() (#11617)

We should just add `executor()` to the `ChannelOutboundInvoker` interface and override this method in `Channel` to return `EventLoop`.


- Add `executor()` method to `ChannelOutboundInvoker`
- Let `Channel` override this method and return `EventLoop`.
- Adjust all usages of `eventLoop()`
- Add some default implementations


API cleanup
2021-08-25 18:31:24 +02:00
Chris Vest
Clean up Future/Promises API (#11575)
The generics for the existing futures, promises, and listeners are too complicated.
This complication comes from the existence of `ChannelPromise` and `ChannelFuture`, which forces listeners to care about the particular _type_ of future being listened on.

* Add a `FutureContextListener` which can take a context object as an additional argument. This allows our listeners to have the channel piped through to them, so they don't need to rely on the `` method.
* Make the `FutureListener`, along with the `FutureContextListener` sibling, the default listener API, retiring the `GenericFutureListener` since we no longer need to abstract over the type of the future.
* Change all uses of `ChannelPromise` to `Promise<Void>`.
* Change all uses of `ChannelFuture` to `Future<Void>`.
* Change all uses of `GenericFutureListener` to either `FutureListener` or `FutureContextListener` as needed.
* Remove `ChannelFutureListener` and `GenericFutureListener`.
* Introduce a `ChannelFutureListeners` enum to house the constants that previously lived in `ChannelFutureListener`. These constants now implement `FutureContextListener` and take the `Channel` as a context.
* Remove `ChannelPromise` and `ChannelFuture` — all usages now rely on the plain `Future` and `Promise` APIs.
* Add static factory methods to `DefaultPromise` that allow us to create promises that are initialised as successful or failed.
* Remove `CompleteFuture`, `SucceededFuture`, `FailedFuture`, `CompleteChannelFuture`, `SucceededChannelFuture`, and `FailedChannelFuture`.
* Remove `ChannelPromiseNotifier`.

Cleaner generics and more straight forward code.
2021-08-20 09:55:16 +02:00
Chris Vest
All *Bootstrap methods that used to return ChannelFuture now return Future<Channel> (#11517)
Bootstrap methods now return Future<Channel> instead of ChannelFuture

In #8516 it was proposed to at some point remove the specialised ChannelFuture and ChannelPromise.
Or at least make them not extend Future and Promise, respectively.
One pain point encountered in this discussion is the need to get access to the channel object after it has been initialised, but without waiting for the channel registration to propagate through the pipeline.

Add a Bootstrap.createUnregistered method, which will return a Channel directly.
All other Bootstrap methods that previously returned ChannelFuture now return Future<Channel>

It's now possible to obtain an initialised but unregistered channel from a bootstrap, without blocking.
And the other bootstrap methods now only release their channels through the result of their futures, preventing racy access to the channels.
2021-08-03 19:43:38 +02:00
Riley Park
Migrate codec tests to JUnit 5 (#11306)

JUnit 5 is more expressive, extensible, and composable in many ways, and it's better able to run tests in parallel.


Use JUnit5 in tests


Related to
2021-05-26 13:46:15 +02:00
Artem Smotrakov
b8ae2a2af4 Enable nohttp check during the build (#10708)

HTTP is a plaintext protocol which means that someone may be able
to eavesdrop the data. To prevent this, HTTPS should be used whenever
possible. However, maintaining using https:// in all URLs may be
difficult. The nohttp tool can help here. The tool scans all the files
in a repository and reports where http:// is used.


- Added nohttp (via checkstyle) into the build process.
- Suppressed findings for the websites
  that don't support HTTPS or that are not reachable


- Prevent using HTTP in the future.
- Encourage users to use HTTPS when they follow the links they found in
  the code.
2020-10-23 15:26:25 +02:00
Norman Maurer
3f2c5ccd46 Replace deprecated Assert.assertThat(...) with MatcherAssert.assertThat(...) (#10699)

junit deprecated Assert.assertThat(...)


Use MatcherAssert.assertThat(...) as replacement for deprecated method


Less deprecation warnings
2020-10-18 14:55:21 +02:00
6222101924 migrate java8: use lambda and method reference (#8781)

We can use lambdas now as we use Java8.


use lambda function for all package, #8751 only migrate transport package.


Code cleanup.
2019-01-29 14:06:05 +01:00
Norman Maurer
Decouple EventLoop details from the IO handling for each transport to… (#8680)
* Decouble EventLoop details from the IO handling for each transport to allow easy re-use of code and customization


As today extending EventLoop implementations to add custom logic / metrics / instrumentations is only possible in a very limited way if at all. This is due the fact that most implementations are final or even package-private. That said even if these would be public there are the ability to do something useful with these is very limited as the IO processing and task processing are very tightly coupled. All of the mentioned things are a big pain point in netty 4.x and need improvement.


This changeset decoubled the IO processing logic from the task processing logic for the main transport (NIO, Epoll, KQueue) by introducing the concept of an IoHandler. The IoHandler itself is responsible to wait for IO readiness and process these IO events. The execution of the IoHandler itself is done by the SingleThreadEventLoop as part of its EventLoop processing. This allows to use the same EventLoopGroup (MultiThreadEventLoupGroup) for all the mentioned transports by just specify a different IoHandlerFactory during construction.

Beside this core API change this changeset also allows to easily extend SingleThreadEventExecutor / SingleThreadEventLoop to add custom logic to it which then can be reused by all the transports. The ideas are very similar to what is provided by ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor (that is part of the JDK). This allows for example things like:

  * Adding instrumentation / metrics:
    * how many Channels are registered on an SingleThreadEventLoop
    * how many Channels were handled during the IO processing in an EventLoop run
    * how many task were handled during the last EventLoop / EventExecutor run
    * how many outstanding tasks we have
  * Implementing custom strategies for choosing the next EventExecutor / EventLoop to use based on these metrics.
  * Use different Promise / Future / ScheduledFuture implementations
  * decorate Runnable / Callables when submitted to the EventExecutor / EventLoop

As a lot of functionalities are folded into the MultiThreadEventLoopGroup and SingleThreadEventLoopGroup this changeset also removes:

  * AbstractEventLoop
  * AbstractEventLoopGroup
  * EventExecutorChooser
  * EventExecutorChooserFactory
  * DefaultEventLoopGroup
  * DefaultEventExecutor
  * DefaultEventExecutorGroup


Fixes .
2019-01-23 08:32:05 +01:00
9d62deeb6f Java 8 migration: Use diamond operator (#8749)

We can use the diamond operator these days.


Use diamond operator whenever possible.


More modern code and less boiler-plate.
2019-01-22 16:07:26 +01:00
Scott Mitchell
14ea69cdc1 NullPointerException in Lz4FrameEncoder
Lz4FrameEncoder maintains internal state, but the life cycle of the buffer is not consistently managed. The buffer is allocated in handlerAdded but freed in close, but the buffer can still be used until handlerRemoved is called.

- Move the cleanup of the buffer from close to handlerRemoved
- Explicitly throw an EncoderException from Lz4FrameEncoder if the encode operation has finished and there isn't enough space to write data

No more NPE in Lz4FrameEncoder on the buffer.
2017-06-19 14:24:09 -07:00
Norman Maurer
9b2b3e2512 Ensure tests pass when sun.misc.Unsafe is not present

We need to ensure we pass all tests when sun.misc.Unsafe is not present.


- Make *ByteBufAllocatorTest work whenever sun.misc.Unsafe is present or not
- Let Lz4FrameEncoderTest not depend on AbstractByteBufAllocator implementation details which take into account if sun.misc.Unsafe is present or not


Tests pass even without sun.misc.Unsafe.
2017-02-14 07:52:07 +01:00
Jason Brown
3ea807e375 Flush LZ4FrameEncoder buffer when channel flush() is received.

LZ4FrameEncoder maintains an internal buffer of incoming data compress, and only writes out compressed data when a size threshold is reached. LZ4FrameEncoder does not override the flush() method, and thus the only way to flush data down the pipeline is via more data or close the channel.


Override the flush() function to flush on demand. Also overrode the allocateBuffer() function so we can more accurately size the output buffer (instead of needing to potatntially realloc via buffer.ensureWritable()).


Implementation works as described.
2017-01-18 10:57:21 -08:00
Scott Mitchell
c1932a8537 ByteBuf Input Stream Reference Count Ownership
Netty provides a adaptor from ByteBuf to Java's InputStream interface. The JDK Stream interfaces have an explicit lifetime because they implement the Closable interface. This lifetime may be differnt than the ByteBuf which is wrapped, and controlled by the interface which accepts the JDK Stream. However Netty's ByteBufInputStream currently does not take reference count ownership of the underlying ByteBuf. There may be no way for existing classes which only accept the InputStream interface to communicate when they are done with the stream, other than calling close(). This means that when the stream is closed it may be appropriate to release the underlying ByteBuf, as the ownership of the underlying ByteBuf resource may be transferred to the Java Stream.

- ByteBufInputStream.close() supports taking reference count ownership of the underyling ByteBuf

ByteBufInputStream can assume reference count ownership so the underlying ByteBuf can be cleaned up when the stream is closed.
2016-11-14 16:29:55 -08:00
Idel Pivnitskiy
c9adb41636 Refactor tests for compression codecs

Too many duplicated code of tests for different compression codecs.


- Added abstract classes AbstractCompressionTest, AbstractDecoderTest and AbstractEncoderTest which contains common variables and tests for any compression codec.
- Removed common tests which are implemented in AbstractDecoderTest and AbstractEncoderTest from current tests for compression codecs.
- Implemented abstract methods of AbstractDecoderTest and AbstractEncoderTest in current tests for compression codecs.
- Added additional checks for current tests.
- Renamed abstract class IntegrationTest to AbstractIntegrationTest.
- Used Theories to run tests with head and direct buffers.
- Removed code duplicates.


Removed duplicated code of tests for compression codecs and simplified an addition of tests for new compression codecs.
2015-04-10 15:50:41 +02:00
Idel Pivnitskiy
c8841bc9de Implemented LZ4 compression codec

LZ4 compression codec provides sending and receiving data encoded by very fast LZ4 algorithm.


- Added `lz4` library which implements LZ4 algorithm.
- Implemented Lz4FramedEncoder which extends MessageToByteEncoder and provides compression of outgoing messages.
- Added tests to verify the Lz4FramedEncoder and how it can compress data for the next uncompression using the original library.
- Implemented Lz4FramedDecoder which extends ByteToMessageDecoder and provides uncompression of incoming messages.
- Added tests to verify the Lz4FramedDecoder and how it can uncompress data after compression using the original library.
- Added integration tests for Lz4FramedEncoder/Decoder.


Full LZ4 compression codec which can compress/uncompress data using LZ4 algorithm.
2014-08-14 15:05:24 -07:00