Commit Graph

248 Commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
09faa72296 Use ArrayDeque instead of LinkedList (#9046)
Prefer ArrayDeque to LinkedList because latter will produce more GC.

- Replace LinkedList with ArrayDeque

Less GC
2019-04-15 15:13:22 +02:00
4c64c98f34 use checkPositive/checkPositiveOrZero (#8835)

We can replace some "hand-rolled" integer checks with our own static utility method to simplify the code.


Use methods provided by `ObjectUtil`.


Cleaner code and less duplication
2019-02-04 16:01:49 +01:00
Norman Maurer
123e07ca80 Revert "Only call ctx.fireChannelReadComplete() if ByteToMessageDecoder decoded at least one message."
This reverts commit d63bb4811e as this not covered correctly all cases and so could lead to missing fireChannelReadComplete() calls. We will re-evalute d63bb4811e and resbumit a pr once we are sure all is handled correctly
2017-08-18 09:06:37 +02:00
Nikolay Fedorovskikh
4875a2aad4 Immediate caching the strings wrapped to AsciiString
The `AsciiString#toString` method calculate string value and cache it into field. If an `AsciiString` created from the `String` value, we can avoid rebuilding strings if we cache them immediately when creating `AsciiString`. It would be useful for constants strings, which already stored in the JVMs string table, or in cases where an unavoidable `#toString `method call is assumed.

- Add new static method `AsciiString#cache(String)` which save string value into cache field.
- Apply a "benign" data race in the `#hashCode` and `#toString` methods.

Less memory usage in some `AsciiString` use cases.
2017-08-15 06:22:14 +02:00
Norman Maurer
d63bb4811e Only call ctx.fireChannelReadComplete() if ByteToMessageDecoder decoded at least one message.

Its wasteful and also confusing that channelReadComplete() is called even if there was no message forwarded to the next handler.


- Only call ctx.fireChannelReadComplete() if at least one message was decoded
- Add unit test


Less confusing behavior. Fixes [#4312].
2017-08-04 10:54:56 +02:00
Nikolay Fedorovskikh
0692bf1b6a fix the typos 2017-04-20 04:56:09 +02:00
Norman Maurer
e845670043 Set some StackTraceElement on pre-instantiated static exceptions

We use pre-instantiated exceptions in various places for performance reasons. These exceptions don't include a stacktrace which makes it hard to know where the exception was thrown. This is especially true as we use the same exception type (for example ChannelClosedException) in different places. Setting some StackTraceElements will provide more context as to where these exceptions original and make debugging easier.


Set a generated StackTraceElement on these pre-instantiated exceptions which at least contains the origin class and method name. The filename and linenumber are specified as unkown (as stated in the javadocs of StackTraceElement).


Easier to find the origin of a pre-instantiated exception.
2016-06-20 11:33:05 +02:00
Trustin Lee
3a9f472161 Make retained derived buffers recyclable
Related: #4333 #4421 #5128


slice(), duplicate() and readSlice() currently create a non-recyclable
derived buffer instance. Under heavy load, an application that creates a
lot of derived buffers can put the garbage collector under pressure.


- Add the following methods which creates a non-recyclable derived buffer
  - retainedSlice()
  - retainedDuplicate()
  - readRetainedSlice()
- Add the new recyclable derived buffer implementations, which has its
  own reference count value
- Add ByteBufHolder.retainedDuplicate()
- Add ByteBufHolder.replace(ByteBuf) so that..
  - a user can replace the content of the holder in a consistent way
  - copy/duplicate/retainedDuplicate() can delegate the holder
    construction to replace(ByteBuf)
- Use retainedDuplicate() and retainedSlice() wherever possible
- Miscellaneous:
  - Rename DuplicateByteBufTest to DuplicatedByteBufTest (missing 'D')
  - Make ReplayingDecoderByteBuf.reject() return an exception instead of
    throwing it so that its callers don't need to add dummy return


Derived buffers are now recycled when created via retainedSlice() and
retainedDuplicate() and derived from a pooled buffer
2016-05-17 11:16:13 +02:00
Guido Medina
5b59250657 TreeMap extra get operation removed.
Checking if a key exists on a TreeMap has a Big O of "log 2 N",
doing it twice is not cheap.

Get the key instead which has the same cost and check if it is null.

Faster code due to one expensive operation removed.
2016-04-25 09:49:05 -07:00
Brendt Lucas
41d0a81691 Use ByteBufAllocator to allocate ByteBuf for FullHttpMessage Motivation: When converting SPDY or HTTP/2 frames to HTTP/1.x, netty always used an unpooled heap ByteBuf.
When constructing the FullHttpMessage pass in the ByteBuf to use via the ByteBufAllocator assigned via the context.

The ByteBuf assigned to the FullHttpMessage can now be configured as a pooled/unpooled, direct/heap based ByteBuf via the ByteBufAllocator used.
2016-02-17 19:55:52 -08:00
Norman Maurer
e969b6917c Let CombinedChannelDuplexHandler correctly handle exceptionCaught. Related to [#4528]

ChannelInboundHandler and ChannelOutboundHandler both can implement exceptionCaught(...) method and so we need to dispatch to both of them.


- Correctly first dispatch exceptionCaught to the ChannelInboundHandler but also make sure the next handler it will be dispatched to will be the ChannelOutboundHandler
- Add removeInboundHandler() and removeOutboundHandler() which allows to remove one of the combined handlers
- Let *Codec extends it and not ChannelHandlerAppender
- Remove ChannelHandlerAppender


Correctly handle events and also have same behavior as in 4.0
2016-01-18 09:54:48 +01:00
Fabian Lange
619d82b56f Removed unused imports

Warnings in IDE, unclean code, negligible performance impact.


Deletion of unused imports


No more warnings in IDE, cleaner code, negligible performance improvement.
2016-01-04 14:32:29 +01:00
Xiaoyan Lin
1b0adb334b Fix incorrect Serializable

SpdySession.StreamComparator should not be Serializable since SpdySession is not Serializable


Remove Serializable fom SpdySession.StreamComparator


StreamComparator is not Serializable any more
2015-12-31 22:28:32 +01:00
Norman Maurer
8716b9d4bd Revert "Fix unnecessary boxing and incorrect Serializable"
This reverts commit 0ae6f17285.
2015-12-31 14:48:10 +01:00
Xiaoyan Lin
0ae6f17285 Fix unnecessary boxing and incorrect Serializable

- AbstractHttp2ConnectionHandlerBuilder.encoderEnforceMaxConcurrentStreams can be the primitive boolean
- SpdySession.StreamComparator should not be Serializable since SpdySession is not Serializable


Use boolean instead and remove Serializable


- Minor improvement for AbstractHttp2ConnectionHandlerBuilder
- StreamComparator is not Serializable any more
2015-12-31 10:45:24 +01:00
Scott Mitchell
19658e9cd8 HTTP/2 Headers Type Updates
The HTTP/2 RFC ( indicates that header names consist of ASCII characters. We currently use ByteString to represent HTTP/2 header names. The HTTP/2 RFC ( also eludes to header values inheriting the same validity characteristics as HTTP/1.x. Using AsciiString for the value type of HTTP/2 headers would allow for re-use of predefined HTTP/1.x values, and make comparisons more intuitive. The Headers<T> interface could also be expanded to allow for easier use of header types which do not have the same Key and Value type.

- Change Headers<T> to Headers<K, V>
- Change Http2Headers<ByteString> to Http2Headers<CharSequence, CharSequence>
- Remove ByteString. Having AsciiString extend ByteString complicates equality comparisons when the hash code algorithm is no longer shared.

Http2Header types are more representative of the HTTP/2 RFC, and relationship between HTTP/2 header name/values more directly relates to HTTP/1.x header names/values.
2015-10-30 15:29:44 -07:00
Scott Mitchell
2a4276e1ff SpdyHttpHeaders are not lowercase
According to the SPDY spec header names must be lowercase. Our predefined SPDY extension headers are not lowercase.

- SpdyHttpHeaders should define header names in lower case

Compliant with SPDY spec, and header validation code does not detect errors for our own header names.
2015-09-16 11:32:01 -07:00
Brendt Lucas
7049d8debb Add validateHeaders and headersToLowerCase options for SPDY

Related to issue #4185.

HTTP has the option to disable header validation for optimisation purposes.  Introduce the same option for SPDY headers.
Also, optimise SpdyHttpEncoder by allowing the user to specify whether or not the encoder needs to convert header names to lowercase.


Added flags for validation and conversion.


SpdyHeader validation and conversion can be disabled.
2015-09-08 08:38:45 +02:00
Brendt Lucas
070f1470e8 [#4185] SpdyHttpEncoder fails to convert HttpResponse to SpdyFrame

When SpdyHttpEncoder attempts to create an SpdyHeadersFrame from a HttpResponse an IllegalArgumentException is thrown if the original HttpResponse contains a header that includes uppercase characters. The IllegalArgumentException is thrown due to the additional validation check introduced by #4047.

Previous versions of the SPDY codec would handle this by converting the HTTP header name to lowercase before adding the header to the SpdyHeadersFrame.


Convert the header name to lowercase before adding it to SpdyHeaders


SpdyHttpEncoder can now convert a valid HttpResponse into a valid SpdyFrame
2015-09-04 13:06:04 -07:00
Norman Maurer
d9d488e477 [#2677] Remove unnessary synchronized in SpdySessionHandler

As all methods in the ChannelHandler are executed by the same thread there is no need to use synchronized.


Remove synchronized keyword.


No more unnessary synchronized in SpdySessionHandler.
2015-08-28 23:14:13 +02:00
Scott Mitchell
b6a4f5de9d Refactor of HttpUtil and HttpHeaderUtil
There currently exists http.HttpUtil, http2.HttpUtil, and http.HttpHeaderUtil. Having 2 HttpUtil methods can be confusing and the utilty methods in the http package could be consolidated.

- Rename http2.HttpUtil to http2.HttpConversionUtil
- Move http.HttpHeaderUtil methods into http.HttpUtil

Consolidated utilities whose names don't overlap.
2015-08-27 08:49:58 -07:00
Scott Mitchell
ba6ce5449e Headers Performance Boost and Interface Simplification
A degradation in performance has been observed from the 4.0 branch as documented in

- Simplify Headers class hierarchy.
- Restore the DefaultHeaders to be based upon DefaultHttpHeaders from 4.0.
- Make various other modifications that are causing hot spots.

Performance is now on par with 4.0.
2015-08-17 08:50:11 -07:00
Jakob Buchgraber
6fd0a0c55f Faster and more memory efficient headers for HTTP, HTTP/2, STOMP and SPYD. Fixes #3600

We noticed that the headers implementation in Netty for HTTP/2 uses quite a lot of memory
and that also at least the performance of randomly accessing a header is quite poor. The main
concern however was memory usage, as profiling has shown that a DefaultHttp2Headers
not only use a lot of memory it also wastes a lot due to the underlying hashmaps having
to be resized potentially several times as new headers are being inserted.

This is tracked as issue #3600.

We redesigned the DefaultHeaders to simply take a Map object in its constructor and
reimplemented the class using only the Map primitives. That way the implementation
is very concise and hopefully easy to understand and it allows each concrete headers
implementation to provide its own map or to even use a different headers implementation
for processing requests and writing responses i.e. incoming headers need to provide
fast random access while outgoing headers need fast insertion and fast iteration. The
new implementation can support this with hardly any code changes. It also comes
with the advantage that if the Netty project decides to add a third party collections library
as a dependency, one can simply plug in one of those very fast and memory efficient map
implementations and get faster and smaller headers for free.

For now, we are using the JDK's TreeMap for HTTP and HTTP/2 default headers.


- Significantly fewer lines of code in the implementation. While the total commit is still
  roughly 400 lines less, the actual implementation is a lot less. I just added some more
  tests and microbenchmarks.

- Overall performance is up. The current implementation should be significantly faster
  for insertion and retrieval. However, it is slower when it comes to iteration. There is simply
  no way a TreeMap can have the same iteration performance as a linked list (as used in the
  current headers implementation). That's totally fine though, because when looking at the
  benchmark results @ejona86 pointed out that the performance of the headers is completely
  dominated by insertion, that is insertion is so significantly faster in the new implementation
  that it does make up for several times the iteration speed. You can't iterate what you haven't
  inserted. I am demonstrating that in this spreadsheet [1]. (Actually, iteration performance is
  only down for HTTP, it's significantly improved for HTTP/2).

- Memory is down. The implementation with TreeMap uses on avg ~30% less memory. It also does not
  produce any garbage while being resized. In load tests for GRPC we have seen a memory reduction
  of up to 1.2KB per RPC. I summarized the memory improvements in this spreadsheet [1]. The data
  was generated by [2] using JOL.

- While it was my original intend to only improve the memory usage for HTTP/2, it should be similarly
  improved for HTTP, SPDY and STOMP as they all share a common implementation.

2015-08-04 17:12:24 -07:00
Scott Mitchell
209aa28573 SPDY codec must check headers are lower case
The SPDY spec requires that all header names be lowercase (see The SPDY codec header name validator does not enforce this requirement.

- SpdyCodecUtil.validateHeaderName should check for upper case characters and throw an error if any are found.

SPDY codec header validation enforces specification requirement.
2015-07-31 11:26:18 -07:00
Trustin Lee
0775089496 Replace SpdyOrHttpChooser and Http2OrHttpChooser with ApplicationProtocolNegotiationHandler

SpdyOrHttpChooser and Http2OrHttpChooser duplicate fair amount code with each other.


- Replace SpdyOrHttpChooser and Http2OrHttpChooser with ApplicationProtocolNegotiationHandler
- Add ApplicationProtocolNames to define the known application-level protocol names


- Less code duplication
- A user can perform dynamic pipeline configuration that follows ALPN/NPN for any protocols.
2015-06-05 11:58:20 +09:00
Trustin Lee
afb46b926f Improve the API design of Http2OrHttpChooser and SpdyOrHttpChooser
Related: #3641 and #3813


When setting up an HTTP/1 or HTTP/2 (or SPDY) pipeline, a user usually
ends up with adding arbitrary set of handlers.

Http2OrHttpChooser and SpdyOrHttpChooser have two abstract methods
(create*Handler()) that expect a user to return a single handler, and
also have add*Handlers() methods that add the handler returned by
create*Handler() to the pipeline as well as the pre-defined set of

The problem is, some users (read: I) don't need all of them or the
user wants to add more than one handler. For example, take a look at
io.netty.example.http2.tiles.Http2OrHttpHandler, which works around
this issue by overriding addHttp2Handlers() and making
createHttp2RequestHandler() a no-op.


- Replace add*Handlers() and create*Handler() with configure*()
- Rename getProtocol() to selectProtocol() to make what it does clear
- Provide the default implementation of selectProtocol()
- Remove SelectedProtocol.UNKNOWN and use null instead, because
  'UNKNOWN' is not a protocol
- Proper exception handling in the *OrHttpChooser so that the
  exception is logged and the connection is closed when failed to
  select a protocol
- Make SpdyClient example always use SSL. It was always using SSL
- Implement SslHandshakeCompletionEvent.toString() for debuggability
- Remove an orphaned class: JettyNpnSslSession
- Add SslHandler.applicationProtocol() to get the name of the
  application protocol
  - SSLSession.getProtocol() now returns transport-layer protocol name
    only, so that it conforms to its contract.


- *OrHttpChooser have better API.
- *OrHttpChooser handle protocol selection failure properly.
- SSLSession.getProtocol() now conforms to its contract.
- SpdyClient example works with SpdyServer example out of the box
2015-06-05 11:58:19 +09:00
Norman Maurer
62057f73d6 Fix handling of non-auto read for ByteToMessageDecoder and SslHandler

Our automatically handling of non-auto-read failed because it not detected the need of calling read again by itself if nothing was decoded. Beside this handling of non-auto-read never worked for SslHandler as it always triggered a read even if it decoded a message and auto-read was false.

This fixes [#3529] and [#3587].


- Implement handling of calling read when nothing was decoded (with non-auto-read) to ByteToMessageDecoder again
- Correctly respect non-auto-read by SslHandler


No more stales and correctly respecting of non-auto-read by SslHandler.
2015-04-20 09:11:02 +02:00
Scott Mitchell
9a7a85dbe5 ByteString introduced as AsciiString super class
The usage and code within AsciiString has exceeded the original design scope for this class. Its usage as a binary string is confusing and on the verge of violating interface assumptions in some spots.

- ByteString will be created as a base class to AsciiString. All of the generic byte handling processing will live in ByteString and all the special character encoding will live in AsciiString.

The AsciiString interface will be clarified. Users of AsciiString can now be clear of the limitations the class imposes while users of the ByteString class don't have to live with those limitations.
2015-04-14 16:35:17 -07:00
Trustin Lee
fbc0ce4784 Avoid unnecessary string conversion where possible

HttpResponseStaus, HttpMethod and HttpVersion have methods that return
AsciiString.  There's no need for object-to-string conversion.


Use codeAsText(), name(), text() instead of setInt() and setObject()


2015-01-11 12:48:14 +09:00
Trustin Lee
edb93a6fcc Remove static imports and inner class imports for disambiguation 2015-01-11 12:43:38 +09:00
Jeff Pinner
04dd885421 SPDY: fix support for pushed resources in SpdyHttpEncoder

The SpdyHttpDecoder was modified to support pushed resources that are
divided into multiple frames. The decoder accepts a pushed
SpdySynStreamFrame containing the request headers, followed by a
SpdyHeadersFrame containing the response headers.


This commit modifies the SpdyHttpEncoder so that it encodes pushed
resources in a format that the SpdyHttpDecoder can decode. The encoder
will accept an HttpRequest object containing the request headers,
followed by an HttpResponse object containing the response headers.


The SpdyHttpEncoder will create a SpdySynStreamFrame followed by a
SpdyHeadersFrame when sending pushed resources.
2015-01-11 12:18:11 +09:00
Scott Mitchell
8206cc6e14 Headers set/add/contains timeMillis methods
The new Headers interface contains methods to getTimeMillis but no add/set/contains variants.  These should be added for consistency.

- Add three new methods: addTimeMillis, setTimeMillis, containsTimeMillis to the Headers interface.
- Add a new method to the Headers.ValueConverter interface: T convertTimeMillis(long)
- Bring these new interfaces up the class hierarchy

All Headers classes have setters/getters for timeMillis.
2014-12-06 22:40:28 +09:00
Idel Pivnitskiy
35db3c6710 Small performance improvements

Found performance issues via FindBugs and PMD.


- Removed unnecessary boxing/unboxing operations in DefaultTextHeaders.convertToInt(CharSequence) and DefaultTextHeaders.convertToLong(CharSequence). A boxed primitive is created from a string, just to extract the unboxed primitive value.
- Added a static modifier for DefaultHttp2Connection.ParentChangedEvent class. This class is an inner class, but does not use its embedded reference to the object which created it. This reference makes the instances of the class larger, and may keep the reference to the creator object alive longer than necessary.
- Added a static compiled Pattern to avoid compile it each time it is used when we need to replace some part of authority.
- Improved using of StringBuilders.


Performance improvements.
2014-11-20 00:10:06 -05:00
Jeff Pinner
6f80fdcac4 SPDY: add support for pushed resources in SpdyHttpDecoder

The SPDY/3.1 spec does not adequate describe how to push resources
from the server. This was solidified in the HTTP/2 drafts by dividing
the push into two frames, a PushPromise containing the request,
followed by a Headers frame containing the response.


This commit modifies the SpdyHttpDecoder to support pushed resources
that are divided into multiple frames. The decoder will accept a
pushed SpdySynStreamFrame containing the request headers, followed by
a SpdyHeadersFrame containing the response headers.


The SpdyHttpDecoder will create an HttpRequest object followed by an
HttpResponse object when receiving pushed resources.
2014-11-15 21:55:56 +01:00
Trustin Lee
4ce994dd4f Fix backward compatibility from the previous backport

The commit 50e06442c3 changed the type of
the constants in HttpHeaders.Names and HttpHeaders.Values, making 4.1
backward-incompatible with 4.0.

It also introduces newer utility classes such as HttpHeaderUtil, which
deprecates most static methods in HttpHeaders.  To ease the migration
between 4.1 and 5.0, we should deprecate all static methods that are
non-existent in 5.0, and provide proper counterpart.


- Revert the changes in HttpHeaders.Names and Values
- Deprecate all static methods in HttpHeaders in favor of:
  - HttpHeaderUtil
  - the member methods of HttpHeaders
  - AsciiString
- Add integer and date access methods to HttpHeaders for easier future
  migration to 5.0
- Add HttpHeaderNames and HttpHeaderValues which provide standard HTTP
  constants in AsciiString
  - Deprecate HttpHeaders.Names and Values
  - Make HttpHeaderValues.WEBSOCKET lowercased because it's actually
    lowercased in all WebSocket versions but the oldest one
- Add RtspHeaderNames and RtspHeaderValues which provide standard RTSP
  constants in AsciiString
  - Deprecate RtspHeaders.*
- Do not use AsciiString.equalsIgnoreCase(CharSeq, CharSeq) if one of
  the parameters are AsciiString
- Avoid using AsciiString.toString() repetitively
  - Change the parameter type of some methods from String to


Backward compatibility is recovered.  New classes and methods will make
the migration to 5.0 easier, once (Http|Rtsp)Header(Names|Values) are
ported to master.
2014-11-01 01:00:25 +09:00
Scott Mitchell
50e06442c3 Backport header improvements from 5.0
The header class hierarchy and algorithm was improved on the master branch for versions 5.x. These improvments should be backported to the 4.1 baseline.

- cherry-pick the following commits from the master branch: 2374e17, 36b4157, 222d258

Header improvements in master branch are available in 4.1 branch.
2014-11-01 00:59:57 +09:00
Norman Maurer
65686b6c83 Reduce memory copies in spdy compression implementation.

Currently we do more memory copies then needed.


- Directly use heap buffers to reduce memory copy
- Correctly release buffers to fix buffer leak


Less memory copies and no leaks
2014-08-21 11:27:32 +02:00
Jeff Pinner
af26826348 SPDY: fix SpdySessionHandler::updateSendWindowSize
In Netty 3, downstream writes of SPDY data frames and upstream reads of
SPDY window udpate frames occur on different threads.

When receiving a window update frame, we synchronize on a java object
(SpdySessionHandler::flowControlLock) while sending any pending writes
that are now able to complete.

When writing a data frame, we check the send window size to see if we
are allowed to write it to the socket, or if we have to enqueue it as a
pending write. To prevent races with the window update frame, this is
also synchronized on the same SpdySessionHandler::flowControlLock.

In Netty 4, upstream and downstream operations on any given channel now
occur on the same thread. Since java locks are re-entrant, this now
allows downstream writes to occur while processing window update frames.

In particular, when we receive a window update frame that unblocks a
pending write, this write completes which triggers an event notification
on the response, which in turn triggers a write of a data frame. Since
this is on the same thread it re-enters the lock and modifies the send
window. When the write completes, we continue processing pending writes
without knowledge that the window size has been decremented.
2014-08-11 11:21:24 +02:00
Trustin Lee
8e1007d693 Fix a bug where SpdySession.getActiveStreams() returns incorrect set
Related issue: #2743


When there are more than one stream with the same priority, the set
returned by SpdySession.getActiveStream() will not include all of them,
because it uses TreeSet and only compares the priority of streams. If
two different streams have the same priority, one of them will be
discarded by TreeSet.


- Rename getActiveStreams() to activeStreams()
- Replace PriorityComparator with StreamComparator


Two different streams with the same priority are compared correctly.
2014-08-05 17:46:06 -07:00
Jeff Pinner
2e2abb0b74 SPDY: fix pushed response NullPointerException 2014-07-21 07:54:15 +02:00
Norman Maurer
8edfde3f26 [#2650] Allow to disable http header validation in SpdyHttpDecoder and SpdyHttpCodec

HTTP header validation can be expensive so we should allow to disable it like we do in HttpObjectDecoder.


Add constructor argument to disable validation.

Performance improvement
2014-07-11 08:33:37 +02:00
Norman Maurer
33a810a513 Move generic code to HttpOrSpdyChooser to simplify implementations

HttpOrSpdyChooser can be simplified so the user not need to implement getProtocol(...) method.


Add implementation for the method. The user can override it if necessary.


Easier usage of HttpOrSpdyChooser.
2014-07-07 09:37:10 +02:00
Trustin Lee
d0912f2709 Fix most inspector warnings

It's good to minimize potentially broken windows.


Fix most inspector warnings from our profile
Update IntObjectHashMap


Cleaner code
2014-07-02 19:55:07 +09:00
Trustin Lee
2c0ecd9d44 Remove the deprecated methods in SPDY
SPDY is an experimental package. No need to keep ABI compatibility.
2014-06-27 16:47:38 +09:00
Trustin Lee
41d44a8161 Remove 'get' prefix from all HTTP/SPDY messages

Persuit for the consistency in method naming


- Remove the 'get' prefix from all HTTP/SPDY message classes
- Fix some inspector warnings


2014-06-24 18:03:33 +09:00
Trustin Lee
c076c33901 Backport the additional AsciiString/TextHeader changes from master
- Add useful static methods to AsciiString
- Add more getters in TextHeaders
- Remove unnecessary utility methods in SpdyHttpHeaders
2014-06-14 17:33:34 +09:00
Trustin Lee
681d460938 Introduce TextHeaders and AsciiString

We have quite a bit of code duplication between HTTP/1, HTTP/2, SPDY,
and STOMP codec, because they all have a notion of 'headers', which is a
multimap of string names and values.


- Add TextHeaders and its default implementation
- Add AsciiString to replace HttpHeaderEntity
  - Borrowed some portion from Apache Harmony's java.lang.String.
- Reimplement HttpHeaders, SpdyHeaders, and StompHeaders using
- Add AsciiHeadersEncoder to reuse the encoding a TextHeaders
  - Used a dedicated encoder for HTTP headers for better performance
- Remove shortcut methods in SpdyHeaders
- Replace SpdyHeaders.getStatus() with HttpResponseStatus.parseLine()


- Removed quite a bit of code duplication in the header implementations.
- Slightly better performance thanks to improved header validation and
  hash code calculation
2014-06-14 15:36:19 +09:00
Norman Maurer
8a39b9fedc Fix buffer leak introduced by #2462
Because of not correctly release a buffer before null out the reference a memory leak shows up.

Correct call buffer.release() before null out reference.

No more leak
2014-05-06 10:03:24 +02:00
Jeff Pinner
1351349243 SPDY: ensure SpdyHeaderBlockRawDecoder always reads entire input 2014-05-05 07:33:05 +02:00
Jeff Pinner
326efe5b42 SPDY: release headerBlock in SpdyFrameCodec 2014-05-05 07:26:21 +02:00