HTTP is a plaintext protocol which means that someone may be able
to eavesdrop the data. To prevent this, HTTPS should be used whenever
possible. However, maintaining using https:// in all URLs may be
difficult. The nohttp tool can help here. The tool scans all the files
in a repository and reports where http:// is used.
- Added nohttp (via checkstyle) into the build process.
- Suppressed findings for the websites
that don't support HTTPS or that are not reachable
- Prevent using HTTP in the future.
- Encourage users to use HTTPS when they follow the links they found in
the code.
junit deprecated Assert.assertThat(...)
Use MatcherAssert.assertThat(...) as replacement for deprecated method
Less deprecation warnings
# Motivation:
`DefaultByteBufHolder.equals()` considers another object equal if it's an instance of `ByteBufferHolder` and if the contents of two objects are equal. However, the behavior of `equals` method is not a part of the `ByteBufHolder` contract so `DefaultByteBufHolder`'s version may be causing violation of the symmetric property if other classes have different logic.
There are already a few classes that are affected by this: `DefaultHttp2GoAwayFrame`, `DefaultHttp2UnknownFrame`, and `SctpMessage` are all overriding `equals` method breaking the symmetric property.
Another effect of this behavior is that all instances with empty data are considered equal. That may not be desireable in the situations when instances are created for predefined constants, e.g. `FullBulkStringRedisMessage.NULL_INSTANCE` and `FullBulkStringRedisMessage.EMPTY_INSTANCE` in `codec-redis`.
# Modification:
Make `DefaultByteBufHolder.equals()` implementation only work for the objects of the same class.
# Result:
- The symmetric property of the `equals` method is restored for the classes in question.
- Instances of different classes are not considered equal even if the content of the data they hold are the same.
Most of the maven modules do not explicitly declare their
dependencies and rely on transitivity, which is not always correct.
For all maven modules, add all of their dependencies to pom.xml
All of the (essentially non-transitive) depepdencies of the modules are explicitly declared in pom.xml