FastLZ compression codec provides sending and receiving data encoded by fast FastLZ algorithm using block mode.
- Added part of `jfastlz` library which implements FastLZ algorithm. See FastLz class.
- Implemented FastLzFramedEncoder which extends MessageToByteEncoder and provides compression of outgoing messages.
- Implemented FastLzFramedDecoder which extends ByteToMessageDecoder and provides uncompression of incoming messages.
- Added integration tests for `FastLzFramedEncoder/Decoder`.
Full FastLZ compression codec which can compress/uncompress data using FastLZ algorithm.
LZF compression codec provides sending and receiving data encoded by very fast LZF algorithm.
- Added Compress-LZF library which implements LZF algorithm
- Implemented LzfEncoder which extends MessageToByteEncoder and provides compression of outgoing messages
- Added tests to verify the LzfEncoder and how it can compress data for the next uncompression using the original library
- Implemented LzfDecoder which extends ByteToMessageDecoder and provides uncompression of incoming messages
- Added tests to verify the LzfDecoder and how it can uncompress data after compression using the original library
- Added integration tests for LzfEncoder/Decoder
Full LZF compression codec which can compress/uncompress data using LZF algorithm.
We have quite a bit of code duplication between HTTP/1, HTTP/2, SPDY,
and STOMP codec, because they all have a notion of 'headers', which is a
multimap of string names and values.
- Add TextHeaders and its default implementation
- Add AsciiString to replace HttpHeaderEntity
- Borrowed some portion from Apache Harmony's java.lang.String.
- Reimplement HttpHeaders, SpdyHeaders, and StompHeaders using
- Add AsciiHeadersEncoder to reuse the encoding a TextHeaders
- Used a dedicated encoder for HTTP headers for better performance
- Remove shortcut methods in SpdyHeaders
- Replace SpdyHeaders.getStatus() with HttpResponseStatus.parseLine()
- Removed quite a bit of code duplication in the header implementations.
- Slightly better performance thanks to improved header validation and
hash code calculation
- Move common methods from ByteBuf to Buf
- Rename ensureWritableBytes() to ensureWritable()
- Rename readable() to isReadable()
- Rename writable() to isWritable()
- Add isReadable(int) and isWritable(int)
- Add AbstractMessageBuf
- Rewrite DefaultMessageBuf and QueueBackedMessageBuf
- based on Josh Bloch's public domain ArrayDeque impl
- Borrow SLF4J API which is the best of the best
- InternalLoggerFactory now automatically detects the logging framework
using static class loading. It tries SLF4J, Log4J, and then falls back
to java.util.logging.
- Remove OsgiLogger because it is very likely that OSGi container
already provides a bridge for existing logging frameworks
- Remove JBossLogger because the latest JBossLogger implementation seems
to implement SLF4J binding
- Upgrade SLF4J to 1.7.2
- Remove tests for the untestable logging frameworks
- Remove TestAny
use single static initialization of available metrics monitor registries
* This changes the original implementation to work in a similar way to
how slf4j selects and loads an implementation.
* Uses a single static instance so intialization is done only once.
* Doesn't throw IllegalStateException if multiple implementations are
found on the classpath. It instead selects and uses the first
implementation returned by iterator()
* Class left as an iterable to keep the API the same
add yammer metrics to examples to allow them to publish metrics
publish the number of threads used in an EventLoopGroup see issue #718
* seems like the better place to put this because it sets the default
thread count if the MultithreadEventLoopGroup uses super(0,...)
* It also happens to be the common parent class amongst all the
MultiThreadedEventLoopGroup implementations
* Count is reported for{*,.local,.socket.aio,.socket.nio}
fix cosmetic issues pointed out in pull request and updated notice.txt
count # of channels registered in single threaded event loop
measure how many times return before SELECT_TIME