Commit Graph

160 Commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
Norman Maurer
f2eb106f1e Ensure we only add OpenSslEngine to the OpenSslEngineMap when handshake is started

We need to ensure we only add the OpenSslEngine to the OpenSslEngineMap when the handshake is started as otherwise we may produce a memory leak when the OpenSslEngine is created but not actually used. This can for example happen if we encounter a connection refused from the remote peer. In this case we will never remove the OpenSslEngine from the OpenSslEngineMap and so it will never be collected (as we hold a reference). This has as affect that the finalizer will never be run as well.


- Lazy add the OpenSslEngine to the OpenSslEngineMap to elimate possible leak.
- Call OpenSslEngine.shutdown() when SslHandler is removed from the ChannelPipeline to free memory asap in all cases.


No more memory leak with OpenSslEngine if connection is refused.
2016-01-05 11:26:24 +01:00
Norman Maurer
7becfc5e06 Use OneTimeTask where possible to reduce object creation

We should use OneTimeTask where possible to reduce object creation.


Replace Runnable with OneTimeTask


Less object creation
2015-11-20 14:41:41 -08:00
Michael Bildner
a4b51dd66b Do not bother closing SSL enging inbound if the outbound has already been closed.

Invoking the method will send a
fatal alert and invalidate the SSL session if a close_notify alert has
not been received.
From the javadoc:
If the application initiated the closing process by calling
closeOutbound(), under some circumstances it is not required that the
initiator wait for the peer's corresponding close message. (See section
7.2.1 of the TLS specification (RFC 2246) for more information on
waiting for closure alerts.) In such cases, this method need not be
Always invoking the closeInbound() method without regard to whether or
not the closeOutbound() method has been invoked could lead to
invalidating perfectly valid SSL sessions.


Added an instance variable to track whether the
SSLEngine.closeOutbound() method has been invoked. When the instance
variable is true, the SSLEngine.closeInbound() method doesn't need to be


SSL sessions will not be invalidated if the outbound side has been
closed but a close_notify alert hasn't been received.
2015-09-06 10:14:05 +02:00
Vineet Garg
de55fba82b Fixes infinite loop during handshake in SslHandler in Android devices

On Android devices with version less than Lollipop, HarmonyJSSE is used for SSL. After completion of handshake, handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING instead of FINISHED. Also encrypting empty buffer after handshake should cause underflow exception and produce 0 bytes, but here it happily encrypts it causing for loop to never break


Since 0 bytes should only be consumed in handshake process. Added a condition to break loop when 0 bytes are consumed and handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING


Sucessful ssl handshake on Android devices, no infinite loop now
2015-08-19 22:15:30 +02:00
Norman Maurer
07ae838677 [#3968] Disallow pass-through of non ByteBufs in SslHandler

We pass-through non ByteBuf when SslHandler.write(...) is called which can lead to have unencrypted data to be send (like for example if a FileRegion is written).


- Fail ChannelPromise with UnsupportedMessageException if a non ByteBuf is written.


Only allow ByteBuf to be written when using SslHandler.
2015-07-22 13:31:24 +02:00
Norman Maurer
93b76257ad Better handling of BUFFER_OVERFLOW when unwrap data.

When we detect a BUFFER_OVERFLOW we should just forward the already produced data and allocate a new buffer and NOT do any extra memory copies while trying to expand the buffer.


When a BUFFER_OVERFLOW is returned and some data was produced just fire this data through the pipeline and allocate a new buffer to read again.


Less memorycopies and so better performance.
2015-07-08 10:33:48 +02:00
Norman Maurer
dec53cff86 Guard against race when calling SslHandler.handshakeFuture().sync()

If the handlerAdded(...) callback was not called, the checkDeadLock() of the handshakeFuture will produce an IllegalStateException.
This was first reported at .


Pass deadlock check if ctx is null


No more race and so IllegalStateException.
2015-06-08 09:17:38 +02:00
Trustin Lee
2e231283cf Improve the API design of Http2OrHttpChooser and SpdyOrHttpChooser
Related: #3641 and #3813


When setting up an HTTP/1 or HTTP/2 (or SPDY) pipeline, a user usually
ends up with adding arbitrary set of handlers.

Http2OrHttpChooser and SpdyOrHttpChooser have two abstract methods
(create*Handler()) that expect a user to return a single handler, and
also have add*Handlers() methods that add the handler returned by
create*Handler() to the pipeline as well as the pre-defined set of

The problem is, some users (read: I) don't need all of them or the
user wants to add more than one handler. For example, take a look at
io.netty.example.http2.tiles.Http2OrHttpHandler, which works around
this issue by overriding addHttp2Handlers() and making
createHttp2RequestHandler() a no-op.


- Replace add*Handlers() and create*Handler() with configure*()
- Rename getProtocol() to selectProtocol() to make what it does clear
- Provide the default implementation of selectProtocol()
- Remove SelectedProtocol.UNKNOWN and use null instead, because
  'UNKNOWN' is not a protocol
- Proper exception handling in the *OrHttpChooser so that the
  exception is logged and the connection is closed when failed to
  select a protocol
- Make SpdyClient example always use SSL. It was always using SSL
- Implement SslHandshakeCompletionEvent.toString() for debuggability
- Remove an orphaned class: JettyNpnSslSession
- Add SslHandler.applicationProtocol() to get the name of the
  application protocol
  - SSLSession.getProtocol() now returns transport-layer protocol name
    only, so that it conforms to its contract.


- *OrHttpChooser have better API.
- *OrHttpChooser handle protocol selection failure properly.
- SSLSession.getProtocol() now conforms to its contract.
- SpdyClient example works with SpdyServer example out of the box
2015-06-05 12:00:44 +09:00
Norman Maurer
71f2e23633 Fix possible IllegalStateException caused by closeNotifyTimeout when using SslHandler

In the SslHandler we schedule a timeout at which we close the Channel if a timeout was detected during close_notify. Because this can race with notify the flushFuture we can see an IllegalStateException when the Channel is closed.


- Use a trySuccess() and tryFailure(...) to guard against race.


No more race.
2015-05-06 21:50:32 +02:00
Norman Maurer
52878880b4 Fix handling of non-auto read for ByteToMessageDecoder and SslHandler

Our automatically handling of non-auto-read failed because it not detected the need of calling read again by itself if nothing was decoded. Beside this handling of non-auto-read never worked for SslHandler as it always triggered a read even if it decoded a message and auto-read was false.

This fixes [#3529] and [#3587].


- Implement handling of calling read when nothing was decoded (with non-auto-read) to ByteToMessageDecoder again
- Correctly respect non-auto-read by SslHandler


No more stales and correctly respecting of non-auto-read by SslHandler.
2015-04-20 10:38:13 +02:00
Trustin Lee
cdd2e1c8c1 Fix unbounded expansion of cumulative buffer in SslHandler
Related: #3567


SslHandler.channelReadComplete() forgets to call
super.channelReadComplete(), which discards read bytes from the
cumulative buffer.  As a result, the cumulative buffer can expand its
capacity unboundedly.


Call super.channelReadComplete() instead of calling


Fixes #3567
2015-04-02 14:57:40 +09:00
Norman Maurer
a7629dd21a [#3364] Not use VoidChannelPromise in SslHandler to guard against IllegalStateException

SslHandler adds a pending write with an empty buffer and a VoidChannelPromise when a user flush and not pending writes are currently stored. This may produce an IllegalStateException later if the user try to add a ChannelFutureListener to the promise in the next ChannelOutboundHandler.


Replace ctx.voidPromise() with ctx.newPromise()


No more IllegalStateException possible
2015-01-30 19:23:17 +01:00
Trustin Lee
d78428139b Fix IndexOutOfBoundsException from SslHandler on JDK 8

When SslHandler.unwrap() copies SSL records into a heap buffer, it does
not update the start offset, causing IndexOutOfBoundsException.


- Copy to a heap buffer before calling unwrap() for simplicity
- Do not copy an empty buffer to a heap buffer.
  - unwrap(... EMPTY_BUFFER ...) never involves copying now.
- Use better parameter names for unwrap()
- Clean-up log messages


- Bugs fixed
- Cleaner code
2015-01-13 18:09:56 +09:00
Norman Maurer
7867c381cf Reduce memory copies when using OpenSslEngine with SslHandler

When using OpenSslEngine with the SslHandler it is possible to reduce memory copies by unwrap(...) multiple ByteBuffers at the same time. This way we can eliminate a memory copy that is needed otherwise to cumulate partial received data.


- Add OpenSslEngine.unwrap(ByteBuffer[],...) method that can be used to unwrap multiple src ByteBuffer a the same time
- Use a CompositeByteBuffer in SslHandler for inbound data so we not need to memory copy
- Add OpenSslEngine.unwrap(ByteBuffer[],...) in SslHandler if OpenSslEngine is used and the inbound ByteBuf is backed by more then one ByteBuffer
- Reduce object allocation


SslHandler is faster when using OpenSslEngine and produce less GC
2015-01-12 20:22:31 +01:00
Norman Maurer
ec80b1e50f Eliminate memory copy in ByteToMessageDecoder whenever possible

Currently when there are bytes left in the cumulation buffer we do a byte copy to produce the input buffer for the decode method. This can put quite some overhead on the impl.


- Use a CompositeByteBuf to eliminate the byte copy.
- Allow to specify if a CompositeBytebug should be used or not as some handlers can only act on one ByteBuffer in an efficient way (like SslHandler :( ).


Performance improvement as shown in the following benchmark.

Without this patch:
[xxx@xxx ~]$ ./wrk-benchmark
Running 5m test @ http://xxx:8080/plaintext
  16 threads and 256 connections
  Thread Stats   Avg      Stdev     Max   +/- Stdev
    Latency    20.19ms   38.34ms   1.02s    98.70%
    Req/Sec   241.10k    26.50k  303.45k    93.46%
  1153994119 requests in 5.00m, 155.84GB read
Requests/sec: 3846702.44
Transfer/sec:    531.93MB

With the patch:
[xxx@xxx ~]$ ./wrk-benchmark
Running 5m test @ http://xxx:8080/plaintext
  16 threads and 256 connections
  Thread Stats   Avg      Stdev     Max   +/- Stdev
    Latency    17.34ms   27.14ms 877.62ms   98.26%
    Req/Sec   252.55k    23.77k  329.50k    87.71%
  1209772221 requests in 5.00m, 163.37GB read
Requests/sec: 4032584.22
Transfer/sec:    557.64MB
2015-01-09 15:59:24 +09:00
Norman Maurer
64065e84f5 Efficiently handle writing ( wrap(...) ) of CompositeByteBuf when using SslHandler

SslHandler.wrap(...) does a poor job when handling CompositeByteBuf as it always call ByteBuf.nioBuffer() which will do a memory copy when a CompositeByteBuf is used that is backed by multiple ByteBuf.


- Use SslEngine.wrap(ByteBuffer[]...) to allow wrap CompositeByteBuf in an efficient manner
- Reduce object allocation in unwrapNonAppData(...)


Performance improvement when a CompositeByteBuf is written and the SslHandler is in the ChannelPipeline.
2014-12-22 12:15:38 +01:00
Trustin Lee
94a64c09cd Make sure to notify handshake success even if SSLEngine is closed



SslHandler.unwrap() does not evaluate the handshake status of
SSLEngine.unwrap() when the status of SSLEngine.unwrap() is CLOSED.

It is not correct because the status does not reflect the state of the
handshake currently in progress, accoding to the API documentation of

Also, sslCloseFuture can be notified earlier than handshake notification
because we call sslCloseFuture.trySuccess() before evaluating handshake


- Notify sslCloseFuture after the unwrap loop is finished
- Add more assertions to SocketSslEchoTest


Potentially fix the regression caused by:
- e9685ea45a
2014-12-12 11:55:34 +09:00
Trustin Lee
a0862bc5fb Make SslHandler work when autoRead is turned off
Related: #2958


SslHandler currently does not issue a read() request when it is
handshaking. It makes a connection with autoRead off stall, because a
user's read() request can be used to read the handshake response which
is invisible to the user.


- SslHandler now issues a read() request when:
  - the current handshake is in progress and channelReadComplete() is
  - the current handshake is complete and a user issued a read() request
    during handshake
- Rename flushedBeforeHandshakeDone to flushedBeforeHandshake for
  consistency with the new variable 'readDuringHandshake'


SslHandler should work regardless whether autoRead is on or off.
2014-12-11 17:54:39 +09:00
Trustin Lee
d1612f67ad Add SslHandler.renegotiate()
Related: #3125


We did not expose a way to initiate TLS renegotiation and to get
notified when the renegotiation is done.


- Add SslHandler.renegotiate() so that a user can initiate TLS
  renegotiation and get the future that's notified on completion
- Make SslHandler.handshakeFuture() return the future for the most
  recent handshake so that a user can get the future of the last
- Add the test for renegotiation to SocketSslEchoTest


Both client-initiated and server-initiated renegotiations are now
supported properly.
2014-12-10 18:47:53 +09:00
Scott Mitchell
41d9830e07 SslHander wrap conditional direct buffer allocation
The SslHandler currently forces the use of a direct buffer for the input to the SSLEngine.wrap(..) operation. This allocation may not always be desired and should be conditionally done.

- Use the pre-existing wantsDirectBuffer variable as the condition to do the conversion.

- An allocation of a direct byte buffer and a copy of data is now not required for every SslHandler wrap operation.
2014-10-30 10:10:40 +01:00
Scott Mitchell
7168aa4815 SslHandler wrap memory leak
The SslHandler wrap method requires that a direct buffer be passed to the SSLEngine.wrap() call. If the ByteBuf parameter does not have an underlying direct buffer then one is allocated in this method, but it is not released.

- Release the direct ByteBuffer only accessible in the scope of SslHandler.wrap

Memory leak in SslHandler.wrap is fixed.
2014-10-28 05:54:29 +01:00
Norman Maurer
7764b0e3de [#2752] Add PendingWriteQueue for queue up writes

Sometimes ChannelHandler need to queue writes to some point and then process these. We currently have no datastructure for this so the user will use an Queue or something like this. The problem is with this Channel.isWritable() will not work as expected and so the user risk to write to fast. That's exactly what happened in our SslHandler. For this purpose we need to add a special datastructure which will also take care of update the Channel and so be sure that Channel.isWritable() works as expected.


- Add PendingWriteQueue which can be used for this purpose
- Make use of PendingWriteQueue in SslHandler


It is now possible to queue writes in a ChannelHandler and still have Channel.isWritable() working as expected. This also fixes #2752.
2014-08-12 06:41:08 +02:00
Trustin Lee
108dc23cab Work around the JVM crash that occurs when cipher suite uses GCM

For an unknown reason, JVM of JDK8 crashes intermittently when
SslHandler feeds a direct buffer to SSLEngine.unwrap() *and* the current
cipher suite has GCM (Galois/Counter Mode) enabled.


Convert the inbound network buffer to a heap buffer when the current
cipher suite is using GCM.


JVM does not crash anymore.
2014-05-19 11:44:50 +09:00
Trustin Lee
3f4c2bbaf0 Reduce memory usage of SslHandler when OpenSslEngine is in use

JDK's SSLEngine.wrap() requires the output buffer to be always as large as MAX_ENCRYPTED_PACKET_LENGTH even if the input buffer contains small number of bytes.  Our OpenSslEngine implementation does not have such wasteful behaviot.


If the current SSLEngine is OpenSslEngine, allocate as much as only needed.


Less peak memory usage.
2014-05-18 05:09:22 +09:00
Trustin Lee
1095e4486f Optimize SslHandler in an OpenSslEngine-friendly way

Previous fix for the OpenSslEngine compatibility issue (#2216 and
18b0e95659) was to feed SSL records one by
one to OpenSslEngine.unwrap().  It is not optimal because it will result
in more JNI calls.


- Do not feed SSL records one by one.
- Feed as many records as possible up to MAX_ENCRYPTED_PACKET_LENGTH
- Deduplicate MAX_ENCRYPTED_PACKET_LENGTH definitions


- No allocation of intemediary arrays
- Reduced number of calls to SSLEngine and thus its underlying JNI calls
- A tad bit increase in throughput, probably reverting the tiny drop
  caused by 18b0e95659
2014-05-18 03:34:12 +09:00
Trustin Lee
a72230061d Add an OpenSslEngine and the universal API for enabling SSL

Some users already use an SSLEngine implementation in finagle-native. It
wraps OpenSSL to get higher SSL performance.  However, to take advantage
of it, finagle-native must be compiled manually, and it means we cannot
pull it in as a dependency and thus we cannot test our SslHandler
against the OpenSSL-based SSLEngine.  For an instance, we had #2216.

Because the construction procedures of JDK SSLEngine and OpenSslEngine
are very different from each other, we also need to provide a universal
way to enable SSL in a Netty application.


- Pull netty-tcnative in as an optional dependency.
- Backport NativeLibraryLoader from 4.0
- Move OpenSSL-based SSLEngine implementation into our code base.
  - Copied from finagle-native; originally written by @jpinner et al.
  - Overall cleanup by @trustin.
- Run all SslHandler tests with both default SSLEngine and OpenSslEngine
- Add a unified API for creating an SSL context
  - SslContext allows you to create a new SSLEngine or a new SslHandler
    with your PKCS#8 key and X.509 certificate chain.
  - Add JdkSslContext and its subclasses
  - Add OpenSslServerContext
- Add ApplicationProtocolSelector to ensure the future support for NPN
  (NextProtoNego) and ALPN (Application Layer Protocol Negotiation) on
  the client-side.
- Add SimpleTrustManagerFactory to help a user write a
  TrustManagerFactory easily, which should be useful for those who need
  to write an alternative verification mechanism. For example, we can
  use it to implement an unsafe TrustManagerFactory that accepts
  self-signed certificates for testing purposes.
- Add InsecureTrustManagerFactory and FingerprintTrustManager for quick
  and dirty testing
- Add SelfSignedCertificate class which generates a self-signed X.509
  certificate very easily.
- Update all our examples to use SslContext.newClient/ServerContext()
- SslHandler now logs the chosen cipher suite when handshake is


- Cleaner unified API for configuring an SSL client and an SSL server
  regardless of its internal implementation.
- When native libraries are available, OpenSSL-based SSLEngine
  implementation is selected automatically to take advantage of its
  performance benefit.
- Examples take advantage of this modification and thus are cleaner.
2014-05-18 02:33:26 +09:00
Norman Maurer
e920dc57db Correctly write pending data after ssl handshake completes. Related to [#2437]
When writing data from a server before the ssl handshake completes may not be written at all to the remote peer
if nothing else is written after the handshake was done.

Correctly try to write pending data after the handshake was complete

Correctly write out all pending data
2014-04-30 14:23:34 +02:00
Trustin Lee
18184c75de Undeprecate deregister() and chanelUnregistered()

As discussed in #2250, it will become much less complicated to implement
deregistration and reregistration of a channel once #2250 is resolved.
Therefore, there's no need to deprecate deregister() and


- Undeprecate deregister() and channelUnregistered()
- Remove SuppressWarnings annotations where applicable


We (including @jakobbuchgraber) are now ready to play with #2250 at
2014-04-25 16:50:54 +09:00
Trustin Lee
e74fa1b5d5 Feed only a single SSL record to SSLEngine.unwrap()

Some SSLEngine implementations violate the contract and raises an
exception when SslHandler feeds an input buffer that contains multiple
SSL records to SSLEngine.unwrap(), while the expected behavior is to
decode the first record and return.


- Modify SslHandler.decode() to keep the lengths of each record and feed
  SSLEngine.unwrap() record by record to work around the forementioned
- Rename unwrap() to unwrapMultiple() and unwrapNonApp()
- Rename unwrap0() to unwrapSingle()


SslHandler now works OpenSSLEngine from finagle-native.  Performance
impact remains unnoticeable.  Slightly better readability. Fixes #2116.
2014-04-20 17:55:38 +09:00
Trustin Lee
809e3df9dd Work around an Android SSLEngine issue

Some Android SSLEngine implementations skip FINISHED handshake status
and go straightly into NOT_HANDSHAKING.  This behavior blocks SslHandler
from notifying its handshakeFuture, because we do the notification when
SSLEngine enters the FINISHED state.


When the current handshake state is NOT_HANDSHAKING and the
handshakeFuture is not fulfilled yet, treat NOT_HANDSHAKING as FINISHED.


Better Android compatibility - fixes #1823
2014-04-18 18:02:05 +09:00
Norman Maurer
31a36e09ad [#2353] Use a privileged block to get ClassLoader and System property if needed
When using System.getProperty(...) and various methods to get a ClassLoader it will fail when a SecurityManager is in place.

Use a priveled block if needed. This work is based in the PR #2353 done by @anilsaldhana .

Code works also when SecurityManager is present
2014-04-08 14:13:49 +02:00
Norman Maurer
7e5ce2a7b4 [#2358] SslHandler.safeClose(...) may not notify the ChannelPromise
In SslHandler.safeClose(...) we attach a ChannelFutureListener to the flushFuture and will notify the ChannelPromise which was used for close(...) in it. The problem here is that we only call ChannelHandlerContext.close(ChannelPromise) if Channel.isActive() is true and otherwise not notify it at all. We should just call ChannelHandlerContext.close(ChannelPromise) in all cases.

Always call ChannelHandlerContext.close(ChannelPromise) in the ChannelFutureListeiner

ChannelPromise used for close the Channel is notified in all cases
2014-04-03 13:30:05 +02:00
Trustin Lee
f05a20029b Remove the deprecated constructors in SslHandler 2014-01-09 18:13:44 +09:00
Trustin Lee
53110a83b3 Fix a regression in SslHandler where delegated tasks run in a different executor makes the session hang
- Fixes #2098
- Deprecate specifying an alternative Executor for delegated tasks for SslHandler
2014-01-09 18:08:48 +09:00
Trustin Lee
02a79c51e5 Fix a bug in SslHandler where a ClassCastException is raised when non-ByteBuf message is passed
- Fixes #1828
2013-12-16 16:30:24 +09:00
Trustin Lee
110745b0eb Remove the distinction of inbound handlers and outbound handlers
- Fixes #1808
- Move all methods in ChannelInboundHandler and ChannelOutboundHandler up to ChannelHandler
- Remove ChannelInboundHandler and ChannelOutboundHandler
- Deprecate ChannelInboundHandlerAdapter, ChannelOutboundHandlerAdapter, and ChannelDuplexHandler
- Replace CombinedChannelDuplexHandler with ChannelHandlerAppender
  because it's not possible to combine two handlers into one easily now
- Introduce 'Skip' annotation to pass events through efficiently
- Remove all references to the deprecated types and update Javadoc
2013-11-27 17:31:28 +09:00
Trustin Lee
6e2593ddc3 Fix regression introduced by 4c7fa950cc
- Some promises were not fulfilled when SSLEngine produces 0 bytes.
2013-11-14 15:08:10 +09:00
Trustin Lee
4c7fa950cc Optimize SslHandler
- Fixes #1905
- Call ctx.flush() only when necessary
- Improve the estimation of application and packet buffer sizes
- decode() method now tries to call unwrap() with as many SSL records as
  possible to reduce the number of events triggered
2013-11-08 17:42:28 +09:00
Trustin Lee
2eb5d4f0dd Fix a bug where SslHandler doesn't sometimes handle renegotiation correctly
- Fixes #1964
2013-11-04 16:53:05 +09:00
Norman Maurer
3a01bf1064 [#1934] Correctly log handshake errors and not print them to STDERR 2013-10-18 18:23:24 +02:00
c149f4bcc0 Remove support from deregister a Channel from a EventLoop manually 2013-08-29 18:11:16 +02:00
Norman Maurer
2b3ac3d446 Factor out the PendingWrite class and put it in internal package. Make use of it in SslHandler and ChunkedWriteHandler to reduce GC-pressure 2013-07-25 12:36:24 +02:00
Norman Maurer
fa4e15e198 Make PendingWrites recyclable to reduce GC pressure 2013-07-20 18:15:35 +02:00
Trustin Lee
6791984146 Remove unnecessary code from SslHandler
- Remove CloseNotifyListener which was used only to reduce the noisy logging.
- Instead, simply do a string match.
- Fixes #1608
2013-07-19 09:24:19 +09:00
Norman Maurer
1a7d1f7023 [#1568] Fix problem where an exception was fired after the channel was closed.
* Calling fireExceptionCaught(...) in this case was not correct as we failed writes which are outbound operations.
2013-07-12 10:42:39 +02:00
Jeff Pinner
be963d4caf rewrite SslHandler's flush0 message to match docs 2013-07-12 07:18:47 +02:00
Jeff Pinner
c77ab7d092 Fix a NoSuchElementException and out-of-order event problem caused by SslHandler
The fix prevents from reentering channelRead incorrectly. It also
prevents from getting the inbound requests out of order.
2013-07-12 09:51:28 +09:00
Norman Maurer
64686deaff Tiny optimization 2013-07-11 15:47:29 +02:00
Norman Maurer
4d94f1d1e1 [#1534] Finally fix SslHandler to also correctly handle partial data 2013-07-11 06:40:04 +02:00
Norman Maurer
b57d9f307f Allow per-write promises and disallow promises on flush()
- write() now accepts a ChannelPromise and returns ChannelFuture as most
  users expected.  It makes the user's life much easier because it is
  now much easier to get notified when a specific message has been
- flush() does not create a ChannelPromise nor returns ChannelFuture.
  It is now similar to what read() looks like.
2013-07-11 00:49:48 +09:00