/* * Copyright 2015 The Netty Project * * The Netty Project licenses this file to you under the Apache License, * version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at: * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ /* * Copyright 2014 Twitter, Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package io.netty.handler.codec.http2; import io.netty.buffer.ByteBuf; import io.netty.handler.codec.http2.HpackUtil.IndexType; import io.netty.util.AsciiString; import static io.netty.handler.codec.http2.Http2CodecUtil.DEFAULT_HEADER_TABLE_SIZE; import static io.netty.handler.codec.http2.Http2CodecUtil.MAX_HEADER_LIST_SIZE; import static io.netty.handler.codec.http2.Http2CodecUtil.MAX_HEADER_TABLE_SIZE; import static io.netty.handler.codec.http2.Http2CodecUtil.MIN_HEADER_LIST_SIZE; import static io.netty.handler.codec.http2.Http2CodecUtil.MIN_HEADER_TABLE_SIZE; import static io.netty.handler.codec.http2.Http2CodecUtil.headerListSizeExceeded; import static io.netty.handler.codec.http2.Http2Error.COMPRESSION_ERROR; import static io.netty.handler.codec.http2.Http2Error.PROTOCOL_ERROR; import static io.netty.handler.codec.http2.Http2Exception.connectionError; import static io.netty.handler.codec.http2.Http2Exception.streamError; import static io.netty.handler.codec.http2.Http2Headers.PseudoHeaderName.getPseudoHeader; import static io.netty.handler.codec.http2.Http2Headers.PseudoHeaderName.hasPseudoHeaderFormat; import static io.netty.util.AsciiString.EMPTY_STRING; import static io.netty.util.internal.ObjectUtil.checkPositive; import static io.netty.util.internal.ThrowableUtil.unknownStackTrace; final class HpackDecoder { private static final Http2Exception DECODE_ULE_128_DECOMPRESSION_EXCEPTION = unknownStackTrace( Http2Exception.newStatic(COMPRESSION_ERROR, "HPACK - decompression failure", Http2Exception.ShutdownHint.HARD_SHUTDOWN), HpackDecoder.class, "decodeULE128(..)"); private static final Http2Exception DECODE_ULE_128_TO_LONG_DECOMPRESSION_EXCEPTION = unknownStackTrace( Http2Exception.newStatic(COMPRESSION_ERROR, "HPACK - long overflow", Http2Exception.ShutdownHint.HARD_SHUTDOWN), HpackDecoder.class, "decodeULE128(..)"); private static final Http2Exception DECODE_ULE_128_TO_INT_DECOMPRESSION_EXCEPTION = unknownStackTrace( Http2Exception.newStatic(COMPRESSION_ERROR, "HPACK - int overflow", Http2Exception.ShutdownHint.HARD_SHUTDOWN), HpackDecoder.class, "decodeULE128ToInt(..)"); private static final Http2Exception DECODE_ILLEGAL_INDEX_VALUE = unknownStackTrace( Http2Exception.newStatic(COMPRESSION_ERROR, "HPACK - illegal index value", Http2Exception.ShutdownHint.HARD_SHUTDOWN), HpackDecoder.class, "decode(..)"); private static final Http2Exception INDEX_HEADER_ILLEGAL_INDEX_VALUE = unknownStackTrace( Http2Exception.newStatic(COMPRESSION_ERROR, "HPACK - illegal index value", Http2Exception.ShutdownHint.HARD_SHUTDOWN), HpackDecoder.class, "indexHeader(..)"); private static final Http2Exception READ_NAME_ILLEGAL_INDEX_VALUE = unknownStackTrace( Http2Exception.newStatic(COMPRESSION_ERROR, "HPACK - illegal index value", Http2Exception.ShutdownHint.HARD_SHUTDOWN), HpackDecoder.class, "readName(..)"); private static final Http2Exception INVALID_MAX_DYNAMIC_TABLE_SIZE = unknownStackTrace( Http2Exception.newStatic(COMPRESSION_ERROR, "HPACK - invalid max dynamic table size", Http2Exception.ShutdownHint.HARD_SHUTDOWN), HpackDecoder.class, "setDynamicTableSize(..)"); private static final Http2Exception MAX_DYNAMIC_TABLE_SIZE_CHANGE_REQUIRED = unknownStackTrace( Http2Exception.newStatic(COMPRESSION_ERROR, "HPACK - max dynamic table size change required", Http2Exception.ShutdownHint.HARD_SHUTDOWN), HpackDecoder.class, "decode(..)"); private static final byte READ_HEADER_REPRESENTATION = 0; private static final byte READ_MAX_DYNAMIC_TABLE_SIZE = 1; private static final byte READ_INDEXED_HEADER = 2; private static final byte READ_INDEXED_HEADER_NAME = 3; private static final byte READ_LITERAL_HEADER_NAME_LENGTH_PREFIX = 4; private static final byte READ_LITERAL_HEADER_NAME_LENGTH = 5; private static final byte READ_LITERAL_HEADER_NAME = 6; private static final byte READ_LITERAL_HEADER_VALUE_LENGTH_PREFIX = 7; private static final byte READ_LITERAL_HEADER_VALUE_LENGTH = 8; private static final byte READ_LITERAL_HEADER_VALUE = 9; private final HpackDynamicTable hpackDynamicTable; private final HpackHuffmanDecoder hpackHuffmanDecoder; private long maxHeaderListSize; private long maxDynamicTableSize; private long encoderMaxDynamicTableSize; private boolean maxDynamicTableSizeChangeRequired; /** * Create a new instance. * @param maxHeaderListSize This is the only setting that can be configured before notifying the peer. * This is because SETTINGS_MAX_HEADER_LIST_SIZE * allows a lower than advertised limit from being enforced, and the default limit is unlimited * (which is dangerous). * @param initialHuffmanDecodeCapacity Size of an intermediate buffer used during huffman decode. */ HpackDecoder(long maxHeaderListSize, int initialHuffmanDecodeCapacity) { this(maxHeaderListSize, initialHuffmanDecodeCapacity, DEFAULT_HEADER_TABLE_SIZE); } /** * Exposed Used for testing only! Default values used in the initial settings frame are overridden intentionally * for testing but violate the RFC if used outside the scope of testing. */ HpackDecoder(long maxHeaderListSize, int initialHuffmanDecodeCapacity, int maxHeaderTableSize) { this.maxHeaderListSize = checkPositive(maxHeaderListSize, "maxHeaderListSize"); maxDynamicTableSize = encoderMaxDynamicTableSize = maxHeaderTableSize; maxDynamicTableSizeChangeRequired = false; hpackDynamicTable = new HpackDynamicTable(maxHeaderTableSize); hpackHuffmanDecoder = new HpackHuffmanDecoder(initialHuffmanDecodeCapacity); } /** * Decode the header block into header fields. *

* This method assumes the entire header block is contained in {@code in}. */ public void decode(int streamId, ByteBuf in, Http2Headers headers, boolean validateHeaders) throws Http2Exception { Http2HeadersSink sink = new Http2HeadersSink(streamId, headers, maxHeaderListSize, validateHeaders); decode(in, sink); // Now that we've read all of our headers we can perform the validation steps. We must // delay throwing until this point to prevent dynamic table corruption. sink.finish(); } private void decode(ByteBuf in, Sink sink) throws Http2Exception { int index = 0; int nameLength = 0; int valueLength = 0; byte state = READ_HEADER_REPRESENTATION; boolean huffmanEncoded = false; CharSequence name = null; IndexType indexType = IndexType.NONE; while (in.isReadable()) { switch (state) { case READ_HEADER_REPRESENTATION: byte b = in.readByte(); if (maxDynamicTableSizeChangeRequired && (b & 0xE0) != 0x20) { // HpackEncoder MUST signal maximum dynamic table size change throw MAX_DYNAMIC_TABLE_SIZE_CHANGE_REQUIRED; } if (b < 0) { // Indexed Header Field index = b & 0x7F; switch (index) { case 0: throw DECODE_ILLEGAL_INDEX_VALUE; case 0x7F: state = READ_INDEXED_HEADER; break; default: HpackHeaderField indexedHeader = getIndexedHeader(index); sink.appendToHeaderList(indexedHeader.name, indexedHeader.value); } } else if ((b & 0x40) == 0x40) { // Literal Header Field with Incremental Indexing indexType = IndexType.INCREMENTAL; index = b & 0x3F; switch (index) { case 0: state = READ_LITERAL_HEADER_NAME_LENGTH_PREFIX; break; case 0x3F: state = READ_INDEXED_HEADER_NAME; break; default: // Index was stored as the prefix name = readName(index); nameLength = name.length(); state = READ_LITERAL_HEADER_VALUE_LENGTH_PREFIX; } } else if ((b & 0x20) == 0x20) { // Dynamic Table Size Update index = b & 0x1F; if (index == 0x1F) { state = READ_MAX_DYNAMIC_TABLE_SIZE; } else { setDynamicTableSize(index); state = READ_HEADER_REPRESENTATION; } } else { // Literal Header Field without Indexing / never Indexed indexType = ((b & 0x10) == 0x10) ? IndexType.NEVER : IndexType.NONE; index = b & 0x0F; switch (index) { case 0: state = READ_LITERAL_HEADER_NAME_LENGTH_PREFIX; break; case 0x0F: state = READ_INDEXED_HEADER_NAME; break; default: // Index was stored as the prefix name = readName(index); nameLength = name.length(); state = READ_LITERAL_HEADER_VALUE_LENGTH_PREFIX; } } break; case READ_MAX_DYNAMIC_TABLE_SIZE: setDynamicTableSize(decodeULE128(in, (long) index)); state = READ_HEADER_REPRESENTATION; break; case READ_INDEXED_HEADER: HpackHeaderField indexedHeader = getIndexedHeader(decodeULE128(in, index)); sink.appendToHeaderList(indexedHeader.name, indexedHeader.value); state = READ_HEADER_REPRESENTATION; break; case READ_INDEXED_HEADER_NAME: // Header Name matches an entry in the Header Table name = readName(decodeULE128(in, index)); nameLength = name.length(); state = READ_LITERAL_HEADER_VALUE_LENGTH_PREFIX; break; case READ_LITERAL_HEADER_NAME_LENGTH_PREFIX: b = in.readByte(); huffmanEncoded = (b & 0x80) == 0x80; index = b & 0x7F; if (index == 0x7f) { state = READ_LITERAL_HEADER_NAME_LENGTH; } else { nameLength = index; state = READ_LITERAL_HEADER_NAME; } break; case READ_LITERAL_HEADER_NAME_LENGTH: // Header Name is a Literal String nameLength = decodeULE128(in, index); state = READ_LITERAL_HEADER_NAME; break; case READ_LITERAL_HEADER_NAME: // Wait until entire name is readable if (in.readableBytes() < nameLength) { throw notEnoughDataException(in); } name = readStringLiteral(in, nameLength, huffmanEncoded); state = READ_LITERAL_HEADER_VALUE_LENGTH_PREFIX; break; case READ_LITERAL_HEADER_VALUE_LENGTH_PREFIX: b = in.readByte(); huffmanEncoded = (b & 0x80) == 0x80; index = b & 0x7F; switch (index) { case 0x7f: state = READ_LITERAL_HEADER_VALUE_LENGTH; break; case 0: insertHeader(sink, name, EMPTY_STRING, indexType); state = READ_HEADER_REPRESENTATION; break; default: valueLength = index; state = READ_LITERAL_HEADER_VALUE; } break; case READ_LITERAL_HEADER_VALUE_LENGTH: // Header Value is a Literal String valueLength = decodeULE128(in, index); state = READ_LITERAL_HEADER_VALUE; break; case READ_LITERAL_HEADER_VALUE: // Wait until entire value is readable if (in.readableBytes() < valueLength) { throw notEnoughDataException(in); } CharSequence value = readStringLiteral(in, valueLength, huffmanEncoded); insertHeader(sink, name, value, indexType); state = READ_HEADER_REPRESENTATION; break; default: throw new Error("should not reach here state: " + state); } } if (state != READ_HEADER_REPRESENTATION) { throw connectionError(COMPRESSION_ERROR, "Incomplete header block fragment."); } } /** * Set the maximum table size. If this is below the maximum size of the dynamic table used by * the encoder, the beginning of the next header block MUST signal this change. */ public void setMaxHeaderTableSize(long maxHeaderTableSize) throws Http2Exception { if (maxHeaderTableSize < MIN_HEADER_TABLE_SIZE || maxHeaderTableSize > MAX_HEADER_TABLE_SIZE) { throw connectionError(PROTOCOL_ERROR, "Header Table Size must be >= %d and <= %d but was %d", MIN_HEADER_TABLE_SIZE, MAX_HEADER_TABLE_SIZE, maxHeaderTableSize); } maxDynamicTableSize = maxHeaderTableSize; if (maxDynamicTableSize < encoderMaxDynamicTableSize) { // decoder requires less space than encoder // encoder MUST signal this change maxDynamicTableSizeChangeRequired = true; hpackDynamicTable.setCapacity(maxDynamicTableSize); } } /** * @deprecated use {@link #setMaxHeaderListSize(long)}; {@code maxHeaderListSizeGoAway} is * ignored */ @Deprecated public void setMaxHeaderListSize(long maxHeaderListSize, long maxHeaderListSizeGoAway) throws Http2Exception { setMaxHeaderListSize(maxHeaderListSize); } public void setMaxHeaderListSize(long maxHeaderListSize) throws Http2Exception { if (maxHeaderListSize < MIN_HEADER_LIST_SIZE || maxHeaderListSize > MAX_HEADER_LIST_SIZE) { throw connectionError(PROTOCOL_ERROR, "Header List Size must be >= %d and <= %d but was %d", MIN_HEADER_TABLE_SIZE, MAX_HEADER_TABLE_SIZE, maxHeaderListSize); } this.maxHeaderListSize = maxHeaderListSize; } public long getMaxHeaderListSize() { return maxHeaderListSize; } /** * Return the maximum table size. This is the maximum size allowed by both the encoder and the * decoder. */ public long getMaxHeaderTableSize() { return hpackDynamicTable.capacity(); } /** * Return the number of header fields in the dynamic table. Exposed for testing. */ int length() { return hpackDynamicTable.length(); } /** * Return the size of the dynamic table. Exposed for testing. */ long size() { return hpackDynamicTable.size(); } /** * Return the header field at the given index. Exposed for testing. */ HpackHeaderField getHeaderField(int index) { return hpackDynamicTable.getEntry(index + 1); } private void setDynamicTableSize(long dynamicTableSize) throws Http2Exception { if (dynamicTableSize > maxDynamicTableSize) { throw INVALID_MAX_DYNAMIC_TABLE_SIZE; } encoderMaxDynamicTableSize = dynamicTableSize; maxDynamicTableSizeChangeRequired = false; hpackDynamicTable.setCapacity(dynamicTableSize); } private static HeaderType validate(int streamId, CharSequence name, HeaderType previousHeaderType) throws Http2Exception { if (hasPseudoHeaderFormat(name)) { if (previousHeaderType == HeaderType.REGULAR_HEADER) { throw streamError(streamId, PROTOCOL_ERROR, "Pseudo-header field '%s' found after regular header.", name); } final Http2Headers.PseudoHeaderName pseudoHeader = getPseudoHeader(name); if (pseudoHeader == null) { throw streamError(streamId, PROTOCOL_ERROR, "Invalid HTTP/2 pseudo-header '%s' encountered.", name); } final HeaderType currentHeaderType = pseudoHeader.isRequestOnly() ? HeaderType.REQUEST_PSEUDO_HEADER : HeaderType.RESPONSE_PSEUDO_HEADER; if (previousHeaderType != null && currentHeaderType != previousHeaderType) { throw streamError(streamId, PROTOCOL_ERROR, "Mix of request and response pseudo-headers."); } return currentHeaderType; } return HeaderType.REGULAR_HEADER; } private CharSequence readName(int index) throws Http2Exception { if (index <= HpackStaticTable.length) { HpackHeaderField hpackHeaderField = HpackStaticTable.getEntry(index); return hpackHeaderField.name; } if (index - HpackStaticTable.length <= hpackDynamicTable.length()) { HpackHeaderField hpackHeaderField = hpackDynamicTable.getEntry(index - HpackStaticTable.length); return hpackHeaderField.name; } throw READ_NAME_ILLEGAL_INDEX_VALUE; } private HpackHeaderField getIndexedHeader(int index) throws Http2Exception { if (index <= HpackStaticTable.length) { return HpackStaticTable.getEntry(index); } if (index - HpackStaticTable.length <= hpackDynamicTable.length()) { return hpackDynamicTable.getEntry(index - HpackStaticTable.length); } throw INDEX_HEADER_ILLEGAL_INDEX_VALUE; } private void insertHeader(Sink sink, CharSequence name, CharSequence value, IndexType indexType) { sink.appendToHeaderList(name, value); switch (indexType) { case NONE: case NEVER: break; case INCREMENTAL: hpackDynamicTable.add(new HpackHeaderField(name, value)); break; default: throw new Error("should not reach here"); } } private CharSequence readStringLiteral(ByteBuf in, int length, boolean huffmanEncoded) throws Http2Exception { if (huffmanEncoded) { return hpackHuffmanDecoder.decode(in, length); } byte[] buf = new byte[length]; in.readBytes(buf); return new AsciiString(buf, false); } private static IllegalArgumentException notEnoughDataException(ByteBuf in) { return new IllegalArgumentException("decode only works with an entire header block! " + in); } /** * Unsigned Little Endian Base 128 Variable-Length Integer Encoding *

* Visible for testing only! */ static int decodeULE128(ByteBuf in, int result) throws Http2Exception { final int readerIndex = in.readerIndex(); final long v = decodeULE128(in, (long) result); if (v > Integer.MAX_VALUE) { // the maximum value that can be represented by a signed 32 bit number is: // [0x1,0x7f] + 0x7f + (0x7f << 7) + (0x7f << 14) + (0x7f << 21) + (0x6 << 28) // OR // 0x0 + 0x7f + (0x7f << 7) + (0x7f << 14) + (0x7f << 21) + (0x7 << 28) // we should reset the readerIndex if we overflowed the int type. in.readerIndex(readerIndex); throw DECODE_ULE_128_TO_INT_DECOMPRESSION_EXCEPTION; } return (int) v; } /** * Unsigned Little Endian Base 128 Variable-Length Integer Encoding *

* Visible for testing only! */ static long decodeULE128(ByteBuf in, long result) throws Http2Exception { assert result <= 0x7f && result >= 0; final boolean resultStartedAtZero = result == 0; final int writerIndex = in.writerIndex(); for (int readerIndex = in.readerIndex(), shift = 0; readerIndex < writerIndex; ++readerIndex, shift += 7) { byte b = in.getByte(readerIndex); if (shift == 56 && ((b & 0x80) != 0 || b == 0x7F && !resultStartedAtZero)) { // the maximum value that can be represented by a signed 64 bit number is: // [0x01L, 0x7fL] + 0x7fL + (0x7fL << 7) + (0x7fL << 14) + (0x7fL << 21) + (0x7fL << 28) + (0x7fL << 35) // + (0x7fL << 42) + (0x7fL << 49) + (0x7eL << 56) // OR // 0x0L + 0x7fL + (0x7fL << 7) + (0x7fL << 14) + (0x7fL << 21) + (0x7fL << 28) + (0x7fL << 35) + // (0x7fL << 42) + (0x7fL << 49) + (0x7fL << 56) // this means any more shifts will result in overflow so we should break out and throw an error. throw DECODE_ULE_128_TO_LONG_DECOMPRESSION_EXCEPTION; } if ((b & 0x80) == 0) { in.readerIndex(readerIndex + 1); return result + ((b & 0x7FL) << shift); } result += (b & 0x7FL) << shift; } throw DECODE_ULE_128_DECOMPRESSION_EXCEPTION; } /** * HTTP/2 header types. */ private enum HeaderType { REGULAR_HEADER, REQUEST_PSEUDO_HEADER, RESPONSE_PSEUDO_HEADER } private interface Sink { void appendToHeaderList(CharSequence name, CharSequence value); void finish() throws Http2Exception; } private static final class Http2HeadersSink implements Sink { private final Http2Headers headers; private final long maxHeaderListSize; private final int streamId; private final boolean validate; private long headersLength; private boolean exceededMaxLength; private HeaderType previousType; private Http2Exception validationException; Http2HeadersSink(int streamId, Http2Headers headers, long maxHeaderListSize, boolean validate) { this.headers = headers; this.maxHeaderListSize = maxHeaderListSize; this.streamId = streamId; this.validate = validate; } @Override public void finish() throws Http2Exception { if (exceededMaxLength) { headerListSizeExceeded(streamId, maxHeaderListSize, true); } else if (validationException != null) { throw validationException; } } @Override public void appendToHeaderList(CharSequence name, CharSequence value) { headersLength += HpackHeaderField.sizeOf(name, value); exceededMaxLength |= headersLength > maxHeaderListSize; if (exceededMaxLength || validationException != null) { // We don't store the header since we've already failed validation requirements. return; } if (validate) { try { previousType = HpackDecoder.validate(streamId, name, previousType); } catch (Http2Exception ex) { validationException = ex; return; } } headers.add(name, value); } } }